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Name : Nanda Puspita Sari

NIM : 4213141006
Class : PSPB 2021 C


1. Food is obtained by a diversity of mechanical means, and these determine the nature of the
food a given animal can obtain and utilize.
Translate : Makanan diperoleh dengan berbagai cara mekanis, dan ini menentukan sifat
makanan yang dapat diperoleh dan dimanfaatkan oleh hewan tertentu.
Active voive : A diversity of mechanical means, and these determine the nature of the food a
given animal can obtain and utilize does obtain food.
Tenses : Simple present tense

2. Microscopic algae and bacteria can be taken directly into the digestive vacuole of an amoeba.
Translate : Alga mikroskopis dan bakteri dapat dibawa langsung ke dalam vakuola
pencernaan amuba.
Passive voice : The digestive vacuole of an amoeba is can be taken directly into microscopic
algae and bacteria.
Tenses : Simple present tense

3. A variety of organisme catch microscopic organisms with the aid of cilia.

Translate : Berbagai organisme menangkap organisme mikroskopis dengan bantuan silia.
Passive voice : Microscopic organisms are caught by a variety of organisms with the aid of
Tenses : Simple present tense

4. Some gastropods use a sheet of mucus that traps fine suspended particles.
Translate : Beberapa gastropoda menggunakan selapis lender yang memerangkap partikel
halus yang tersuspensi.
Passive voice : A shett of mucus is used by some gastropods that traps fine suspended
Tenses : Simple present tense

5. Herring and mackerel have gill rakers function as a sieve to catch small crustacean.
Translate : Ikan herring dan marckerel memiliki fungsi penyapu insang sebagai saringan
untuk menangkap krustasea kecil.
Passive voice : Small crustacean is caught by herring and mackerel that have gill rakers
function as a sieve.
Tenses : Simple present tense

6. Basking sharks and whale sharks feed exclusively on planktons, which is strained from the
water that enters the mouth and flows over the gills.
Translate : Hiu penjemur dan hiu paus hanya memakan plankton, yang disaring dari air yang
masuk ke mulut dan mengalir di atas insang.
Passive voive : Planktons are fed by basking sharks and whale sharks exclusively on, wich is
strained from the water that enters the mouth and flows over the gills.
Tenses : Simple present tense

7. It has been estimated that a large basking shark, in 1 hour, strains the plankton from 2000 tons
of water.
Translate : Diperkirakan bahwa hiu penjemur besar, dalam 1 jam, mengekstraksi plankton
dari 2.000 ton air
Active voice : A large basking shark has estimated, in 1 hour, strains the plankton from
2.000 tons of water.
Tenses : Present perfect tense

8. Many animals use mechanical methods such as chewing and scraping to obtain their food,
which is frequently of plant origin.
Translate : Banyak hewan menggunakan metode mekanis seperti mengunyah dan mengikis
untuk mendapatkan makanan mereka, yang seringkali berasal dari tumbuhan.
Passive voice : Mechanical methods such as chewing and scraping are used by many animals
to obtain their food, wich is frequenly of plant origin
Tenses : Simple present tense

9. Some carnivores capture and swallow their prey whole, including representatives of allclasses
: fish, amphibians, reptiles, bird, and mammals.
Translate : Beberapa karnivora menangkap dan menelan mangsanya secara utuh, termasuk
perwakilan dari semua kelas : ikan, amfibi, reptil, burung, dan mamalia.
Passive voice: Their prey is captured and swallowed by some carnivores as a whole,
including representatives of all classes : fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.
Tenses : Simple present tense

10. Most carnivores, regardless of whether they eat crustacean, fish, insects or mammals,
consume excess nitrogen as well as excess salts in their diets.
Translate : Sebagian besar karnivora, terlepas dari apakah meraka memakan krustasea, ikan,
serangga atau mamalia, mengonsumsi kelebihan nitrogen serta kelebihan garam dalam
makanan mereka.
Passive voice : Regardles of whether they eat crustacean, fish, insects or mammals, exces
nitrogen as well as excess salts in their diets, are consumed by most carnivores.
Tenses : Simple present tense

11. Spiders obtain food from their insect prey by piercing the hard external skeleton with their
hollow jaws and pumping digestive juices into the victim’s body. These juices will liquefy the
insect’s tissues and the spider then sucks the prey empty.
Translate : Laba – laba mendapatkan makanan dari mangsa serangga mereka dengan
menusuk kerangka luar yang keras dengan rahang cekung dan memompa cairan pencernaan
ke dalam tubuh korban. Cairan ini akan mencairkan jaringan serangga dan laba – laba
kemudian menyedot mangsanya hingga kosong.
Passive voice : Food is obtained by spiders from their insect prey by piercing the hard
external skeleton with their hollow jaws and pumping digestive juices into the victim’s body.
Tenses : Simple present tense

12. Because their hosts provide the digestive system, the parasites lack of both digestive tract and
digestive enzymes that are otherwise necessary before food can be absorbed, and all their
nutrients are taken up directly through the body surface.
Translate : Karena inang mereka menyediakan sistem pencernaan, parasit kekurangan
saluran pencernaan dan enzim pencernaan yang sebaliknya diperlukan sebelum makanan
dapat diserap dan semua nutrisinya diambil langsung melalui permukan tubuh.
Passive voice : Because the digestive system is provided by their host, the parasite lack of
both digestive enzymes that are otherwise necessary before food can be absorbed, and their
nutrients are taken up directly through the body surface.
Tenses : Simple present tense

13. The composition of mammalian milk varies a great deal. It may vary from about 1% in
human milk to as much as 15% in rabbit milk. The fat content varies even more, from a
fraction of 1% in the donkey to more than 50% in many seals and whales.
Translate : Komposisi susu mamalia sangat bervariasi. Komposisi ini dapat bervariasi dari
sekitar 1% dalam asi hingga sebanyak 15% dalam susu kelinci. Kandungan lemaknya bahkan
lebih bervariasi, dari fraksi 1% pada kedelai hingga lebih dari 50% pada banyak anjing laut
dan paus.
Passive voice : A fraction of 1% in the donkey to more 50% in may seals and whales is
varied by fat contect of mamalia milk.
Tenses : Simple present tense

14. It is less well known that some birds feed their young on a milklike secretion. In the pigeon
this secretion is formed in the crop; it is known as crop milk and is regurgitated to feed the
Translate : Kurang diketahui bahwa beberapa burung merpati makan anak mereka dengan
cairan seperti susu. Pada merpati, sekresi ini terbentuk di tanaman ; itu dikenal sebagai susu
tanaman dan dimuntahkan untuk memberi makan anak burung.
Passive voice : It is lee well known that youngs is fed by some birds on a milk like secrection
by the pigeon, we known it as crop milk and regurgitate it too feed the nestlighs.
Tenses : Simple present tense

Soal di PPT
1. Tikus di sawah dibasmi dengan pestisida
(Rats in the fields are exterminated with pesticides)

2. Karbodioksida di udara diserap tumbuhan melalui stomata

(Carbodioxides in the air are absorbed by plants though stomata)

3. Sebagian besar ayam di daerah itu telah terinfeksi virus flu burung.
(Most of the chickens in the area have been infected with the bird flu virus)

4. Sampah organic di tanah diuraikan oleh bakteri menjadi senyawa anorganik

(Organic waste in the soil is broken down by bacteria into inorganic compounds)

5. Air diserap oleh tumbuhan melalui akar

(Water is absorbed by plants through roots)

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