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international journal of hydrogen energy 34 (2009) 5032–5039

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Temperature field, H2 and H2O mass transfer in SOFC single

cell: Electrode and electrolyte thickness effects

Bariza Zitounia, Hocine Ben Moussaa,*, Kafia Oulmib, Slimane Saighia, Khaled Chetehounac
Laboratoire d’étude des systèmes énergétiques industriels (LESEI), Université de Batna, Batna, Algeria
Laboratoire de chimie et de chimie de l’environnement, Université de Batna, Batna, Algeria
Laboratoire Énergétique Explosions Structures (LEES). ENSI, Bourges, France

article info abstract

Article history: The temperature increment in electrodes and electrolyte of a fuel cell is mainly attributed
Received 3 June 2008 to the chemical reaction and the irreversibilities. The aim of this work is to study the
Received in revised form increasing temperature of a SOFC single cell under the influence of the electrode and
11 December 2008 electrolyte thicknesses for its type of heat source. The hydrogen and water field are also
Accepted 24 December 2008 discussed according to anode thickness.
Available online 30 January 2009 The results of a self-developed mathematical model show the increasing temperature in
the solid side of SOFC; anode, electrolyte and cathode by heat source types ‘‘Joule effect’’
Keywords: at the several geometric configurations of SOFC. The maximum temperature value is also
SOFC discussed for several cathode thicknesses under the activation polarization effect. More-
Temperature over, mass transfer for both hydrogen and water is studied according to anode thickness.
Mass ª 2009 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights
Heat source reserved.
Electrode thickness
Electrolyte thickness

1. Introduction to decrease the operating temperature while preserving

optimal properties [1].
Fuel cells appear to be as one of the means of energy The objective of this work is to locate the maximum
production in future, in parallel renewable energies, because temperature value in every cell element. For an effective
they do not produce pollutants when the used fuel is pure development of this electrochemical system, a thermal theo-
hydrogen. The researches are essentially concentrated on the retical study is essential in order to understand better the
development of new materials, on the modeling studies on phenomena occurring inside the cell and to predict the cell’s
the complete development of SOFC systems. A Solid Oxide operation when the functional, structural and geometrical
Fuel Cell (SOFC) usually works at high temperatures, in the parameters are changed. A large number of physical param-
order of 600 up to 1000  C. These high temperatures can, to eters must be taken into consideration such as thermal and
a certain extent, be advantageous because released heat can electric conductivities, electrodes and electrolyte dimension.
be made profitable for other thermal systems. However, the Before the development of the present work, several
constraints resulting on the choice from the materials limit previous works were approached. Jason LeMasters [2] devel-
the technological developments and involve high costs. Also, oped a computing code in finite difference, capable of
the major stake of current research in the field of the SOFC is executing preliminary conception calculations for the

* Corresponding author. Tel./fax: þ213 33 81 21 43.

E-mail address: (H.B. Moussa).
0360-3199/$ – see front matter ª 2009 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
international journal of hydrogen energy 34 (2009) 5032–5039 5033

Nomenclature l thermal conductivity, W m1 K1

4 heat source, W m3
T temperature, K
h overpotential, Volt
j current density, A m2
s electric conductivity, U1 m1
j0 exchange current density, A m2
R gas constant, J mol1 K1 Subscripts and superscripts
F Faraday’s constant, C mol1 SOFC solid oxide fuel cell
Cp specific heat, J kg 1 K1 H2 hydrogen
DHr enthalpy, J mol1 H2O water
DS entropy, J mol1 K1 an anode
a coefficient ca cathode
K pre-exponential factor of the exchange current elect electrode
density, A m2 elec electrolyte
E activation energy, kJ mol1 Ref reference
X mass fraction Eff effective
k H2 or H2O
Greek symbols
r mass density, kg/m3

