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A fresh cigar is burned at the end and a small
puff of weed is slowly taken inside. The dark
devilish smoke gently touches your fleshy
watery mouth and twirls by the joy that turns
the teeth yellow, make the roots decay and
even gives you oral cancer, then the fume
glide around the uvula and creates small
swelling which later is giving you throat
cancer. Deep diving through the airpipe the
devil passes and promotes some dry cough
that often ends up phlegm and later on to
bleeding. Slowly the demon makes its way to
bronchioles, irritates tender tissues and air
sacs and make it hard to breathe. Finally, to
our airbags 'LUNGS,' the devil cry with joy
and bless you with the ultimate lung cancer.
Done with the lungs it starts to take over our
body from head to toe and afterwards guide
our soul near to the solitary rider of hell.
Remarkably world's most ridiculous mind is
of smokers, even after they knew all these
dangerous hazards, they are still ready to
take the slow poison. Another astonishing
fact is that tobacco is the only product that
ever flourished in the market even after
having a kill warning sign on right at the
front. So why do people not quit smoking?
Let's not blame them for a minute, because
tobacco will help one to reduce stress and
ease anger, when they smolder and inhale,
the nicotine in the weed starts to release a
hormone called Dopamine. It sturdy plays a
role in how we feel pleasure, it’s a big part of
our uniquely human ability to think and plan
and that’s the main reasons why they smoke
and consequently falling into pieces. The
government implemented health warning
signs on every smoke and smokeless
products on 31st May 2009 itself but
considering the survey report of WHO
currently India is home to 12% of the worlds
smokers and the percentage will only rise
over time.
As we search deep into the pit, another brain-
busting news of radioactivity will bug out
from the accounts. In 1964, Polonium-210
was reported to be a tobacco smoke
constituent, it emits a carcinogenic form of
radiation called Alpha Radiation that will
damage sensitive living tissues in our body.
The most threatening certification is that this
chemical is normally used to eliminate static
electricity in industrial process and as a
power supply in nuclear weapon production.
By mass, PO-210 is one of the deadliest toxins
around 250 billion times more toxic than
hydrogen cyanide, not only polonium much
more heavy metal like Cadmium and Lead is
also rooted out from tobacco. So, do we really
need to burn the stick?
Since we have tackled a lot more regards the
coffin nail, down the road there's nothing
beneficial other than just burning it. Above all,
the carving can be temporary but the damage
will last without a fail.
In the light of current affairs, our whole
world is already mis stepped into a portal of
the covid pandemic. In this crisis the tobacco
users are suffering hard to stay alive, their
lung function was already being defected and
now the virus is moulding it to collapse. The
death rate of tobacco users is getting heaviest
day by day, if they didn't take any measures
to quit now itself it might be never happening
Sensationally, many enlightened publics
starts to use Nicotex which now widely used
as an aid in Nicotine Replacement Therapy
and brought a remarkable change in society.
Even it's a game-changer, overdose and
misusing can be harmful and will drive us to
adverse conditions.
To conciliate a tobaccoless India NIMHANS is
going to hold a campaign under the theme of
WHO on NO TOBACCO DAY 2021 "Commit To
Quit". Let's stand shoulder to shoulder and
hold our hands and raise our voice against
tobacco. Take a step forward and hold off the
devil with our bare hands before its
wickedness takes over us down. Let's save
India and humankind from the trap of
tobacco. Make noise to ban e-cigarettes and
vapes, let's aware them cancer is pain and no
gain. Let's dream and work for a tobaccoless
India and save our future. There is no right
time to act, so utilize the time and make
every soul understand that action sounds
louder than words and tobacco is no friend of

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