Winter Report

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With the grace of God, I got the strength and opportunity to complete my
project. I tried leaving no stone unturned to make the report standard,
helpful and useful. It is indeed a great pleasure and honor on my part to
have the opportunity to submit this report quickly on the basis of
practical orientation in CAPFOX CAPTIAL
I take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to my industry
mentor, Mrs. Priyanshi Sharma (HR HEAD at CAPFOX CAPTIAL) who had
faith in me and allowed me to work on this internship project, also
helped me in building a level of understanding of Human Resources
I would like to give special thanks to Dr. karmindar Jit Singh Ghuman
[Assistant Professor] LM Thapar School of Management, Thapar University,
Patiala for providing the utmost knowledge to complete the report with
sincerity. I also thank her for providing suggestions for making this report.

I, HIMANSHU BHATIA, hereby declare that the project report

attached herewith is a genuine and authentic work completed
by me and has not been published or submitted elsewhere. The
work is completely for academic purposes only for the Degree
Programme. Any relevant information such as literature, data,
or work completed and submitted by others and cited within
this winter internship project report has been given appropriate
credit and is listed in the references section
Executive Summary

During my internship I gained practical knowledge on how the human

resource division of an organization operates and coordinates its activities
to ensure smooth functioning of the organization at all levels by ensuring
right numbers of people are available at the right time to do the right
job. Not only that I have also gained insight into the working culture of
the organization and observed how handles its employees with value and
empowerment to ensure they are motivated to give their best to the

The report starts with an organization profile of Capfox capital giving its
background, mission, vision, its products and services, the hierarchy and
organogram of the organization.

The next section is the comprises the project, Human Resource

Management in Capfox capital The project encompasses introduction to
the topic, recruitment, selection, training and development. Each
chapter contains detailed discussion of the HR functions followed by
Organization Practice at Alliance Capital which basically conveys how
things are done in the HR Department. The next part of the project
carries out SWOT Analysis that touches upon strengths, weakness,
opportunities and threats to the organization followed by findings and
recommendation on critical factors regarding Human Resource
Management of Capfox capital


This report has been prepared through extensive discussion with company
employees, HR manager and the general manager of the company.
Prospectus provided by the asset management company also helped me in
preparing the report. At the time of preparing the report, I had a great
opportunity to have an in-depth knowledge of all the HRM activities
practiced by the CAPFOX CAPITAL

Chapter: 1
Human Recourse Practices at capfox capital

1.1 Introduction

I have selected the topic of this report is “Human Resource

Management of capfox Capital”. I tried to integrate my
theoretical knowledge of HR and combine it with practical
examples as observed during my internship. I have tried to
cover all the major functions of Human Resource
Management- recruitment, selection, compensation and
benefits, training and development and convey my
understandings of the different functions of Human Resource
Management through this project. At the end of the report, I
have done a SWOT Analysis on the HRM Practice of capfox
Capital followed by discussing critical points. I have also tried
to provide some recommendations based on my knowledge
followed by the conclusion which I gathered during my
Today, the financial environment has become complex. The investor today has many
financial needs, the primary amongst which is long-term wealth creation. Unfortunately, a lot
of investors either lack the time & energy or lack the expertise & discipline to manage their
investments. Most investors today are yet to fully realize the benefits of investment
opportunities available to them. This is where we come into the picture. At, Capefox Capital
we seek to bridge this gap by offering customized Portfolio Management Services (PMS) to our
clients. The idea is to offer our clients with financial products that meet their needs for
successful long-term wealth creation without too much of risk. The tag-line 'Insurance |
Investment | Mutual Funds | Stock Broking' epitomizes the idea to manage Portfolio in a
methodological way that provides superior risk-adjusted returns ensuring that the clients can
stay assured. We offer discretionary PMS products that help the client to meet their
specialized Portfolio Management needs. We leverage from the rich investment management
and financial products distribution experience of over 5 years in the financial services
industry. The idea of Capefox Capital bootstrapped in 2020 and today it is led by Pandll
Broking Pvt. Ltd., a Private Limited Company incorporated under the Companies Act, 2013,
having its Registered Office at #352-A, 2nd Floor, Opp. Dr. MKK Arya Model School, Model
Town, Panipat-132103 (Haryana). We named ourselves as Capefox Capital, a combination of
“Capefox” one of the species of fox and “Capital” that together means building your wealth

2.3 Organization Vision

Their vision statement is- “Our vision is to establish Capfox Capital Asset Management
Limited as the ultimate investment choice We want to develop a rich pool of research tools
and strategies that will yield the best possible returns for our stakeholders and investors.”