analysis of the thermal stresses which can take place in solid calculated for this cell was approximately 7–10% higher than
oxide fuel cells. The model operates in steady state conditions. of the conventional cell, moreover, the maximal temperature
The code was minutely adapted to include significant is reduced from 10 to 40 K. L. David et al. [8], studied the
changes, new heat sources, flow conditions and various radiative transfer in electrodes and electrolyte, as well as
properties of the fluids. This code was compared with the radiative transfer between the fuel and the channels
FLUENT commercial code. Eduardo Hernandez Pacheco [3] conveying the oxygen flow. They discussed the radiative
exposed an electrochemical thermal model to simulate the effects in materials constituting SOFC. Y. Inui et al. [9],
performance of a solid oxide fuel cell for different operating concentrate on the problem of the ceramics’ lifetime used in
conditions and geometrical factors. The temperature, current SOFCs and conclude that very high temperatures cause
and gas distribution were calculated with the model in various thermal stress in ceramics. The temperature distribution in
areas. The modeling result predictions showed good results, the cell should be kept as constant as possible during the load
for weak temperature gradients inside the cell. Srividya Val- operation. By considering this fact, the authors optimize
luru [4] at his work characterizes the thermal stresses during numerically operating parameters as temperature of admit-
the fuel functioning cells with a planar solid oxide fuel cell. tance gas. P.F. van den Oosterkamp [10] mentions that the
The thermal stresses are calculated from the temperature current state of the art of the development of the fuel cells
fields by using code ANSYS. An analysis approach of thermal rests on the knowledge of the thermal transfer phenomena.
stresses is implemented by a model into two and three K.J. Daun et al. [11] show that because of their high operating
dimensions. V. Srikar et al. [5], were interested in miniaturized temperatures, the radiative thermal transfer can play
SOFCs. They consider a planar configuration, electrolyte sup- a significant role in the electrodes and the electrolyte layers of
ported by using a simple analytical model. The analysis of solid oxide fuel cells. They present a detailed characterization
energy loss because of the conduction of heat emphasizes the of the radiative and thermo physical properties of the
importance of the thermal insulation. This analysis with composite materials, which are used to define a simple two-
geometrical considerations, allows the identification of dimensional model incorporating the characteristics of
a structure which reduces simultaneously heat losses and thermal transfer of the electrode and the electrolyte layers of
assures a good sufficient stability. Jinliang Yuan et al. [6] planar SOFC. Thus, the importance of the radiative transfers is
proceed to a three-dimensional numerical analysis of the gas evaluated by comparing the field of temperature obtained
flow and the thermal transfer in SOFC anodic channel. They using a conduction model with that obtained by using a model
show that among the diverse parameters, the channel coupled with conduction/radiation. The results show that the
configuration and the properties of the porous anodic layer thermal transfer by radiation has a negligible effect at
have significant effects on gas flow as well as on the thermal temperature field in these components and must not be
transfer. Masayuki Suzuki et al. [7], suggest a series of adapted in the complete thermal models of planar SOFC.
numerical simulations to see the influence of coupled heat In order to understand well the increasing temperature in
and mass transfers with electrochemical reactions in a cell of the solid component of a SOFC, our work presents a bi-
the planar SOFC. The results show that the tension losses are dimensional temperature distribution according to a perpen-
mainly due to the internal resistance in the interconnector dicular direction to the gas flow. A thermo-electrical mode is
and the activation overpotential in electrodes. The tempera- solved using a FORTRAN self-programming. The temperature
ture difference in the cell becomes bigger when the cell length values as well as the hydrogen, the water mass fraction and
increases. Based on the results, they propose an improved their locations are discussed and analyzed across the elec-
conception of cell, which uses a material of low electric trodes and the electrolyte of a SOFC single cell with several
resistance and high thermal conductivity. The tension geometric configurations.
5034 international journal of hydrogen energy 34 (2009) 5032–5039

