Assighment 6

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Roll no: D17621 Name: Bushra Faisal

Q no.1: How do we give the concept of grass letters, root letters and sky letters to
the child?

The most important preparation of the environment for the successful development of
spoken and written language in the child’s personality is the home language. It is never
too early to speak clearly and precisely to the child. The successful environment for the
language is created at home by the mothers and the caregivers. Reading aloud for the
child at home, gives the message to the child that reading is a fun for him. Reading the
story books for the child by his mother at home makes the meaning clear and he knows
how to use the word with the sense in his language. The child also builds his vocabulary
unconsciously through listening to the story books from his mother which would never
come up in spoken language. Although reading and writing should not be taught to a
child before the age of six or seven, yet he is introduced to the concept of reading and
writing by giving the sensorial experiences of appropriate materials and sometimes as
early as three or four years of age. Since 99% of written language is in lower case
letters. In the Montessori class room and at home the child should be taught firstly with
the small alphabet rather than capital (“a” and “b,” not “A” and “B”). During the
introduction of the small alphabet to the child the sounds are pronounced instead of the

Using the Moveable Alphabet

• Take the small alphabet set and all the letters should be in the same color.
• Take either one large piece of cloth or the piece of paper with four lines, the top
and bottom lines are pink in color and the rest of the two lines are aquamarine.

Roll no: D17621 Name: Bushra Faisal

Grass Letters:
Those letters that perfectly fit between the two lines are called grass letters. a, c, e, i,
m, n, o, r, s, u, v, w, x, z are grass letters.

Sky Letters:
Those letters with stem up to the pink line are called sky letters. b, d, f, h, k, l, t are sky

Root Letters:
Those letters with tail going to the lower pink line are called root letters g, j, p, q, y are
root letters.

Roll no: D17621 Name: Bushra Faisal

Sorting moveable alphabet
Sorting by placement

• Medium moveable alphabets box (with letters in the same colour).
• Large being cloth (65cmX65cm) ruled for the placement of letters. The top and
bottom lines are pink and the two center lines are aquamarine. There are 3
• A large mat

Note: complete work cycle is to be observed.

1. Set up the material with the help of the child.
2. Take out “a” from the box and place it between the first set of lines. Explain to
the child that letter fits completely within the middle two lines.
3. Then ask the child to find other letters that perfectly fit between the two lines.
4. When he has placed all those letters, tell him that we call them “grass letters”.
5. Then take out “b” and place it at the beginning of the second set of guide lines,
showing that a stem goes up to the pink line.
6. Ask child to find all other letters with a stem going up to the pink lines. Tell him
that we call them “sky letters”.
7. On the third line, place the letters “g” with a tail going down to the lower pink
line. Ask the child to find other letters with a tail.
8. When he has done so, tell him that we call them “root letters”.
9. Complete three period lesson.
10.Tell the child that he can work with that material whenever he likes.
11.Encourage the child to also write these group of letters on a chalkboard after
arranging them on the mat.

Roll no: D17621 Name: Bushra Faisal

Q no. 2: Write a detailed note on Montessori green board and writing on paper exercise.

Ans: Montessori green board:

A setoff green chalkboard or erasable marker board 32cmx50cm each. Plastic erasable-
marker board can also be used instead of chalkboard if desired by the directress and
made available by the school.
1. The first board is blank on both sides.
2. The second board has one side ruled in squares and the other ruled in horizontal
lines for practice in writing numbers and letters.
3. The third board has one side ruled to guide the child in the placement ascending
and descending letters and the other is ruled in other squares.
4. The fourth board has a double line in the middle to guide the placement of letters.
Purpose: practice in handwriting.
Control of error: comparison with sandpaper letters and numbers.
Age: Approx. 4 years onwards.
Exercise 1
Blank board: (Material)
• A blank green board
• A tray with some chalks in a holder, an eraser, a dust cloth and a hand cloth
• Sandpaper letters
1. Introduce the child with chalkboard and tell him that it can help us to write.
2. Gather chalkboard and tray. Take out chalk box, eraser, duster and the hand cloth
from tray and place above the chalkboard.
3. Ask the children to choose a sandpaper letter from box and bring it to the table
4. Trace the sandpaper letter a few times, while producing its sound and then slide
away to the left.
5. Now write the letter on the chalkboard multiple time in straight, horizontal line.
6. Make the child see both letter on the board and sand paper letter are same.
7. Show the child how to erase from up to down then left to right with duster and
then with dust cloth.
8. Also clean the hand with hand cloth.
9. Invite the child to trace the sandpaper letter and write on the board with chalk
again and again.
10.Introduce another letter if child feels comfortable writing first letter.
11.Encourage the child to write on board in smaller size to improve his skills.
Roll no: D17621 Name: Bushra Faisal