2.4 Organization Mission

Its mission statement is- “Our mission is to give you the best possible return for your money
and secure your financial future. We utilize only the best local talents available and comply
completely with international norms and standards at every step of the way. Every decision
made is completely transparent and undertaken with total professionalism. The interest of
our stakeholders is our foremost concern.”
Yet, we are always up to something new every day, but primarily our core values are
Customer First, Humility, Passion, Integrity, and Boundarylessness. Values guide our actions
and define the way we work. We encourage all our colleagues to exemplify and role model
the Values.
1. CUSTOMER FIRST: Keep customers at the center of everything we do
2. HUMILITY: Be open to learn and change.
3. PASSION: Demonstrate infectious energy to win and excel.
4. INTEGRITY: Do the right thing.
5. BOUNDARYLESSNESS: Treat organization agenda as paramount.

2.7 Services provide by Capefox Capital


We aim to constantly deliver improved insurance solutions to our clients and to offer our
clients the best consulting & insurance services endowed with an umbrella of risk
management and advisory services. We bring our clients, real time price & features
comparison of insurance policies from nearly all Indian Insurers and we are always just a call
away if you need any assistance in claims anywhere in the country

Investment is the dedication of an asset to attain an increase in value over a period of time.
Hence, we operate on the core philosophy of customer-centricity. We offer long-term savings
and investment products to meet the different life stage requirements of our customers. We
have developed and implemented various initiatives to provide cost-effective products,
superior quality services, consistent fund performance and a hassle-free claim settlement
experience to our customers
We offer an In-House, one of India’s largest Mutual Funds Distribution. At Capefox Capital, we
aim to reach out to the common man and extend the opportunity to create wealth through an
empowered comprehensive platform with a wide range of Mutual Funds and solutions catering
to their investment needs.
We work with goal of breaking all barriers that traders and investors face in India in terms of
cost, support and technology. Our disruptive pricing models and in-house technology makes us
a player in Stock Broking in terms of active clientele.

Strategic objectives of CAPFOX CAPTIAL

CAPFOX CAPTIAL objectives are to carry out transparent and high-quality business
operation based on market mechanism within the legal and social framework spelt in
their mission and reflected in their vision
Their greatest with qualitative business as a sustainable ever-growing organization
and enhance fair returns to their shareholders
They are committed to their community as a corporate citizen and contributing
towards the progress of the nation as their corporate social responsibility
Their employees are the backbone. CAPFOX CAPTIAL promote employees well-being
through attractive compensation package, promoting staff morale through training,
development and career planning.
CAPFOX CAPTIAL strive for fulfilment of their responsibility to the government
through paying entire range of taxes and duties and abiding the other rules.

Introduction: Capital Market is a market for medium-term and long-term funds. It

includes all organizations, institutions, instruments that provide medium-term and
long-term funds. It does not include institutions or instruments that provide finance for
short period (up to one year). The common instruments used in capital markets are
shares, debentures, bonds, mutual funds, pubic deposits, etc. In capital markets there
are two distinct markets:

1. Primary Markets: Where new issue securities are born. When a company publicly
sells new stocks and bonds for the first time, it does so in the primary capital market.
This market is also called the new issues market. In many cases, the new issue takes the
form of an initial public offering (IPO). When investors purchase securities on the
primary capital market, the company that offers the securities hires an underwriting
firm to review it and create a prospectus outlining the price and other details of the
securities to be issued.

2. Secondary Markets: Where existing securities are traded. The secondary market
is where securities are traded after the company has sold its offering on the primary
market. It is also referred to as the stock market. The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE),
London Stock Exchange, and Nasdaq are secondary markets. Small investors have a
much better chance of trading securities on the secondary market since they are
excluded from IPOs. Anyone can purchase securities on the secondary market as long
as they are willing to pay the asking price per share.

An arrangement by which a company or a state undertakes to provide a guarantee of
compensation for specified loss, damage, illness, or death in return for payment of a
specified premium.

Types of Insurances:
I. Motor Insurance:
Motor Insurance is a type of insurance policy that covers your vehicles from potential
risks financially. The policyholder’s car or two-wheeler is provided financial security
against damages arising out of accidents and other threats. In India, motor insurance is
mandatory. The risks are of two types: Legal liabilities for damages for bodily injuries
or damage to property caused to others. Damage to or loss of one’s own automobile.

II. Life Insurance:

Life Insurance can be defined as a contract between an insurance policyholder and an

insurance company, where the insurer promises to pay a sum of money in exchange for
a premium, upon the death of an insured person or after a set period.
There are two basic types of Life Insurance plans:

 Pure Protection
 Protection & Savings

III. Health Insurance:

Health insurance is a type of insurance that covers medical expenses that arise due to an
illness. These expenses could be related to hospitalization costs, cost of medicines, or
doctor consultation fees.

