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110912022, 00:31 Your Resulls for "Multiple Choice” ‘Multiple Choice" Print this page Your Results for: Site : Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Summary of Results Management, 3e (International edition) 33% Correct of 15 Scored items: 5 correct: ME 33% 20 incorrect: TE 67% More info Book Title: Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management, 3/e (International Edition) Book Author: Bozarth : Chapter 12: Managing Production Across the Supply Chain > Online Study Guide > Multiple Choice ation about scorin Date/Time August 31, 2022 at 7:01 PM (UTC/GMT) Submitted: 1, LI The first step in planning and control is: ‘Your Answer: vendor order management Correct Answer: master scheduling INCORRECT. This is the lowest level. 2. SEEDED The master schedule record tracks several pieces of information. Which of the items listed below is NOT typically a part of the master schedule record? Your Answer: Projected labor levels CORRECT. 3. GEEEEEEED use the partial master schedule record below to determine the week that the projected ending inventory drops to zero. Week 25 || 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 Forecasted 200/200 | 250 |250 |300||300 Demand Booked orders 180|/175|175 |150 150/100 Projected Ending Inventory Master Production |200 | 200 | 200 | 200 |200|200 Schedule ‘The company ends week 24 with 50 units in inventory. Your Answer: Week 28 Correct Answer: Week 27 INCORRECT. Inventory reaches zero before this time. him! 116 110912022, 00:31 4. Your Rasulls for Mutiple Choice" ‘The shop floor manager wiped the sweat from his brow as he studied the partial master schedule for the current week, While he and the sales team had agreed on a forecast of 200 units for the week, customer orders had exceeded this amount by 50 units. He paused to reminisce about the sales calls he had helped make, then quickly blotted droplets of perspiration from the partial master schedule. Criminy! Tt seemed hotter than ever before and he was sweating profusely. The master production schedule called for only 200 units to be built this week. This fact, coupled with the fact that they had cleared out the entire inventory during the previous week, left him in a bit of a bind. He leaned back, sipped his herbal tea, and sent a text message to the sales director who was just making the turn at the local club. The message read, "I'm leaving the MPS quantity at 200 for this week." (Neither the floor manager nor the sales director was yet comfortable with abbreviations or LEET; the fact, that they were texting was a great leap for both of them) ‘The shop floor manager turned the steam down in the sauna just slightly, and pondered what he would do with an ending Inventory of: Your Answer: 200 units this period. Correct Answer: -50 units this period, INCORRECT, This is too high. In which week does an available to promise amount of 25 units occur if this product has an ending inventory of 100 units for Week 0? Week 1/2 [3 [4/sleé Forecasted | 299/200 |250 250 300/300 Demand Booked Orders 250/200 /175 |150 |150||100 Projected Ending Inventory 200 || 200 | 200 | 200 | 200/| 200 Schedule [Available ito Promise Your Answer: Week 3 CORRECT. Use this master production schedule to determine the available to promise inventory for week 14, There are 150 units in inventory at the end of week 13. [Week 11 | 12 [13/14 [15 [16 Forecasted | 559 | 750/250 200 |200 | 150 Demand Booked | 650 650/100) 50 | 0 | 0 Orders him! 110912022, 00:31 Your Rasulls for Mutiple Choice" 1000//750//200 100/100 0 Schedule Your Answer: 150 units Correct Answer: 50 units INCORRECT. This figure is too high 7. GEEEEEEEMD Use this master production schedule to determine the ending inventory for week 14. There are 150 units in inventory at the end of week 13, Week 11 [12 [13 | 14 |[15 [16 Forecasted Demand | 550 |750/|250//200//200| 150 Booked orders 650 |650/100| 50] 0 | o 1000 |750||200|/100|/100 | o Schedule Your Answer: 350 units CORRECT. 8. GEEEEEEED which of these statements is best? Your Answer: Booked orders are always greater than or equal to forecasted demand. Correct Answer: Available to promise inventory is always less than or equal to projected ending inventory. INCORRECT. Booked orders can be greater than, equal to, or less than forecasted demand. 9, QEEEIEEEEB which of these tools is used to determine whether sufficient capacity exists to execute the master production schedule? Your Answer: Material requirements planning Correct Answer: Rough-cut capacity planning INCORRECT. This translates the MPS into planned orders. 10. GGEEEEERB mrp can be performed based on three concepts; which one of these is NOT necessary? him! ais 110912022, 00:31 Your Resulls for "Multiple Choice” Your Answer: The bill of material Correct Answer: Job sequencing rules INCORRECT. This is needed to execute MRP. 21. QLESEEEERD se the product structure tree shown below to determine the best statement. Your Answer: Item C is a child but not a parent, Correct Answer: Item E is only a child. INCORRECT. It is both. 12. GEGEN ise the product structure tree shown below to determine the number of Item Es necessary to produce one Item X if there Is zero Inventory of all Items in stock.. Your Answer: 47 CORRECT. 13, GEEEEEED Spike has six jobs ready for processing on the new press. He has due dates and time estimates for each job as shown in the table, He has been instructed to sequence the jobs according to their critical ratio but hasn't the foggiest notion of how to go about this. Fortunately, he has you to rely on for your operations management expertise. What is the critical ratio sequence? Your Answer: C-F-A-E-B-D CORRECT. 14, QEEREEEEEB Use this product structure tree and the lead times shown in the table to determine what week Item C must be ordered in order to deliver fifteen item Xs by week 30. him! ais 110912022, 00:31 Your Resulls for "Multiple Choice’ ot B2 D3 D2 A F2 3 Aa a3 |[_c3 [Ttem xfalelclole Lead Time 2|[3 [2/1] 432 Your Answer: Week 23 Correct Answer: Week 20 INCORRECT, Item C must be ordered before week 23. 15. QEEREEEEEB Use this procuct structure tree, the lead times and on hand quantities in the table, and the customer order of 10 item Xs for week 20 to determine how many additional Fs must be ordered and by what week. x BS C2 —— oS Da ES E2 F2 ittem x|B]¢ [>] ele [on-hand Inventory 4] 4] 14] 10) 12/3 Lead Time 2/2/41] 4/3 /2 Your Answer: 4 Item Fs started by week 15 Correct Answer: 1 Item F started by week 15, INCORRECT. One of these numbers is incorrect. E-mail Your Results My name is (frst last) E-mail my results to E-mail address: Send as: Ome Text v Text v html 5i6 110912022, 00:31 Your Rasulls for Mutiple Choice" O instructor Om Text v O otner Text v Helo, al Results Copyright © 1995-2013 Pearson Education. All rights reserved. ‘Legal and Privacy Notice '¢_bozarth_intopscman_3/223(5723414867369.culindex hel 6s

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