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It is a rare thing that such ancient works of history
are laid out so plainly, but leave it to the dwarves
to do so. In a recent investigation of Kaza’Narth, Saying that ioun stones truly have a creator is
one of the oldest dwarven delvings after its recla- similar to saying that the sky or mountains have a
mation by a band of adventurers, the history creator, it is simply something crafted by the gods,
presented below was found literally written on the since they were discovered deep within the earth,
walls. The dwarves had crafted the story of the or perhaps deep within the elemental planes.
discovery of natural ioun stones and creation of
In the deepest and most forgotten parts of the most
the artificial stones into the very stonework of the
primal caverns and underground cave networks in
the world, exist grotto-like portals to the Elemental
Kaza’Narth was the home of the dwarves who Plane of Earth. From these grottos that are more
found and learned the ioun stones, yet it is clear reminiscent to shrines to some ancient unnamed
that their fate was predetermined. For over three earth-born deity than they are portals, yet they lead
thousand years ago, the great dwarven citadel was to places within the elemental planes that some of
abandoned. None no what happened to the inhab- the most powerful magical items are harvested.
itants. Some claim that they were destroyed by the
Long ago, these magically active portals were
ioun stones themselves, others claim that they had
discovered by deep delving dwarves, seeking
taken too much in their greed, while more claim
new veils and deposits of mithril and adaman-
that the dwarves were caught up in a terrible war
tine. These dwarves knew they had discovered a
between princes and rulers of the very elemental
gateway to another world, as their own knowledge
of the depths of the world told them that they were
It is said by a few who seem to be in the know no longer in their home. So, the dwarves explored
that the dwarves of Kaza’Narth were enslaved by the portal and the network of tunnels that it led to
an Efreeti prince and have become the Azer in the within the other world.
intervening centuries but this tale just seems to be
In these portals, the dwarves found tiny stones that
more speculation, but with more knowledgeable
bore a magic that was different than any other they
had come across. These tiny stones seemed to bare
magical effects that differed based on the color
and shape of the stone in question. The dwarves
returned to their deep cities and returned to the

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grotto, bringing with them a host of miners, magicians, and out of the air, when there are large numbers of them. For
priests. They reentered the rift between planes and began each ioun stone beyond the third, each ioun stone gains a
the examination of the stones in much greater detail. +1 circumstance bonus to its Armor Class (24).
It was soon decided that whatever magic was something
that could be duplicated, but they were quick to point out
Ioun stones can be crafted into weapons, armor, head-
that these stones could be harvest mundanely as well. In
gear, or even rings and still impart their magical abilities.
fact, the stones that were able to be duplicated were just a
Adding an existing ioun stone to a newly craft magic item
few of the types of stones that were present. Some of the
costs an additional 1,000 gp and is considered to add 1
most potent stones were something that could not be dupli-
to the caster level necessary to construct the item. In the
cated, but must be carefully harvested from these deposits.
event of missile weapons, this does not allow them to
Additionally, whatever magic was behind the formation of
return automatically to the user.
the naturally occurring ioun stones allowed them to float,
even after their magic was depleted or suppressed.
The dwarves who discovered this were enraptured by the NEW FEATS
idea of using stones to hold magical dweomers and spells,
as well as bare more enduring enchantments. In fact, the IOUN ATTACK [GENERAL]
great dwarven gemcutter Bortrim Diamond-Hands was A character with this feat is able to will his ioun stones to
so enamored that he spent several decades experimenting attack, instead of simply orbiting his head.
on the magical stones that had been discovered in those Prerequisites: Ioun Control.
strange Terran grottos.
Benefit: A character with this feat is to use his ioun stones
Though it was known that many of the magics could be as daggers, allowing him to send them up to 10 feet away
duplicated, it was simply not profitable for the dwarves and attacking, doing 1d4 points of damage. A character is
to do so, for they were still able to mine them from the able to make his normal number of attacks with this feat.
Elemental Plane of Earth. Yet, Bortrim spent decades
casting spells on dozens of stones, sculpting them, and
tinkering with them until he was able to create them with
A character with this feat is able to make his ioun stones
more mundane stones and gemstones.
more apt at dodging and evading blows.
It was sometime during this time period that the very items
Benefit: If a character with this feat is using any ioun
they were mining turned upon them, somehow or another
stones, they gain a +3 competence bonus to their AC.
hundreds of ioun elementals crossed into the prime mate-
rial plane and struck at the deepest delvings of the dwarves Normal: Ioun stones have a base armor class of 24.
and pursued them. The pursuit was more of mopping up a
rout, for the elementals summoned forth their cousins and IOUN DEFENSE [GENERAL]
struck through the walls and fortifications of the dwarven The character is able to utilize his ioun stones to protect
defenses. himself.
Only the artificial methods of crafting ioun stones survived Prerequisites: Ioun Control.
the assault, for the elementals did not understand the
meaning of the images and words on the walls, but the Benefit: A character with this feat gains a +1 circumstance
grotto-portal was closed. bonus to his AC against opponents in melee and a +2
bonus to his AC against opponents attempting to strike him
with a missile weapon.
VARIANT RULES: IOUN STONE ORBITS A character with this feat has mastered the controlling ioun
Many spell casters, and others, are known for using a stones to the point he is able to utilize them to their most
number of ioun stones. These rapidly dancing stones are effect.
able to confuse attackers from attacking or plucking one
Prerequisites: Ioun Control, Ioun Defense, Ioun Attack.