2. Mathematical modeling

2.1. Energy equation

The total overpotential of a cell is the sum of the activation Studied part Interconnector
polarization, the diffusion polarization, the reaction polari- O2
Cathode channel
zation and the ohmic polarization. This overpotential can be Solid part
minimized by the choices of materials, the geometry and the Anode channel
operating parameters of the cell such as temperature, pres- 2

sure, and flow. The increase in the temperature in the solid

part of the cell is due to these polarizations which behave like Fig. 1 – SOFC calculation field.
heat sources.
Thermal energy is transported by conduction and by
convection at the electrode and by conduction at the electrolyte  
RT Eelec
with effect of several heat sources. Two-dimensional mathe- j0;elec ¼ kelec exp (9)
matical modeling and stationary of the thermoelectric
phenomenon in solid part according to P1 plan (Fig. 1) are The Kan and Kca values are 6.54  1011 and 2.35  1011
expressed by the energy equation giving the field of temperature: (U1 m2), respectively. Ean and Eca values are 1.4  105 and
    1.37  105 (J mol1), respectively.
v    v    v vT v vT
rCp u f T þ rCp v f T ¼ l þ l þf (1) A part of the water enthalpy formation which is not
vx vy vx vx vy vy
transformed into electricity is transformed into heat and this
with negligent convective term, Eq. (1) become: will take place at the interface of the anode/electrolyte. The
    expression of this density power thermal is given by:
v vT v vT
l þ l þf¼0 (2)
vx vx vy vy
f¼ (10)
Thermal conductivity l is supposed to be constant in the 2F
interval of operating temperature. The heat source 4 takes where the entropy is expressed by [14]:
various expressions according to the heat source type. The
heat loosed by Joule effect in three solid parts anode, cathode DCpr
DS ¼ DS0 þ dT (11)
and electrolyte of the single cell is given by: 298 T

j2 Cpr ¼ CpH2 O  CpH2  0:5CpO2 (12)

f¼ (3)
The water, hydrogen, oxygen specific heats, Cp,are
where j is the current density that we suppose as constant in
expressed according to the temperature. The coefficients ai
all the cell.
are given by the following expression [15]:
The anode, electrolyte and cathode electric conductivities
are calculated according to the expressions given by [12]:  i
Cp ¼ Sai ; ði ¼ 1; 6Þ (13)
95  106 1150
san ¼ $exp (4)
T T 2.2. Mass conservation equation

The hydrogen mass consumed and the water mass produced

  are expressed by the source term in the mass conservation
42  10 1200
sca ¼ $exp (5) equation. The mass source term is a function of the cell
current density. The equation of mass transfer at the anode
  compartment takes into consideration two types of flow,
select ¼ 3:34  104 $exp (6) convective and diffusive flows. Its form is:
The activation losses are the other sources of thermal v  v  v vXk v vXk
ðruÞf $Xk þ ðrvÞf $Xk ¼ D þ D þ Sk
energy which cause a temperature increment and originate in vx vy vx vx vy vy
the electrodes. The expressions of the activation losses in the (14)
anode and the cathode are expressed according to the Tafel

f ¼ h$j (7) Table 1 – Numerical values [16–19].

Parameters Anode Electrolyte Cathode Units
  (Ni-YSZ) (YSZ) (LSM)
ðR$TÞ j
h¼ ln (8)
a$n$F j0 l 2 2 2 W m1 k1
Deff 7.82E4 / 1.88E4 m2 s1
Exchange current density j0 is given by [13]:
international journal of hydrogen energy 34 (2009) 5032–5039 5035

a bY
Cathode canal


Électrolyte Solid part

Anode canal O2

Solid part Anode

H2 P1 Z
Cathode canal
Anode channel

Fig. 2 – SOFC field calculation (a) SOFC studied part and (b) solid part.

