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The movie opens with a documentary video about Traudl Junge, who served as Adolf Hitler's

secretary from 1942 until his death in 1945. She says how it is really difficult to forgive herself,
despite feeling like she should be furious with her younger self for being Hitler's secretary.

The film flashes back to 1942, when Traudl and four other ladies arrive at Hitler's headquarters at
Wolf's Lair in East Prussia. The women are there to interview for the post of Hitler's personal
secretary. Hitler steps out of his office and requests introductions from each woman. After selecting
Traudl for the typing test, he offers her the position. Traudl is as happy as she can be.

Fast forward to 1945, Germany's forces have been forced back and are now encircled by the Red
Army. It is Hitler's 56th birthday. Traudl is awakened by the Soviet artillery barrage inside the
Fü hrerbunker. Hitler bursts out of his office angrily and asks his generals about the source of the
gunshots. He is informed by one of his generals that Soviet artillery is currently bombarding Berlin.
When Hitler hears of this, he becomes further angrier at his generals for failing to inform him

In the next scene, many head Nazi figures gather for Hitler's birthday reception. At the reception,
his generals advises him that he should leave Berlin as soon as possible because it is not safe
anymore. But, Hitler refuses, claiming that he will either win or die in Berlin.

In the meantime, we are introduced to Dr. Ernst-Gü nter Schenck, who is working as SS Colonel and
Doctor in Berlin. Given that all government offices must close and all documents must be burned, he
seems to be upset by the order. He explains to his superior that he needs to take care of the injured
people and is not willing to go elsewhere. Hesitantly, his superior gives him an authorized permit to
stay in Berlin.

Back to Hitler's reception, Many of the generals are giving Hitler their last farewells. Meanwhile,
one of his generals, Heinrich Himmler, requests that Hitler leave Berlin and considers contacting
the Western Allies, but Hitler declines and leaves. Later, while they were getting in the car, Himmler
says to another general that he thinks Hitler has finally lost it and that since Berlin will fall in the
coming days, he will have to take matters into his own hands.

In the following scene, We can see Berlin's streets and the people trying to escape before the
Russians take the city. There is a group of young troops who insist they wish to stay and protect the
city rather than fleeing. One of them, a kid by the name of Peter Kranz, is similarly committed to
staying and protecting the city.

In the meantime, Peter's father shows up and tells them to stop fighting because they are too young.
He tries to persuade them that no matter what they do, they cannot defeat the Soviets since they are
approaching with powerful tanks. Peter's father is then informed that his son personally destroyed
two Soviet tanks and would be awarded a medal by Hitler. After arguing for a while, the soldiers
convince Peter's father that they will fight to the last end since they swore an oath to The Fü hrer.
Peter calls his father a coward and flees.

Back to Hitler's bunker, Hitler summons all of his top officials and requests their advice on how to
win the war. One of his officers advises him that although they will fight until the very end when the
Russians arrive, they should be concerned for the survival of the city's millions of children's,
women, and elderly people. Hitler replies that since civilians are too useless and weak, they should
only care about the soldiers. The generals are worried that Hitler is losing his mind because he is
ordering army divisions that don't even exist on the map. In the bunker, Traudl and other girls are
discussing how they can't abandon Hitler like so many other people are doing.

In the next scene, Hitler explains his plan to one of his officers named Speer, and says that his
plan is to deliberately destroy the city's key infrastructures before the enemies arrive. Speer begs
for the German people's mercy and warns him that doing so will only ruin Germany's future. But,
Hitler responds that the only Germans left are the weak and that they should be put to death.

Meanwhile, Eva Braun, who is Hitler's closest companion, throws a celebration. Hermann, her
brother-in-law, tries to persuade Eva to leave with Hitler out of Berlin, but she refuses him.
Eventually, the gathering is scattered by artillery fire. An artillery shell strikes directly outside the
building, shattering the windows and suddenly interrupting the entire party.

On the battlefield, The accusation against General Helmuth Weidling is that he abandoned his
station and fled. He is told to report to the bunker for execution. Despite denying the allegations, he
makes his way to the bunker as instructed. Seeing his sincerity, Hitler is impressed and promotes
him to manage all of Berlin's defenses.

On the other hand, A call comes in telling Dr. Schenck to gather every piece of medical equipment he
can find and bring it to the bunker. When he gets to a military hospital to obtain the necessary
medical supplies, he finds that everything has been cleaned out and left except for the dead.
Additionally, a group of sick and old patients who had been left for dead is found by Schenck.

In the following scene, Hitler's general commander tells him that German lines had been pushed
even deeper into the city by the Russians, and General Steiner was unable to assemble enough
troops for a counterattack. Hitler screams at them, accusing his entire military of lying to him and
breaking a clear order. Hitler claims that all of his generals are cowards and traitors who have cost
him the war due to their inability. After that, he leaves the room and offers Traudl the chance to
leave, but she declines. The other generals are unsure of what to do now that Hitler has given up.

