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control of bacterial contaminants in small ruminant
slaughter houses
dr sci Sneiana lvanovii, dr sci lvan pavlovic,
dr sci Marija pavlovil Scientific paper
UDC: 636.3:637.513

Goat meat is consumed in all parts of the world SLAUGHTERING
because of its distinctive taste and desired chemical
A slaughterhouse also called an ,,abattoir,, is a
composition. This meat is rich in protein, vitamins facility where animals are killed and processed
and minerals; it contains very litfle fat, especially into
meat products. ln slaughter line operations, clean
cholesterol and is heatthier alternative compared and unclean operations are physically separated
other types of red meat. With that in addition to and individually manned to avoid contimination of
quality, this type of meat is not opposing carcasses and edible by_products. The unclean
and cultural aspects of consumption (as opposed operations include stunning, bleeding, and dehiding
pork). As with other animals used for human (cattle and small ruminants). The clean operationi
umption, slaughter and processing of goat meat include evisceration, carcass splitting and carcass
carried out in slaughterhouses. dressing [12]. There are three basic criteria upon
Slaughterhouses are objects in which, while which hygienic measures in slaughterhouse organ_
respecting the principles of hygiene and technology ization and operations rest.Theselre the need to:
and under the veterinary-sanitary control, animals a.eliminate the risk of bacterial infection and
are slaughtered and meat products are produced. food poisoning with meat as tool of transmission;
The main importance of the slaughterhouse is the
production of meat for human consumption. . b.prevent spoilage or putrefaction and thereby
enhance the keeping quality and safety of meat;
As with all other animals, goats and sheep at the meat of good eating quality, appear_
slaughter can be a major source of bacteria which ance and aesthetic value through proper ninOiing.
are distributed on the skin of an animal and in Unless otherwise infected, the meat of freshly
digestive tract [1]. These are mainly pathogens slaughtered animals is basically sterile. The pres_
belonging to enterobacteria like Satmonella ipp., ence of microorganisms on post slaughter carcas_
Escherichia coli, proteus spp. etc. Within Enterobac- ses is thus blamed on contamination 6ccuring im_
teria greatest importance is given to the genus mediately before, during and after slaughter. The
monella spp. 12,3,4,5,6,71. Besides the enterobac- major sources of contamination are the ariimal itself,
teria, some Gram-positive bacteria (staphylococcus tools and equipment used in slaughter, the workmen
aureus, Streptococcus specr'eg Listeria monocyto- and the condition of the slaughterhouse environment
genes, Lactobacillus spp., Bacittus spp.) could [8,13,14]. Dirt, soil, body discharges and excreta
found during the process from animals in holding pens or lair ages are
[8,9,10,11]. the pri_
The aim of this paper is to present the control mary sources of contamination of carcasses in the
bacterial infection and microbial resistance to later stages of the operation. This happens irrespec_
ection and their survival in the slaughterhouse where tive of whether or not the animals are fit and have
small ruminants are slaughtered. passed ante mortem inspection.
Hygienic problems in slaughterhouses for small
ruminants are mainly caused by the absence of
Authors addresses: Scientific Veterinary Institute carcass suspension system or handling
of Serbia, Belgracle, E-mait: such as:
s n e za iv a n ov icST
@g m a i l. co m,
. slaughtering on the floor without the possib_
d rip av I ov i c 5B@g m a i t. co m, ility of hanging the carcass;
m aj a sp av I ov ic@g m a i t. co m
. hanging too closely together both un_
Pape r su bm itted : 25. 07. 20 1 9.
skinned and skinned carcasses in the
Paper accepted : 02. 0g. 20 1 9. slaughter line, resulting in contact of hair or
skin to already-skinned carcass parts;

ECOLOGICA, Vot. 26, No 95 (2019)


