Sec 3e Chem My 09 p2 (Ans)

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SA1: SPA Chemistry Paper 2 (2009) Name: _______________________ ( Section A: [ 50marks ] Answer all the questions in the spaces

provided. 1 The table below lists the melting and boiling points of some elements. element aluminium argon bromine caesium gallium lithium mercury potassium symbol Al Ar Br Cs Ga Li Hg K m.p. /C 660 -189 -7 29 30 180 -39 64 b.p. /C 2470 -186 59 690 2400 1330 357 774 ) Date: ________________

Use the data in the table to answer the following. (a) Which element exists as a liquid over the largest range of temperature ? Galium [1] (b) Which elements are liquids at room temperature (25 C) ? Mercury, bromine [1] (c) Which of the element named in (b) changes from a liquid to a solid when placed in a freezer at -15 C ? Bromine [1] (d) Which elements would melt when heated from room temperature to body temperature (37 C) ? Caesium, gallium [1] (e) Describe how the arrangement and movement of particles in aluminium change as the temperature rises from 659 C to 661 C. Particles remain close together but are not orderly arranged. [1] Particles can slide over one another in the liquid. [1]

Ammonia (Mr = 17) and hydrogen chloride (Mr = 36.5) are both gases. When these two gases react together, white fumes of ammonium chloride is formed. A student set up the apparatus shown below to study the reaction.


(a) (i)

After a few minutes, white fumes of ammonium chloride were seen at point A in the tube. Name the process which causes the gases to move along the tube. Diffusion [1]


Use the kinetic particle theory to explain this observation. Particles of ammonia and hydrogen chloride diffuse/evaporate from the cotton wool. Hydrogen chloride is heavier/denser than ammonia. It diffuses at a slower rate causing the white fumes to form at A. [3]


Similar white fumes are formed when methylamine, CH3NH2 (Mr = 31), reacts with hydrogen chloride. Place a cross (X) on the tube to show where the white fumes will be seen when the student repeated the experiment using methylamine, in place of the aqueous ammonia.


The apparatus below was used to separate a mixture of two liquids called octane (boiling point 125 C) and decane (boiling point 175 C). thermometer

water out X

Y water in


What is this method of separation called ? Fractional distillation [1]


What feature must the two liquids have to be separated by this method ? They must have different boiling point [1]


Name the piece of apparatus labelled X: condenser [1] Y: fractionating column [1]


Which liquid appears in the beaker first ? Explain your answer. Octane. It has lower boiling point. [2]


What observation, during the experiment, will tell you that the liquid collected is pure ? The thermometer shows a constant temperature [1]


Using the axis provided, sketch a graph to show how the total volume of distillate collected in the beaker changes with the temperature shown on the thermometer.

1 mark for correct shape 1 mark for showing change of volume at 125 C and 175 C [2] 4 A powder consists of a mixture of the four substances given in the table. action of water on substance insoluble insoluble insoluble insoluble action of hot dilute sulfuric acid on substance does not react dissolves to give a blue solution dissolves to give a green solution dissolves to give a green solution

substance copper copper(II) oxide nickel nickel oxide

Suggest how a dry sample of copper powder can be obtained from this mixture. Dissolve mixture in hot dilute sulfuric acid. [1] Filter mixture. [1] Rinse/Wash residue(copper) with water. [1] Dry residue. [1]

5 (a) (i)

Substances can be classified as elements or compounds or mixtures. Oxygen is an element. Water is a compound. Sea water is a mixture. Use these substances to illustrate one difference between the composition of an element and the composition of a compound. Oxygen is an element made up of only oxygen atoms [1] while water is a compound made up of oxygen and hydrogen atoms chemically combined. [1]


one difference between the composition of a mixture and the composition of a compound. Water is made up of oxygen and hydrogen atoms chemically combined in a fixed ratio. [1] Sea water does not have a fixed composition of dissolved substances in water. [1]


The seasoning used in a packet of instant noodle contains the folllowing ingredients: salt, soy sauce powder, sugar, curry spices, monosodium glutamate and a permitted colouring.


Monosodium glutamate has the chemical formula COOH(CH2)2CH(NH2)COONa. How many elements and atoms are there in one unit of monosodium glutamate ? no. of elements:5 [1] no. of atoms: 19 [1]


Name three compounds found in the seasoning. salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate [2] Name two mixtures found in the seasoning. soy sauce powder, curry spices, permitted colouring [2]


The structure of an ion formed by an isotope of element Q is shown below.


Name the subatomic particles A, B and C. A: electrons [1] B: neutrons [1] C: protons [1]

(b) (c)

What is the nucleon (mass) number of this isotope ? 7[1] Would another isotope of element Q has the same nucleon number ? Explain your answer. No. [1] Isotopes of the same element have different no. of neutrons. [1]

(d) (i)

Element Q reacts with oxygen to form a compound. Write down the chemical formula of this compound. Q2O [1]


Draw a dot and cross diagram to show the bonding in this compound. Your drawing should show outer electrons only.

____________________________________________________________ [2] 6

In recent years scientists have made tube-shaped structures of carbon called nanotubes.