Benefit: A character with this feat gains a +2 circum- to pulse throughout the entire spectrum of visible. The
stance bonus to his AC against opponents in melee and a staff functions with an effective caster level of 20, with
+3 bonus to his AC against opponents attempting to strike the following spells stored within. This bizarre staff was
him with a missile weapon. When using his ioun stones as constructed by an efreeti prince in the aftermath of the
weapons, he gains a +1 competence bonus to his attack and destruction of a dwarven citadel with a large amount of
damage rolls. ioun stones within it’s vaults.
• Passwall (at will)
A character with this feat is able to intercede an ioun stone • Stoneskin (6 times per day)
between himself and an attack. • Stone to flesh (5 times per day)
• Disintegrate (4 times per day)
Prerequisites: Ioun Control, Ioun Defense, Ioun Attack.
• Prismatic spray (3 times per day)
Benefit: A character with this feat may make an attack roll • Prismatic wall (2 times per day)
against Armor Class 20 when being attacked. If successful, • Prismatic sphere (1 time per day)
the character is able to will one of his ioun stones into the
path of the attacking weapon. The attacker rolls damage Additionally, the ioun staff gives the wielder a damage
normally against the ioun stone. reduction of 5/-.
Strong abjuration, conjuration, and evocation; CL
A character with this feat is able grab an ioun stone away
from his opponent. RARE IOUN STONES
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus (any). One pages 7 - 9 containes a list of ioun stones that exist
either in such rarity as to be considered nearly artifacts,
Benefit: A character with this feat gains a +3 compe- whose method of creation is lost, or only exist in the wilds
tence bonus to his attack rolls against an ioun stone with of the Elemental Plane of Earth.
the selected weapon. Additionally, if he is attempting to
destroy the ioun stone, he gains a +3 competence bonus on
his damage roll with the selected weapon. NEW SPELLS
NEW MAGIC ITEMS Transmutation
Level: Clr 3, Brd 3, Sor/Wiz 3
IOUN EGGS Components: V, S, M, DF
This strange seemingly plain rock is very similar to a Casting Time: 1 standard action
geode, for contained within is a powerful ioun stone. The Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
egg must be painstakingly cared for, by strange and arcane Target: 1 ioun stone/3 levels
means, bathing it in the powers of elemental magics. Yet, Duration: Instantaneous
there is more to this story. The powerful ioun elemen- Saving Throw: Will negates
tals covet these strange items and will spare no effort to Spell Resistance: No
recover one.
The caster is able to pluck several ioun stones from an
Faint conjuration; Price 5,000 gp; based mainly upon the opponent, gaining their powers as if the stones were
possibility of a valuable stone coming forth. The price attuned to him. The owner of the stones is entitled to make
would fluctuate if the entire truth was known as to the fate a Will save versus the spell. If the save is successful, there
of many owners of the eggs. is no effect. If the save is failed the ioun stones imme-
diately fly to the caster and orbit his head much like any
IOUN STAFF other ioun stone.
This strange artifact appears to be a staff carved from solid
crystal with large crystalline cysts along its length. Within Arcane Material Component: The material component
the crystal is a constantly scintillating light that seems for this spell is a piece of glass on a long string.

