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(Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder)

Parents must comprehend their child's condition to improve communication and

relationships and better understand their child's behaviors and emotions. Understanding their

child's situation would undoubtedly enable the parents to offer their child the necessary support,

love, and care and help them build better bonds with their children and a higher degree of

mutual understanding.

Module Objectives: By the end of this module, the participants should be able to:
1. Understand the significance of autism and how did it impact their child.

2. Enhance the interaction and communication between parents and their children.

3. Recognize and appreciate the unique qualities that their child has that distinguish them

distinctive from other people.

4. Make it easier for them to access opportunities that will assist them in further

developing their abilities in parenting their child.

Duration: 2.5 Hours

Participants: 10-15 Participants per Facilitator

List of Materials:
• Program Framework (Appendix A)

• Survey Questionnaires (Appendix B)

• White screen/Projector

• Cardboard (okay if used)

• Sensory Resources that Support Autistic Children

Time Topic Methodology Materials
15 Minutes Introduction and Program SAY: Good • Program
Orientation Morning/Afternoon. My Framework
name is _____ and I will (Appendix A)
be the facilitator for this
DO: Let us begin with a
little prayer before
moving on to the
ASK: Before we begin
our program, I would
want everyone to give a
short introduction so that
we can get to know one
another better. Your name
and one interesting fact
should suffice.
DO: Give each
participant a total of
twenty seconds to provide
a quick introduction of
SAY: I would want to
thank everyone for their
lovely introductions. Now
is the time for us to
describe the goals of our
program AGAPAY. It is
meant to assist you in
caring for your child with
autism during the
pandemic. We are here to
aid you in helping and
developing your own
unique set of skills and
talents by offering
knowledge and support as
you navigate this
challenging process of
parenting your child.
DO: Show and explain
the program's framework
to the participants and
walk them through its 4
modules and objectives.
SAY: Now we will
proceed to the first part of
the program entitled
Understanding Autism
Spectrum Disorder.
15 Minutes Answering of Survey SAY: We all know how • Survey
vital it is for parents to Questionnaire
have a strong bond with (Appendix B)
their children and
maintain open lines of
communication with
ASK: What should
parents do to establish
that relationship and gain
a better understanding of
their child's situation?
SAY: We prepared some
survey questions
regarding how aware you
are of your child's
situation/condition as we
headed to the lecture
proper. You will have 10
minutes to complete the
DO: Distribute survey
questions to each
DO: Allow participants
10 minutes to complete
the survey.
DO: Observe the
participants and collect
the handouts from those
who are done answering.
SAY: Thank you for
taking the time to fill out
our brief survey. Now
we'll get down to our
lecture proper.
40 Minutes Brief Lecture about ASK: What do know • White screen/
Autism Spectrum about autism in general? Projector
Disorder DO: Please give each
participant one minute to
provide their thoughts and
SAY: Upon learning that
their child has autism, a
parent's life may be
irrevocably affected. Even
the most committed
parents may experience
parental sorrow, anger,
concern, and stress. The
future of your child is
undoubtedly something
you've given much
consideration to. This is
particularly true if they
have been identified as
having an ASD (autism
spectrum disorder). In
addition to the medical
care and therapies that
you may arrange for your
child's benefit, there are
fundamental, daily
activities that can make a
difference. The guest
speaker for today's
session will provide a
brief overview of autism
to assist you understand
your child's situation
better. Please allow me to
introduce our guest
DO: Introduce the guest
speaker. Let the speaker
discuss the importance of
understanding ASD.
DO: Present the topics
prepared onto the
white screen.
SAY: Thank you Mr. /
Ms. (Guest Speaker)
for a comprehensive
lecture about
Understanding ASD.
ASK: Are there any
questions or
clarifications from the
DO: Give participants
time to raise their
SAY: Again, thanks to
our guest speaker
for sharing a valuable
discussion and for
being with us today.
DO: As the guest speaker
leaves, prepare the tools
needed for the
upcoming activity.
30 Minutes Engaging with Autistic SAY: Now we will move • Cardboard
Kids on to the next part of our • Pen
program. I have prepared
a simple activity for
everyone. I want you to
list down the activities or
games that you usually do
with your kid for quality
time; activities that helps
you connect with your
child. You can list down
at least three activities.
We will provide you
cardboards and pens
which you will use for the
activity. Shall we start.
DO: Explain the activity
further and ask the
participants if there’s any
questions or clarification.
DO: Distribute the
materials needed to each
DO: Conduct the activity
with a duration time of 20
DO: Observe each
participant and kindly
respond if there’s any
30 Minutes Sharing of Engagements SAY: I'm assuming that
everyone has already
finished their list at this
point. We all understand
the importance of these
interactions in developing
a strong relationship and
connection with your
child. As a result, I would
like everyone to share
their list and give a short
background of each
activity that you wrote
DO: Allow 2 minutes for
each participant to present
their work.
DO: Listen carefully and
make sure to provide
comments or encouraging
SAY: I would like to
express my gratitude to
everyone who
participated in the
activity. As I was
listening, I can say that
most of you have good
ways of connecting with
your child. In addition, I
hope that our exercise
inspired you to think
about new ways to
connect, bond, and relate
with your child.
20 Minutes Closing Remarks SAY: Education
empowers. Autism needs
parents to grasp
diagnosis, therapy, and
support choices. When
parents grasp the
difficulties, they can
better communicate with
specialists. Education
increases parents' and
children's emotional
understanding. It may
imply delayed
development without a
diagnosis. Know the
warning signs to decide
whether to worry. Learn
fast. Multiple sources
discuss development and
behavior. The activity that
we completed a while
ago, in which you came
up with at least three
actions that emphasize the
relationship you
established with your kid,
will become more
effective. The future of
your children is in your
hands; thus, it is vital that
you maximize your
inherent talents.
SAY: I'd want to take this
opportunity to thank
everyone who
participated in our
program's first session. I
really hope you were able
to get some useful
information and that it
inspired you to do even
better than you are now.
In closing, I would want
everyone to express their
gratitude for their loved
ones by acts of kindness
and words of
encouragement, such as
"You did an incredible
DO: Let the participants
compliment one another
and express their
SAY: I appreciate your
participation once again,
and I look forward to
seeing you all at the next
DO: Assure the
participants that their
overall experience will be
positive and that they will
depart with a smile.

Facilitator Note:
It is essential to pay close attention to how the participants behave when they are placed

in an environment with people, they are not familiar with, particularly if they report feeling

awkward or embarrassed. Throughout the session, provide some words of encouragement and

positive feedback that can make them feel better and give them a sense of belonging to the


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