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Harry Fashion Limited

Voradoba, Bhaluka, Mymensingh

Accident/Sickness Analysis
For the month of June -2022
Name of Loose Body Cough & Abdomina conjunctiv
Headache Acidity Dysentry Fever Toothache Itching Weakness Cutting Others Total
Disease Metion Ache Cold l Pain itis
PERSONS 161 220 72 146 50 31 37 42 29 78 0 153 2 286 1307

Other Contain : Any Accident, General Weakness, Boumiting, Body Pain, Eye Disease etc.

After analyzing the sickness data for the month of June -2022, we got the information about several types of sickness that are given below:

Sl No Name of diseases Percentage of total employees(%) Total affected ( Person) Total Employees
1 Headache 4.95 161 3250
2 Acidity 6.77 220 3250
3 Losse Metion 2.22 72 3250
4 Body Ache 4.49 146 3250
5 Cough & Cold 1.54 50 3250
6 Dysentry 0.95 31 3250
7 Fever 1.14 37 3250
8 Toothache 1.29 42 3250
9 Itching 0.89 29 3250
10 Abdominal pain 2.40 78 3250
11 conjunctivitis 0.00 0 3250
12 Weakness 4.71 153 3250
13 Needle/ Cutting Injury 0.06 2 3250
14 Others 8.80 286 3250
TOTAL 40.22 1307 3250

Our analysis shows that we treated total no of patient is 1307
In which 286 persons are treated for non specific reasons

Corrective actions:
1. Doctors took necessary action, both treatment & bed rest as per necessity.
2. Health & safety dept. take necessary action to improve the work condition.
3. Give proper awareness about their heath & safety.

Medical Officer Nurse AGM (HR & Compliance)

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