Evocation Medium Elemental (Earth, Extraplanar)
Level: Clr 5, Brd 5, Sor/Wiz 5 Hit Dice: 4d8+12 (30 hp)
Components: V, S, M, DF Initiative: –1
Casting Time: 1 standard action Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Armor Class: 18 (–1 Dex, +9 natural), touch 9, flat-
Target: 1 ioun stone/3 levels
footed 18
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+8
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) Attack: Slam +8 melee (1d8+7)
Full Attack: Slam +8 melee (1d8+7)
The caster is able to destroy ioun stones with but a thought.
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
The owner of the stones is entitled to make a Will save
versus the spell. If the save is successful, there is no Special Attacks: Earth mastery, spell-casting, crystal fury
effect. If the save is failed the ioun stones are immediately Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., elemental traits
destroyed. Saves: Fort +7, Ref +0, Will +1
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 8, Con 17, Int 18, Wis 11, Cha 11
Arcane Material Component: The material component
for this spell is a piece of glass on a long string. Skills: Listen +4, Spot +3
Feats: Combat Casting, Ioun Control
Environment: Elemental Plane of Earth
IOUN ELEMENTAL Organization: Solitary
Treasure: None
IOUN ELEMENTAL, SMALL Alignment: Usually neutral
Small Elemental (Earth, Extraplanar) Advancement: 5–7 HD (Medium)
Hit Dice: 2d8+2 (11 hp)
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) Large Elemental (Earth, Extraplanar)
Armor Class: 17 (+1 size, –1 Dex, +7 natural), touch 10, Hit Dice: 8d8+32 (68 hp)
flat-footed 17 Initiative: –1
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+0 Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
Attack: Slam +5 melee (1d6+4) Armor Class: 18 (–1 size, –1 Dex, +10 natural), touch 8,
Full Attack: Slam +5 melee (1d6+4) flat-footed 18
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+17
Special Attacks: Earth mastery, spell-casting, crystal fury Attack: Slam +12 melee (2d8+7)
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., elemental traits Full Attack: 2 slams +12 melee (2d8+7)
Saves: Fort +4, Ref –1, Will +0 Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Abilities: Str 17, Dex 8, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 11, Cha 11 Special Attacks: Earth mastery, spell-casting, crystal fury
Skills: Listen +3, Spot +2 Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/–, darkvision 60
Feats: Combat Casting ft., elemental traits
Environment: Elemental Plane of Earth Saves: Fort +10, Ref +1, Will +2
Organization: Solitary Abilities: Str 25, Dex 8, Con 19, Int 20, Wis 11, Cha 11
Challenge Rating: 2 Skills: Listen +6, Spot +5
Treasure: None Feats: Combat Casting, Ioun Defense, Ioun Control
Alignment: Usually neutral Environment: Elemental Plane of Earth
Advancement: 3 HD (Small) Organization: Solitary

