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line 1: 1st Given Name Surname line 1: 2nd Given Name Surname line 1: 3rd Given Name Surname
line 2: dept. name of organization line 2: dept. name of organization line 2: dept. name of organization
(of Affiliation) (of Affiliation) (of Affiliation)
line 3: Name of the organization line 3: Name of the organization line 3: Name of the organization
(of Affiliation) (of Affiliation) (of Affiliation)
line 4: City, Country line 4: City, Country line 4: City, Country
line 5: email address or ORCID line 5: email address or ORCID line 5: email address or ORCID

line 1: 4th Given Name Surname line 1: 5th Given Name Surname line 1: 6th Given Name Surname
line 2: dept. name of organization line 2: dept. name of organization line 2: dept. name of organization
(of Affiliation) (of Affiliation) (of Affiliation)
line 3: Name of the organization line 3: Name of the organization line 3: Name of the organization
(of Affiliation) (of Affiliation) (of Affiliation)
line 4: City, Country line 4: City, Country line 4: City, Country
line 5: email address or ORCID line 5: email address or ORCID line 5: email address or ORCID

Abstract— Due to poor maintenance of pathways in which deaths out of all the other natural disasters. Floods are
stormwater flows, the water gets into urban areas where people common disasters in India. When rivers overflow their banks
live. Land encroachments are a major use faced. Buildings they cause damage to lives, property, and crops. Floods
built in the path block the flow of water, so the water gets usually are local, short-lived events that will happen
stagnant where the urban lives. Due to water stagnation in suddenly and sometimes with little or no warning. Rivers
urban areas, increases diseases caused due to impure water and also can flood their surroundings when the dams fail, when
mosquito. Dumping of Garbage or Industrial Wastes into ice temporarily blocks the course of the river channel or
water bodies and paths affects Public Health and Environment.
when the snow melts rapidly. When rivers overflow and flow
Around 80% of India’s water is severely polluted because
people garbage into the country’s rivers and lakes. This has led
over the land where people live it causes a flood. Again when
to water being undrinkable and therefore the population the river overflows a land where people don't live then it's
having to believe illegal and expensive sources. Out of the said to be flooding.
whole Indian population, experts predict that 40% of Many different situations can cause a flood. Some of
individuals might not have a connection to a clean water source them are:
by 2030. Today, 1.1 billion people worldwide sleep in poverty
without access to a safe beverage. Water-related diseases are • Heavy rain at the catchment
among the foremost common causes of illness, affecting the
bulk in developing countries. Each year, quite 1.5 million • Melting of snow
Indian children die from diarrhea. The proposed Mobile App • Cloudburst
provides information for both flood management and water
management. The Mobile App continually provides state, • Storm surge
county, and native agencies with updated information about
flood hazards, vulnerabilities, and mitigation initiatives. The
• Dams or levees breaking
complaints and information regarding the water blockage, Recent years have witnessed an outsized number of great
water stagnant, land encroachment, dumping of garbage or flood events around the world that led to thousands of deaths,
industrial waste, poor maintenance of pathways, and early displacement of many people, and damage and economic
flood alert are uploaded to the mobile application as pictures, losses that amount to tens of billions of Euros. In addition,
videos, and text messages with the necessary description. The
projections of future climate changes and urban growth
exact location of the affected areas can also be plotted on the
indicate that flood risks are going to be exacerbated in many
map for easy access by the government or other NGOs to
resolve the problems. The updates of the problem will be regions. Consequently, governments, policymakers, and
shared via the app to the specific area or the people to know communities worldwide are forced to review their flood
the status of the problem. Notifications will be pushed after management strategies and invest more resources in
resolving the problem and updates on water management portfolios of structural and non-structural measures.
activities are received.
B. Objective
Keywords—land encroachments, stagnation, dumping of The main objective of the proposed model is to design a new
garbage, mobile App, notifications system for flood alert detection system integration in the
android application. In addition, to provide real-time
I. INTRODUCTION information about the flood and water-related problems and
A. Overview provide an alert notifications system to end-user.
Floods are the foremost lethal natural disasters in India.
India experienced 235 floods between the yeayears80 and C. Problem statement
2017, which led to 126,286 deaths and affected 1.93 billion Most people don’t get prior information related to flood and
people. Floods in India account for over 40 percent of the water management. So there is a need to find out the way to


