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Slovenia World Photo Contest

Theme of the competition in cooperation with the Slovenian Tourist Board and partners, announces the global photography competition, through which it wants to increase the visibility of Slovenia in the world and to encourage visitors, fans and friends of Slovenia to get involved in the presentation of our country. This year's World Photo Contest is published in the light of celebrating the twentieth anniversary of the independence of the Slovenia. Open to all who have permanent residence outside Slovenia and are able to provide photographic work within the scope and quality in line with the contest conditions. Starts: 25 June 2011. Ends: 22 May 2012. Publication of winners: 4 June 2012 If you are an amateur or professional photographer and have already visited Eastern Europe and Slovenia, or you may be in Slovenia, within the duration of the contest, then you may be interested in this contest. If you yet want to visit Slovenia and you are amateur or professional photographer you also have enough time to participate in the contest. The competition begins on 25th June 2011 and ends on 22 May 2012, at the twentieth anniversary of the admission of Slovenia to the United Nations.

Title of the competition

Slovenia World Contest Photo Contest

Competition organised by

In cooperation with:

Slovenian Tourist Board

Competition duration
from 25 June 2011 to 22 May 2012

Help and legal aspects

Help and legal aspects


Arne Hodali

Borut Peterlin

Tomo Jeseninik

Primo iek, Picture Slovenia

The competition takes place in three categories: Best Photography, Best Photo Reportage on Sloveniaand Best Photography with a Mobile Phone. We will award three main prizes. The objective is to increase the visibility of the Republic of Slovenia and its nature, people, culture, architecture, tourism, and other attractions. a) The Best Photography will be selected that best presents Slovenia. We kindly invite authors to submit their photos according to the rules of the contest in the section Upload Photos. Prize: 10.000 euros (gross) b) In the category Top Photo Reportage , a jury will award the author, who will within the dates of the contest publish the best photo reportage online, either in established media, web 2.0 (blog etc.), social media and similar. Among all, the jury will select a photo reportage that through photo and written reportage most interestingly and

pervasively represents Slovenia. The jury will look upon following factors: innovation, photo quality, likability by readers (social media for example), the quality of content, reputation of the online medium and newsworthiness. We kindly invite authors to submit link of the respected photo and written reportage, accompanied with basic information (author, adress, email contact, date of publication) to the following email adress: Prize: 3.000 (gross) c) The category Photography with a Mobile Phone is intended to award best photography taken with a mobile apparatus, so in this category a jury will select a photography that was created by using a mobile phone camera. We kindly invite authors to submit their photos according to the rules of the contest in the section Upload Photos. Prize: 3.000 Euro (gross)


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