Challenge Rating: 8 Special Qualities: Damage reduction 10/–, darkvision 60
Treasure: None ft., elemental traits
Alignment: Usually neutral Saves: Fort +17, Ref +6, Will +9
Advancement: 9–15 HD (Large) Abilities: Str 31, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 24, Wis 11, Cha 11
Skills: Listen +14, Spot +14
IOUN ELEMENTAL, HUGE Feats: Alertness, Ioun Attack, Combat Casting, Ioun
Huge Elemental (Earth, Extraplanar) Defense, Ioun Mastery, Weapon Focus (ray), Iron Will,
Hit Dice: 16d8+80 (152 hp) Ioun Control
Initiative: –1 Environment: Elemental Plane of Earth
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) Organization: Solitary
Armor Class: 18 (–2 size, –1 Dex, +11 natural), touch 7, Challenge Rating: 14
flat-footed 18 Treasure: None
Base Attack/Grapple: +12/+29 Alignment: Usually neutral
Attack: Slam +19 melee (2d10+9) Advancement: 22–23 HD (Huge)
Full Attack: 2 slams +19 melee (2d10+9) or 3 ioun
attacks +11 ranged (1d4+9) IOUN ELEMENTAL, ELDER
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft. Huge Elemental (Earth, Extraplanar)
Special Attacks: Earth mastery, spell-casting, crystal fury Hit Dice: 24d8+120 (228 hp)
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/–, darkvision 60 Initiative: –1
ft., elemental traits Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Saves: Fort +15, Ref +4, Will +7 Armor Class: 22 (–2 size, –1 Dex, +15 natural), touch 7,
Abilities: Str 29, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 22, Wis 11, Cha 11 flat-footed 22
Skills: Listen +10, Spot +9 Base Attack/Grapple: +18/+37
Feats: Ioun Attack, Combat Casting, Ioun Defense, Ioun Attack: Slam +27 melee (2d10+11/19–20)
Mastery, Iron Will, Ioun Control Full Attack: 2 slams +27 melee (2d10+11/19–20) or 4
Environment: Elemental Plane of Earth ioun attacks +17 ranged (1d4+11)
Organization: Solitary Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft.
Challenge Rating: 11 Special Attacks: Earth mastery, spell-casting, crystal fury
Treasure: None Special Qualities: Damage reduction 10/–, darkvision 60
Alignment: Usually neutral ft., elemental traits
Advancement: 17–20 HD (Huge) Saves: Fort +19, Ref +7, Will +10
Abilities: Str 33, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 26, Wis 11, Cha 11
IOUN ELEMENTAL, GREATER Skills: Listen +29, Spot +29
Huge Elemental (Earth, Extraplanar) Feats: Alertness, Ioun Attack, Combat Casting, Ioun
Hit Dice: 21d8+105 (199 hp) Defense, Ioun Mastery, Ioun Mastery, Weapon Focus (ray),
Initiative: –1 Iron Will, Ioun Control
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) Environment: Elemental Plane of Earth
Armor Class: 20 (–2 size, –1 Dex, +13 natural), touch 7, Organization: Solitary
flat-footed 20 Challenge Rating: 17
Base Attack/Grapple: +15/+33 Treasure: None
Attack: Slam +23 melee (2d10+10) Alignment: Usually neutral
Full Attack: 2 slams +23 melee (2d10+10) or 3 ioun Advancement: 25–48 HD (Huge)
attacks +14 ranged (1d4+10)
A powerful figure made of glass stands before you,
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft. wrapped in a whirling array of crystalline shards that
Special Attacks: Earth mastery, spell-casting, crystal fury

Ioun Elemental Sizes
Elemental Height Weight Elemental Height Weight
Small 4 ft. 60 lb. Huge 32 ft. 36,000 lb.
Medium 8 ft. 5500 lb. Greater 36 ft. 44,000 lb.
Large 16 ft. 4,500 lb. Elder 40 ft. 50,000 lb.

appear to be an extension of it’s will, the air seems to have Size Caster Level
the bitter bite of alkaline earth in these entities presence. Small 1d4
Ioun elementals are a strange creation of the elemental Medium 1d6
plane of earth. These strange entities do not guard over Large 2d4
the caverns of ioun stones, grottos, or portals, nor do they Huge 2d6
seem to care for the bickering or politics of the elemental Greater 3d6
planes. They are an amalgamation of physical and magical Elder 4d6
prowess, able to rend their opponents. Their actual
purpose in the cosmic scheme of things is at this point
unknown, or even to the creatures of earth is something not Additionally, these shards count as ioun stones for the
discussed. Most of their foes believe that they are simply purposes of the ioun stone feats that the elementals have.
strangely formed earth elementals, up until the point that
the elementals magic course through their bodies. Spell Casting (Sp): An ioun elemental is a powerful spell-
caster able to cast spells based upon it’s size. A small
When summoned to the Material Plane, an ioun elemental elemental counts as a 1st level wizard for the purposes
consists of crystals, vaguely reminiscent of ioun stones. of spells. This power only increases as the elemental
Ioun elementals understand Terran but have never been becomes larger.
known to do so, outside of verbal components for their
powerful magics. Size Caster Level
Small 1st
COMBAT Medium 3rd
Though an ioun elemental moves slowly like it’s earthen Large 6th
cousin, it is a very different opponent. It can travel though Huge 9th
solid ground or stone as easily as humans walk on the
Greater 14th
earth’s surface. It cannot swim, however, and must either
walk around a body of water or go through the ground Elder 19th
under it. An earth elemental can move along the bottom of
a body of water but prefers not to.
Earth Mastery (Ex): An ioun elemental gains a +1
bonus on attack and damage rolls if both it and its foe
are touching the ground. If an opponent is airborne or
waterborne, the elemental takes a –4 penalty on attack
and damage rolls. (These modifiers are not included in the
statistics block.)
Crystal Fury (Su): An ioun elemental is surrounded by
a whirling array of satellite crystals that protect it from
impacts as well as adding to its powerful melee abilities.
Any opponent in melee with an ioun elemental suffers
damage based upon the size of the elemental during their

