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A bed prepared to receive a new patient is an un-occupied bed.

Fig.1. Un-occupied bed

1. To provide clean and comfortable bed for the patient

2. To reduce the risk of infection by maintaining a
clean environment
3. To prevent bed sores by ensuring there are no
wrinklesto cause pressure points

1. Mattress(1)
2. Bed sheets(2): Bottom sheet (1)
Top sheet (1)
3. Pillow (1)
4. Pillow cover (1)
5. Mackintosh (1)
6. Draw sheet (1)
7. Blanket (1)
8. Savlon water or Dettol water in basin
9. Sponge cloth (4): to wipe with solution (1) to
dry (1)
When bed make is done by two
nurses,sponge cloth is needed two
each. `
10. Kidney tray or paper bag (1) 11. Laundry bag or Bucket (1)
12. Trolley(1) Fig. 2.Equipment required on a trolley

Care Action Rationale

Providing information fosters cooperation.

2. Perform hand hygiene. To prevent the spread of infection.

3. Prepare all required equipment and bring Organization facilitates accurate skill
the articles to the bedside. performance.

4. Move the chair and bed side locker It makes space for bed making and helps
effective action.

5. Clean Bed-Side locker: To maintain the cleanliness

Wipe wet and dry.

6. Clean the mattress: To prevent the spread of infection

∙ Stand in right side.
∙ Start wet wiping from top to center and
from center to bottom on the right side of the
mattress. ∙ Gather the dust and debris to the
bottom. ∙ Collect them into kidney tray.
∙ Give dry wiping the same as procedure
2). ∙ Move to left side.
∙ Wipe wet and dry the left side.

Move to the right side. ∙ Unfolding the sheet in thismanner allows you
BOTTOM SHEET : tomake the bed on one side.
1) Place and slide the bottom sheet upward
over the top of the bed leaving the bottom
edge of thesheet.
2) Open it lengthwise with the center fold
along thebed center. ∙ A mitered corner has a n
3) Fold back the upper layer of the sheet
toward theopposite side of the bed.
4) Tuck the bottom sheet securely under the
head ofthe mattress(approximately 20-
30cm). (Fig.3) Make a mitered corner.
∙ Pick up the selvage edge with your hand eat appearance and keepsthe sheet securely under
nearest the hand of the bed. the mattress.
∙ Lay a triangle over the side of the bed
(Fig.4 )
∙ Tuck the hanging part of the sheet under
themattress.( Fig. 5)
∙ Drop the triangle over the side of the bed.
( Fig. 6 )
∙ Tuck the sheet under the entire side of ∙ Tucking the bottom sheet will be done by turn,
bed.(Fig.7) the corner of top firstly and the corner of the
5. Repeat the same procedure at the end of the bottom later.
corner of the bed
6. Tuck the remainder in along the side ∙ To secure the bottom sheet on one side of the

8. Mackintosh and draw sheet: ∙ Mackintosh and draw sheet are additional
1) Place a mackintosh at the middle ofthe bed protection for the bed and serves as a lifting
( ifused), folded half, with the fold in the or turning sheet for an immobile client.
center of the bed. used), folded half, with
the fold in the center of the bed.
2) Lift the right half and spread it forward
the nearSide.

Fig.3 Tuck the bottomsheet under the mattress Fig.6 Putting and
holding the sheet bedside themattress at the level
of top

Fig.4 Picking the selvage and laying a triangle onthe bed Fig.6b Dropping the triangle over the side of the bed
Fig.5 Tucking the hanging part of the sheet underthe Fig.7 Tucking the sheet under the entire side of thebed

Care Action Rationale

3) Tuck the mackintosh under the mattress.
4) Place the draw sheet on the mackintosh.
Spreadand tuck assame as procedure 1)-3).

9. Move to the leftside of the bed. ∙ Secure the bottom sheet, mackintosh and
Bottom sheet , mackintosh and draw drawsheet on one side of the bed
sheet: ∙ Fold and tuck the bottom sheet as in
the aboveprocedure 7.
∙ Fold and tuck both the mackintosh and the
drawsheet under the mattress asin the
above procedure 8.

10. Return to the right side. ∙A blanket provides warmth.

Top sheet and blanket:
∙ Place the top sheet evenly on the bed,
centeringit in the below 20-30cm from
the top of the mattress.
∙ Spread it downward.
∙ Coverthe top sheet with blanket in the below
1 feet from the top of the mattress and
spread downward.
∙ Fold the cuff (approximately 1 feet) in the ∙ Making the cuff at the neck part
neckpart preventsirritation from blanket edge.
∙Tuck all these together under the bottom of ∙ Tucking all these pieces together saves time
mattress. Miter the corner. andprovides a neat appearance.
∙Tuck the remainder in along the side

11. Repeat the same as in the above procedure ∙ To save time in this manner
10 inleft side.

12. Return to the right side. ∙ Apillow is a comfortable measure.

Pillow and pillow cover: ∙ Pillow cover keeps cleanliness of the pillow
∙Put a clean pillow cover on the pillow. andneat.
∙ The open end may collect dust or organisms.
∙ Place a pillow at the top of the bed in the ∙ The open end away from the door also
centerwith the open end away from the makesneat.

13. Return the bed, the chair and bed-side Bedside necessities will be within easy reach for
table totheir proper place. the client.

14. Replace all equipments in proper place. ∙ It makes well-setting for the next.
Discard lines appropriately. ∙ Proper line disposal prevents the spread of

15. Perform hand hygiene ∙ To prevent the spread of infection.

∙ Do not let your uniform touch the bed and the floor not to contaminate
∙ Never throw soiled lines on the floor not to contaminate the floor.
∙ Staying one side of the bed until one step completely made saves steps and time to do
effectively andsave the time.

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