The Innocents (2021)

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The Innocents, a supernatural thriller directed by Eskil Vogt, is an original synthesis of

drama, suspense, and the paranormal.

The movie begins with a little girl named Ida being startled out of sleep by the humming of
her autistic sister Anna in a car. Making sure her mother doesn't see, Ida pinches her sister,
but Anna doesn't respond in any way. They are moving to the new apartment in a peaceful
suburb during summer holidays.

After a while, Ida wanders the lake as they settle into their new house and notices a boy,
named as Ben across the water. Later that night, Ida tells her mother that she wants to go
on vacation because she is not too pleased of her new surroundings. Ida meets Ben again
the next day while exploring alone and they soon become friends.

Ben takes her away from the playground leading into a small forest nearby where he shows
her his constructed treehouse. Ben also shows his telekinetic abilities by causing a bottle
cap dropped from Ida's fist to fall unnaturally and land a short distance away. Ida is thrilled
and tells her parents about him. However, her parents naturally don't take her words
seriously and instead warn her about the risks of slingshots.

Later, Ida changes into her football shirt and heads to the playing field to find it empty. She
overhears her mother attempting to instruct Anna when she gets home. Ida fills a pair of
shoes with glass fragments out of jealousy; yet, when Anna puts them on, she shows no
signs of distress. Quite surprisingly, Aisha, a small child in the same area, puts on her shoes
to go someplace with her mother and screams out in pain as her socks briefly becomes
bloody and then disappears.

A while later, when Ida's parents are speaking with a therapist, Anna impulsively stands  up
and begins stamping her feet. When they arrive back home and the mother takes off Anna's
shoes, she finally discovers blood on Anna's foot.

In the next scene, Aisha searches for her cat when it goes missing and eventually finds
Anna's apartment building. When Aisha places her hand on the same doorknob that Anna is
holding, on the opposite side, she experiences an unsettling connection that develops into

Ida finds it frustrating to care for Anna when her mother asks her to, so she leaves her by
herself at the park while Ben goes with her. Before they leave, Ida and Ben alternately
pinch Anna's hand, but Anna remains emotionless. Ida watches helplessly as Ben is
tormented by older kids on the playground. Meanwhile, Aisha discovers Anna in the swing
and sit with her while offering company.
At the same time, Ben finds Aisha's cat, Jabba near the woods. Ida and Ben throw
Jabba down a flight of stairs for fun. Ben first appears to be upset by the animal not moving,
but when it does move and tries to flee, Ben stomps on its head to kill it. Ida now senses an
odd feeling and returns to her sister on the playground.

Ida left Anna at the swing set, but she is nowhere to be seen. Ida discovers Anna playing
with Aisha, who appears to understand what Anna is thinking. Anna won't move when Ida
tries to take her back home. Therefore, Anna is guided home by Aisha.

The next day, Ida brings Anna to Aisha as promised so that they can play together. In the
meantime, Ida looks for the cat in the basement and realizes that its body is missing. After
following the cat's blood trail, she locates the cat with the cable tire around its waist.

Ida returns to the playground finding Ben joining with Anna and Aisha. In Ben's presence,
Anna may now mentally control objects. But after they return home, Anna is unable to do
so. Aisha admits that although she is powerless to move things like Ben and Anna, she is
still able to telepathically converse with Anna and, to a lesser degree, sense Ben's thoughts.

They begin to test their notion by telepathically communicating with one another in order
to assess each other's abilities. Ben can read Aisha's thoughts in order to read Anna's
thoughts, which he cannot read directly. Ida, however, realizes that she is lacking in all of
these skills.

Aisha utilizes mind control to persuade Anna to draw a shark accurately on her drawing
board even though the two girls are in their separate homes. Ben's mother demands angrily
that he explain the mess he's created in the apartment, but Ben ignores her. At the moment,
Aisha's mother notices her standing in front of the window, looking aimlessly. Aisha claims
she believed someone else is in the home when she is startled by her mother, but her
mother convinces her that it is only the TV.

Following day, the group carries out more experiments by exchanging thoughts over longer
distances. Ida whispers "Ben is a piece of shit" into Anna's ear, and Aisha hears it from afar,
calls out the phrase, and laughs uncontrollably. Aisha gets pushed to the ground when Ben
becomes angry and  throws stones at her. As Anna approaches to confront Ben, Ida misses
the stone by an inch.

Ben and Anna begin to battle mentally, breaking a nearby tree branch in an effort to
intimidate one another. Ben tries to touch Anna's leg wound caused by a splinter. Even
though she isn't crying aloud, Aisha tells him that he is hurting her and drives him away.
Ida is taken aback when Anna begins speaking verbally after Aisha encourages her to do so

When the sisters return home, their mother holds Ida accountable for Anna's injuries. After
a while, the mother apologizes and kindly inquires as to what happened, assuring that she
won't become furious. Although Ida claims that Anna can speak, her mother doesn't
believe. Ida tries to encourage Anna into speaking in front of her mother, while Aisha tries
to help Anna telepathically. But, Anna feels afraid and doesn't speak, which enrages her
mother even more. When her mother tells Ida she can no longer watch Anna, Ida storms
away in a rage.

