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COURSE: Personal Development

ASSIGNMENT: CSR report of water bottle drive

1. Alishba Khan
2. Syed Noman Qamar
3. Maarij Khan
4. Haris Majeed
5. Muhammad Jawad


SHU became the start of a fantastic journey for many bright individuals that have come to this university. Through
education we are able to see those nuances that require much needed development in the society and city. The plethora
of problems may seem overwhelming at first sight, a gargantuan task of correcting each and every single issue in a long
chain of interconnected issues. This is why our machine is to inspire a world of hope for all citizens, showing them that
comfort that we seek requires unprecedented and wide-scale acts of generosity.


In the last 5 years, Karachi has recorded high temperatures throughout summers, with 41.5 °C in the 2017 heat wave. In
2018, 65 people lost their lives due to the heat waves. In May this year, there were multiple warnings issued for heat
waves throughout Southern Pakistan, including Karachi.

The temperature in Karachi rose to levels that were dangerously hot for the public to move around. Regardless, Karachi
never stops in the face of whatever calamity if faces, so people of all class, ethnicity and religion are on the streets and
roads, trying to make a living. This bravery of the meek and patient people of Karachi often goes unnoticed. Life in a
metropolis is unrelenting as it is, that these heat spells make them worse. The impact of this heat goes way beyond
recorded deaths and temperatures, where lives are made severely difficult during power outages and traffic jams.

So, we as a team decided to a distribute water bottles to aid these people commending them of their day to day efforts
that run the cogs of this city. Although just serving water bottles may look as a small insignificant act in the grand
scheme of things, our effort is to make things easier for an everyday citizen. It may just take a few hours for a person to
forget this deed, maybe even minutes, but we hope that we can leave a positive and profound effect on a person's day.


First, we designed the labels. These tags and labels were especially designed to display our aim in this CSR project and
included the SHU logo in it as well. We ordered water bottles with water high in zinc, as zinc deficiency is often recorded
in summer times. After acquiring these bottles, we labelled them and ensured that they are sealed perfectly.
Consequently, we took these bottles the locations that we decided and distributed these bottles


Picture 1 The labels printed Picture 2 Tags Picture 3 Finished bottle ready to
We believe that team work and effort is what it takes for people to achieve greatness. We carefully divided our tasks
according to the feasibility and expertise of each of the team member. Maarij started out with developing the strategic
layout of the activity and provided necessary information about the entire plan to develop steps that would lead to our
desired outcome. It also involved developing measures and assigning tasks accordingly. Harris was in charge of making
sure that our decided count of supply is on point and we do not fall short on it. He made all the purchases and kept track
of the monetary situation that took place due to the activity. Noman and Alishba designed the bottle wraps and the
postcards carefully mentioning all the important details necessary to market the organization and inputting relevant
information precisely. They also were in charge of getting them printed, pasted and perfectly aligned. Jawwad decided
on the desired locations that involved traffic or had a flow
of labor/ people working under striking heat and arranged
hygiene and health precautions for the entire group before
heading out to perform the activity. Each and every
member did their best into making sure this activity goes
smoothly and was an equal part of the on field execution
which turned out exactly how we planned it to be.


We selected 4 locations to distribute water bottles:

1. Char Minar Chowrangi

2. Nipa

3. Korangi

4. Landi Kotal Chowrangi

We spent a total of 3 days in this project and in the last day we visited two
locations. Our goal was to make sure that we distributed bottles worth Rs 4.5k
which was about 150 bottles. Starting from about noon, we gave every location
about 2 hours, distributing around 40 bottles each. The temperature in these days
ranged around a peak of 31 °C to 32 °C at the time of our project.

It was vital part of our project to be communicative to the people we talk to. We quickly assured that our idea that
having a small talk, genuinely asking how people’s day was going, and making them share a little bit about their life
would lift their spirits greatly. Sometimes mixed with some compliments and some jokes, we aimed to tell the people we
interacted with that they can reciprocate our optimism with the smallest acts of generosity. The effects of this optimism
was something they obviously felt well enough to find it worthwhile to make someone’s day a little better. This of course
was paired with the idea that people, as long they are human, regardless of they age, gender, religion or ethnicity,
deserve generosity.


We certainly believe the experience that we gained is valuable for any future projects that we plan for
community service. Not only this, all of us as a team have grown as individuals, feeling more responsible for
the people around seeing how a simple and a few words can create a beautiful effect on lives. We will also

advise others to do the same, and this with proof of our own experience. We hope and pray that any positivity
that we spread, multiplies and spreads across the whole city.

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