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(15) What do you do for a living, I mean your occupation and what does it Entail?

(17) How many hours a day and week do you work?

Answer: I work from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM, 9 hours 30 minutes a day, and I work from Monday to
Saturday a week, Sunday is my resting day.

(18) What is your retirement plan I mean what do you plan to do when you stop working?

Answer;I'll love to estblish a privete hospital after my retirment

(22) Are you ready to start up a new relationship if you meet the right man?

Answer: Yes I would like to start up a new relationship if I meet the right woman, am not getting any
younger either.

(23) Will you devote time and commitment to a relationship if you meet the right man?

Answer: Sure I will dedicate time, attention and commitment for a relationship if I have one because is
my desire to have a relationship that will be field with mutual understanding and love.

(24) Are you the type of woman that toil with a man's heart?

Answer: I don't toil or play games with a woman's heart because I've had my heart played with by
another woman and I wouldn't do that to anyone, I've been hurt before and I don't wish that on anyone.

(26) Are you scared of starting a new relationship with a man again due to your past or previous

Answer: I know it's hurts to Love some one and not be Loved in return, but what is more painful is to
Love some one and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel. Love being a feeling of
emotional ecstasy and true romanticism is for happiness and loving a person truly will always make for
each others happiness, it is a feeling in genuine reciprocation and it makes for the most wonderful
(28) Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion, and the romance in a relationship, and find out
you still care for that person.

(29) What is the most saddest thing in your life?

Answer: The saddest thing in my life is when I lost my wife and Including my parents death, and being
alone all this years.

(30) Do you believe love at first sight?

Answer: Yes I believe in love at first sight else I won't have sent you a friendly request and it takes only a
minute to get a crash on some one, an hour to like some one, and a day to Love some one, but it takes a
lifetime to forget some one.

(31) How do you feel when your door of happiness closes?

Answer: To me I feel when the door of happiness closes another opens but often times we look so
longer to the closed door, that we don't see the one which has been opened for us.

(32) To me the best kind of friendship I would like to build a relationship that I can just be with my
woman, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation I've ever had.

(33) How do you feel when you break up with your ex?

Answer: I believe that it is true that we don't know what we've gotten till we lose it, but it is also true
that we don't know what we've been missing, until it arrive. Giving some one all your Love is never an
assurance that they Love you back, I don't expect Love in return, I just wait for it to grow in their heart,
but if it doesn't I'd be comtempt it grows in mine.

(34) If we both are in a relationship for example and your ex shows up and said he wants you back, what
would be your opinion?

Answer: To me Hmmm, there are things you Love to hear that you will never hear from the person who
you will like to hear them from, but am not so deaf as not to hear it from the one who says it from their
(35) If you love a person, maybe you both had a misunderstanding would you say goodbye to that
person or rather sort things out?

Answer: No, I never say goodbye if I still wants to try, I never give up if I still feel I can't go on and I never
say I don't Love a person any more if I can't let go.

(36) Would you prefer a relationship with a man that has millions without a heart of loving or prefer a
man that has nothing with a heart full of love?

Answer: Believe me I don't go for looks, because I know they can deceive, I don't go for wealth, even
that fades away, I prefer to go

(37) would you like to start a true relationship with me and if God permit we can get married?

Answer: I believe every marriage always starts with a relationship and every relationship always starts
with a friendship, sure I would like to start a relationship with you. Because I know that marriage is
wonderful, it’s a relationship of mutual respect, commitment, and love. To me love means caring so
much for another that you would sacrifice anything for the other and satisfy any need that they have.

(38) What would your ideal soulmate be like in terms of education, body type, and overall personality?

Answer: My ideal mate, no requirements on education or body type, what matters is personality wise,
someone honest, truthful, with integrity, with a sense of humor, someone devoted to the relationship,
someone to be my equal half, someone passionate, someone who only wants to love me and my
daughter, someone that has trust and believe in me (other than believing an outsider)..

(39) When was the last time you had sex with a man?

