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Discuss the ‘’anticipatory principle” within the context of the Pygmalion effect or

the idea of self-fulfilling prophecies.

This principle postulates that what we tend to believe in what we anticipate. We believe in what

is familiar to us and that which we can predict. In this case reality is subjective.

Critique the idea of learning from mistakes

We never learn from mistakes. What we instead learn is that which we should not do in the


What is the alternative approach proposed by AI?

AI suggests that learning ought to be through studying, adapting and replicating what works.

Why is important to begin the discovery stage AI by stating objectives in the


It focuses on what motivates people that is, their accomplishments. It also brings positive energy

to people and their work.

Describe the 4-D process- why do you think it has been so effective in leading

transformation in a variety of settings?

It is a process used for effecting positive change and believes that change occurs through

thoughtful inquiry into forces which give life.

It fosters unity and inclusivity and ensures that all members feel appreciated and are contributing

towards positive change

Provide some examples of organizational transformation using AI from the text that

most inspired you.

The community development process called Imagine which uses AI as the vehicle of


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