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J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2008) 19:281–288

DOI 10.1007/s10854-007-9312-7

Effects of bonding frequency on Au wedge wire bondability

Yu Hin Chan Æ Jang-Kyo Kim Æ Deming Liu Æ
Peter C. K. Liu Æ Yiu Ming Cheung Æ Ming Wai Ng

Received: 16 March 2007 / Accepted: 4 May 2007 / Published online: 31 May 2007
Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2007

Abstract This paper studies the effect of bonding continuously supplied because of the power drop. This
frequency on bondability of Au wire on a PCB bond pad. causes an excessive energy to be transmitted to the bonded
The wire bonding was performed at two different fre- wire, resulting in weakened wire due to excessive defor-
quencies, 62 kHz and 138 kHz, and at varying bond pad mation.
temperatures between 60 and 110 °C. It is shown that the
bond strengths of the wires bonded at a high frequency
were generally higher than those bonded at a low frequency
for all temperatures studied. Two distinct wire failure
modes were observed for the wires bonded at the high 1 Introduction
frequency: the wires with high pull strengths failed at the
bond neck, while those with low pull strengths failed Vast majority of electronic packages are still intercon-
mainly within the bonded wire body. This resulted in a nected based on the thermosonic wire bonding technology.
large pull strength data scatter, which was explained by the With advantages of high reliability, good electrical
high Q factor of the high frequency transducer. The bon- performance and corrosion resistance, Au wire bonding has
dability obtained for the high bond power end was much been widely used in high end applications [1, 2]. Typical
higher for the high frequency, giving rise to a wider process issues on wire bond quality are bond peel-off and no-bond.
window in terms of bond power for the high frequency These failures can be reduced by increasing major bonding
bonding. The wire bonding performance was compared parameters, such as bond power, force, time and bond pad
between the ‘‘open’’ and ‘‘closed’’ loop bonding systems. temperature, but all these measures have undesirable
The minimum bond powers required for successful bonds drawbacks [3]. Increasing the bond power provides suffi-
in the closed loop system were significantly lower than cient ultrasonic energy, but it also causes large wire
those required in the open loop system (e.g. 20–40 mW vs. deformation. Increasing bond force may cause bond pad
110–135 mW at 90 °C). The closed loop system was able cratering and tend to produce highly deformed wires. A
to correct the resonance frequency shift, thus maintaining long bond time may damage the wire, while reducing the
an almost constant bond power during bonding. In the open product yield. Increasing the bond pad temperature can be
loop system, in contrast, a high bond power needs to be beneficial, but the maximum bonding temperature is
severely limited by the glass transition temperature, Tg, of
the organic printed circuit boards (PCBs). The bonding
Y. H. Chan  J.-K. Kim (&)
temperature must be carefully adjusted to ensure the supply
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hong Kong University
of Science & Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, of sufficient thermal energy, while avoiding softening of
Hong Kong the substrate material [1].
e-mail: A potential solution to the above drawbacks is to
increase the wire bonding frequency. A conventional wire
D. Liu  P. C. K. Liu  Y. M. Cheung  M. W. Ng
ASM Assembly Automation, Ltd. 4/F, Watson Centre, 16 Kung bonding process operates at a low frequency of 60 kHz.
Yip Street, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong Doubling the transducer frequency to 120 kHz will provide

