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The movie opens with a flashback of Andy and Vicky McGee admiring their infant daughter, Charlie.

She is placed in the crib, and they leave the room. Andy soon gets the feeling that something is wrong.
When he returns to check on Charlie, he sees that the object above Charlie and other things in the room
are starting to burn. As Andy lifts her up, he sees that Charlie is also on fire.

Fast forward in the present, Andy suddenly wakes up in the middle of the night. He finds Charlie sitting
by herself in the kitchen, having just had a nightmare. Charlie is currently 11 years old. When he tries to
comfort her, she shares her concerns about "the bad thing," which is her pyrokinetic abilities. She
apparently has the ability to fire anything. Andy reassures Charlie that there is nothing to be worried
about. Soon Vicky also joins them, and they begin to prepare breakfast.

In another flashback, Vicky and Andy are shown as young college students who is taking part in clinical
studies. The two are given Lot-6, an experimental medicine, and their evaluations and tests are
documented. The same substance is shown being used by others, with more violent and lethal outcomes.
Vicky develops telekinetic abilities as a result of the Lot-6, whereas Andy receives telepathic power
known as the "push". 

In the present day, Andy makes a living by using his power. He assists people with their addictions as a
life coach. He can hypnotize his patients with just a snap of his neck and a focused gaze. Although his
sessions are expensive, people still pay him because they are aware of their benefit. However, using his
superpower constantly has negative effects on his health. A series of gradual brain hemorrhages cause
him to start bleeding from his eyes. On the other hand, Vicky has ceased using her power since she is
aware of its negative implications.

In the next scene, Gavin, one of Charlie's classmates, humiliates her. He mocks her for not having a cell
phone or Wi-Fi at home. Apparently, she is labeled as weird girl in the class. However, her teacher, Ms.
Gardner, treats her with kindness. When she gets home, she sobs in front of Vicky about why they aren't
allowed a cell phone or WiFi. However, Vicky reassures her by stating that it is bad for her health as well
as expensive and beyond their budget. Later on, Vicky tells Andy that Charlie needs to learn how to
utilize her skills rather than keep them under leash. Nevertheless, Andy dismisses her, claiming that she is
still too young to be exposed to such things.

The next day, Charlie is playing dodge ball with her classmates. In the meantime Gavin strikes her from
behind while laughing at her. She grows enraged but tries to keep it under control to avoid a terrible
situation. Therefore, She enters the restroom and opens the faucets. Then, she locks herself inside a
lavatory. In the meantime, Ms. Gardner follows her and notices that the bathroom is filled with steam
from the hot water and that the open taps have abruptly stopped completely pouring. Ms. Gardner
asks Charlie if she was okay in a shaky voice. However, Charlie tells her teacher to give her some space
and leave. Shortly after, door is knocked off by an explosion in the room.

In the following scene, due to Charlie's actions and property damage, Andy and Vicky are summoned to
the school. The school suspects she utilized an explosive to carry out the action. She is expelled from
school as a result of the event. When Andy gets home, he realizes that they need to flee because The
Department of Scientific Intelligence will find a way to get in touch with them and capture Charlie for
research. Later, Vicky advises Andy that Charlie needs to learn how to use her ability so she can control
it, but Andy holds his belief that repression is the only way to remain hidden. He cannot allow Charlie to
be taken by the scientists of DSI.

In the meantime, Charlie overhears their conversation and breaks down in tears. They reveal to Charlie
that they are being tracked because of their abilities, which is why they are unable to use Wi-Fi or cell
phones. When Charlie hears this, she begins to hate herself even more believing she is a demon. Enraged
with anger, she sets her mother's hand on fire. Luckily, Andy is able to help Vicky by putting out the
fire. . Vicky forgives her daughter as she is aware that Charlie  has no control over the situation. She
requests that Andy either take Charlie to the movies or get her ice cream.

Meanwhile, all of this is monitored in a secret facility by Captain Jane Hollister who is leader of the DSI.
She wants to seize Charlie so that she can be trained and put under their control, and then use her power
for their own purposes. As a result, she makes contact with Rainbird, an assassin who formerly helped the
DSI in removing a similar obstacle. He is presently employed as a janitor. Rainbird finally agrees to the
task after much persuasion, but this time he is asked to bring the girl alive.

In the next scene, Vicky is by herself at home because her daughter and husband are out. She senses that
something is off and turns back to see Rainbird sitting on her sofa. Vicky refuses to provide any
information when he questions her about Charlie's whereabouts. Using his telepathic skills, Rainbird
discovers that they went for an ice cream and movies. Meanwhile, Vicky leaves and locks herself in the
room. She starts throwing things at Rainbird while using her telekinetic ability. She makes every effort to
keep him away. However, because she lacks practice, she frequently misses the mark. Finally, he grabs
her and chokes the life out of her.