Exercise 2
Square board: (Material)
• A square green board
• A tray with chalk in a holder, an eraser, a dust cloth and a hand cloth.
• Sandpaper letters
1. Follow the same presentation as mentioned in the previous exercise.
2. This time show the child to write the sandpaper letter in square.
3. Repeat the same letter across the row.
4. Allow the child to take over at any time.
5. Take another letter for child to write it un the second row and so on.
6. Allow the child to use the chalkboard on his/her will.
7. It is up to the child to fill whole green board with single letters or with different
for each row.
8. Children may not like the finish the whole board in the beginning, its alright.
Exercise 3:
Double guideline board: (Material)
• A double guide lined green board
• A tray with some chalks in a holder, an eraser, a dust cloth and a hand cloth.
• Sandpaper letters.
1. Follow the same procedure as mentioned in the previous exercises.
2. Show the child how to write the letter between the two lines.
3. On the first of lines, write letters with only the main body.
4. On the second line, write letter with shoots and on the third line, write letter with
Exercise 4
Single line board: (material)

• A single lined green board

• A tray with some chalk in a holder, an eraser, a dust cloth and a hand cloth.
• Sandpaper letters.

Roll no: D17621 Name: Bushra Faisal

1. In this exercise, show the child how to write on a single line.
2. Some children will not enjoy writing on the green board, they will prefer writing
on paper.
3. Encourage the child to write more like the sandpaper letters.
Writing on paper
Exercise 1 (Material)
• Paper for writing
• Some blank sheets
• Follow type of ruled sheets to guide the placement of letters,
➢ Strips with 1,2,3,4 and 5 horizontal lines for writing
➢ Full sheets with 1 ruled lines toward the bottom for writing and
pasting/drawing a picture.
• Picture of single items such as hat, bat, lamp etc. in a box.
• Pictures of scenes such as farm, village etc. in other box.
• Lead pencils
• Miscellaneous items required to make booklets e.g. cardboard for covers,
scissors, stapler, puncher, ribbon etc.
• Trays
1. Invite a child to work with you who already has worked with chalkboard.
2. Take the child to the shelf and introduce him or her with the paper supply.
3. Take 2 to 3 pieces of paper ruled with single line and place on a tray along with a
lead pencil.
4. Ask the child to bring tray at work place.
5. Tell the child paper is like the chalkboard with a line.
6. Ask the child to write the same letter again and again across the length of the
line, leaving reasonable space in between.
7. Watch the child can hold pencil properly it not then guides him or her.
8. If child want to write more after one strip, take out another strip and write a
different letter at the beginning of the line.
9. Ask the child to write the letter across the line.
10.If child leaves an incomplete strip, ask him or her to store to be done at some
other time.

Roll no: D17621 Name: Bushra Faisal

11.Let him or her to write as long as he or she wants and help them to store these
strips after finishing writing.
Exercise 2: when child start writing single letter comfortably, introduce him or her to
write a word from letters evenly spaced and separated. Start with 3 or 4 letters short
words. If the cursive writing is used, show the child how the letters will be connected.
Exercise 3: draw or paste a picture on the paper ruled with one line towards bottom and
ask the child to label it.
Exercise 4: Introduce the child with strips of two lines and encourage him or her to
write the phrases.
Exercise 5: Introduce the child with strips of three lines and encourage him or her to
write the sentences. Move on to write stories on paper with four or five lines, if the
child is writing a lot.
Exercise 6: move further to write poems and stories with illustrations. This can also be
done through transcription.
Extension exercises: Introduce one material from list, labels, secret boxes, booklets,
phrasal strips, sentence strips, phonetic booklet and stories at a time, ask the child to
read it, turn it over and then write on paper. Later child can compare both for control of
Exercise 7: (Transcription)
A box containing laminated cards with writing, which child can write himself such as
from saying, poem, riddle with an answer on its back, a line from story, words from
song or homely saying. Ask the child to pick any card and read it, turn it over and then
write on paper. Later child can compare both for control of error with directress. If it is
correct then ask him or her to illustrate on a sheet of paper. Once done, return the
material to its spot.