In order to get a smoke, Eva, Gerda, and Traudl take a stroll right outside the bunker's door. Eva
claims that despite spending more than 15 years getting to know Hitler, she doesn't actually know
him well. She claims that when Hitler is not present, she occasionally  abuses Blondie, Hitler's dog.
They withdraw into the bunker as the bombs begin to fall once more.

In the meantime, Joseph Goebbels, who is the right hand of Hitler, brings his wife and six kids along
for the bunker stay. Later, the kids wear dresses and presents Hitler a  song. Hitler talks about how
he would shoot himself if he ever considered suicide. Eva claims she doesn't want to pass away in
such a manner. Taking a cyanide pill in peace would be preferable to shooting oneself, in her
opinion. Hitler also offers the cyanide capsule to Traudl and her friend Gerda, stating that that this
is the most precious gift he can give her at the moment.
In the next scene, Both Eva and Mrs. Goebbels write letters to their family letting them know that
the war is nearly ended and that they intend to support Hitler all the way to the end. Everyone
seems to be conscious of the fact that the war is lost and that their life could end at any moment.

After that, Hitler receives a letter from a chief named Hermann Goring seeking to lead the Third
Reich because Hitler is unable to act from Berlin. Hitler becomes furious and declares Goring a
failure and a traitor. He then orders Goring to be executed.

Meanwhile, To say his final goodbyes, Albert Speer visits Hitler. He urges Mrs. Goebbels and Traudl
to think again about sticking with Hitler, but they both dismiss him. Then he pleads with Hitler to
save the German people rather than bringing everyone down with him, but Hitler rejects him once
more. Then, Speer informs Hitler that there are records of him disobeying and breaking a number
of his orders. Frustrated, Hitler orders Speer to leave but doesn't punish him.

In the next scene, we see Peter, who has lost most of his companions by this point, is eventually able
to return home after running away from Russians.

Hitler learns during the meal that Heinrich Himmler has made the western allies an offer to
surrender Germany. Feeling betrayed by his closest general, Hitler orders the execution of Himmler
and promotes another officer named Fegelein to replace Himmler.

A while later, we witness General Grawitz asking to leave Berlin so that he and his family can be
safe , but he is turned down by Hitler. The news that Fegelein has left the bunker and cannot be
located immediately upsets Hitler even more. Grawitz murders himself and his entire family as he
sees no place for them to live in the future. Fegelein, however, is captured and put to death for

Shortly after, Hitler is informed that the Russians have made additional advancements and that
Berlin is now without air support, preventing any further supplies from reaching the surviving
army. He understands that he can no longer prevail. Then Hitler calls Traudl and requests that she
write his last  will. Goebbels also asserts that she must draft his will because, despite Hitler's orders,
he is unable to leave Berlin.After that,   Hitler marries Eva Braun  in a private ceremony attended by
his generals.

Later, Hitler discovers that no army division will be able to save them. Hitler informs them that
neither he nor any of his generals can surrender. He therefore claims that it is preferable to commit
suicide to surrender in front of Russians. Then he makes  summons one of his generals to inform
him that he and Eva are going to kill themselves, and that the general is to burn the body to prevent
the Russians from ever finding it.

Soon later, Hitler's doctor is giving him instructions on how to end his life. He claims that Hitler's
hands shake when he fires, therefore he must take a cyanide tablet first before shooting himself.
Hitler then feeds cyanide pill to his beloved dog, Blondie.

In the meantime, Eva and Traudl talks about coming to an end.Eva gives Traudl her best fur coat
and says that she likes well dressed women. She then tells Traudl to make an effort to escape the
bunker alive. Then, after one final meal with his close friends, Hitler bids them farewell. One final
time, Mrs. Goebbels tries to stop Hitler, but he dismisses her, claiming that millions of people will
curse him the following day. Hitler shoots himself in their room while Eva swallows the cyanide pill.
After they pass away, the general removes their corpses and burns them with gasoline outdoors.

In the next scene, there is a meeting between General Krebs and Russian officials. General Krebs
informs the Russian official that although Hitler is dead, Germany will not accept any unconditional
surrender. However, The Russian officer informs him that there is no any other option.

In the next scene, we can see that Mrs. Goebbels gives sedatives to all of her children to make them
asleep. After a while, she poisons all of them while sleeping. Shortly after, she and her husband also
commit suicide.

In the next scene, Traudl and few other women are able to escape the bunkers while posing as soldiers.
Dr. Schenck assures them, as Russian soldiers are not looking for them, they don't need to worry.
Meanwhile, Peter's parents committed suicide and he is an orphan now. He meets Traudl and they hold
hands while passing through Russian Army.

In the next scene, Dr. Schenck and a few of the remaining SS members are hiding from the Russians in a
building. When they hear the news about Germany has finally surrendered, most of them kill themselves
in order to remain loyal to Hitler. However, Dr. Schenck manages to get out of there alive.

In the last scene, Traudl and Peter find a bicycle and leave Berlin after escaping the Russians.

The movie ends revealing the fate of each individual after the war. In the last clip, real life Traudl Junge
Traudl Junge states that she was not aware of Hitler's crimes until the war was over. She regrets that her
youth is not an excuse and that, if she had wanted to, she could have done more to learn the truth.

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