State two differences between the structure of a carbon nanotube and the structure of diamond. In carbon nanotubes, each C atom is joined to 3 others on a flat layer. [1] In diamond, each C atom is joined to 4 others in a tetrahedral arrangement. [1] Carbon nanotubes are fifty times stronger than iron. Suggest why these nanotubes are so strong based on their structure and bonding. It has a macromolecular structure made up of C atoms joined together by strong covalent bonds [2] Compare the electrical conductivity of carbon nanotubes and diamond. Explain your answer. Carbon nanotubes conduct electricity but diamond does not. Carbon nanotubes contain free electrons as each C atom uses only 3 of its valency electrons for bonding. Diamond does not contain free electrons as all the C valency electrons are used for bonding. [3]



Section B: [ 30 marks ] Answer three questions from this section. The last question is in the form of an either/or and only one of the alternatives should be attempted. 8 The graph shows the electronegativity of elements in the third row of the Periodic Table. The electronegativity is the tendency of an atom, in a molecule, to attract electrons to itself.


Describe the trend in electronegativity across the third row of the Periodic Table. Suggest an explanation for the trend you have given. The electronegativity increases across the row. Increasing number of protons across the row results in greater attractive force from the atom to attract electrons. [2]

(b) (i) (ii) (c)

In which group of the Periodic Table would you expect to find the most electronegative elements: group VII [1] the least electronegative elements: group 1[1] Do you expect electronegative elements to be metals or non-metals ? Explain your answer. Non-metals. They need to gain electrons to fill up their outermost shell/ achieve a noble gas configuration. [2]

(d) (i)

Argon is the last element found in the third row of the Periodic Table. Draw a diagram to show the full electronic structure of an argon atom. Use (X) to represent an electron.

Drawing shows a configuration of 2.8.8

____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ [2] (ii) Explain why the electronegativity of argon is missing from the graph. Atoms of argon have a completely filled outermost shell and do not exist as molecules. [1]

The metal tungsten, symbol W, is used to make wire filaments in light bulb. The wire glows when electricity passes through it. tungsten filament


Draw a diagram to show the metallic bonding in pure tungsten.

____________________________________________________________ [2] 9


Using your diagram in (a), explain why metals such as tungsten are good conductors of electricity. Has free moving electrons [1]


In a light bulb, the tungsten wire may get so hot that it melts and breaks. This graph shows the heating curve for tungsten.


Use the graph to give the boiling point of tungsten. 5600oC [1]


Predict the temperature when tungsten wire breaks. 3400oC [1]


Complete the diagram to show the arrangement of tungsten atoms when the tungsten wire breaks.

Show particles that are close together but not orderly arranged.

_________________________ [1]



The table shows some information about the compounds of tungsten.

name of compound tungsten(VI) oxide tungsten(III) oxide tungsten(IV) sulfide

____________ (i) (ii)

chemical formula WO3 W2O3 WS2

Complete the table by filling in the three empty boxes.


Draw a dot and cross diagram to show the electronic structure of a sulfide ion. Your drawing should show the charge on the ion and the outer electrons only.

____________________________________________________________ [2]


EITHER 10 Ephedrine and insulin are both drugs that are banned for use by athletes. One way that athletes can be tested for the banned drugs is by chromatography of urine samples. The diagram below shows a chromatogram for ephedrine and insulin and the urine samples from four athletes.


What does the chromatogram show about the solubility of the two banned drugs in the solvent used ? Insulin is more soluble in the solvent [1]


Which athletes are tested positive for using drugs that are banned ? Athelete 1 & 3 [1]


A similar test was carried out on the urine of a fifth athlete. This diagram shows the chromatogram for the fifth athlete.


Show, by using Rf values, which one of the banned drugs this athlete has used. Rf of ephedrine = 2 / 5 = 0.4 [1] Rf of insulin = 3/ 5 = 0.6 [1] Rf of spot from 5th athlete = 1.3/ 3.2 = 0.41[1] The athlete used the ban drug ephedrine. Minus 1 mark for not identifying the ban drug used. (d) Describe, with the help of a diagram, how to set up and carry out the chromatography.


What is the advantage of using a locating agent in the analysis ? Locating agent helps to make colourless spots appear on the chromatogram. [1]



OR 10 The diagram below shows the arrangement of valency electrons in a molecule of ethanoic acid.

(a) (b) (c)

What is the molecular formula of ethanoic acid ? C2H4O2 [1] Name the type of bonding found in ethanoic acid. covalent bonding [1] Complete the diagram above by showing the arrangement of valency electrons on the carbon, oxygen and hydrogen atoms. Use (X), (O) and () to represent electrons from the carbon, oxygen and hydrogen atoms respectively. [4]


Would you expect ethanoic acid to have a low or high boiling point ? Explain your reasoning. Low boiling point. Weak forces of attraction between molecules can be easily overcome. [2]


Predict the electrical conductivity of ethanoic acid when it is a solid. Explain your answer. It will not conduct electricity. No free ions/ free electrons. [2]


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