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Quantifying the Calibration Uncertainty Attributable to Thermocouple


Article  in  AIP Conference Proceedings · September 2013

DOI: 10.1063/1.4819595

8 785

2 authors, including:

Kenneth D. Hill
National Research Council Canada


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Quantifying The Calibration Uncertainty Attributable To
Thermocouple Inhomogeneity
Kenneth D. Hill and Douglas J. Gee

National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Abstract. Inhomogeneity in the Seebeck coefficient as a function of position along a thermocouple wire frequently
dominates the uncertainty budgets of thermocouple calibration and use. The calibration process itself, simply through
exposure to elevated temperatures for relatively modest times, generates both reversible and irreversible changes to the
thermocouple that are a complex function of time, temperature, alloy composition, sheath structure, etc. We present data
acquired using a salt bath at 250 °C to provide the step-function-like gradient that is our spatial probe of thermoelectric
homogeneity. We show how the finite width of the step-function limits our ability to assess the “true” inhomogeneity of
the thermocouple, and explore how the inhomogeneity impacts the calibration uncertainty attainable with the various
thermal sources used for the calibration of thermocouples (based on their characteristic temperature gradients).
Keywords: inhomogeneity, Seebeck, thermocouple.

INTRODUCTION component of uncertainty attributable to

thermoelectric inhomogeneity.
Inhomogeneity in the Seebeck coefficient as a
function of position along a thermocouple wire is a FUNDAMENTALS
dominant component of thermocouple uncertainty
budgets, and it remains a topic of ongoing interest A brief review of thermocouple fundamentals may
within this symposium series [1-9] and beyond [10- be helpful in understanding the analysis to be
23]. While manufacturers strive to deliver presented later. The voltage measured at the open ends
thermocouple wire that is as homogeneous as of a pair of wires comprising conductor A and
metallurgy and manufacturing processes allow, conductor B (each of length L) in a thermal gradient,
unavoidable degradations arise through use. The and electrically connected to one another at x=0, is
calibration process itself, simply through exposure to given by
elevated temperatures for relatively modest times,
generates both reversible and irreversible changes to L
 dT 
the thermocouple that are a complex function of time, E  S T , x    dx   dx
x 0
temperature, alloy composition, sheath structure, etc.
While our past practice has been to include in our
thermocouple calibrations an uncertainty component where SAB is the relative Seebeck coefficient of the
for inhomogeneity based on a widely-accepted rule-of- pair of wires comprising the thermocouple. The
thumb, the recent acquisition of a long-travel dependence on both temperature (T=T(x)) and position
(300 mm) scanning stage allows us to scan along the wire (x) is explicit: the thermoelectric
thermocouples for inhomogeneity on a routine basis so properties of the wires should not be considered
that this important, and often dominant, uncertainty homogeneous over their length. Inevitably,
component can be based on measurements specific to thermoelectric inhomogeneity arises from the spatial
the thermocouple under test. non-uniformity of both chemical (e.g. impurities,
The implementation of a thermocouple scanning oxidation) and physical (e.g. dislocations, strain)
capability tends to be unique to a particular laboratory. influences, despite the best efforts of the
In our case, we have chosen to use a salt bath at manufacturers to deliver thermoelectrically uniform
250 °C to provide the step-function-like gradient that wire. Even when “new” wire approaches
is our spatial probe of thermoelectric homogeneity. thermoelectric homogeneity, degradations arise during
We present data acquired with this technique for a use and generally become more profound the higher
noble-metal thermocouple with an analysis that the operating temperature.
demonstrates how the temperature gradient of the It is clear from equation (1) that there is no
thermal source used in the calibration influences the contribution to the measured voltage from isothermal

