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0 Summary

The main goal of this study is to compare the flaws and strengths of Awasr with those of two
other telecommunication companies in order to determine which areas and features Awasr has to
develop in order to be the greatest brand in the automobile sector. Furthermore, it was vital to
examine the recharge cards, network range, call quality, customer happiness, and other criteria in
each brand while comparing these three brands.

The research included an examination of two telecommunication companies, Awasr and

Ooredoo, to compare with Awasr, and the analysis was based on data obtained from a number of
sources, including each brand's website, company visits, and secondary interviews with sales
officials. According to the findings, Awasr has several flaws in terms of recharge ranges,
customer satisfaction, network range and many other. Then other recommendations were given,
such as putting greater emphasis on privacy, more secure network, and improving service levels.
2.0 Introduction

The main goal of this study is to compare the flaws and strengths of Awasr with those of two
other telecommunication companies in order to determine which areas and features Awasr has to
develop in order to be the greatest brand in the automobile sector. Furthermore, it was vital to
examine the recharge cards, network range, call quality, customer happiness, and other criteria in
each brand while comparing these three brands.

The Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (TRA) of Oman has relegated you to compose a
2000-word business report named; A Comparative Study of Oman's Telecommunication Sector;
Hayak, Ooredoo, and Awasr; by contrasting the three significant telecom organizations
referenced in the title utilizing the classes recorded underneath. Dr. Abdullah Al-Maalki, the
Director of TRA, has mentioned this report. The report should be submitted by means of Turnitin
by 6 p.m. on August 29, 2021.

To present this report, a business report writing format should be followed, and suggestions
should be provided for each category users choose to compare and contrast in designed to help
clients in making the best option possible before engaging the services of any
telecommunications firm.

Introduction, Findings and Discussion, Conclusion, Recommendation, and References are the
five components that make up this report's structure. The goal, terms of reference, data collection
sources, and report format are all presented in the introduction. Following that, the Finding and
Discussion offers a comparison of the three brands. The conclusion then offers the analysis of the
comparison that was conducted in order to arrive at a conclusion. The Recommendation will next
offer some recommendations for achieving the report's goal. Finally, the References will include
the sources of information utilized in the report.
3.0 Findings and Discussion

Following points summarizes the comparison between the Hayak, Ooredoo with Awasr:

3.1 Network Coverage

The network coverage area of Hayak and Ooredoo is much larger than as compare to Awasr.
Both are having network coverage in all over Oman. Awasr coverage area is only in Muscat and
its neighboring areas.

3.2 Local and International Call Cost

Local and International call costs of Awasr are expensive than the Hayak and Ooredoo. Hayak
and Ooredoo offer cheap call costs in Oman. Awasr have fixed international rates which are not
changeable and are much more expensive than Hayak and Ooredoo.

3.3 Quality of Call

The quality of call for the Awasr is still in improvement process as they are unable to cross the
Omantel and Ooredoo. Hayak and Ooredoo are more specifically suitable for the tourist as they
provide the better call rates and access easily in every part of country. Omantel provides reliable,
high-quality connection to international locations.

3.4 Face-to-face/ Customer service/ Outlets/help desks

Awasr provides the customer care 24/7 to the customers as they are always available if customer
call or visit any branch (Awasr, 2021).

Omantel understand the demands of national voice and data service providers at Omantel. They
have built strong expertise and market knowledge that you may utilize to build your company on.
They understand the connectivity and regulatory issues we face, and they can help one overcome
them. They provide the best and reliable customer services for the customers (Omantel, 2021).

Customers may learn more about the new packages and services by visiting one of Ooredoo's
shops or official merchants, calling the customer support center, which is available 24/7 on 9501
1500 for Ooredoo customers. They provide the quickest service to customers (Ooredoo, 2021).

3.5 Online customer care

Customers may now contact Awasr's contact center for round-the-clock assistance. Trained client
service representatives will be on hand to assist and advise clients with any questions they may
have, as well as communicate with other departments without delay. As the fastest growing
service provider, it has made choice, convenience, and comfort a need for customers. The
additional new locations inside the capital region are testament of its dedication to customers,
who can now call 80001000 for care and assistance at any time (Awasr, 2021).