While in Ben's apartment, his mother is preparing dinner, he amusingly pushes a boiling
pot on the burner, causing it to burn her mother's finger. As his mother starts to scold him
for laughing, Ben moves a heavy iron pan from the shelf and hits on her mother's head,
gravely hurting her. Aisha's mother begins to bleed from the same spot of her head as Ben's
mother all of a sudden. Aisha's mother is unaware even when Aisha points it out. Anna also
has pain in the same spot at the same time

Back at Ben's apartment, he spills the boiling saucepan on his mother's legs, instantly
causing burns to appear on her skin. For a while, when he clumsily tries to help his mother,
the realization of what he has done hits Ben's mind. However, that feeling of regret quickly
fades as he allows the dying woman to continue laying on the ground and ignores her
screams for him to inform someone of the accident.

The following day, Anna's mother takes her to the playground. Ida goes to see Ben at his
home, but he doesn't respond. While watching Anna and Aisha play, Anna's mother
observes that Anna is talking and walks up to them with excitement. Seeing Anna speak,
her mother breaks out in tears. When they reach back home, Anna responds to her parents
with the help of Aisha’s words.

When Ben eventually comes out, he notices the older kids who had earlier tormented him
and turns around to avoid them. When he gets back to his flat, he attempts to check in the
fridge for some food but can't find any. While Ben is living his normal life as his mother's
dead body is lying in the kitchen, he comes to the realization that he can use his thoughts to
control other people's bodies.

Ben begins to use his abilities to exact revenge on those who have wronged him. He makes
a snap decision to get revenge on the boy who had previously bullied him. He seizes control
of a nearby middle-aged man and leads the boy  to a bridge where he is stoned to death.

The next day, Ida overhears her parents discussing the event on the bridge. Meanwhile,
Aisha's mother forbids her from going outside. After some time, Ida encounters Ben while
out playing by herself. Ben claims to her that he has the ability to control people mentally.
He agrees when Ida asks him to do it with her. He works hard to take control of her
thoughts, forcing her to release the branch she was holding and making her climb to the
fridge. Ben also has no difficulty breaking the branch Ida is holding.
After a while, the two then head to the playground, where Ben uses his abilities to break a
kid's leg while they are still far away. Anxious and restless, Anna senses Ben's wrongdoings.
Aisha arrives at the scene to stop Ben from hurting anybody more, but he begins to
mentally strangle her. In order to stop him from harming Aisha, Ida pushes him. Anna
follows shortly after, and when Ben sees her, he becomes scared and leaves the place.

Anna's mother arrives to pick her up since she ran outside unsupervised. Ben is now upset
about his wrongdoings when he gets home, but the feeling quickly fades and he now
becomes entirely vengeful.

Through Anna, Aisha informs Ida that Ben will try to put them in danger by sending
other people after them. So Aisha asks their help to stop Ben's evil deeds. To prepare
action against Ben, Aisha tries to get Ida and Anna out of the house, but their mother
restricts them from leaving the house again.

That evening, Ben seizes control of Aisha's mother in an effort to eliminate Aisha.  The
mother fearfully checks the noise with a sharp knife in her hand as everything around her
darkens and dims as she is taken over by Ben.

When Aisha begins to feel terrified, she calls out to Anna. However, Anna is unable to help
because her parent has not allowed her to go out and she is unable to warn anybody of the
risk because Aisha no longer has control over her. Aisha's mother turns as she hears
another murmur coming from behind her to see Aisha with her toy bunny. The terrified
mother approaches Aisha and stabs her own daughter to death. Later, when Aisha's mother
regains consciousness, she discovers Aisha's bloodied body and panics.

After Aisha's death, Anna feels depressed and withdrawn. She is unable to express herself
without Aisha's help. Ida is scared and concerned that her own family would face a terrible
fate. After seeing Aisha's tombstone, Anna asks her father whether they would do
something similar to her and Anna. Despite of her father's reassurances, she is worried that
Ben will try to hurt them as well.

Some days later, Ida decides impulsively to meet Ben with a plan in her head. She invites
him to play new toy airplane after stealing money from her father and lures Ben to bridge.
She then pushes Ben down on the same bridge where the teenager had been killed, despite
a witness being present to see the entire incident.

Ida is trapped in her worst nightmares by Ben when he gains access to her mental
processes. He convinces her to travel down a busy road while she is confined in her
nightmare scenario. The pain in her hand, however, distracts her at the last second,
allowing her to jump away from the car, only injuring her and breaking her leg. When her
mother asks her what happened, she replies that she and her friend were just playing when
she accidentally pushed him down.  She also finds from her mother that Ben had only
suffered minor injuries and had run away from the accident spot.

When Ida returns back from the hospital, she sees Ben roaming around the neighborhood.
Ida locks herself in a bathroom after seeing her mother grabbing a knife in the kitchen
because she is afraid of being killed by Ben's mind control. The mother also leaves the
house suspiciously, saying she wants to get some groceries. When Ida comes from hiding,
she realizes Anna is also missing.

Anna goes toward the playground, following Ben, while Ida rushes out and begins tearing
the plaster off her leg. Since the holidays have begun, the neighborhood is now crowded
with kids and their parents. Anna and Ben are now facing each other, although from
opposite shores of a large body of water.

Ben seems to strike first, sending big water waves in Anna's direction and she falls to the
ground. Ben begins to back away as Anna stands up and appears to initiate her attack,
which the boy tries to mentally fight against. Ben gets attacked and collapses on a swing
while clutching his chest as infants start crying all over the playground. When Ida finally
succeeds in breaking the cast around her leg, she meets her sister on the pond's side and
joins hands with her as if doubling their attack against Ben.

Ben ultimately appears to be dead, with a brief explosion of released energy dispersing

objects and other children around his body. When the two sisters gets back to their house,
their father informs them that an ambulance has arrived to treat a child who appears to
have passed away at the playground. The movie then fades to darkness as Anna returns to
her drawing board.

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