carcass suspension too low, with forelegs ln the interaction between quaternary ammon-
and shoulders touching the floor; ium compounds and anionic surfactants, residues
careless evisceration that spreads intestinal are formed of these two compounds or the fllm,
content onto the meat surface. which do not have a germicidal activity. Complex
disinfectant-detergent, without germicidal activity,
2. CONTROL OF BACTERIAL CONTAMINANT also contains nutrients suitable for microbial growth
lmplementing a Disinfection Action Plan and helps their proliferation if left undetected [17].
Whereas hygienic measures deal with the oper- Disinfection
ational aspects of slaughter or the creation of cond- Using these obstacles with the help of its own
itions under which animals, activities and personnel defense mechanisms, microorganisms survive in
can be secured from contaminating the product, sa- slaughterhouses, reproduce and are ready for the
nitation is focused on the establishment and maint- subsequent contamination of meat and meat prod-
enance of healthy environmental and appropriate ucts. According to the Codex Alimentarius, disinf-
physical conditions congenial to the attainment of a ection is use of chemical agents and/or physical
wholesome product. There are several important methods for reduction of the number of microorgan-
areas to be addressed in an effective disinfection isms in the environment to the level that does not
action plan. These include assessment, cleaning, threaten food safety and usability. Disinfectants work
washing, disinfection, and evaluation. by destroying the cell wall of microbes or interfering
lnteractions of remedies for sanitary washing with the metabolism. Mechanism of action are based
and disinfection on action on membrane (alcohol, detergent), denat-
uration of cellular proteins (alcohol, phenol), oxidati-
ln slaughterhouses, there are many critical points
on of essential sulfhydryl groups of enzymes (hydro-
where is possible bacterial contamination of meat.
gen peroxide, halogens), alkylation of amino-, carb-
Technological operations, such as skinning and ev-
oxyl- and hydroxyl group (ethylene oxide, formaldeh-
isceration, are critical points where bacteria contam-
yde) and damage to nucleic acids (ethylene oxide,
inate carcass, but also transferred to equipment,
formaldehyde) [1 0, 1 8, 1 9].
walls, floors, aprons and boots of workers. Equip-
ment in the slaughterhouse is numerous, various Susceptibility of bacteria to disinfectants
and includes conveyors, tanks, equipment for cool- Different types of microorganisms differ in sus-
ing and freezing, skinning, accessories for cutting. ceptibility to disinfectants due to differences in their
All such equipment is complex, with narrow open- cell structure, chemical composition and physiolog-
ings, accessible for dirt, but inaccessible for wash- ical processes [11]. Bacteria are usually susceptible
ing, cleaning and disinfection. Therefore, it is not to standard disinfectants.
surprising if we find bacteria on equipment that is
Disinfectants are widely employed in controlling
washed and disinfected [14]. Large quantities of bacterial infection. Their activity depends upon sev-
clean water are required in the cleaning of floors, eral factors, notably concentration, period of cont-
walls, equipment and tools. The operation should ract, pH, temperature, the type, nature and numbers
begin with removal of solid waste such as meat and
of microorganisms to be inactivated and the presen-
fat trimmings, bone chips, blood clots and so on by
ce of organic soil or other interfering material. Bact-
brushing them off the floor. High pressure hosing is
eria vary considerably in their response to disinfec-
then applied, starting from the walls and other rigid
tants. Resistance is often intrinsic in nature, but may
facilities and ending with the floors [15].
be acquired either by mutation or by the acquisition
The wastes from a slaughterhouse are a heavy of genetic elements. Mechanisms of resistance of
polluter of any recipient. The waste water from a microorganisms are:
meat plant should not be allowed to flow into a mun- . natural microbial resistance to disinfectants
icipal drainage system without previous thorough (tolerance) and acquired resistance of mic-
treatment in a waste water treatment plant. Many ' roorganisms to disinfectants (resistance);
remedies for sanitary washing are non-ionic surfac-
tants (emulsifiers and detergents), anionic surfact-
. resistance of microorganisms to sub lethal
doses of d isinfectants;
ants or a mixture of both types of surfactants. lf the
surface not thoroughly rinsed after the action of . the formation of biofilms
detergents, and quaternary ammonium compounds N atu ra I m i c ro b ial resisfance
applied as disinfectants, which are cationic surfact-
ln recent years, considerable progress has been
ants, it may lead to complete inactivation of the dis-
made in understanding more fully the responses of
infectant [16].
different types of bacteria to antibacterial agents.