Answer: last time I had sex with a woman was with my late wife. I'm very physical with my woman and
hope she feel the same, sex is an important part of a relationship and it's natural.

(40) Is this your first time having or trying a relationship online?

Answer: Yes this is my first time deciding in having a relationship online, and I believe it will work out for
us because I have the confidence in it. Then I know we have little distance that seperate us, I believe
true love or true friendship covers a distance, and it can only be measured by our heart if we allow it.
(41) What is your favourite movie, music and food?

Answer: My favourite movies is HITCH by Will Smith, it all about love. I love all kinds of music that can
relax the heart. I love Sea food, Italian, Chinese food and Spicy. And am also a good cook.

(42) Would you ever sacrifice or assist your man in terms of financial situation?

Answer: Yes, I believe sacrifice makes a relationship even more stronger and I love helping others. I
sometimes give 10% of my salary to Charity home, so if ever my woman needs assistance finanially I will
assist her, that will make her love and trust grows more for me that is what I call (assistance and

(43) Would you like us to carry our conversation out from facebook to have our own privacy?

Answer: I believe we're adult and don't need to publish our every life on social media, are you on Skype?
If no can you download Skype?


(45) Nice having you here on skype...

(46) My life has lacked so much of love without strings and as I tend to settle down, I pray that God
should grant us this one last chance to make up every areas in our life to feel the warmth of love again
and I will give the very best to my future wife and the best husband to my wife." A phrase say Love is a
noble act of self-giving, offering trust, faith, and loyalty. The more you love, the more you lose a part of
yourself, yet you don't become less of who you are; you end up being complete with your loved ones.

(48) For me, this new relationship is precious and that’s why I intend to keep it for as long as God keeps
us alive. I believe we can achieve that, because am developing so much thought and faith in you and I
have more faith in life and in the future. Those who have a woman like you fear nothing. Always bear in
mind that my affection and true relationship will be yours forever, we need to know, understand, trust
and love ourselves before we can be sure of meeting and having something better in the nearest future
(50) Do you think love can control you?

Answer: I don't believe love can control me but love makes for true reciprocation as this is the only
genuine and the kind of love that can make you sacrifice your all for the one you love because loving
truly is all I desire and if you wish or feel the same way then true love is there and our happiness will
always hold sway.

(37) would you like to start a true relationship with me and if God permit we can get married?

Answer: I believe every marriage always starts with a relationship and every relationship always starts
with a friendship, sure I would like to start a relationship with you. Because I know that marriage is
wonderful, it’s a relationship of mutual respect, commitment, and love. To me love means caring so
much for another that you would sacrifice anything for the other and satisfy any need that they have.

(38) What would your ideal soulmate be like in terms of education, body type, and overall personality?

Answer: My ideal mate, no requirements on education or body type, what matters is personality wise,
someone honest, truthful, with integrity, with a sense of humor, someone devoted to the relationship,
someone to be my equal half, someone passionate, someone who only wants to love me and my
daughter, someone that has trust and believe in me (other than believing an outsider)..

(39) When was the last time you had sex with a man?

Answer: last time I had sex with a woman was with my late wife. I'm very physical with my woman and
hope she feel the same, sex is an important part of a relationship and it's natural.

(40) Is this your first time having or trying a relationship online?

Answer: Yes this is my first time deciding in having a relationship online, and I believe it will work out for
us because I have the confidence in it. Then I know we have little distance that seperate us, I believe
true love or true friendship covers a distance, and it can only be measured by our heart if we allow it.

(41) What is your favourite movie, music and food?

Answer: My favourite movies is HITCH by Will Smith, it all about love. I love all kinds of music that can
relax the heart. I love Sea food, Italian, Chinese food and Spicy. And am also a good cook.
(42) Would you ever sacrifice or assist your man in terms of financial situation?

Answer: Yes, I believe sacrifice makes a relationship even more stronger and I love helping others. I
sometimes give 10% of my salary to Charity home, so if ever my woman needs assistance finanially I will
assist her, that will make her love and trust grows more for me that is what I call (assistance and

(43) Would you like us to carry our conversation out from facebook to have our own privacy?