They have the freedom and flexibility to design one’s own Fixed Business Broadband Plan with
Omantel! Choose from speeds of up to 300Mbps to find the ideal combination for our company
(Omantel, 2021).

For further information, please contact 9501 1500 or come into an Ooredoo shop. For further
information, please contact our Customer Service department at 9501 1500 or go to our main
website (Ooredoo, 2021).

3.6 No. of customers

The number of customers who are subscribed to Awasr are not mentioned but they are not much
more than Omantel and Ooredoo. In Oman, there are 4,809,248 customers to mobile services of
Omantel (Omantel, 2021). The firm Ooredoo now serves about 3 million clients across the
Sultanate as an integrated services communications provider (Ooredoo, 2021).

3.7 Revenue

The revenue amount for Awasr is not mentioned or provided on their main website.

Omantel Group said net benefit fell by 24% to OMR 229.0 million in the year finished 31
December 2020 from OMR 299.7 million out of 2019. Income plunged 3% to OMR 2.51 billion
from OMR 2.59 billion out of 2019 (CET, 2021). In the first quarter of 2021, Ooredoo Group
reported a net profit of OMR 193 million (Ooredoo, 2021).

3.8 Customer Satisfaction

Awasr was likewise one of the principal organizations to empower clients to arrange their
administrations through WhatsApp, and as an extra assistance for home diversion, the
organization gave Jawwy TV, which won the certainty and fulfillment of numerous clients, and
for more control from the Internet hazards, the organization offered types of assistance to
empower guardians to have more home control called Safenet (Awasr, 2021).

Whereas Hayak and Ooredoo s part of its customer happiness goal, provides the most options,
coverage, and cutting-edge mobile and fixed internet services. The firm is also substantially
investing in extending its network to suit the demands of clients and guarantee that they receive
the finest possible service.

3.9 Promotional offers/ packages for individual customers

Awasr provides few promotional offers as they more into dealing with broadband services which
are quite expensive. Omantel and Ooredoo provides a lot of promotional services for individual
customers if they are constantly using some of the service of the company.

3.10 Staff

Omanis make up 92 percent of the company's workforce, who demonstrate a spirit of innovation
and invention in order to stay up with worldwide advancements in the field of communications.
The majority of Awasr's efforts have gone toward empowering Omani youth (Awasr, 2021).

The staff of Omantel and Ooredoo is highly qualified and educated that if any issue occurs, they
solve it in minutes and are reliable for the company.

3.11 Career Opportunities

Awasr is always pleased of Omani youth's abilities, as they consistently demonstrate that they
are the greatest when given the appropriate confidence and assistance in applying their creativity
and ideas. We were also able to assist in the formation of new Omani firms to serve as our right-
hand in the market, and many of the people who work for them are recent university and college
graduates (Awasr, 2021).

Omantel and Ooredoo also provides the wide variety of career opportunities for the Omanis for
improvement in their company.

3.12 Online Services

Awasr also provides the wide variety of online services to the customers for any sort of help and
maintenance and others. Whereas, Omantel provides IP services that are quickly scalable and
designed to help you expand ones IP business. Omantel assists you in delivering secure IP
services that are supported by global Points of Presence. With reliable IP services, you can
increase income, cut expenses, and expand into new areas (Omantel, 2021). Ooredoo is also in
head of providing the more and more online services.

3.13 Websites

The website for Awasr is available online which provides all the updated and essential
information. Likewise, Omantel and Ooredoo also provides the online websites for the customers
to view the latest updates.

3.14 Landline Phones

Landline phones service is available by Awasr for contact with team any time of day.

Omantel provide phone services on six continents, allowing you to expand your voice company
with the help of a reliable partner. Maximum availability and world-class performance are
ensured by 24x7 monitoring. When service providers pick Omantel, they receive a partner who
knows what it takes to succeed in voice, as well as a worldwide infrastructure that can link you
anywhere on the planet (CET, 2021). Ooredoo also provide landline phones and their services to

3.15 Brand Image

Awasr is one of the principal organizations in the locale that empowered clients to demand
benefits straightforwardly through the site without the need to visit any outlet since 2016 and it
was quick to give the quickest Fibrenet bundle to homes at a speed of 1000 Mbps, and to give
custom Fibrenet administrations to business clients at speeds Up to 10 gigabits each second
(Awasr, 2021).