394 ECOLOGICA, Voll. 26, No 95 (2019)


When considering the mechanisms of susceptibility and Bacillus species 112,171. The resistance of
of microorganisms to disinfectants, it is necessary to microorganisms to sublethal/subinhibiting dose of
point out that there are two types of resistance of disinfectant is a form of acquired resistance. in relation to chemical agents used
for their inactivation. These are the natural resistan- The formation of biofilms
ce (tolerance) and acquired resistance (resistance). ln most environments the majority of microorg-
As a result, resistance can be either a natural feat- anisms are able to grow as biofilms [21] where they
ure of an organism (intrinsic) or acquired by mutat- express a different phenotype fl"om their planktonic
ion or acquisition of plasmids (self-replicating, extra counterparts 1221. The main feature of this pheno-
chromosomal DNA) or transposons (chromosomal type is the production of extracellular materials that
or plasmid integrating, transmissible DNA casset- build an adhesive gel, the matrix, embedding the
tes). However, the resistance implied and acquired cells and protecting them from shear forces and
forms of bacterial resistance which is result of phen- harsh conditions, including presence of most anti-
otypic adaptation to the conditions of life, as is the microbial agents [20]. Food contact surfaces are
case with the biofilm. good substrata for biofllm development. Although
strict cleaning and disinfection procedures can
Resisfance of microorganisms to sub lethal generally assure suitable hygienic conditions in the
doses of disinfectants slaughterhouses for small ruminant, destroying
Use of the proper concentration of a disinfectant planktonic cells and biofilms starting to be formed,
is important to achieve the best results for each situ- they may fall short for the elimination of biofilms that
ation. Some products will have different dilutions are already well developed. These tend to settle on
depending on the desired use of the product. Altho- sites that are especially difficult to clean, due to
ugh some disinfectants may be more efficacious at difficult access, surface irregularities or retention of
higher concentrations, these levels may be limited sticky raw materials. Microbial cell transfer from bio-
by the degree of risk to personnel, surfaces or equ- films to foods, particularly after their hygienization, is
ipment, as well as the cost of the chemical. Howe- a hazard for food safety and quality [21]. Bacteria
ver, over-dilution of a product may render the disin- usually occurred in the wild, in the waste water (in
fectant ineffective to the target microorganism. ln the pure water are reproduced), in the intestinal tract of
population of microorganisms, there are different man and animals, where live as saprophytes. lf a
subpopulations various sensitivity to disinfectants. healthy person is given the contaminated environ-
When some of the chemicals affect these popul- ment, are occurring with colonization, but no signs of
ations, they inactivate microorganisms sensitive to disease, pseudomonads living saprophytic [21].
the used remedy. There remain two more subpop- The biofilm is resistant to all efforts to eradicate
ulations: the subpopulations of microorganisms on without removal of the foreign material. Bacteria may
which a disinfectant achieved a germistatic effect, attach on the surface of the foreign material by surf-
i.e. only stopped their growth and a subpopulation of ace charge attraction, hydrophilic/hydrophobic inter-
microorganisms that disinfectant does not affected actions, and with specific attachment by fimbriae.
at all. GroMh, colonization, and maturation follow bacterial
For the population to which the disinfectant ac- attachment. A mature biofilm is composed of three
ted germistaticly, it takes some time to recover, after layers: a linking film binding the biofilm to the surf-
which they will freely reproduce [20]. So, these last ace; a base film made up of a compact layer of bact-
two subpopulations are able to continue to grow and eria; and a surface film from which free-floating bact-
reproduce. At a certain area where the disinfectant eria can arise and spread [20].
was used, they will multiply and create a resistant Biofilms are communities of microorganisms that
population. The same happens if the disinfectant is live attached to surfaces. Biofilm formation has rec-
used in sublethal/subinhibiting concentrations, and if eived much attention in the last decade, as it has
more water is left behind on surfaces that have been become clear that virtually all types of bacteria can
subjected to sanitary washing as the preparations form biofilms and that may be the preferred mode of
for disinfection. The consequence of production of bacterial existence in nature [22].
the neutralizing enzymes (peroxidase, catalase, glut-
Biofilms are characterized by the environmental
athione reductase) is a phenomenon of resistance to
conditions and surfaces that favor their formation,
the peroxides. As a further consequence of the bact-
the gene products that are required for their format-
erial resistance to peroxides, is cross-resistance to
ion, the genes that are activated and required to
heat, ethanol and hypochloric compounds. This type
maintain the biofilm, the architecture of the biofilm,
of resistance has been described in Escherichia, and the types of extracellular products that are con-
Salmonella species, Campylobacter, Haemophilus

ECOLOGICA, Vol. 26, No 95 (2019)


centrated in the biofilm matrix. There are as many l3I lvanovi6 S., Zutic M., Pavlovic 1., Presence of
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even one bacterium may make several different
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Research was financed by the Ministry of Sci-
58th Meat InCustry Conference "Meat Safety and
ence ancl Technological Development, Republic of Quality. Where it goes?", Procedia Food Science
Serbia, project TR 31053 201 5,5,109-'l 12