In the following scene, Charlie and Andy are back at their house. Meanwhile, Charlie confesses that Andy
was the intended target of the fire that burned her mother's hand. As soon as they step inside, Rainbird
approaches them and demands Andy to give up while holding Charlie at knifepoint. Charlie and Andy are
concerned and keep asking Rainbird about Vicky, but Rainbird doesn't answer them. Charlie eventually
loses control and releases her mother, who is locked in a cupboard, using her telepathic skills. After
seeing her mother dead, she screams in rage, causing a fire to break out and destroy their home. Andy
takes Charlie and drives off in his car. However, Rainbird also manages to make it out alive.

In the next scene, At the nursing facility, Captain Hollister pays a visit to Dr. Joseph Wanless. Evidently,
Dr. Wanless is  responsible for the Lot Six experiment conducted on students, which he now
immensely  regrets. Hollister tells him about Charlie's situation and urges his help. However, Wanless
claims that Charlie poses a threat to the entire world and that one day she may even possess the capacity
of a nuclear bomb. Therefore, in his opinion, Charlie must be killed, which Hollister disagrees with.

In the meantime, Charlie and Andy stops for a rest. Then, Charlie then sets out on her own to try to
master her abilities. Then, she tries to befriend a cat who scratches her and Charlie unintentionally sets the
cat on fire. Meanwhile, Andy shows up and  instructs her to end the animal's suffering, which she does.
When Andy arrives, he informs her that she must now end its suffering, which she does. Later, The cat is
buried by , and a memorial service is held in its honor by them.

Shortly after, They come across a man named Irv on the highway. Irv declines when Andy offers to pay
him $100 to give him a ride to Boston. However, However, Andy uses his power to manipulate him, and
Irv is ready to take them for a ride. Irv gives them a place to rest for the night and food to eat when they
stop at his house. Essi, Irv's wife, who is confined to the bed due to an accident, forms a friendship with
Charlie. Irv becomes enraged when he sees Charlie leaving Essie's room, but after realizing that Charlie
can communicate to Essie, he apologizes for his behavior.

The next day, Irv is watching television when he finds that Andy is prominently featured in the news for
killing his wife and kidnapping his daughter. Irv is doubtful of Andy's efforts to tell him that he is neither
a murderer nor kidnapper. Furthermore, Irv informs him that he has already phoned the police.
Meanwhile, Charlie shows up and reveals that she is aware that Irv responsible for Essi's accident and the
death of his son. She also says that Essi has been wanting to say for years that she forgives him for the
accident. Hearing this, Irv is shocked to learn that Charlie and Essi can communicate despite Essi's
inability to talk. He understands that Charlie is unusual, and that's why the cops are looking for them.

In the next scene, The police show up at Irv's residence in search of Andy. Irv admits that he probably
confused the dream with reality as he was drunk when he made the call. Police respond that they must
search the house once even though it was a false alarm. In the meantime, Rainbird emerges from the
bushes, kills the polices officers and also shoots Irv in the knee. Andy manipulates Rainbird one last time
using his abilities so that Charlie can flee into a forest. Shortly after, The DSI men arrives and take away
Andy and Rainbird.

In the following scene, Andy is questioned by Hollister who won't reveal Charlie's whereabouts. Then,
when she questions Rainbird about why he let the girl run off, he responds that she would come to the
DSI headquarters to seek for her father. He also asserted that Charlie is both his mother and sister.
Knowing that she will kill him, he is prepared to accept it because it is what he truly deserves. Rainbird
finally understood Charlie is superior to them all after coming into contact with her benevolent power.

In the meantime, Charlie continues to practice hitting the target in the nearby forest. After numerous
failed attempts, she has finally masters the ability to regulate and utilize her strength. She makes an effort
to communicate to find where her father is. She realizes that her father is being held in the DSI
headquarters. The following day, she hypnotizes young boys on the street, take their bike and wears their

In the following scene, She is in front of the DSI building. She locates a DSI agent and takes his pass
card. When she asks him for the gun, he replies that he doesn't have a gun and begs her not to kill him. He
cautiously draws the gun to shoot her when she asks where her father is. As soon as she senses this, she
sets him on fire. The sudden activity is recorded by security. She then begins to enter the building using
the agent's credentials, destroying the CCTV cameras as she goes. After making it to the location where
her father is confined, she quickly understands that everything she has just entered is a sophisticated trap.

Meanwhile, Captain Hollister welcomes her. Hollister invites her to join their team and promises to look
after and properly train her. However, Andy says that all of these are untrue and that his daughter will
only be a murdering machine employed by the government. To put an end to this situation once and for
all, he urges her to stop running. Hollister warns that if she gets burned, her father will also be burned.
However, Despite never wishing to do so, Andy uses the push on Charlie as a last option so that she can
burn the place down. Hollister and Andy both dies in the fire.
In the meantime, when trying to leave the building, Charlie burns everybody who stands in her way. A
group of men wearing fireproof suits tries to take Charlie, but Rainbird kills them by shooting. Charlie
hates Rainbird for killing her mother, but she she is unable to carry out her desire to kill him. She finally
sets the headquarters on fire after leaving the building.

Following the passing of both of her parents, Charlie ultimately breaks down and falls to her knees.
Meanwhile, Rainbird extends his hand to her while standing next to her. Charlie accepts his hands and he
carries her away  as the movie comes to an end.

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