give details of the happenings around them. The problem great importance to guard the safety of humans. Recently,
within disaster management isn't a lack of technology or social media feeds are rapidly emerging as a unique platform
existence of the relevant information. It is often the lack of for providing and disseminating knowledge that's often
accessibility of the information. The capability to efficiently geographic. The content from social media usually includes
use information technologies to get and manage information, references to urban emergency events occurring at or
and the power to critically evaluate, and appropriately apply affecting specific locations due to water problems. during
such information to unravel a rag, are the key spirit this paper, so on describe and detect the important time urban
determination to find out disaster recovery solutions. emergency event, the 5W (Why, What, Where, When, Who)
model is proposed. Firstly, users of social media are set
Therefore, the means of identifying, locating, accessing
because of the target of crowdsourcing. Secondly, the
data, and determining is crucial for completing the
temporal and spatial information from social media is
efficiency of the matter. extracted to detect the important time of the event. Thirdly, a
GIS-based annotation of the detected urban emergency of the
D. Scope event is shown. The proposed method is evaluated with
extensive case studies that are supported by real urban
Our country has government bodies (Municipal
emergency events. The results show the efficiency and better
Corporation) that are responsible for maintaining and accuracy of the proposed method.
running cities. It is their responsibility to deal with the
complaint of citizens. For this municipal Corporation has C. The importance of volunteered geographic information
two ways, first cameras or other surveillance devices have to for the validation of flood inundation models
be installed and the second way is that citizens could report
their problems to the municipal corporation. The second Two-dimensional flood inundation models capable of
way is usually used because it's cheaper compared to the simulating temporally and complex spatially differentiated
first one. But it takes a lot of paperwork and time because floodplain flows are routinely used to model and predict
the citizens have to visit the office in person and report flooding. However, advances in modeling techniques haven't
problems faced them which can be solved by the municipal been matched by improvements in model validation.
corporation. Due to the emergence of the internet and its Validation of flood models remains challenging thanks to a
various capabilities, there have been several complaints that scarcity of obtainable spatially-explicit data; traditionally
it provides citizens a platform to complain online. This measured data and validation approaches reveal little about
project aims to minimize of l damaged damage by floods by the power of a model to simulate the complex dynamics of
giving timely updates and also solving the problems lodged floodplain flows, including the pathways, timeline, and
by people. This is done with the help of Government impacts of an occasion. In this paper, we propose a unique
authorities. method for the validation of hydraulic models of flooding
using Volunteered Geographic Information. This method
II. LITERATURE SURVEY uses VGI data to reinforce traditionally measured validation
data by reconstructing the observed dynamics of a flood,
A. Crowdsourcing based description using GIS allowing validation of the temporal and spatial simulation of
Nowadays, information extraction is very useful and those dynamics. We illustrate the tactic by employing a case
valuable. Information Extraction is the automated retrieval of study from Corbridge within the northeast of England, using
VGI collected through participatory research with people
specific information associated with the selected topic.
suffering from severe flooding in 2015. The study is to
Information extraction depends on named entity recognition
demonstrate that VGI data are often used for the effective
(NER), a subtotal used to find targeted information to extract. reconstruction of flood event dynamics. The results also
NER recognizes entities first together of several categories reveal that the proposed validation approach is in a position
like location (LOC), persons(PER,) or organizations (ORG). to spot underperformance within the model’s simulation of
Once the knowledge category is recognized, an information event dynamics not evaluated by standard global
extraction utility extracts the named entity’s related performance measures. Such a scarcity of evaluation can
information and constructs a machine-readable document have adverse consequences where dynamic model outputs
from it, which algorithms can further process to extract are used locally to influence floodplain management. As a
meaning. By Michael Marchionda - Crowdsourcing may be a result, we propose a new framework for model validation,
growing, fast-paced, and effective way for organizations to adopting a flexible and pragmatic approach to examining
collect the simplest ideas from online communities and use event dynamics using a diverse range of data.
them in ways that benefit both the organization and
D. Raspberry Pi Based Water Quality Monitoring and
contributor. In this paper w,e have discussed information
Flood Alerting System Using IoT
extraction which is the location from twitter that helps people
from organizations and many other backgrounds.
As of now multi-day water debasing is a victor among the
B. Crowdsourcing based description of urban emergency best suppositions of strain for the green globalization. to
events using social media big data guarantee the water ailment, first, we'd like to think about
the water parameters like ph, saturation, temperature, and
Crowdsourcing could even be a process of acquisition, mems sensor because the sorts inside the estimations of
integration, and analysis of massive and heterogeneous data these parameters part closer to the closeness of
generated by a diversity of sources in urban spaces, like contamination. in this paper we plan and expansion a
sensors, devices, vehicles, buildings, and humans. Especially, straightforwardness structure for obvious checking of the
nowadays, no countries, no communities, and no one is water astonishing in it. at present, water parameters are
immune to urban emergency events. Detection of urban perceived by techniques for a strategy for mix check or
emergency events, e.g., fires, storms, and traffic jams are of research office test, wherein the seeing equipment's are table
certain and examinations are given to discovering B. Working
substances. along these lines, the essentialness water
reasonable watching system is a guide structure with dull  We are making a Mobile App that has info for each
strategy and is astoundingly terrible. with the end inspiration flood management and water management.
to broaden the repeat, the evaluating sorts of mechanical
congregations might be placed in the water resources and  The Mobile App often provides state, county, and
notoriety of pollution might be made remotely. this paper native agencies with updated data concerning flood
proposes a sensor-based water brilliant checking contraption hazards, vulnerabilities, and mitigation initiatives.
that is executed for looking over extensive substance
parameters of the water. the parameters, for example,  The complaints and data relating to the water
temperature, ph, mems sensor, and stickiness of the water blockage, water stagnant, land encroachment,
might be anticipated. the organized properties of the sensors selling of garbage or industrial waste, poor
can be made by techniques out of utilizing the center maintenance of pathways, and early flood alert area
controller. the raspberry pi model can be used as an inside unit were uploaded within the mobile application as
controller. at expansive last, the sensor data can be sure images, video, and text messages with the
about the web using a programming interface. the mandatory description.
uniqueness of our proposed paper is to urge a theater-
looking structure with uncommon repeat, high adaptability,  The actual location of the affected areas also can be
and espresso directed. aforethought within the map for straightforward
E. Web-GIS application for flood prediction and access by the govt. or alternative NGOs to resolve
monitoring the issues.