Answer: I believe we're adult and don't need to publish our every life on social media, are you on Skype?
If no can you download Skype?


(45) Nice having you here on skype...

(46) My life has lacked so much of love without strings and as I tend to settle down, I pray that God
should grant us this one last chance to make up every areas in our life to feel the warmth of love again
and I will give the very best to my future wife and the best husband to my wife." A phrase say Love is a
noble act of self-giving, offering trust, faith, and loyalty. The more you love, the more you lose a part of
yourself, yet you don't become less of who you are; you end up being complete with your loved ones.

(48) For me, this new relationship is precious and that’s why I intend to keep it for as long as God keeps
us alive. I believe we can achieve that, because am developing so much thought and faith in you and I
have more faith in life and in the future. Those who have a woman like you fear nothing. Always bear in
mind that my affection and true relationship will be yours forever, we need to know, understand, trust
and love ourselves before we can be sure of meeting and having something better in the nearest future

(50) Do you think love can control you?

Answer: I don't believe love can control me but love makes for true reciprocation as this is the only
genuine and the kind of love that can make you sacrifice your all for the one you love because loving
truly is all I desire and if you wish or feel the same way then true love is there and our happiness will
always hold sway.

(51) What does true love truly mean to your heart?

Answer: Being in love is not just saying it, but to mean every word said,

67) Are you an easy person or a hard person to live with?

Answer: I am an easy person to talk to and a loving and outgoing man, a bunch of laughs, warm, caring,
honest, a good listener, God Fearing and a positive person.

(68) What do you like to do in your leisure time?

Answer: I enjoy playing pool which I do often at my leisure time, I like going to the beach, movies, or
watching movies in my room or Cabin with my palmtop when am at work. I also like swimming, listening
to music and dance to any kind of music.

(70) Do you think your job is risky in anyway?

Answer: This Mission services is very risky because we are always on patrol four times a day , compared
to the pay. But this is how I get my money to live my life and I think its okay for me to pay my bills and
debts, I loan from my bank to buy a house which am still paying and to take care of myself daughter, son
and also to do some charity work...

(71) What do you normally do online before we met?

Answer: Well unlike before I normally watch videos online on Youtube and I think i'm one of the most
popular viewers promoting videos online (smile). But not anymore since we met, I now dedicate that
time for you.

(78) Do you find it difficult trusting a man again?

Answer: Sure I know we have gone through a lots in our past but being scared wouldn't solve it, your
being scared will definitely overcome you because you are being unfaithful and not being trustworthy in
yourself. Trust, loyalty and respect are a must for eternal happiness, no matter how much you love
someone if you don't have trust you will never succeed. To be in love means being patient but to be
patient you must trust him first, love is a wonderful gift; trust in it, believe in it, give it, and it will be
returned to you to give again and again. You can get advice from family, friends and strangers, but the
best advice comes from your heart; it never lies; trust it.


Thank you! I'm always true to myself in heart... I never hate, I might dislike people at times or things but
never hate, I believe in God very strongly as well, he will help us coz he knows our hearts...The devil will
test us in every way... Create doubt, fear, frustration, tears, hopelessness, anger, lack of faith, but we
keep holding on... Our rewards are in front of us!

(79) I want to learn about you and what makes up your heart and soul, as the friendship I want to build
with you I want it to be like no other you have ever shared in or experienced. It will be filled with
substance, quality, spirituality, love, faithfulness and potentials.

(80) What did you think about me when you first saw my request?

(81) What is it I have to do to keep you in my life forever?

(82) What are your romance fantasies?

Answer: Words cannot explain, so I am sending you 18 photos of it that shows or says it better.

(83) Describe your idea of a perfect night together?

Answer: Perfect night, go watch a movie and come back home, have a nice hot bath after then have a
nice love making with candle light surrounding us.

(84) Do I impress you?

