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‘Quality Management System [POWER GRID COMPANY OF BANGLADESHLTD. TITLE: PROCEDURE FOR MANAGEMENT REVIEW QUALITY Document No: | OP-NING-1 | Revision No. [00 Effective Da omnaia Page: |? [of [2 BANGLADES! LTD. 1-Seope: Appiies to the whole of POWER GRID COMPANY OF BANGLADESH LTD. 2.Purpose: To ensure continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of QMS in POWER GRID COMPANY OF SI No. Activity (including Check Points) Ref. Doc. Froq.7 Time Output 1.0) 14 Plan for Conduciing hianagement Review i as Tolows| Management Review is carried out by Management Review Committee _ Quarterly 12 Following persons are the Management Review Committee Members: MD, DRM, OO&M, OPED, DF, GM (FIN, P&A, SO, P, TRAN-1 & 2), SCCOM, DGM P&D, DGMADT, DGMHRM, MR, OMRs Formation of Committee for review 1S Anolice is served at least seven days before the meeting. In case of emergency or special reasons, three days notice is given but cause is mentioned. Meeting is coordinated after discussion with MD & Directors MR 14 Following are the agendalinput of the Management Review Meeting: 41.Matters arising 2, Progress Review of the Previous decisions/Action plans 3. Internal Audit Results 4.Corrective and Preventive Actions 5.Customer Complaints/ Feedback 6.Process Performance and Product conformity 7.Achievements of objectives and review of quality policy and objectives 8 Changes in QMS 9.Recommendations for Improvement 10. Any other business wR Review Out put are: Improvement inams, -Improverent in process Improvement of product, -Resource needs. 18 Management Review Mccting is scheduled at least, ‘once in every three months, MR Quarterly Implementation of Management Reviews 24 ‘Managing Director chairs meeting, in case of his. absence any Director will chair the meeting, and all the points as per agenda are discussed. The action plans are highlighted on the various issues along with the target dates and responsibilty WD, MR 22 Minules of the meeting are tuhen and copies are Circulated within three days of the meeting, wR Review oulput QF-MNG-01 23 Minutes of meeting covers at least the following: a) Decision on delayed actions proposed in the last meeting b) Decision on the audits reports ©) Decision on proposed and/or executed Corrective and Preventive Actions 4) Decision on Customer Complaints! Feedback €) Achievements of objectives 4) Improvement of the effectiveness of the quality management system and its processes, 9) Improvement of product related to customer requirements, and h) Resource needs wR Reviewed by (MR): nena hu (NAD je Quality POWER GRID COMPANY OF BANGLADESHLTD. | Guainy semgoroems TITLE: PROCEDURE FOR MANAGEMENT REVIEW PROCEDURES Document No: | GPHING T Revision Woz | OO | eWfective Date: | ovtana | Pager [2 [of] 2] st vty (including Check Points Freq.7 No. Acti ty (inet ding Check Points) Ref. Doc. Time Output 24 | Records of Management Reviews are namalnea mn | OP-OOLT OFMNG-OT the fom ot minutse ofthe meen ZB] Decisions of Managemen’ Review meeings are WR, implemented Functional Heads 7] Progress of iplererialion oT reviews ae Ghecked MR) Guareny | Evaluation of during intemal audt and reported review system 7 Reto are taken on The basis of epar wR Improvement § | Procedure for Management Review and is Atleast Review of effectiveness ater mplementaton of ts decisions ._ a oe willbe checked and viewed duting ermal aud year sytem © Actions wil be taken to nprove the System onthe Atleast basis of review wr |oncea’ | improvement " year Reviewed by (MR) sates fp

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