282 J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2008) 19:281–288

an additional energy needed to overcome the activation Table 2 Plasma cleaning process
energy of bonding [4, 5]. At even a higher bonding Gas Flow rate Time (s) Power Pressure
frequency of 138 kHz, the bonding temperature can be (SCCM) (W) (mTorr)
further reduced [6]. The high frequency ultrasonic vibra-
tion increases wire-to-pad friction energy by increasing the Argon 5 Initial 60 & Next 100 120
number of scrubbing per bond [3], which in turn acceler-
Oxygen 5 Initial 60 100 120
ates solid state welding in a shorter period of time and at a
lower vibration amplitude [7, 8]. The shorter bond time,
lower bond pad temperature and lower wire deformation nickel sulfate (NiSO4) solution. A Au layer was plated
are all beneficial in terms of higher product yield, higher electrolytically on top of the Ni layer.
reliability and higher pull strength. The bond pads were cleaned using plasma to remove
The characteristics of high frequency wire bonding any contaminations on the surface before wire bonding.
make it suitable for ultra fine pitch applications. As the size The optimized plasma process conditions chosen after
of semiconductor devices continuously shrinks and the preliminary tests, including the cleaning power and time,
input/output (I/O) density increases, the demands for are summarized in Table 2. The gas pressure was
smaller and more closely spaced bond pads are ever 120 mTorr and the gas flow rate was 5 sccm. A mixture of
growing [9, 10]. Unlike the Au ball bonds, the wedge Ar and O2 gases was used initially for either 1 min or
bonds are long and narrow. Benefited from the much lower 5 min, followed by an Ar gas treatment for another 1 min.
wire loops than ball bonds, the wedge bonds are ideal for
low profile and ultra high pitch applications. Therefore, the 2.2 Wire pull test and construction of process windows
high frequency thermosonic Au wedge bonding is the
subject of the current study. As a continuation of our pre- Thermosonic wire bonding was performed using two
vious work [11, 12] on bondability of thermosonic Au wire identical automatic wedge bonders (ASM model
bond, the present study aims to evaluate the effect of AB559 A), equipped with different transducers of 62 kHz
bonding frequency on wire bondability. Attention is also and 138 kHz. The same software was used to control the
placed on the comparison of bonding performances using bonding parameters in the two bonders and all other setups
the ‘‘open’’ and ‘‘closed’’ loop systems. The process were identical: only the bonding frequencies were differ-
windows are established to identify the combinations of ent. The wedge tools of both bonders were made of tita-
important parameters, such as wire bond power and bond nium carbide. The mode of operation could be shifted from
pad temperature, which could produce successful wire the ‘‘open’’ to ‘‘closed’’ loop system.
bonds. The Au wire of 25.4 lm in diameter had an elongation
of 0.5–3% and a tensile strength of 12–17 gf. No die was
mounted on the PCB substrates and both the 1st and 2nd
2 Experiments bonds were made directly on the PCBs. The locations of
bonds were controlled by the automatic wedge bonder so
2.1 Materials and samples that the distance between the 1st and the 2nd bonds were
made consistent. The nominal distance between the bonds
The metallizations applied onto the bond pad of PCB were was 1.5 mm and the average loop height was 0.328 mm.
basically the same as those used in our previous studies The bond force and bond time were 20 gf and 20 ms,
[11, 12]. The PCB substrates used were made from 0.8 mm respectively, while the bond power was varied between 0
thick FR-4 type glass fabric reinforced epoxy laminates and 300 mW. The bond pads were pre-heated on the wire
with a Tg of about 120 °C (supplied by Universal Printed bonder heater work chuck to the desire temperature before
Circuit Co. Ltd, Hong Kong) with a copper clad. The bond wire bonding. The bond pad temperature was monitored
pad consisted of Cu, Ni and Au layers, whose plating using a non-contact infrared thermometer. Twenty wires
methods and thicknesses are given in Table 1. On top of were bonded for each set of conditions.
the 25.4 lm thick Cu layer, Ni was electroplated using a A modified wire pull test was used to evaluate the
bondability by measuring the wire pull strength. The test-
Table 1 Metallization scheme ing hook was placed close to the 2nd bond, 0.33 mm away
from the 2nd bond as schematically shown in Fig. 1.
Substrate Plating method Thickness (lm)
Because the distribution of force on each bond and the
Ni Au Ni Au resultant wire pull strength were significantly affected by
the position of the hook, the hook was located consistently
FR-4 Electrolytic Electrolytic 4–8 0.11–0.25
in the same position by automatically placing the hook at

J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2008) 19:281–288 283


1st bond 2nd bond

Glass\epoxy Laminate 0.33mm

Fig. 1 Wire pull test configuration

the edge of bond pad. Three failure modes were observed

after wire pull test, as illustrated in Fig. 2. They were i)
wire break with the fracture point close to the hook’s
position within the wire loop; ii) 2nd bond neck break at
the heel of bond point; and iii) 2nd bond lift or peel off.
The first and second failure modes were the result from
successful bond, and the bond peel off was regarded as
poor bondability. The overriding criteria for a successful
bond were: i) no 2nd bond peel off for all 20 wires tested
for the same condition; and ii) the average wire pull
strength being greater than the industry minimum of 5 gf.
In addition to wire pull strength, the widths of deformed
wire, W, were also measured using a profile projector. The
wire deformation ratio was calculated from the known
original diameter of the wire, D (Fig. 3):

