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Report on Role as a Educator of primary/upper primary students
in a Government School.

Abhishek Kumar
Registration No. 12011209
In partial fulfilment for the requirements of the award of the degree of
Bachelor’s of Business Administration.


Problem Identification
Cause of Problem
Objectives to Achieved
Steps to achieved the Objectives
Effectiveness of the Project
Government Schools
I hereby declare that the report of the project work entitled as a Educator of
primary/upper primary students in a Government School, is based on my own
work carried out during the course of my study. I assert that the statements made
and conclusions drawn are an outcome of the project work. I further declare that
to the best of my knowledge and belief that the project report does not contain
any part of any work which has been submitted for the award of any other
degree/diploma/certificate in this University or any other University.

Signature of the Candidate – Abhishek Kumar





The main reason for choosing this project is not only to teach the children about
their academics, I also wanted to bring some changes in the environment of the
school. I mainly aimed to bring out the views from the side of children, they need
to be respond more, and I also wanted to improve the feeling of Nationalism and
Equality in the school children.
Community development project combines learning objectives and community
service so that the students can enhance their personalities while being socially
sensitive to the issues face by the community. The project provides the
opportunity to collaborate and engage with a government organizations for the
identification and eradication of the problems faced by the students at large.
These can be sanitization regarding cleanliness, personal hygiene, health
awareness etc. Students will meet with leaders of the organization, community
members, people already working in this field etc. and develop an action plan to
raise awareness about the problem identified by them and work towards seeking
the possible resolutions to the problem with the held of local community people.
The students shall present their project work at the end of the Students will have
the opportunity to develop range of skills working on the project such as of
understanding pro analysis, problem-solving critical thinking and cognitive
development. This demonstrate greater interpersonal development, particularly
the b y to work well with others, and build leadership and communication. the
project shall be designed via collaboration between faculty and community
partners, such as nongovernmental organizations or government agencies
As a part of this community development project I have selected to teach the
children not only the academic part but apart from this late planned to the children
to get Motivated about cleanleness.
The main problem in this School is:
Attraction of students towards school - The government schools as per the RTE
Act of 2009, are providing free education to children between 6-14 years age
group. Not only that, they also provide free uniform, free textbook and mid-day
meal to attract students to come to school. Surprisingly, in the present day context,
students are opting out of India's government schools and migrating to private
schools in large numbers. According to a new study, between 2010-11 and 2015-
16, student enrolment in government schools across 20 Indian states fell by 13
million, while private schools acquired 17.5 million new students.
Governments need to take steps to attract students. Appropriately qualified and
experienced staff members who can manage proper and hygienic mid-day meals,
toilets and the surrounding classroom environment should be appointed. The
position of Principal should be given to a capable and responsible person. Regular
inspection should be done in such schools. Proper infrastructure and more
opportunities should be provided to the students. All the factors that promote the
student's learning should be given due importance. The latest teaching methods
should be quickly and readily adopted.
Class environment - A positive class environment is defined as a school having
appropriate facilities, well-managed classrooms, available school-based health
supports, and a clear, fair disciplinary policy. There are many hallmarks of the
academic disciplinary, and physical environments of schools with a positive
Coordination -Coordination in management is the process of putting things
together in a harmonious relationship so that they may function more effectively.
Coordination depends upon the nature of the particular problem, circumstances
and availability of resources, and the final goal.
The relationship between student and teacher plays a large role in the trajectory
of a child's academic success and social development. Establishing a positive
relationship with their teacher helps a student feel more comfortable and safe in
their classroom environments.