Temperature: Its Measurement and Control in Science and Industry, Volume 8

AIP Conf. Proc. 1552 (2013)

portions of the wire (i.e. where the temperature
gradient, dT/dx, is zero). It is also clear that if dT/dx dT a1 a2 (2)
were a delta-function at x=x0, then equation (1) would  
dx  x  b  2
  x  b  2

become E = SAB(T(x0), x0)(T(L)–T(0)) and such an exp   1
  exp   2
 
ideal test gradient could be used to map the Seebeck   c1     c2  
   
coefficient along the wire. A delta-function is the
derivative of a step-function, so a temperature source
300 4.0
that maintains isothermal volumes at different T(x) Insertion, with Fan
temperatures on either side of a sharp interface is the 250 dT/dx
real-world approximation to the ideal. 3.0

Temperature, °C

dT/dx, °C/mm
Even if an ideal step-function in temperature could 200 2.5
be created, thermal conduction along the wire (and 2.0
heat transfer limitations in general) precludes the 1.5
realization of such spatially-detailed characterization. 100 1.0
Realistic thermal conditions limit the characterization 0.5
of the local Seebeck coefficient to spatial scales longer 50
than the width of the thermal interface – just as a low- 0 -0.5
pass filter obscures signals beyond the cut-off 0 100 200 300
frequency. Position, mm

SCANNING FACILITY Figure 1. The temperature profile obtained when inserting

the specially-constructed test thermocouple into the salt bath.
Thermoelectric inhomogeneity scanning facilities Its derivative (blue curve, right axis), and the two-Gaussian
can be divided into those with a single temperature fit to the derivative (red curve, right axis) are also shown.
gradient (i.e. a bath or furnace provides the hot zone)
and those with two temperature gradients. The latter is
often implemented with the thermocouple stationary SOURCE CHARACTERISTICS
and the heating zone movable. While moving heaters
make it possible to scan thermocouples that are longer Because the voltage measured during a calibration
than a bath or furnace with limited immersion depth, arises from the convolution of the Seebeck coefficient
the complexity of interpretation necessitated by the of the thermocouple with the temperature gradient, the
inclusion of a second gradient (and a corresponding uncertainty component attributable to inhomogeneity
second portion of voltage-generating wire) have led us depends on the temperature gradient (dT/dx) of each
to implement the single-gradient approach. source (furnace or bath) that contributes data to the
While the options for implementation are many, we calibration. Figure 2 shows the axial temperature
have chosen a commercial salt bath operating at profiles of some of the baths and furnaces employed.
250 °C as our normal characterization condition. The The gradients of the thermal sources can be
room-temperature air above the bath comprises the obtained by numerically differentiating the immersion
second zone. A commercial translation stage with profiles. From Figure 3, it is evident that the gradients
300 mm travel facilitates automated profiling by differ significantly from one another, with some nearly
providing continuous motion at a defined speed, or Gaussian and others significantly asymmetric. Not
step-wise motion through the programming of dwell surprisingly, the sources that are higher in temperature
periods at regular intervals. A fan sharpens the thermal have larger peak values of dT/dx. In an effort to
interface and makes the profile more symmetric. quantify the spatial extent over which the Seebeck
Without the fan, the “tail” of the distribution for the in- coefficient is averaged with each source, the full width
air portion is extended and the indicated temperature at half maximum (FWHM) has been evaluated (see
remains significantly above that of the surrounding air Table 1). By comparing the FWHM of the various
(T ~10 to 15 °C). sources, it is evident that the Ag fixed point and the
To characterize the temperature gradient, a special tube furnace (at 980 °C) probe the thermal
Type-S thermocouple with the junction 29 cm from homogeneity at spatial scales shorter than those
the end of the twin-bore alumina tube (the Pt wire accessible via the salt bath.
loops around the open end of the tube) was used to
obtain the data of Figure 1. The derivative of the
temperature gradient resembles a Gaussian, but the
asymmetry is better-represented by the sum of two

TABLE 1. Peak height and full width at half maximum
1200 of the temperature gradients (dT/dx) of the thermal
sources shown in Figure 3.
tube furnace Source Max. dT/dx FWHM
(°C/mm) (mm)
Ag fixed point 13.7 27.7
Al fixed point 11.5 46.1
Temperature, °C

Zn fixed point 4.27 81.4
Al Sn fixed point 1.81 99.1
tube furnace (980 °C) 22.5 29.4
600 salt bath (250 °C) 3.70 50.7

salt bath tube furnace
200 Sn Ag

Relative magnitude
0 10 salt bath
0 100 200 300 Sn
Immersion, mm

Figure 2. The immersion profiles of various thermal sources 10-2

used for the calibration of thermocouples at NRC. The tube
furnace temperature is at 980 °C and the salt bath at 250 °C.

