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RA 3927- 1st AE Law of 1964

RA 6541- National Building Code

RA 6969- Toxic and Hazardous
RA 6657- Agrarian Reform Law
RA 7160- Local Government Code of 1991
RA 7722- Higher Education Act of 1994
RA 8293- Intellectual Property Code of 1998
RA 8435- Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization
Act (AFMA)
RA 8550- Philippine Fisheries Code 1998
RA 8559- Philippine AE Act of 1998
RA 8749- Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999
RA 8981- PRC Modernization Act of 2000
RA 9003- Ecological Solid Waste Management Act
RA 9184- Government Procurement Reform Act
of 2003
RA 9275- Philippine Clean Water Act
RA 9367- Biofuels Act of 2006
RA 9513- Renewable Energy Act of 2008
RA 9729- Climate Change Act of 2009
RA 10068- Organic Agriculture Act of 2010
RA 10601- AFMech Law
RA 10654- Fisheries Code
RA 10915- ABE Law
RA 10963- TRAIN Law

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