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My Artwork Story

This artwork was made last 2020, during my grade 12 senior year, this was for my art subject, our
teacher required us to draw anything and thus I draw this. This artwork is valuable to me because this is
the first artwork I really give effort in creating and also because this is a part of me. It was inspired to my
favorite flower the sunflower. This artwork has a painting version but then, that painting is kept by my
teacher and unluckily I don't have picture of it. And thus this is the only artwork I have in my care. The
reason why I draw this sunflower above anything when our teacher said that we can draw anything is
that, aside from the fact that the sunflower is my favorite flower, that is because I love what the flower
symbolizes, the sunflower symbolizes hope, and back in grade 12 senior year I experienced many
challenges and I experienced depression. I draw this to make myself motivated, to continue in dreaming
and to hope. To hope and hope, that even I am in the hard times and experienced many challenges, just
keep in mind that it will end in time, and thus continue on hoping. The sunflower symbolizes hope and
the broken background symbolizes the challenges I've experienced. Others may see this artwork as a
simple drawing but for me its more than that. It may seem ordinary but it hides deep meaning in it. It
was my ray of hope, a sunshine during my dark ang rainy days.

Khemberly Randing Ladio BSBA-MM2

Me and my Artwork

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