25 10-3
tube furnace 0 0.05 0.1
Ag -1
20 Spatial frequency, mm
dT /dx , °C/mm

15 salt bath Figure 4. Fourier transform of the data from Figure 3,
Sn normalized to the maximum value to facilitate comparison.

Simulations were employed to obtain insight into
0 50 100 150 200 250 the signals arising from the scanning process. Our
Immersion, mm simulated temperature profile has the shape of the
error function, but scaled and offset.
Figure 3. The numerical derivative of Figure 2.
  x  b 
T x   a  1  erf    d (3)
  c 
In the spatial frequency domain (Figure 4), the
response of the tube furnace extends to higher
The values a = 113.75 °C, b = 141 mm, c = 39 mm,
frequencies than that of the salt bath. The responses of
and d = 22.5 °C were used to approximate the
the Al and Ag fixed points appear comparable to that
immersion profile of the salt bath. Figure 5 compares
of the salt bath. As each source is analogous to a low-
the simulated profile to the measured one, and also
pass filter, we must assume that the intrinsic
shows the derivative, dT/dx. The full width at half
inhomogeneity is greater than the measurements
maximum (FWHM) of dT/dx is approximately equal to
indicate, and that the observable inhomogeneity will
1.66c. The simulated values compare well with Figure
be larger for sources with sharper gradients (i.e. higher
frequency response).

The Seebeck coefficient was approximated by a 1.0
constant plus a 1% sinusoidal variation, with k the
wavenumber (k=2/).

Relative amplitude t

S x   10  0.1sinkx (4) 0.6

The goal was to explore the attenuation of variations in 0.4

the Seebeck coefficient by the finite width of the
0.2 2 cycles / 300 mm
thermal interface, as represented by the parameter c in
5 cycles / 300 mm
equation (3).
0 10 20 30 40
300 4 'c ' parameter, mm
erf(x) Figure 6. The relative change in the amplitude of the
dT/dx sinusoidal variation in E(x) as a function of the width of the
Temperature, °C

thermal interface, represented by the c parameter of Eq. (3),

dT/dx, °C/mm
when S(x) is given by Eq. (4) and T(x) by Eq. (3).
150 2

100 1.0

Relative amplitude test

1 c = 30 mm
50 0.8 c = 39 mm

0 0 0.6
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Immersion, mm 0.4
Figure 5. The temperature profile described by Eq. (3). Its 0.2
derivative (blue curve, right axis) is a Gaussian. The red
curve is the measured profile of the salt bath. 0.0
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
The simulation was used to test the analysis k/(2 ), mm-1
methodology. To that end, we started with the
temperature profile of equation (3), computed the Figure 7. The relative change in the amplitude of the
numerical derivative, and then its Fourier transform, sinusoidal variation in E(x) as a function of the wavenumber
T′(k). Then we calculated the Fourier transform of the of the sinusoidal variation in S(x), when S(x) is given by Eq.
Seebeck coefficient, S(k), multiplied T′(k) by S(k) to (4) and T(x) by Eq. (3).
form E(k), and took the inverse Fourier transform,
E(x). This is the quantity that corresponds to the signal
measured during a scan. With the simulation, we were 1
able to explore how the c parameter in equation (3)
and k in equation (4) influence the amplitude of the
T' (k ) / T' (0) test