With heating and extensive infrastructure development on the  The app additionally provides a user facility to look
brink of rivers, the impacts of flooding events have greatly at the standing of criticism till is resolved, whereas
increased over recent years. To support flood management, an online system can facilitate officers at Municipal
early prediction is extremely useful. In this research, we've Corporation to solve/reject criticism with reasons
developed a choice network for flood prediction and and monitor the standing of criticism.
monitoring that integrates GIS and hydrological modeling
with additional bridge sensors and users’ observations.  The Aim of making this Application is to alter the
Hydrological modeling considers a wide range of
information that affect flooding such as snow conditions, method of lodging criticism to individual
temperatures, precipitation patterns, water levels, and stream Municipal corporations and build it fast and low
to generate flood predictions. The predicted water levels for cost.
subsequent 24 and 48 hours are often displayed via dynamic
sites and overlaid with maps of the transportation network,
property boundaries, municipal infrastructure, and water The planned system contains the subsequent facilities over
depth contour lines. In conclusion, this research can provide the current system:
good flood prediction precision and powerful support to the
general public evacuation if flood events happen. 1. individuals will launch their complaints from any place
with the assistance of mobiles.
A. Proposed method 2. individuals will capture an image or transfer videos.
As the hassle said the concept is to broaden a cellular app via
which the humans of a selected vicinity tormented by the 3. GPS facilities are provided so the user’s location may be
one’s issues can deliver a quick precision or seize the half-tracked simply.
mitigation importing it to the app which additionally
incorporates google earth centers in it that makes smooth to 4. straightforward and simple criticism launching page so
factor the region. When the difficulty is uploaded, its miles even a typical layperson also can use the system simply.
are immediately exceeded by the authorities who are liable
for clearing the difficulty. Once the problems are said thru C. Workflow
the app. It will display the fame of the lawsuits via Some sections are divided as commissioner, grievance
notifications with the monitoring details. After the recorders officer, head of the department, and employee each has its
are exceeded, a government or NGO will have a take a login section. When the user launches a complaint, it is
observe it and take the critical steps to remedy the difficulty. forwarded to the grievance officer. The grievance officer has
to forward the complaint to the respective head of the
department if the complaint is genuine. Then the head of the
department will view the complaint and forward it to the
employee and finally, the employee will allow the problem
to the co-worker. CA co-worker will visit the place and
check whether the problem is true or not if true then he will
solve the problem. There will be a particular period assigned
in each stage. If at any stage they fail to solve the problem or
in case the complaint is not forwarded within the period then
the complaint will be directly forwarded to the
commissioner. In case the complaint received is fake then
the grievance officer or employee has the right to reject the
complaint All the status will be visible to the person who
has launched the complaint. Users will be able to see
whether their complaint is solved, pending, or rejected. The
process of forwarding the complaints among officers and
employees will be kept hidden from the user.