Color Shape Cost Effect
Clear Ellipsoid 30,000 gp Sustains a creature in any environment without
food, water, or air.
Brilliant blue* Rhomboid 15,000 gp +3 deflection bonus to Armor Class
Brilliant red* Prism 15,000 gp +3 insight bonus to Armor Class
Brilliant green* Rhomboid 30,000 gp +3 luck bonus to Armor Class
Brilliant purple* Sphere 27,000 gp Grants the user immunity to poison
Black* Spindle 75,000 gp The user’s unarmed attacks count as vampiric
attacks, draining one level from the target, and
giving a bonus hit dice to the user.
Black with white stripes* Spindle 56,000 gp The wearer is immune to all death spells,
magical death effects, energy drain, and any
negative energy effects.
Red Flawed Prism 4,550 gp Allows the user to shoot a red ray (ranged
touch attack) doing 20 points fire damage
(Reflex half). Once the effect has been
discharged, the stone becomes gray and useless.
Orange Flawed Prism 4,550 gp Allows the user to shoot a orange ray (ranged
touch attack) 40 points acid damage (Reflex
half). Once the effect has been discharged, the
stone becomes gray and useless.
Yellow Flawed Prism 4,550 gp Allows the user to shoot a yellow ray (ranged
touch attack) 80 points electricity damage
(Reflex half). Once the effect has been
discharged, the stone becomes gray and useless.
Green Flawed Prism 4,550 gp Allows the user to shoot a green ray (ranged
touch attack) causing the target to becomed
poisoned (Kills; Fortitude partial, take 1d6
points of Con damage instead). Once the effect
has been discharged, the stone becomes gray
and useless.
Blue Flawed Prism 4,550 gp Allows the user to shoot a blue ray (ranged
touch attack) and the target is turned to stone
(Fortitude negates). Once the effect has been
discharged, the stone becomes gray and useless.
Indigo Flawed Prism 4,550 gp Allows the user to shoot a blue ray (ranged
touch attack) and the target becomes insane, as
insanity spell (Will negates). Once the effect
has been discharged, the stone becomes gray
and useless.
Violet Flawed Prism 4,550 gp Allows the user to shoot a blue ray (ranged
touch attack) and the target is sent to another
plane (Will negates). Once the effect has been
discharged, the stone becomes gray and useless.

Color Shape Cost Effect
Rainbow Flawed Sphere 15,300 gp Allows the user to cast a prismatic sphere spell
once. Once the spell has been discharged, the
stone becomes gray and useless.
Rainbow Flawed Ellipsoid 9,100 gp Allows the user to cast a prismatic spray spell
once. Once the spell has been discharged, the
stone becomes gray and useless.
Rainbow Flawed Spindle 12,000 gp Allows the user to cast a prismatic wall spell
once. Once the spell has been discharged, the
stone becomes gray and useless.
Rainbow* Rhomboid 28,000 gp Allows the wearer to plane shift, as per the
spell, once per day.
Lavender and blue* Ellipsoid 80,000 gp Absorbs 9th-level spells, once the stone has
absorbed 120 levels of spells, it becomes gray
and useless.
Gray and pulsing Sphere 6,000 gp Turns all ioun stones in the user’s possession
Gray and sheeny* Sphere 20,000 gp Turns the user invisible as per the invisibility
Dull blue Ellipsoid 8,000 gp Absorbs 5 points of cold damage per round.
Dull green Ellipsoid 8,000 gp Absorbs 5 points of acid damage per round.
Dull red Ellipsoid 8,000 gp Absorbs 5 points of fire damage per round.
Dull yellow Ellipsoid 8,000 gp Absorbs 5 points of electricity damage per
Dull orange Ellipsoid 8,000 gp Absorbs 5 points of sonic damage per round.
Dull purple Ellipsoid 8,000 gp Absorbs 5 points of force damage per round.
Dull blue* Rhomboid 18,000 gp Absorbs 10 points of cold damage per round.
Dull green* Rhomboid 18,000 gp Absorbs 10 points of acid damage per round.
Dull red* Rhomboid 18,000 gp Absorbs 10 points of fire damage per round.
Dull yellow* Rhomboid 18,000 gp Absorbs 10 points of electricity damage per
Dull orange* Rhomboid 18,000 gp Absorbs 10 points of sonic damage per round.
Dull purple* Rhomboid 18,000 gp Absorbs 10 points of force damage per round.
Dull blue* Sphere 30,000 gp Absorbs 15 points of cold damage per round.
Dull green* Sphere 30,000 gp Absorbs 15 points of acid damage per round.
Dull red* Sphere 30,000 gp Absorbs 15 points of fire damage per round.
Dull yellow* Sphere 30,000 gp Absorbs 15 points of electricity damage per
Dull orange* Sphere 30,000 gp Absorbs 15 points of sonic damage per round.
Dull purple* Sphere 30,000 gp Absorbs 15 points of force damage per round.
Pale blue* Prism 20,000 gp The user is immune to flesh to stone spells.
Silverish white* Spindle 50,000 gp The user gains truesight.
Milky white* Ellipsoid 5,000 gp The user gains darkvision 60’ or adds 30’ to
existing darkvision.

