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C:\Users\Randy\Documents\RB Work Files\Court Business\Weddings\1 form simple courthouse Wedding



May 13, 2021

Name of Groom & Name of Bride

Congratulations for your decision to be married. Marriage between a man and woman is
one of the most sacred and important events that will ever take place between two people
who love and cherish each other.

Marriage is a solemn responsibility where two people take upon themselves sacred
covenants to love, cherish, honor and care for each other from this day forward. As you
do this, may you begin by making each other not only your legal marriage partner this
day, but also may you make each other your very best friend. As best friends, may you
always share everything together. If you will always confide in each other, particularly
during difficult and stressful times, you will have a successful marriage. WORDS

After over 36 years of marriage I think I figured out what that means. Bride do not think
that Groom will somehow understand what you want or need unless you tell him (but I
suggest you not do that during an argument!); Groom, do not think that just because Bride
has not said something, that she does not have needs that you can help her with - you still
need to read her mind!

In today’s world, it is challenging to have a successful marriage. Unfortunately, every

marriage will face some difficult and stressful times.

May I urge you to have a continued courtship with each other. Too many couples look
upon the marriage ceremony as the end of their courtship. I would strongly suggest to
you that the marriage vows you will soon share with each other should not be the end of
your courtship, but the very commencement of a life long courtship together. Even when
money and time is tight, particularly so, it is important to date each other, hopefully
weekly. Go and do the things you did before you were married - you will remind
yourselves why you fell in love.

Over 30 years ago when I married, my wife’s uncle said don’t go to bed angry. It
sounded like good advice at the time, but you get real ornery after a few days without any
sleep! May I suggest you go to be together even if angry. It is amazing how things that
were so important the night before will disappear by morning.

Successful marriages and families are established and maintained upon some very
important principles … such as LOVE, RESPECT, FORGIVENESS, COMPASSION,

And now, Groom & Bride, may your love for each other endure, may it grow, and may it
never end … and may your marriage from this day forward be based on unconditional
love, fidelity, and now the sacredly kept promises, vows and covenants you are now
about to enter into this day.
Groom full name & Bride full name
You have taken one another by the hands as an expression of the covenants you will now
enter into in the presence of God and these witnesses.

Do you Groom take Bride by the hand as an expression of the promises you now make to
become her companion and husband, to love, honor and cherish her, in sickness and in
health, forsaking all others from this day forward; and, hereby promise to observe all the
laws, promises and obligations pertaining to the holy state of matrimony, and this you do

in the presence of friends, family and these witnesses of your own free will and choice?
(Response: I DO, OR I WILL)

Do you Bride take Groom by the hand as an expression of the promises you now make to
become his companion and wife, to love, honor and cherish him, in sickness and in
health, forsaking all others from this day forward; and, hereby promise to observe all
the laws, promises and obligations pertaining to the holy state of matrimony, and this you
do in the presence of friends, family and these witnesses of your own free will and
choice? (Response: I DO, OR I WILL)

You may now exchange rings

By virtue of the authority vested in me as a Justice Court Judge in the State of Utah; I
pronounce you, Groom full name & Bride full name legally and lawfully married under
the laws of the State of Utah from this day forward.

You may now kiss each other as husband and wife. Ladies & Gentlemen, I present Mr. &
Mrs. Groom full name


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