Numerical values are given in Table 1. The porosity in the The boundary conditions are with respect to the surface
two electrodes is not taken into consideration. The mass term (Fig. 3). For side (I): vT=vy ¼ 0, (II): vT=vz ¼ 0, and for (III):
source S for the hydrogen consumption or water production is T ¼ 1173 K
expressed as follows:

MH $j 4. Results
SH2 ;an ¼  2 (15)
4.1. Temperature field under heat sources effect
MH2 O $j
SH2 O;an ¼ (16) according to P1 plan

The results of a thermo-electrical model show the effect of

3. Numerical resolution various polarizations at the solid part of SOFC single cell.
Joule effect, heat due to the electrochemical reaction and
The numerical resolution of the energy equation is made by that due to the activation losses are the results of the heat
using the finite volume method. The solid parts of the cell; sources. The temperature increment in the solid part of the
anode, electrolyte and cathode were discretised (Fig. 2). The cell is analyzed toward two different plans. Table 2 contains
discretization scheme used is the central-difference scheme. the temperature maximum values for each heat source
A program written in Fortran language was developed in order type.
to obtain the temperature field. The energy Eq. (1) is expressed In this plan and for all the heat sources, the highest
in a control volume by: temperatures are in sites situated in contact with the inter-
connector. These regions behave as a resistance to the heat
Zs Ze       propagation. On the other hand, the cell solid part situated
v vT v vT
l þ l þ f dxdy ¼ 0 (17) between two channels (anode and cathode), the temperature
vx vx vy vy
n w
became weak and this can be explained by the heat






Fig. 3 – Boundary conditions with respect to P1.

5036 international journal of hydrogen energy 34 (2009) 5032–5039

Table 2 – Maximum temperature values with several heat Table 3 – Maximum temperature values under several
loses. component thickness: Joule effect.
Plan Joule effect Activation losses Chemical reaction Anode/electrolyte/cathode (mm) T (K)

(P1) 1177.85 1174.33 1173.53 Electrolyte supported 1184.65

Cathode supported 1177.86
Anode supported 1177.85

evacuation through anode and cathode gas flow channels. supported than in the case of the electrolyte supported
Under the Joule effect, the maximum temperature is obtained (see Fig. 5).
at the electrolyte. This type of source creates the highest heat
quantity (T ¼ 1177.85 K). Chemical reaction creates the lowest 4.3. Temperature field under cathode thickness
heat source (T ¼ 1173.53 K) (Fig. 4). (activation polarization heat source)

4.2. Temperature field under electrode and electrolyte Activation polarization heat losses are more important in
thicknesses (Joule effect) cathode than in the anode. Temperature maximum value is at
the same cathode locations in contact with the inter-
The greatest quantity of released heat is in the case of an connector. Cathode thicknesses have no effect at the value or
electrolyte supported SOFC than the other configurations at the heat field propagation (Table 4) and (Fig. 6).
(anode and cathode supported) (Table 3). Heat is localised
at the places in contact with the interconnector. For all 4.4. Effect of anode thickness at H2 and H2O mass
the geometrical configurations, the maximum tempera- fraction
ture value is always located in the electrolyte. The solid
part located between the two anode and cathode channels 4.4.1. H2
does not present rise in temperature. The propagation of At the anode/electrolyte interface, the maximum value of
heat is more important in the case of the electrodes hydrogen mass decreases as the anode thickness increases

a y (m) T
0.0006 1177.21
cathode 1176.56
0.0004 1175.91
0.0002 1174.94
anode 1174.62
0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 1173.32
z (m)

b y (m) T
0.0006 1174.15
cathode 1173.98
0.0004 1173.8
électrolyte 1173.71
0.0002 anode 1173.53
0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 1173.18
z (m)

c y (m)
0.0006 1173.42
cathode 1173.39
0.0004 électrolyte 1173.32
0.0002 anode 1173.21
0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 1173.07
z (m)