D. System Architecture
The System architecture illustrates the entire content of the
system. It represents the interaction between the users, the
mobile application, and the administrator. The user can
choose to sign in using their mobile number and the OTP
sent. After logging in, the user can access the flood app to
send a description of the flood and pin the location, images  Complaint Module
can be uploaded and flood levels are marked, disaster-
affected areas can also be viewed, and users can receive In this module, users can launch their complaints.
notifications and manage their account. The application The complaint form will be simple so that a
requires an internet connection and access to GPS. The common man can use it. In the complaint, form
administrator on the other side can also sign in. After users can upload photos and can even upload
signing in, The web system for the administrator will receive videos. The user has to give the complaint details.
all the reports from the users and can view the past reports. Gps facility is provided so that users’ location can
They can also see the list of registered users and a map of be tracked. This collection of information is used
the online users in their current locations. It can produce a for crowdsourcing data about the status of a
report by date, and location. All the data are stored in the particular reported area.
database and can also be retrieved.

A. Functional modules

The mobile application that gives flood information to users,  Location tracking module
allows them to send complaints about the inaccessibility of
an area due to flood, receive notifications and get updates. The application will be built in such a way that it
This mobile application is composed of five main modules: will provide the current location of the person
complaining can be tracked and will be visible to
 Login module the admin on the server-side.

Individual login facility is there for every officer

and employee so that they can see the complete
procedure of complaint and can even solve the  Department wise login
complaints. The procedure of forwarding the
complaints and solving complaints will not be This has been created based on the different
visible to the user. The user will only get to know Departments in the database. The Admin within the
the status. different departments can View the complaint that
is being launched to that particular department.
Also, the current status will be visible.
• White Box testing: Once the application meets the user
requirements and functionalities according to the test cases,
its internal logic is completely tested to ensure that the
application does not have any logical errors or issues.

• Unit Testing: We have tested all the modules of the

application individually by running it as a test program.

• Integration testing: After testing the modules individually,

tested them by integrating all the submodules, and modules
into one application.

• System Testing: It refers to checking whether the system in

which the application is built meets the requirements like
software support. For example: In this project, We have
 Complaints management and updating checked whether the device in which the application was
developed is compatible with the software (Android Studio).
Admin based on the different departments can view
the complaints that are being launched to a
particular department. The Admin has the authority V. RESULT AND CONCLUSION
to open or close the complaint. Then Admin can
also reply to the user in the form of a notification Integrating technology such as crowdsourcing to different
that is being created when the admin updates the platforms and tools has a positive impact on a community
complaint and will be made visible. during a disaster regardless of the location. Crowdsourcing
using a smartphone is a conventional way to obtain data
regarding events such as natural disasters. Technology is
capable of saving lives even though natural disaster is
impossible to prevent from happening. Such technology
could help commuters monitor the flooded areas around us.
They can get directions going to their destination without
going to the flooded routes.

This app helps the commuters to view the flood information

of a specific area. It may serve as a medium that permits the
user to send reports and notifies the other users about the
accessibility of an area. The application gives stranded
commuters an alternative route.

Problems such as natural disasters are frequently happening

around the world. Citizens and Governments have learned
from their past experiences and are now capable of
addressing the adversities of the natural disaster.
B. Test Plan and Test Activities Smartphones and other technology such as crowdsourcing is
needed for more people to be aware of the situation and save
A test plan is necessary for any project to plan the testing
phase and decide the scope of the project. The test plan
involves collecting design specifications about the project, VI. REFERENCES
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