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Central theme: TW: RAPE

Exposition: It was at the end of summer; Candace was living the best days of her life, she was a full time
actress, singer and dancer.

Rising: in celebration with success of her rising fame, they had a celebration together with her bosses
and managers. All were fun and games until she was drugged and raped by her bosses.

Conflict: weeks later, she struggled to cope up, her health was gravely affected.

Climax: Her family then found out what had happened to her, then they filed a case against her 3 bosses
but justice wasn’t on her side because of the power her bosses hold.

Falling: She then found out weeks later that she was pregnant, then there was enough proof. Her family
then had run a NIPP test on her

Resolution: justice was served. Her rapists were all caught and she had successfully aborted the baby


Central Theme: A teenager has done something his parents cant accept
Exposition: The teenager was having some personal problems

Conflict: The teenager engaged in drinking of which his parents are not expecting

Rising action: The parents are so disappointed of what their son did.

Climax: The teenager was being grounded from using his motorcycle and he doesnt like because he is
fond of going out.

Falling action: He then realized that what his parents did was for his own good and promise not to do it

Resolution: The teenager fulfilled his promise and focused on his studies thus made his parent proud of


I am a Grim Reaper Prompt

Central theme: Acceptance of self and Courage to leave something you love for it to prosper.
Exposition: a grim reaper who has collected souls of plenty in his years of living. But throughout all his
years, only now has he experienced seeing a name in his list which disappears as quickly as it shows.

Conflict: the boy who lives and dies had a hard time accepting himself, always looked at himself as
someone who doesn't deserve anything good, although he is a bubbly and beaming guy.

Rising Action: The Reaper stays with him in the time he is due for death and they chat. They chat until
the boy changes his mind and decides to fix his life. Everything and everyone was resolved, including the
conflict with himself, and his life was supposed to be happy already, but why is it that his name still
shows up.

Climax: The Grim Reaper finds out that although everything turned out to be okay already, the boy
chooses to borderline lose his life just to be with the grim reaper. Due to this the Higher Ups discover
them and consequence was that a different grim reaper would be assigned to the boy and since the
previous grim reaper could not catch his soul, there will be awaiting consequence which worsens the
longer they stall.

Falling action: the boy accepts his fate and although he has to live a long life without seeing the reaper,
he chooses it instead of having the reaper go through pain.

Resolution: Years go by, the once boy was now old and wrinkly, he lay on his death bed, telling his
sibling's grandchildren about this man he met when he tried to kill himself, his family around him cry as
they see him remember the memory so fondly. He smiles as he takes his last breath.

He wakes up in a foggy dream, he is back to his younger self. A familiar voice calls out to him and he
cries, running towards his home.
"I've waited for so long, my love."
"I've lived a long, healthy life but I wanted you in it."
"It's okay, you did so well."
"Will we be together always now?"

Central theme:
A student receives a grade her parents got disappointed to.

The student was having hrad time coping the bew school she was enrolled.

The student got low gradew and her parents expecting a lot from her.

Rising action:
The student felt disappoinments from hwr parents.

Hee parents decided her to enroll in a public school and she doesn't loke it since she grew up into a high
class school.

Falling action:
She decided to and realize to focus, study hard and work hard to achieve high grades next quarter.

She was one of the top students and made her parents proud.


Central Theme: Courage

Exposition: While cooking, Dan accidentally summoned a character from the book she was reading.

Conflict: It was a character that she hates and their views just don't align with each other.
Rising action: They have to work together to send the other back to the fictional world. Dan won't
cooperate because she knows what the character will do when he goes back to the fictional world.

Climax: They found out that the longer the fictional character stays in the real world, the more human
he'll be. And also, Dan judged the character too quickly.

Falling Action: They realized that they have to make ends meet and look beyond their differences.

Resolution: They parted worlds but the bond they built stayed.


Central Theme: Academic Burnout

Exposition: It was the start of a new academic year for Henry and his best friends.

Conflict: COVID-19 cases continued to strike, making face-to-face classes impossible to do.

Rising action: Responsibilities for Henry began to pile up — juggling schoolworks and being a
breadwinner in the family.

Climax: Henry's best friend chose to give up on his life because of the load work he believes he cannot
handle that he passed away too soon.

Falling action: Henry realizes he had limited time to spend with his friends and had overlooked his
bestfriend's hidden problems.

Resolution: Henry seeks to give justice for his best friend's death by fighting for their student's rights to
give reasonable complaints especially in a pandemic.

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