oscillations in E(x). The results are presented in 10-2

Figures 6 and 7. While the gradient of the tube furnace
is less-well-modeled by equation (3) than the salt bath,
its maximum slope is reasonably approximated when
c = 30 mm. 10-4
The frequency response of the probing temperature
c = 30 mm
profile can be computed via Fourier transform (Figure
-6 c = 39 mm
8) and compared with the experimentally-derived 10
values (Figure 4). The experimental frequency 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
responses roll off much less rapidly than the k/(2  ), mm
simulation, suggesting either that equation (3) is an
inadequate representation of the shape of the thermal Figure 8. The spatial frequency response (Fourier transform)
gradient or that the experimental data is contaminated of the derivative of Eq. (3), normalized to its value at zero
by noise.

of the thermoelectric inhomogeneity (for the
In practice, a cut-off frequency is employed when
Figure 9 shows an example of data obtained with multiplying the Fourier transform of the measured
our scanning apparatus for a Type-S thermocouple. signal, E(k), by the ratio (T′TF(k)) / (T′SB(k)) (‘TF’ is
Availability of the scanning capability has allowed us the tube furnace and ‘SB’ is the salt bath) to minimize
to track changes in the inhomogeneity at various stages the amplification of noise. This cut-off is typically
of the calibration process: as-received, after annealing, 0.04 mm-1, but operator judgment is required to ensure
and following the calibration. The maximum and the output is a likely representation. Filtering in the
minimum values observed can be used to estimate the frequency domain may also be employed to reduce the
uncertainty component for inhomogeneity. high-frequency noise. Figure 10 is the result of this
Fourier transform-based analysis of the data from
Figure 9, to estimate the thermoelectric inhomogeneity
anticipated from the tube furnace. The transients at the
249.82 beginning and end are an artifact of the analysis and
249.80 are ignored in estimating the relative uncertainty, ur.
Temperature, °C

ur 
Emax  Emin   1 (5)
Emax  Emin  3
249.68 249.80
Temperature, °C

100 200 300 400 500

Immersion, mm

Figure 9. The variation in the temperature indicated by a 249.74

Type-S thermocouple as a function of immersion depth into 249.72
the salt bath used to probe thermoelectric inhomogeneity.


100 200 300 400 500
The goal of this study was to quantify the Immersion, mm
calibration uncertainty attributable to thermoelectric
inhomogeneity. The simplest approach is to assume Figure 10. The same data as in Figure 9 but processed via
that the relative variation in the measured voltage, Fourier transforms to approximate the response expected in
E/E, remains constant for all temperatures and the thermal gradient of the tube furnace.
calibration sources. However, the width of the thermal
interface of the salt bath acts like a low-pass spatial
filter, attenuating the higher-frequency components. CONCLUSIONS
Thermal sources with temperature gradients of greater
width than that of the salt bath (e.g. Zn fixed point) We have explored a methodology to estimate the
can be expected to exhibit lower values of E/E while impact of thermoelectric inhomogeneity on the
those with narrower gradients (e.g. tube furnace at uncertainty of the calibration process. The finite width
980 °C) should have higher values of E/E – but by of the thermal gradient of the salt bath acts like a
how much? spatial low-pass filter that attenuates the higher-
Our approach is to collect the scan data (E(x)), frequency components. The calibration uncertainty
compute its Fourier transform (E(k)), and divide by attributable to thermoelectric inhomogeneity will be
the Fourier transform of the gradient of the salt bath less than the value derived from the salt bath data for
(T′(k)) to obtain S(k), a quantity indicative of the “true” thermal profiles with a broader spatial extent (as
thermoelectric inhomogeneity. Then, S(k) is multiplied represented by the FWHM of their gradient, dT/dx). In
by the Fourier transform of the gradient of the this case, a conservative estimate of the inhomogeneity
particular bath or furnace used for the calibration, and component can be derived by directly using the E/E
an inverse Fourier transform produces Ec(x) for that value measured using the salt bath. The more
calibration source. The variation Ec/Ec is the measure challenging case is when the calibration source has a

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