Fig. 4 – Temperature field at the solid part of SOFC with respect to P1: (a) joule effect, (b) activation polarization and (c)
chemical reaction.
international journal of hydrogen energy 34 (2009) 5032–5039 5037

a T
1184.65 a y (m) T
y (m) 1183.88 1174.24
1183.1 0.0006 1174.15
0.0004 1182.32 1174.07
cathode 1181.55
cathode 1173.98
1180.77 1173.89
0.0003 1179.99
0.0004 électrolyte 1173.8
électrolyte 1179.22 1173.62
0.0002 1178.44
0.0002 anode 1173.53
0.0001 anode 1176.88 1173.36
1176.11 1173.27
1175.33 1173.18
0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 1174.55 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 1173.09
z (m) z (m)

b y (m) T
b T
1177.54 y (m) 1173.94
0.0006 1177.21 1173.88
1176.89 0.0008 1173.81
cathode 1176.56 1173.74
1176.24 cathode 1173.67
0.0004 1175.92 0.0006 1173.61
électrolyte 1175.27 0.0004 électrolyte 1173.47
0.0002 1174.94
1174.62 1173.4
anode 1174.3 0.0002 anode 1173.34
1173.97 1173.27
1173.65 1173.2
0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 1173.32 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 1173.13
z (m) z (m)

c y (m) T
1177.85 c T
1177.53 y (m) 1173.95
0.0006 1177.21 1173.88
cathode 1176.88
1176.56 0.001 1173.81
1176.24 cathode 1173.75
0.0004 électrolyte 1175.91 0.00075 1173.68
1175.59 1173.61
1175.26 1173.54
0.0005 1173.48
0.0002 1174.94
anode 1174.62 1173.41
1174.29 0.00025 1173.34
1173.97 anode 1173.27
1173.65 1173.2
0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 1173.32 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 1173.14
z (m) z (m)
Fig. 5 – Temperature field under Joule effect at solid part of Fig. 6 – Temperature field under activation polarization for
SOFC single cell: (a) electrolyte supported, (b) cathode cathode thickness (mm): (a) 200, (b) 400 and (c) 600.
supported and (c) anode supported.

(see Table 5). H2 mass does not reach the interface for the high production becomes larger as the anode thickness increases.
anode thickness compared to the thin one (Fig. 7). For all the For the anode thickness values about 600–1500 mm all the
anode thickness, hydrogen mass is located at the site situated interface contains water. As for the hydrogen, the water
in contact with the anode channel. The hydrogen mass diffuses in the transversal direction in the case of a thicker
transfer is from the anode channel to the interface with anode and not in a case of a less thick anode.
electrolyte. The mass transferred is high with weak anode For both the H2 and H2O, the biggest mass quantities are at
thickness. The mass transfer according to the transversal the middle anode. It becomes important at all the interface
direction is weak for the thin anode but more important and face at the highest anode thickness (Figs. 7d and 8).
reached all the anode/electrolyte interfaces (Fig. 7d).

4.4.2. H 2O
5. Conclusion
Water localization is also influenced by anode thickness
(Fig. 8). The highest value is obtained for high anode thickness.
The field of temperature, hydrogen and water mass in the
According to Table 6, the maximum value of water fraction at
electrode and the electrolyte of a SOFC single cell are calcu-
the anode/electrolyte interface increases as the anode thick-
lated in two dimensions. Joule effect, heat due to the
ness increases. Water quantities produced at the interface are
high. It is very easy that the water production site is the
interface opposite to the canals for the thin anode. Water

Table 5 – Maximum value of hydrogen fraction at anode/

electrolyte interface.
Table 4 – Maximum temperature value under several Anode thickness (mm) Hydrogen fraction
cathode thicknesses: polarization activation. at anode/electrolyte interface (%)
Thickness (mm) Anode/electrolyte/cathode T (K)
100 0.9088
300/100/200 1174.33 300 0.9081
300/100/400 1174.01 600 0.8487
300/100/600 1174.02 1500 0.4243
5038 international journal of hydrogen energy 34 (2009) 5032–5039