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Goat and sheep meat consumed in atl parts of the wortd because
of its distinctive taste and
desired chemical composition. with that in addition to its qiiiiiy,-
tnis type ir iiZt'ir-iit
opposing religious and culturalaspecfs of consumption
1as bppiied to ior*). As with othir
animals used for human consumption, slaughter and process ihg of goat
meat is carried out
in slaughterhouses. are oapcts in inicn, initi
ie$ecting the principtei ot
hygbne and technotogy and under the veterinary-sanitary coiiroi,-Lnimai's
and meat products are produced. The main'importaice or iie slaugnterhouse"
production of meat for is ie
_human consumption. Technological opirationi auring s;taightir
process are critical points where bacteia contaminafe. circasg'
but are also trinsfe*6d b
equipment, walls, floors, and ctoths of workers. tr comptete- cleaning,
wasnng iii
disinfection are not performed, microorganisms survive in saugntein
rs"i,' ,"proiii, i,ri
become ready for the subsequent coniamination of meat ani meat products.
The aim of
this paper is to present the control of bacteriat infection ana iangii
of microbialresisfance
to disinfectipn in the slaughterhouse where small ruminants are siarughtered.
Key words: slaughterhouses, bacteria, disinfectant, small ruminant.


Meso koza i ovaca se konzumira Siront sveta pr]lenstveno zbog

svog karakteristiinog
ukusa i poieljnog hemiiskog sasfava. osim svog neospornog kvaliteta
meso ovih iivotinja
nema suprotnih religioznih i kutturnih aspekata potrosnje (ia
raztiku od svinjetine). xao i
drttge iivotirtje iiie se /neso koristi u ishrani liudi, ktanje i prerada
mesa koza se odvija u
klanicama. klanice su obiekti u kojima se, uz uvaiavanje naiela
higijene itehnotogije i'pod
veterinarsko-sanitarnom kontrolorn, kolju zivotinje i proizvodi meio
TehnoloSke operaciie tokom procesa klanja
i mesne priio"iin",.
su kritiine ta6ke u kojima bakterije
kontaminiraju trup, ali se takocle prenose na opremu, zidove, podove
i radna mesta.Ako se
ne sprovodi potpuno iisdenje, pranie i ctezinfekcija, *ikroorganizmi preiivljavaju
klanicama, razmnoiavaju se i postaju spremni za naknadnu kontiminacijtl
/nesa i mesnih
pro-izvoda Cilj ovog rada je cta prikaiei kontrolu bakterijskih
infekcija i opasnost od
mikrobne rezistencije na dezinfekciju u klanicatna u kojima se xoyu
mati preiivari.
Kljuine rei: klanice, bakterije, dezificijensi, mali preiivari.

ECOLOGICA, Vot. 26, No 95 (2019)

Una Sikimi6, Milica Kaliianin, Zoran Kaliianin
Nadin merenja kolateralne pozicije banke prilikom odobravanja plasmana ....................409
MiloS Nikoli6, Milan Gavilovi1, Edita Kastratovi1
Ekonomske i dru5tvene prednosti primene obnovljivih izvora
energije - pokretaEke snage zelene ekonomije u Srbiji ..................415
Boban Daiic
Strane direktne investicije - ekoloSki aspekt 420
Ilapuca Joeauoeuh, Mapuo llyxunoeufr
llpr,rmexa unoeaqrja y vereproj raxgycrprjcxoj peeonyUxj14 ....... 427

Uputstvo za pripremu rada .................312

lnstructions for the preparation of the papers ....432

Napomena: Autori snose punu odgovornost za originalnost isadrZaj svojih radova.

Radovi objavljeni u Easopisu ECOLOGICA proveravaju se na plagijarizam

CIP - Katalo gizacija u publikaciji

Narodna biblioteka Srbije, Beograd

ECOLOGICA / glavni urednik Larisa Jovanovic, God.'1, broj 1 (1994) - Beograd
(Kneza Milo5a 7a): Naudno-strudno dru5tvo za za5titu Zivotne sredine Srbije -
Ecologica, 1994 - (Zemun : Akademska izdanja) - 28 cm
ISSN 0354-3285 = Ecologica
COBISS.SR _ ID 80263175

Posebnu zahvalnost Upravni odbor Naudno-strudnog dru5tva <Ecologica> izraiava

Savezu inienjera itehnidara Srbije, organima, rukovodstvu i Strudnoj sluibiza pomo6
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