Deformation ratio ¼ WD ð1Þ

The deformation ratio reflects the energy consumed

during wire bonding: a high deformation ratio implies that
the bonding power was too high or most of the energy was Fig. 2 Wire failure modes: (a) wire break, (b) 2nd bond neck break,
consumed to deform the wire. Process windows were and (c) 2nd bond lift or peel off
plotted as a function of bonding temperature and bond
power for a given bond frequency. The process windows
thereby established indicate the combination of bond fre-
quency, bond power and bonding temperature that can
satisfy the successful bond criteria.

2.3 Open loop and closed loop systems

In the conventional open loop wire bonding system, the

real time bond power is allowed to drift away from the
preset condition during bonding because of the shift in
resonance frequency. When micro-weld starts to form
Fig. 3 Measurement of deformation ratio, W/D
between the wire and bond pad, the impedance of the
transducer increases, causing the bond power to decrease
from the preset peak value. In the closed loop system, in to maintain a constant bond power. No matter how the
contrast, the real time bond power can be better resonance frequency shifts and impedance changes, the
maintained. The wire bonder monitors the resonance fre- bond power does not decrease with time and is maintained
quency shift and the impedance changes during bonding. close to its initial value. The different behaviors with
Therefore, it adjusts the supply current throughout bonding respect to the change in bond power between the open and

284 J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2008) 19:281–288

(a) 14
Power 12 62kHz

Pull strength (gf)

Closed loop

Open loop

Time 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260
Bond power (mW)
Fig. 4 Variations of bond power with time in the open and closed
loop bonding systems
(b) 2.4
closed loop systems are schematically shown in Fig. 4. In 62kHz

Deformation ratio
the present study, two fixed resonance frequencies were 2.0 138kHz
used, namely 62 kHz and 138 kHz, as the principle oper- 1.8
ating frequencies of the transducers. The open loop system
was studied at a typical temperature (90 °C) here to iden-
tify any changes in bondability arising from the resonance 1.4
frequency drift. 1.2

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260
3 Results and discussion
Bond power (mW)

3.1 Open loop high frequency wire bonding Fig. 5 Wire pull strength and deformation ratio as a function of bond
power obtained in the open loop system (at 90 °C)
The wire bonding performance, in terms of wire pull
strength and wire deformation, is compared between the It was also noted that there were larger bond strength
low and high frequencies for a given bonding tempera- data scatters for the high frequency bonding, in particular
ture of 90 °C while all other conditions were kept in the closed-loop system (see Fig. 6). The high Q factor of
unchanged, as shown in Fig. 5. The wire pull strengths the transducer used and the sensitive wedge tip motion at
decreased while the deformation ratio increased system- the high frequency bonding were mainly responsible for
atically with increasing bond power when a low the large data scatters. Q factor is defined as the ratio of the
frequency of 62 kHz was used. When the bonding fre- energy supplied to the energy dissipated per cycle, and
quency was increased to 138 kHz, the wire pull strengths measures the mechanical loss of supplied energy. The Q
improved by as much as 3–4 gf depending on the bond factors of high and low frequency transducers were 700–
power used, and the corresponding deformation ratio was 800 and 400–600, respectively. The bonding system con-
reduced to only about 1.2 at the threshold or the lowest sisting of a transducer with a high Q factor is very sensitive
bond power. The higher pull strengths and smaller wire to bond pad characteristics, such as surface hardness,
deformation ratios obtained at a higher frequency are a roughness and cleanliness, and slight changes in these
direct reflection of smaller plastic deformation of the conditions cause a sharp drop of energy transmission effi-
wires, which is probably associated with the reduced ciency [14].
wedge tool vibration amplitude at the high frequency Figure 5 also suggests that a high frequency bonding
bonding [7, 8]. The higher the frequency, the greater the requires a higher bond power to make successful bonds. At
number of scrubbing per bond, which can increase the a low frequency, successful bonds were made at the lowest
frictional heat generated at the contact interface [13]. bond power of 110 mW, which is 30 mW lower than the
The higher energy supplied and less wire damage due to corresponding bond power for the high frequency bond.
wedge-wire interfacial motion [9] allowed more complete This does not necessarily imply the bondability of the low
bonding and stronger wire necks, resulting in higher frequency bonding was better than the high frequency
bond strengths than in the low frequency bonding. bonding. It appears that the bonding conditions used in this

