EY-Term 3 - Lesson 2

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Term 3

EY4/5 Learning Time with Timmy

Learning Objectives: Lesson 2
1. Communication: Recollecting and retelling a story from memory, answering questions to affirm comprehension of the story
2. Activity: Identifying different vehicles and their characteristics
3. Art and Craft:
 Understanding and following instructions to make a paper plane.
 Developing motor skills.
4. Song (Five Little Aero planes) (Revision): Repeating refrains and actions, anticipating key actions in rhymes

Stage Description Materials

Welcome routine  Sing the hello song together. Nominate children and ask how they are.
4 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fN1Cyr0ZK9M
Do the actions along with them and encourage them to repeat the actions.

 HW check and discuss

 It’s good practice to discuss HW at the beginning of every class so that ss

are encouraged to do it. Ask questions like: Did you enjoy the video? What
was the video about?
Story time: Re- PPT Lesson 1,
telling of the story  Show the images on slide 5 and ask ss if they remember what happened in the slide 5.
from memory Timmy Time episode, they watched last class. Encourage each ss to say at least a
line or two, support them when needed. Slide 6-9
 Ask individual ss to pick a number, then drag the box to reveal the image and elicit
what is happening in each image (don’t do this in slideshow mode)
7 mins  Ask follow up questions

Timmy Video  Watch the episode and pause it to talk about how Finley and Timmy are good at different Episode:
things. Ask: Timmy’s
7 mins  Is Finley good at folding paper? (yes) Plane
 Is Timmy good at folding paper? (no)
 Is Finley good at decorating planes? (yes)
 Is Timmy good at decorating planes? (no)
 Does Finley’s plane fly far? (yes)
 Does Timmy’s plane fly far? (no)
 How does Timmy feel about his plane? (sad) Why? Does he want his plane to be like
Finley’s? (yes)
 What is Timmy good at? (football)
 What does Timmy do with his football? (He helps Finley get his plane back)
 Why does Finley give Timmy his crown? (To say thank you)
 What is Timmy king of? (Bringing things back

Game Time Guess the vehicle PPT slides 11-

 Elicit numbers from ss and click on the squares to reveal each part of 17
5 mins vehicles: train, plane, helicopter, car, boat, cycle, taxi, bus

 Ask follow up questions at the end of each ride: is the train faster than the
cycle? How do we pedal the cycle?
 This game works only in slide show mode
 Fly or Can't Fly
3-5 minutes Have children pretend to "fly" around the room.
 Name things that can fly and things that can't fly (Examples: planes, helicopters
butterflies, birds, boats, houses, cows, etc.
 Whenever the children hear the name of something that can't fly, have them slow
down and gently "land" on the ground.
 Demo this before you start calling out the names of things
Art and Craft time  Say, “It’s art and craft time!”
 Tell them you’re going to make a paper plane (Ts should be ready with one paper plane
10 and show that as a model and do another one along with the ss in class)
 Show children how to make a simple paper plane, in steps, e.g.
 First fold the paper in half, next fold back one side of the paper, then the other side, etc.
Let the children practise folding and playing with their paper planes.
 NB: Parents might have to step in here especially with pressing down the folds. You can
also show ss how to press down the folds using a heavy book.
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6CZZO3pFvU


 An easier alternative:

 Encourage ss to fly their planes around after they’re done.
 Challenge: They can label their crafts: My Plane
Stirrer Simon Says
 With the plane in hand, walk around the room doing an action (fly fast/slow, go
3-5 mins backwards, go forwards, go around the room, etc) and say what the action is.
 Children follow you as they copy the action.

 Encourage them to repeat the words.
 Children can take turns at being the leader.
Song Time  Say: It’s Song time!
 Ask them if they remember the song, they learnt last class. Ss hold their planes in
5 their hands while singing and moving the plane accordingly

Five little aeroplanes flying in a row,

Some fly high and some fly low. [move arms up and down]
Some fly fast and some fly slow. [move arms quickly then slowly]
Some fly in the clouds, and some below. [arms the other arm around the
plane to indicate the cloud]

The second time, increase the pace of the song

The third time, sing it in a different order of paragraphs
The final time, ask the students if any of them would like to lead and the others follow.

Review  What did we do today? Use the activity cards (PPT slide 4). Ask children to put thumbs PPT
3 minutes up or thumbs down for each activity.
 Questions for review:
Which is the fastest: train, cycle, plane
What did we make in class today? a paper plane
Can you show an aeroplane flying high?
Can you show an aeroplane flying low?
Can aeroplanes fly in the clouds?

 Sing the goodbye song.


 Show parents learning outcomes + HW sheet:
 HW Day 2: Transport colouring: Parents should ask children to identify the different
vehicles. Students then colour the pictures. Parents can ask follow up questions like:
which vehicle is faster? When do we travel by plane, etc?

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