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Jahna Marie Guanzon GR 12 HUMSS FF

Being a student with curiosity in mind, it is a great opportunity to explore in such

activities like this. I like what we have wrote, in fact, I loved it. I have never read a
story or play that I have relate so much. There is a part of the story where it spoke to
me, in a way that I have felt that I was part of the scenario where the play took itself.
Although There are some parts that needs some improvement, I think that if all the
members could cooperate very well and communication with each other, We can
extend the story to which it can add more thrill and twist to the climax. Although it was
written very well and straight to the point, I think it would be more fun if we could get
the audience confuse and puzzled at first and then shocked about the plot twist. The
struggle that we have faced when creating this play is assigning tasks to each member.
Many of our group members were inactive, unresponsive, and not quite cooperative.
So, we pushed them just to do their part for the group. The challenges that we have face
as a group is trying to give a smooth transition to the story and not let it be quite
confusing and quite straightforward. We were challenged to give a balance twist and
idea in creating this play. And lastly, the best part in writing this play was we were able
to share our own thoughts, ideas, and opinions since we have related so much to the
story. It was really a great experience for us, being able to explore our hidden talents in
writing this play.

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