J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2008) 19:281–288 285

(a) 14 optimal bond force required for successful bonds can be

62kHz reduced while all other bonding conditions are kept the
same. In deed, the nanoindentation test carried out on the
cross sections of deformed wires confirmed that the hard-
Pull strength (gf)

8 ness of the wire measured at an indentation depth of 2 lm

was higher for the high (138 kHz) frequency than the low
one (62 kHz) (i.e.0.60 ± 0.05 GPa and 0.54 ± 0.05 GPa,

3.2 Closed loop high frequency wire bonding
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260
Bond power (mW) To correct the discrepancy associated with the shift in
resonance frequency, wire bonding was carried out using
(b) 14
62kHz the closed loop system. Wire bonding was performed at
138kHz two different frequencies and three different bonding
10 temperatures. The wire pull strengths measured at different
Pull strength (gf)

8 temperatures are plotted as a function of bond power in

Fig. 6. For all bonding temperatures, the average pull
Pull Strength < 5gf strengths of the wires obtained at a high frequency were
consistently higher than those obtained at a low frequency
2 for a given bond power. The difference in bond strength
was especially large at a low bonding temperature.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 The general trends of wire pull strength with bond
Bond power (mW) power were different for the two frequencies. As seen in
(c) 14 Fig. 6, the pull strength decreased almost linearly with
62kHz increasing bond power when the low frequency was used.
138kHz In particular, the low frequency wirebonding presented a
Pull strength (gf)

remarkably high wire pull strength performance at bond

powers as low as about 10 mW when the temperature was
6 Pull Strength < 5gf moderately high (i.e. 90 and 110 °C). This observation has
4 not been reported previously, which may have significant
implications for the optimization of process conditions in
practical wirebonding. The pull strength data were further
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 supported by the corresponding deformation ratios that
Bond power (mW) increased with increasing bond power before saturation at
about 2.0, Fig. 7. In contrast, the reduction in pull strength
Fig. 6 Wire pull strength as a function of bond power at different with bond power was rather insignificant in the high fre-
temperatures obtained in the closed loop system: (a) 60 °C, (b) 90 °C
and (c) 110 °C quency bonding. The average pull strengths were almost
constant regardless of the bond power used although the
study, i.e. a bond force of 20 gf for a bond time of 20 ms, data scatter was very large, especially when the bond pad
were not fully optimized for the high frequency bonding temperatures were 60 and 110 °C (Figs 6 (a) and (c)).
because a low bond force is generally preferred for the high Contrary to the wire pull strength data, the deformation
frequency bonding. It was reported previously [10] that the ratios increased consistently with increasing bond power
use of a low initial bond force of 21 gf, instead of 26 gf, even at the high frequency.
was able to make a good bond at a frequency of the wedge It should be mentioned here that the bond power used in
tool on top of the wire makes a rubbing action against the this study was the electrical power of the transducer, which
bond pad during bonding, and the softening was more is different from the mechanical power delivered to the
serious when a low frequency was used. If the wire remains wire; and the transducers used in the high and low fre-
sufficiently hard, as in the high frequency bonding, the quency wire bonding were different, and so were the effi-
shear action would have a less negative effect on devel- ciencies of the transducers.
oping a sufficiently high frictional energy for the formation Typical SEM micrographs taken after the pull test of the
of a successful bond than in the low frequency bonding. wires bonded at 138 kHz are shown in Fig. 8. It was noted
This means that when the high frequency is used, the that the different pull strengths corresponded to different