Omantel, which has an exceptionally solid brand presence in Oman, has been casted a ballot by
worldwide free firms, as the most significant brand in the Sultanate just as the best brand in
Oman overall and in among the telecom area specifically. Omantel appreciates likewise the
advantage of being the biggest recorded organization in Muscat Securities Market as far as
market esteem, as of the finish of February 2015 (CET, 2021).
For the fourth year in a row, Ooredoo Group has retained its position as one of the top 50
worldwide telecoms brands in the Telecoms 300 2020 study (Ooredoo, 2021).

4.0 Conclusion

The significant objective of this examination was to investigate the qualities and drawbacks of
Awasr telecom with those of Hayak and Ooredoo. In light of the past investigation and
examinations of the three brands, the end came to is that Awasr is acceptable in a few regions,
for example, having a good quality and the great reach among the other two organizations.
Besides, quality control is another innovation that might be utilized. It likewise delivers telecom
with quick and fast transmissions to furnish clients with extra decisions. Besides that, Awasr's
administrations are moderate, and organization range is promptly open.

5.0 Recommendations

This research also looked at ways to improve Awasr’s quality and brand image, as well as
concerns that must be addressed in order for Awasr’s to become one of the top brands in the
telecommunication industry. As a result, the following suggestions are made:

1. Awasr should also see Oman's telecoms infrastructure improve in terms of availability
and reliability.
2. They should Outages and other difficulties are more likely to occur during disasters or
harsh weather conditions due to a lack of choice and redundancy.
3. In a competitive market, the availability of high-quality and inexpensive broadband
services will aid Oman's economic growth.
4. They should focus on providing the reasonable prices as they are quite expensive.
5. There should be quarterly feedback system done by the company for improvements.
6. They should focus on developing more advertisements for more customers attraction to
improve the brand image.
7. The quality of speed is not much good, Awasr needs to pay more attention on the
improvement of quality of call and its speed.
8. They must be nimble since we cannot match the scale of the competition, therefore they
must be quicker in bringing new goods to market and responding to customers.
9. They must also be astute in their actions.
10. They must continue to reduce the cost of providing broadband so that they can pass this
savings on to their consumers, and they must continue to push the envelope in order to
provide faster speeds and better services.

6.0 References

Awaser Oman, 2021. Welcome to Awaser Oman. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 29 July 2021].

Omantel, 2021. Internet Services. [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 3 August 2021].

Omantel, 2021. National Service Providers. [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 3
August 2021].

Ooredoo, 2021. Ooredoo Kuwait and FASTtelco Finalize Transfer of Ownership - Ooredoo
corporate. [online] Ooredoo corporate. Available at:
%20Ooredoo%20subscribers.> [Accessed 3 August 2021].

Awasr, 2021. Awasr. [online] Omanwire. Available at: <

launches-24-hour-call-centre-for-around-the-clock-assistance/> [Accessed 3 August 2021].

CET, 2021. Omantel Group FY net profit falls 24%, revenue down 3%. [online] Available at: <
%20profit,OMR%202.59%20billion%20in%202019.> [Accessed 3 August 2021].

Ooredoo, 2021. Ooredoo. [online] Ooredoo corporate. Available at:

<> [Accessed 3 August 2021].
7.0 Appendix

Serial Category Hayak Ooredoo Awasr

1 Network Coverage Multiple Multiple Oman
Countries Countries
2 Local and International Cheap Cheap Expensive
Call Cost
3 Quality of Call Excellent Good Average
4 Face-to-face/ Customer Available 24/7 Available 24/7 Available 24/7
service. Outlets/help desks
5 Online customer care Instantly Available Available
6 No. of customers Approximately 3 million Not mentioned
increasing or decreasing? 40 million
7 Revenue OMR 229.0 OMR 193 Not mentioned
million million
8 Customer Satisfaction By providing all By providing all By providing all
services services services
9 Promotional offers/ Available Available Not Available
packages for individual
10 Staff Highly trained Highly reliable Highly trained
11 Career Opportunities Provided Provided Provided
12 Online Services Instantly Available Available
13 Websites Opened Opened Opened
14 Landline Phones Accessed Accessed Accessed
15 Brand Image Strong image Good Image Average Image

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