School surroundings - An ideal school environment embraces the idea that all
students can learn. An ideal school environment works to build safe learning
spaces for students. An ideal school environment attracts teachers who are
knowledgeable, care about student learing and adapt their instruction for meet the
needs of their learners A school environment is broadly characterised by its
facilities, classrooms, school based health supports and disciplinary policies and
practices. It sets the stage for the external factors that effect students. School wide
climate and practical teaching and learning, community partnership, prosocial
student culture and strategies and agressive student culture.
Lack of awareness - In both, developed and developing countries children do
not have access to an accurate education due poverty and lack of awareness. The
origin of this inequality comes from various factors, such as: gender, social status
and economy. As a result, many children are not receiving education which is
necessary for their internal and external development. Unemployment, a low
level of health, sickness and lack of awareness of the parents are common factors
that increase the probability of non-schooling of their children.
This problems are not so big that couldn't be solved. They have raised because of
the carelessness of the management and irregular work repairs. There was no
immediate action just after the raising of the problem immediate action just after
the raising of the problem. children also didn't took a stand because of lack of
knowing their rights and they don't have the dare to share their ideas as the private
students move forward with their ideas .
After identifing the problems to be solved but they must be achieved with in short
span of time. Firstly I want to make the school attractive so that students will
show the curiosity to attend the school regularly.
The school environment must be changed this is in the sense just like school
prayer and attractive stage must be their for conducting of the programmes as the
private schools have. Even they must be conducted on independence day and the
republic day. Some plantations also must be done near the class room area and
beside the school stage. Some paintings must be done outside of the classrooms
about our proud achievements after independence, our great national leaders, Our
soldiers, Our scientists, our culture.
Actually the problems which are arising in schools which is not at all a problem
in colleges and universities.
In recent years, with the increase of private schools in India, there has been a
decline in a number of students in government schools. Does it mean government
schools are not better? This question always has been the topic of debate
1. Quality of Education -Providing quality education to children is ultimate
dream of every parent. The biggest difference parent finds between private
and government schools is medium of learning. The mode of
communication of many private schools is English. Private schools try to
inculcate English in the daily life of students. In fact, now, most of the
private institutions teach other foreign languages besides English. It
attracts parents whereas children in government institutions are taught in
regional language.
2. Discipline -Besides providing the quality education, Private schools pay
attention toward discipline of every student. As a part of routine
punctuality, hygiene, and uniform is checked every day. They make efforts
in grooming and developing! the personality of every individual. In
government schools. these things are hardly taken care of.

3. Co-curricular activities -Private schools bring more ideas related to

extra-curricular and social activities or inter-school competitions for
engaging students. Through these activities, they prepare! children to face
challenges in future. They try to boost confidence and improve the
personality of each individual. Besides some good government schools,
these activities are less or absent.
4. Academic standards -The Education imparted in both private and
government school is based on different standards. While most of the
private schools are affiliated to CBSE board, government schools are
affiliated to ISCE or state board. There is not much difference between the
curriculum set by these two different boards. Still, most of the parents
believe that private schools try to go beyond and teach what is required for
the level of entrance exams.

5. Facilities provided -Most of the government institutes lack basic facilities

like electricity and proper classrooms etc. whereas private school tries to
provide an environment that helps in learning better. Apart from education,
they provide proper infrastructure and equipment required for the physical
development of children.
6. Dedication of faculty -Certainly, teachers in government institutes are
highly qualified yet government institutes are not able to show a better
result than private schools. The reason behind it is the dedication of
government teachers and faculty. The teachers are not much dedicated to
government schools. In private schools, teachers monitor result of every
individual through regular class tests. Private schools are accountable for
the results of their students and hence their teachers are more dedicated &
7. Proper attention -The ratio of teacher to student is small enough in
government schools due to lack of classrooms and faculty. They try to
accommodate maximum students in one classroom due to which teachers
are not able to give individual attention. In fact, most of the government
teachers are kept busy in non-teaching works. Government teachers are
given duties other than teaching like preparation/distribution of the mid-
day meal, taking surveys and making ID cards etc. But in private Schools
teachers, foremost duty is to monitor each & every student. thus proper
attention is given to the students in Private schools.
• Students get motivated and asked me many question like what to do to
improve their academics, etc.
• They were more interested in government projects to get all the
information whatever government started for their need.
• As most of them have family problems like, At their places family is one
of the factors that determines their child performances.
• In this study , students in rural areas have low performance compared to
students in urban areas because it is related to their parents education.
• Majority of the parents in rural areas are not well educated as compared
to parents in urban areas.
• When i gave them the examples of self reliant people of our areas who
got successed in life. It also makes them curious to learn .
In India, people generally try to get away from government schools. It is not
because of government, it is because of infrastructure and facilities. People in
India always find that the quality of education in Indian Government schools is
not up to the mark. In fact, some schools do not fulfill basic amenities like fans
and benches. But, government schools in India are vital and important part of
Indian education system. They not only meet with the curriculum but also work
on health of children. Apart from that they are economical.

Poor people who lives in the villages are mostly prefering the government schools
for their children education. Their is no quality education in govt schools as
compared to the private schools. Actually educational minister is sending
sufficient funds which helps this govt schools to develop in their own way as the
private schools but the people in the district level and the mandal level are taking
away the half of the funds illegally and showing the partial development. This is
the reason for the backward ness of the govt schools. On the other hand private
schools are doing better in the race of competition with other private.
Leaving some good and esteemed government schools, Most of the
government schools are in poor conditions. Due to this, even the low-income
families trying to send their kids to a private institute for better future. If the
government starts funding for good average and monitoring schools, the
conditions of government schools can be improved. Teachers should also be
dedicated to their work. They should complete their job with honesty.
Cooperation of both government and teacher can only change the existing
image of government Schools.
My work experience has shown that schools in rural areas have far less
resources for students interested in attending college, providing less
opportunity for students pursuing higher education.


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