Color Shape Cost Effect
Mirrored* Sphere 100,000 gp Up to three times per day on command, this
stone automatically reflects the next nine levels
of spells cast at the wearer, exactly as if spell
turning had been cast upon the wearer.
Black Prism 6,000 gp Stores a 0 level spell. This functions identi-
cally to a ring of spell storing, except the stone
can only contain a single 0 level spell.
Glassy black Prism 12,000 gp Stores a 1st level spell. This functions identi-
cally to a ring of spell storing, except the stone
can only contain a single 1st level spell.
Grey** Ellipsoid 500 gp No effect, still able to float.
Grey** Prism 500 gp No effect, still able to float.
Grey** Sphere 500 gp No effect, still able to float.
Grey** Spindle 500 gp No effect, still able to float.
Grey** Rhomboid 500 gp No effect, still able to float.
Grey** Heart-shaped 500 gp No effect, still able to float.
Vibrant indigo Prism 24,000 gp Stores a 2nd level spell. This functions identi-
cally to a ring of spell storing, except the stone
can only contain a single 2nd level spell.
Vibrant purple Prism 36,000 gp Stores a 3rd level spell. This functions identi-
cally to a ring of spell storing, except the stone
can only contain a single 3rd level spell.
Vibrant blue* Prism 48,000 gp Stores a 4th level spell. This functions identi-
cally to a ring of spell storing, except the stone
can only contain a single 4th level spell.
Vibrant green* Prism 60,000 gp Stores a 5th level spell. This functions identi-
cally to a ring of spell storing, except the stone
can only contain a single 5th level spell.
Vibrant yellow* Prism 72,000 gp Stores a 6th level spell. This functions identi-
cally to a ring of spell storing, except the stone
can only contain a single 6th level spell.
Vibrant orange* Prism 84,000 gp Stores a 7th level spell. This functions identi-
cally to a ring of spell storing, except the stone
can only contain a single 7th level spell.
Vibrant red* Prism 96,000 gp Stores an 8th level spell. This functions identi-
cally to a ring of spell storing, except the stone
can only contain a single 8th level spell.
Brilliant white* Prism 108,000 gp Stores a 9th level spell. This functions identi-
cally to a ring of spell storing, except the stone
can only contain a single 9th level spell.
Brown* Heart-shaped 10,000 gp Grants the user the toughness feat.
* Indicates a stone that cannot be duplicated. A stone such as this is only available by finding one as part of a trea-
sure horde or one in the “wild.”
** Indicates an ioun stone that has had its magic drained for whatever reason.

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11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the
(f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs
Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You
that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the
have written permission from the Contributor to do so.
associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the
Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, 12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with
copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the
Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental
licensee in terms of this agreement. regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content
that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may 13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You
only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach
such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses
may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described shall survive the termination of this License.
by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to
any Open Game Content distributed using this License. 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unen-
forceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent neces-
3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You sary to make it enforceable.
indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License.
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this
License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty- Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast,
free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Inc.
Use, the Open Game Content.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the
5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams,
original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce
Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on
rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT The True Arcane Story: Ioun Stones Copyright 2007, Louis Porter
NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of Jr. Design, Inc.

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