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Philosophical Foundation

"Anything worth doing does not have to be done perfectly - at first."

-Ken Blanchard


This topic will concentrate on the idea of Laissez-faire of leadership. This style is "largely a 'hands off
view that tends to minimize the amount of direction and face time required. Works well if you have
highly trained and highly motivated direct reports." The following discussions will help you understand
the importance and functions of Laissez-faire style of leadership.

What is Laissez-Faire?

The Laissez-faire is defined as “the policy of leaving things to take their own course, without interfering.”
In Economics, this is “abstention by Government from interfering in the workings of the free market”
(Oxford, 2003). Now, what is laissez-faire Leadership? How would this style functions in a democratic
society like the Philippine society? Is this Applicable in classroom setting? The following discussions will
help you understand the significance of Laissez-faire leadership.

Laissez-faire Leadership

The Philippine Society is a democratic society but in terms of economic system, we are mixed economy.
It is in this style of leadership that investors in our countries are given priorities and decide on their own
kind of business for the benefits of profits except for the illegal businesses. Laissez-faire dictates that
every member of organizations has something to contribute and it should not be interfered, instead,
they must be recognized. In business enterprises, laissez-faire type of leadership is needed to exercise
maximum potentials of members and encourage more initiatives. But when we talk of business
management, strategic control is needed to prevent laxity on the part of employees. Absolute exercise
of laissez-faire in business can be a disadvantage to the company in the absence of monitoring

In any organizations, the acceptance of members' potentials is a great factor. It is in this style of
leadership that people have the feelings of being respected and left on their own way of exercising their
capabilities. The weakness of this leadership lies on the member's initiative capabilities. The weakness of
this leadership lies on the member's initiative or abuse of freedom. Majority feels being confidents
especially when they are assigned to something which they are in line with their job depending on the
interpersonal relations of members and leaders.

In the classroom setting, Laissez-faire can best apply in group sharing and activities. The teachers will
only monitor the participation of each member from the group. The teachers should give freedom from
students ideas and decisions making regarding group presentations or projects. Teachers on this area
will functions as facilitator in the class activities. This is best in teaching students to become leaders in
small group activities and later develop into a big group when they learn how to manage the members.

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