Roll no: D17621 Name: Bushra Faisal

Qno.3: What are the upper-case letters? how do we introduce them to the child?
Three sets of twenty-six cards, one for each letter of the alphabet.
• The first set is 8x10cm and each card has one letter written in the lower case.
• The second set is 98cmx10cm and each card has one letters written in the upper
case (capital letters)
• The third set is 16cmx10cm and has one letter written in both the lower and
upper cases, the lowers case letter on the left and the upper-case letter on the
1. Invite one child to come and work with you.
2. Introduce the material to the child and have bring it over to the table.
3. Choose three letters for the initial presentation, where the capital letters look a
great deal like the lower-case letter.
4. Use the name of the letters in this lesson.
5. If the child gives you the sound, affirm it but go back to using their names.
6. Show the lower case first and use this term.
7. Show the upper case and give the term. Also give the term “capital letter”.
8. Repeat for two more letters.
9. Teach the new terms with the three-period lesson. Be sure to use the terms “upper
case” and “capital letter” alternatively.
10.When the child is sure of those, continue with three at a time, until you have
completed all of the letters.
11.Lay out all of the lower-case letters at random in vertical columns, leaving
sufficient space to put the capital letters beside them.
12.Give the child the upper-case letters (one at a time) and have him place each next
to the lower-case letter. Discuss now and then capital letter looks that same or
looks different to the lower-case letters. use both terms alternatively for the
upper-case letters.
13.Once all upper-case letters have been placed, check with the third set of cards.
14.Replace the third set of cards.
15.Collect the lower-case letters in alphabetical order.
16.Collect the upper-case letters in alphabetical order.

Roll no: D17621 Name: Bushra Faisal

• to help the child recognize the upper case from of the letters he already knows in
the lower case.
• To aid the punctuation of a sentence.
• To help the child write.
Control of error:
• The card showing both lower and upper case for each letter.
• 4 years onwards.

QNO4: How do we introduce the concepts of noun, article, adjective and

verb to the child with the help of farm environment?

Materials • Collection of objects/animals.

• Collection of color- coded grammar
cards(nouns)black, (adjectives) royal blue, (verbs)
red, (articles) grey

Objectives • To learn, through the cards, the grammatical

structure of phrases and sentences.

Presentation Introduce the child to the box and allow him/ her to
set up the farm and discuss the objects and what the
various animals are doing. This is very good for second-
language children and language-delayed children as it
gives them the opportunity to explore in an unpressurised

Presentation When the child has worked with the early grammar noun
cards, you can introduce him / her to the noun cards in the
farm. Ask the child to set up farm and take out the black
Roll no: D17621 Name: Bushra Faisal

cards, the naming cards. He / she can then read the first
card and either place it against the object , or bring the
object down to the card.
hen cow

If the child is enthralled by an object and want to start

with that particular object, do not worry. It’s just mean
that the child must has to read more cards as he/she has to
read from the pile of these cards.
Presentation Again, once the child has worked with the early grammar
adjective cards, you can introduce him/her to the adjective cards in
the farm box, showing him/her how to place the adjective cards in
front of the noun cards revision of noun and adjective game. The
child reads the noun cards, find the object and asked to read the
adjective card to find a object to describe the object e.g. ‘plump’ to
go with ‘piglet’. At this point you can introduce the first set of
article cards in lower case, showing the child how to place in front
of adjective card.

the brown horse

the strong man

Roll no: D17621 Name: Bushra Faisal

The child then put the card at the bottom of their

respective piles, read the next noun card ‘man’, look
through the adjective card and find strong e.g. ‘ the
strong man’. The child continue using the card in this

Presentation The next cards to be introduced are the verb and upper-
case article cards. The verb cards are placed after the noun
and the article cards are placed before the adjective cards.
The child reads the first noun card and finds the object
‘man’. she / he the finds a suitable adjective card, ‘strong’.
you then ask, that what does the strong man do? She / he
may respond after looking through the verb card ‘stand’.
You remind him/her that you building a sentence so the
article card will start with capital letter, he /she finds the
card. ‘The’ and the sentence is complete. The strong man
stands if you are using them remind the child you place
the full stop and the end of a sentence

The strong man

The brown horse run

On each occasions the child must return to the
bottom of the piles so that the child read tha card.
The child then again the next noun card continue
building sentence like before

Roll no: D17621 Name: Bushra Faisal

QNO5: Prepare material for the following and send along with the
• Logical adjective game
• Logical adverb game
• Noun cards adjective cards
• Verb cards


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