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Nama : khaulah wardah madudah

Npm : 1755201341

Kelas : f2 teknik informatika

I have a hardware device called a motherboard, a motherboard (or so-

called mainboard, systemboard, logic board, baseboard or mobo) is a printed
circuit board (PCB) that acts as a backbone on a computer, because the
motherboard provides an electrical connectivity called a bus so that all components
and external devices on the motherboard can be connected.

he functions The role of the motherboard as a computer spine is not

unreasonable, because the motherboard has a variety of functions. In addition to its
main function is as a medium that holds the components on the computer, the
motherboard also serves to set the basic input / output system (BIOS) on the chip
read-only memory (ROM). The BIOS code is a firmware, which the firmware will
not lose even if the computer is off and also can not be changed by normal
operating system or application software.In addition, when you look at the
motherboard there is a collection of slots that allow the use of components or
external devices that can increase the flexibility of the computer itself. The device
in question is the printer, keyboard, mouse, audio jack, external hard disk, or game
stick. The device can be connected to a computer by connecting it directly to the
motherboard using the ports that have been provided.

The AT motherboard was a type of motherboard first introduced by IBM

in August 1984, then widely used in the 1980s. This type of motherboard has a size
that is quite large that is 12 x 13.8 inches, size large enough that will not fit on the
mini desktop. Another version of the AT motherboard is the Baby AT
Motherboard which has a smaller size of 8.5 x 13 inches. But nowadays AT / Baby
AT motherboards have been very rarely used, and have been replaced by newer
types of motherboards lik

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