Module 2 - Investigative Report

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Name: Cherry M.

Course and Year Level: BA History – 4th Year
Subject and Schedule: CPE 107 – 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Instructor: Mr. Ricky Bustos


Assume yourself as an investigator who would like to inform your learners and co-teachers about
the current issues on technology use.

Search the web and find out articles or cases about:

a. Freedom of Expression and Censorship
b. Privacy and Security
c. Surveillance and Data Retention
d. e-pollutants from e-waste

Choose only two articles or cases (of different issues) that you will work on. Use the template below
to answer.

Title of the Issue 1: Freedom of Expression and Censorship

Title of the Article: PH values freedom of speech but won't tolerate misinformation


Author: Catherine S. Valente

Summary Narrative:

A Palace official stated that while President Rodrigo Duterte's government respects everyone's right to free
speech and expression, it would not accept the dissemination of disinformation, particularly in light of the
coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) crisis. "This administration appreciates every Filipino's freedom of speech
and expression," a palace official said. Michelle Bachelet, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human
Rights, stated Asian countries were using the Covid-19 situation as a tool to restrict freedom of expression.
"Regardless of political or ideological perspectives, it is important to stress that we have carried out these actions
with openness, fairness, and accountability; as a result, any arrests made were not intended to silence the
administration's opponents," he continued. Andanar made a comment in response to UN High Commissioner for
Human Rights Michelle Bachelet's accusation that Asian countries, including the Philippines, used the Covid-19
situation to restrict freedom of expression and tighten censorship. In nations like the Philippines, Bachelete
added, people have been punished, jailed, and assaulted for allegedly distributing false information or criticizing
the government's actions.
Name: Cherry M. Sidon
Course and Year Level: BA History – 4th Year
Subject and Schedule: CPE 107 – 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Instructor: Mr. Ricky Bustos

Title of the Issue 1: Freedom of Expression and Cencorship

Title of the Article: PH values freedom of speech but won't tolerate misinformation


Author: Catherine S. Valente

What lesson have you learned?

It goes without saying that concerns about freedom of expression are complex and involve numerous factors and
distinctions in terms of communication situations. Freedom of speech refers to the ability to openly express how
you feel or what you think about a topic or issue. You can express your thoughts and opinions by writing or
speaking. In order for a really democratic society to function, freedom of expression, knowledge, and the press are
essential, and they remain so in times of crisis. Many people have been tricked or fooled, especially those who are
illiterate in reading or do not know which news or websites to trust for crucial information or news. Many others
have also been chastised for distributing false or unlawful information. As a result, they have been affected by the
negative comments made about them. I realized that we need still be cautious about what we communicate and
selective about what information we make public. Despite the fact that we have free speech in our community, we
should consider what we suggest or say in public, particularly in light of the current problem in the transmission and
dissemination of information about the virus and other issues.

What suggestions can you offer?

Everyone has the right to openly express themselves. This freedom encompasses the ability to express oneself as
well as the ability to receive and exchange information and ideas without the involvement of the government. As
citizens and students, we have the freedom to express our thoughts, but that does not mean that we should do it in
a way that causes confusion or harm to others. For everyone's safety and knowledge, we should communicate
useful and lawful information. There are rights that protect students' or anyone's freedom of speech against the
government. Political speech is a kind of expression that students can engage in. Such discourse was seen to be
important for the development of a democracy.

Submitted by: Cherry M. Sidon

Name: Cherry M. Sidon
Course and Year Level: BA History – 4th Year
Subject and Schedule: CPE 107 – 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Instructor: Mr. Ricky Bustos

Title of Issue 2: Privacy and Security

Title of the Article: From the Philippine government have been exposed online 345,000
sensitive legal documents
Author: Vittoria Elliott
Summary Narrative:
According to the UK, for at least two months, some 345,000 sensitive court documents from the
Philippines' Office of the Solicitor General were made publicly available online and could have
been accessed by anyone who knew where to look. TurgenSec, a security firm, discovered the
data leak. The documents, whose names included hundreds of instances of words like "rape,"
"execution," and "trafficking," were removed by the firm on April 28, but some are still cached
by Google's search engine and can be found on the open web.

What lesson have you learned?

I learned from the article that we should not interfere with things that are considered private.
We should respect knowledge that is known to be contentious because there are many things
we should not touch or neglect. If we know or observe something that should not be made
public, we should report it to the authorities and never divulge any information about it because
it is confidential.
What suggestions can you offer?
I can only advise the authorities to use greater caution when dealing with private affairs and
information. They should also improve their web security so that if private information is ever
leaked, they can easily trace down the hackers and address the issue.
Submitted by: Cherry M. Sidon

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