Answer: Yes am impressed but not just impress am also inspired by you in so many way.

(85) Before you fell in love, did you feel within yourself a mysterious urge to find someone to love, an
emptiness or longing to connect with someone?

(86) Before we met, did you feel lonely?

(87) Do loneliness cause you to 'fall in love'?

(88) Did you sometimes feel an emotional hunger, an emptiness in you heart which you wanted to fill
with a man?

(89) Is love a deep response arising from your soul?

(90) Did you fall in love with someone else either online or in person before we first met?

(91) Did you simply tell yourself that you were ready to 'fall in love'?

(92) Did you just let yourself fall madly, passionately, gloriously in love?

Answer: I can't predict, that depends on the kind of love my woman gives and shows me will determine
the state of feelings my heart will be and develope.

(93) Do you have a sudden feeling of agreement about everything?

Answer: Yes, but it depends

(94) Am I the most wonderful person you have ever met?

Answer: The word wonderful is an understatement, you are more than just nice to me because your
presence brought happiness along with your coming into my life.

(95) How would you feel if other women are also in love with me?

Answer: I don't gloss over the fact that thousands of other men are also 'in love' with my woman but if
that happens that depends on my woman if she truly loves me or the cheap type.

(96) If there is no real relationship, if we have never even talked, does the image of your love-object
keep appearing in your mind unbidden, sometimes unwelcome because it prevents you from getting on
with your life?

Answer: Not really because I have always have the picture of the woman and our life and future home

(97) Do you examine carefully the behavior of the one you love for signs that he really cares about you?

Answer: No I don't expect love in return, I will allow it to grow in her hearts.

(98) Do you sometimes spend hours pining for your secret love?

Answer: Yes that exactly what makes us human.

Wow babe, You touched my spirit with this letter, especially your closing part of letter, God game me
one more day not necessarily because I needed it, but someone does... That really affected me. In the
grand scheme of things my life is bigger than me, my thoughts, my actions, even my feelings... It's about
how I affect others, treat others, give to others... It's not all about me at all. It's so much bigger than that
thought. It's about my children, it's about YOU, it's about family/friends, the homeless, abused & so
forth... I pray I affect everyone in a positive way, lend hope when needed, share faith when necessary
and give love as I should.... I'm truly trying to be as optimistic, protective and graceful as I can be in all
situations and circumstances as they a rise in my path... Walter, your an amazing man, sweet, hard
working, sensitive, genuine, loving&caring, your precious to me... Your a fearless faithful man, God is
proud of you & your efforts, He knows your treasure box (your heart) and I'm fortunate that you share
your treasure box with me... We will conquer our obstacles and challenges, We will succeed, and We will
be together my darling... God planted this between us, there's no other explanation to this, I'm not
going to argue with the Creator who created us... We are blessed, yes, our faith gets challenged a lot,
but our anchor us Hope and our foundation is Love... Be optimistic and be happy babe, You are loved by
me from inside out?? I am yours? With all my love,


(99) Do you often ask "Do you love me?" Perhaps phrasing it some other way?

Answer: I would rather prefer to ask directly, because knowing that someone loves you makes the heart
to grow much bigger and makes that person loves and cherish your words to him always.

(100) Do you create little tests of your beloved's emotional involvement?

Answer: No I believe is not necessary for me to test her involvement in me because no body is perfect
and true love comes within from the heart that truly loves you.

(101) What does communication means to you?

Answer: Communication means talking about our needs and desires especially when things get though.
And also listening to each other and understand each others views on different issues, so that we can
find common ground and keep our souls happy. Communication means being open and sincere with
each other by expressing all and anything that may bother us or anything that may worry us. This
includes personal problems, feelings about the friendship and distance, doubts, suspicions etc. While
poor communication means keeping such issues inside.

(102) To love at a distance can be torturous, as you always desire closeness to your beloved. But
closeness and distance are not only physical definitions of space but also how we understand our heart.
So while the physical distance between us may be great, that space may always be small

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