Phần của đứa 4

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Phần của đứa 4

B. Complete the gaps in the advice below for leading a successful

teleconference using the phrases in the box. Then match the sentence
halves. What other tips would you add?
the agenda          basic rules            an eye on            get feedback             go over what
was discussed              keep track of              take a roll call
1. Always ............ at the beginning a) and the objectives of the meeting.
2. Then outline ............ b) to make sure the telecon doesn't overrun.
c) and take questions from the other
3. Quickly go over the ............ and guidelines
d) is contributing to the discussion and who is
4. Remember to keep ............ the clock
e) clarify any action the participants need to
5. Don't forget to ............ who
6. Then pause periodically to ............ f) for the call, such as speaking time limits.
7. Before ending the teleconference, g) so that everyone knows who is involved
briefly ............ and and listening.

Answer :
1. take a roll call - g
2. the agenda - a
3. basic rules - f
4. an eye on-b
5. keep track of-d
6. get feedback - c
7. go over what was discussed - e

C. The product development team for a food manufacturer is discussing a

new project. How effective is the host of the teleconference?
Đáp án:
Rachel generally does a good job. She follows the etiquette by starting with a
roll call, and introducing the main objectives and agenda. She also states
some ground rules, e.g. We only have 45 minutes. She also introduces
Daniel, who is new to the group. She deals with attempts to sidetrack the
meeting well.
The report should have been sent to everyone in well in advance of the
meeting to give participants time to read it. Some students might feel that she
is too brusque and doesn't allow any time for necessary small talk and
relationship-building. She also says they only have 45 minutes, which puts
pressure on the participants to stay focused. She deals with the turn-taking
issue well, as members will often overlap in teleconferences. Everyone is
good at identifying themselves when they want to speak.
D. Listen again and complete the expressions in this box with one or two
words in each gap.
Let's start by taking the …………. (1)
Hi, all …………. (2) Dong Chen in Hong Kong ………….(3)
Esther Holmes from Marketing in Singapore here.
Daniel Matthews from R&D has just …………. (4)
[name] will be with us shortly.
Rachel here. Let's look at ..…………. (5) for discussion today.
We only have 45 minutes, so let's make …………. (6). Esther?
OK, moving on to the next item.
Daniel again. I have a ………….. (7)
This is [name]. I have a question for
[name] here. May I ask a question?
[name] again. I'd like to add to what
[name] has just said.
Can we hear first from [name], then from [name]?
Sorry, Daniel, ………….. (8)
No, please, ………….. (9)
OK, Dong Chen, what were you ………….. (10) say?
[name] here. Can I comment on that? 
Let's summarise what we've said so far.
Can I just check who's doing what, and by when?
Let's go over the action points before we finish. 
Đáp án:
1. roll call
2. This is
3. speaking
4. joined us
5. the items
6. a start
7. question
8. go ahead
9. after you
10. going to

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