286 J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2008) 19:281–288

(a) 2.4 fracture modes, as schematically depicted in Fig. 9. For the

2.2 62kHz
wires with high pull strengths, fracture occurred at the neck
(Fig. 9(a)), whereas the wires with low pull strengths, the
Deformation ratio

fracture occurred mainly within the bonded wire near the

groove (Fig. 9(b)). The difference in fracture mode was
1.6 consistent with the large data scatter in pull strength, which
1.4 was attributed to the high Q factor of the transducer used in
the high frequency bonding.
The dependence of wire bond strength on transducer
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 frequency was sensitive to the bond pad temperature. At a
Bond power (mW) low temperature of 60 °C, the wire could be bonded
strongly at much higher bond power using the high fre-
(b) 2.4
quency transducer. However, the benefits of high frequency
2.2 became diminished when the bond pad temperature was
2.0 elevated to 90 and 110 °C. The bond strengths of the wires
Deformation ratio

bonded at bond powers higher than about 120 mW at these

high temperatures were equally bad for both the low and
high frequency bonding. This is partly confirmed by the


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260
Bond power (mW)
(c) 2.4
2.2 138kHz

Defo rm ation ratio

Wire bonded with low bond power After wire pull test



1.2 (b)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260
Bond power (mW)
Wire bonded with high bond power After wire pull test
Fig. 7 Wire deformation ratio as a function of bond power at
different temperatures obtained in the closed loop system: (a) 60 °C, Fig. 9 Schematic diagrams of wire bonded and after pull test with
(b) 90 °C and (c) 110 °C (a) high bond power and (b) low bond power

Fig. 8 SEM micrographs of

wires bonded at 138 kHz after
pull test with (a) high and (b)
low pull strengths. (138 kHz,
60 °C, 138 mW)

J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2008) 19:281–288 287

deformation ratios of the samples bonded at these wire pull strengths corresponding to the low frequency
temperatures, which were significantly higher than those were generally low (lower than the criterion of 5 gf). This
obtained at 60 °C, especially at high bond powers. Nev- resulted in a generally wider process window for the high
ertheless, the average bond strengths for the bond power at frequency bonding. The above observations are in general
or below 120 mW were still higher for the wires bonded at valid if the hook position is changed in the wire pull test, as
a high frequency than at a low frequency. supported by the wire deformation ratios and the failure
At a given temperature (90 °C), the minimum bond mechanisms.
powers required for successful bonds in the closed loop
system were significantly lower than those required in the
open loop system at both frequencies (20–40 mW in 4 Concluding remarks
Fig. 6(b) vs. 110–135 mW in Fig. 5(a)). In the closed loop
system, a power as low as 13 mW was sufficient to produce The wire bondability at low and high frequencies was
a successful bond at 110 °C. This observation is a reflec- studied in this paper. The relative bonding performance of
tion of the ability of the closed loop system to correct the the open and closed loop systems was also studied. The
resonance frequency shift. Because the bond power can be following results can be highlighted from the study.
maintained almost constant during bonding, a much lower
1. In both the open and closed loop systems, the use of
initial bond power is required to initiate bonds. In the
high frequency resulted in higher bond strength and
open loop system, however, the bond power needs to be
lower wire deformation at a given bond power. The
continuously supplied even after a bond is formed. This
low wire deformation facilitates the high frequency
causes an excessive energy to be transmitted to the bonded
wire bonding suitable for ultra fine pitch applications.
wire, resulting in further deformation of the wire.
2. The pull strength data showed a large scatter when the
high frequency transducer was used. This was caused
3.3 Process window
by the high Q factor and large wedge nodal shift at a
high frequency, which in turn affected the wedge
Process windows for the closed system are constructed as a
amplitude during bonding. A high frequency trans-
function of bond temperature and bond power, as shown in
ducer with a low Q factor may favorably produce
Fig. 10. A low bond pad temperature in general required a
consistently strong bonds.
high bond power to make a successful bond because a high
3. The high frequency bonding resulted in a generally
power was needed to compensate for the reduced thermal
wider process window in terms of bond power than the
energy. At a low frequency, wire could be bonded at a
low frequency bonding due to the ability to produce
marginally lower bond power than at a high frequency,
strong bonds at high bond powers.
especially at low temperatures. In contrast, the bondability
4. The bond power required for successful bonding was
measured for the high bond power end was much higher for
much lower in the closed loop system than in the open
the high frequency than for the low frequency because the
loop system.

Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank the Innovation and

Technology Commission (ITC), Hong Kong SAR Government for the
continuous support of this project through the Innovation and Tech-
nology Fund (UIT/32). Assistance with experiments provided by the
Materials Characterization and Preparation Facilities (MCPF) and
EPack Lab. at HKUST is also gratefully appreciated.


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