a y (m) XH2
a y (m)
0.00012 0.847669
0.0001 0.0317563
0.0001 0.725337 0.0291099
0.664171 0.0264636
8E-05 0.603006 7.5E-05 0.0238172
0.54184 anode 0.0211709
6E-05 anode 0.480674 5E-05 0.0185245
0.419509 0.0158782
4E-05 0.358343
2.5E-05 0.0132318
2E-05 0.0105854
0.236011 0.00793908
0.174846 0.00529272
0.11368 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.00264636
0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.052514
z (m)
z (m)

b XH2
b y (m)
y (m) 0.846263 0.0542871
0.784394 0.0003 0.0501112
0.722525 0.0459352
0.0003 0.0417593
0.598788 0.0002 0.0375834
0.536919 0.0334074
0.0002 0.475051 0.0292315
anode anode
0.413182 0.0001 0.0250556
0.351313 0.0208797
0.0001 0.289445 0.0167037
0.227576 0.0125278
0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.00835186
0.165707 0.00417593
0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.103839
0.04197 z (m)
z (m)
c XH2O
c XH2
y (m) 0.094944
y (m) 0.84875 0.0759552
0.788125 0.0006 0.0696256
0.7275 0.063296
0.0006 0.666875 0.0569664
0.60625 0.0004 0.0506368
0.545625 0.0443072
0.0004 0.485
anode 0.424375 0.0002 anode 0.0379776
0.0002 0.36375 0.0253184
0.303125 0.0189888
0.2425 0.0126592
0.181875 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.0063296
0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.12125
0.060625 z (m)
z (m)
XH2 d y (m) 0.190901
d y (m) 0.909375
0.0015 0.152721
0.788125 0.139994
0.0015 0.7275 0.127268
0.666875 0.114541
0.60625 0.001 0.101814
0.001 0.545625 anode 0.0890873
anode 0.485 0.0763605
0.424375 0.0005 0.0636338
0.0005 0.36375 0.050907
0.303125 0.0381803
0.2425 0.0254535
0.181875 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.0127268
0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.12125
z (m)
z (m)
Fig. 8 – H2O field fraction for anode thickness (mm): (a) 100,
Fig. 7 – H2 field fraction for anode thickness (mm): (a) 100, (b)
(b) 300, (c) 600 and (d) 1500.
300, (c) 600 and (d) 1500.

cathode gas flow channels cause temperature decrement. The

electrochemical reaction and due to the activation losses are highest temperature value is in the electrolyte supported
the heat sources for the increase in temperature. The results under Joule effect and at the cathode with high thickness
of this numerical thermodynamic–electrical model, solved by under activation polarization heat losses. Heat propagation is
finite volume method and resolved by self-programming more important through high thickness. Furthermore,
(FORTRAN), show the effect of the heat sources and electrode hydrogen and water mass transfers are function of the anode
and electrolyte thicknesses as the temperature increases. The thickness. All the hydrogen mass reach the anode/electrolyte
temperature values at the SOFC solid part are presented interface when the anode thickness is high. Its diffusion is fast
following a perpendicular plan to the gas flow direction. The to the interface opposite to channel when the thickness is not
maximum temperature values are localised according to
the heat source nature. There propagation is a function of the
electrode and the electrolyte thicknesses. Moreover, the
maximum temperature values are localised at the anode/
Table 6 – Maximum value of water fraction at anode/
electrolyte interface, at the electrolyte and at the cathode, electrolyte interface.
respectively, under the effect of the chemical reaction, Joule
Anode thickness (mm) Water fraction
effect and activation overpotential. The maximum tempera-
at anode/electrolyte interface (%)
ture values are caused by the Joule effect. The chemical
reaction induced the increase of lower temperaturevalues. 100 0.0397
300 0.0626
The highest temperature values are situated in contact at the
600 0.0949
interconnector; this region behaves as a barrier to the heat
1500 0.1909
propagation. The evacuations of the heat through anode and
international journal of hydrogen energy 34 (2009) 5032–5039 5039

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