Investment is essentially an asset created to allow money to grow. The wealth created
can be used for various objectives such as meeting shortages in income, saving up for
retirement, or fulfilling specific obligations such as repayment of loans, tuition fees, or
purchasing other assets.

Investment may generate income for you in two ways. One, if you invest in a saleable
asset, you may earn income by way of profit. Second, if Investment is made in a return
generating plan, then you will earn an income via accumulation of gains.

Mutual Funds:
A mutual fund is a form of investment instrument that consists of a stock, bond, or
another security portfolio. Mutual funds provide low-cost access to diversified,
professionally managed portfolios for small and individual investors. Mutual funds are
classified into many categories based on the securities they invest in, their investment
objectives, and the sort of returns they seek. Annual fees (known as cost ratios) and, in
some circumstances, commissions are charged by mutual funds, which can impact their
total results. Mutual funds get the vast bulk of money in employer-sponsored
retirement plans.

I started my industrial training in capfox capital on 08 December 2021. I started
the activity in the with a briefing who is a human resources officer in introduced
me to all employees . Here I am exposed to the recruitment processes where I have
been placed at the Management Services in the Recruitment section. One of the
major task that I have been given is producing a centralized database of personnel
details in the company. In this database includes the details of every staff in the
company whether there are vacancies and producing an approximate headcount of
the staff in the company. Preparing a complete position of inventory for m3nergy
is also one of the task that is given to be completed. As an industrial trainee I have
done the document management for the HR documents/forms at the company. A
task that is common to the recruitment department is my involvement in on-
boarding program for new entrants, where I need to keep track of the newcomers
(new employee) to the company. Other than that, I have been elected to be a
secretariat during the interview session.

In this department, I also have learned about work of clerk. I help clerks do the
work such as filing letters of the company, records of meetings held and print
important forms to be distributed to other departments or outside companies. I also
commanded to take care of inquiry counter, there I learned how to connect to the
public and customers.


The very basis of Human Resource Management is communication between the employees
where here I was train to be more communicative to all the employees to get the information.
Collecting information for the database is also required communicating with the other
employees. These interactions is important because the Human Resource is the intermediaries
from the top management and the staffs.

Co-operating and managing with the others staff is also a valuable experience that I have gained
during this past four month. The understanding of the importance to have a standard, working,
and accessible database for all. This helps to avoid the disagreement between department. During
this internship period helps me to understands the real- life working experience on HR processes,
especially on recruitment & manpower planning.

1. Objectives of research:
 To study the behavior of the individuals, their perspective, investment
preference for commodity market trading in India as compared to other
financial markets in India.
 To study the operation and functioning of commodity market.
2. Various studies have been conducted by the researchers on work place
negativity and employees’ grievances in the organization and its impact on the
performance of the employee. However, in Indian context, the number is quite
few. Depending on the various issues of employees’ grievances at work place,
the reviews has been discussed in brief as follows: -.
3. The objective was to understand whether the workers are satisfied with the
current grievance management and the way they're benefited. The researcher
use Primary and Secondary data for research. The researcher also found that
the study reveals that grievance handling mechanism is satisfactory.

4. The company is recognizing the necessity to satisfy the workers and retaining
them. When the draw backs are resolved then the employee’s grievance are
often reduced within the organization and therefore the employees also can

increase a relationship between supervisor and co-worker.

“A Study on Effectiveness of Grievance Handling

Mechanism at Swastik Apparels, Erode.” The objective was to analysis the grievance
handling system leads to a positive attitude towards the management and to
understand the extent of satisfaction towards the grievance handling procedure of the
organization. The researcher used Descriptive Research. The researcher also found
Grievance procedures are associated with other attitudinal measures and therefore
the behaviours of shop stewards within the grievance procedure. Grievance procedure
effectiveness was associated with union members' overall satisfaction with the union.
The researcher conducted research on the topic “A study on effectiveness of
grievance handling procedures in international airport” the objectives of the
research paper was to spot the connection between the employer and employee, to
seek out the worker satisfaction after the redressal of grievance and to form
suggestions for grievance handling procedures. The researcher used Descriptive
design. The researchers also found the few changes in organization policies and
procedures to extend the productivity from the workers. The management has got to
improve the communication part with their employees about their issues. The
organization must reduce the transfers frequently, and provides more training to their

Research Methodology
Research Design:

A research design is arrangement of conditions for collection and

analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the
research purpose with economy in procedure. In other words, it is
conceptual structure within which research is conducted. There are
different types of research designs to be used in different types of
studies. The research design of this project is descriptive as it describes
data characteristics associated with the study. Descriptive research is
used to obtain information concerning the current status of the
phenomenon to describe what exists with respect to various variables in
a given situation. Following steps are performed in descriptive research
-Formulating objectives of the study -Designing method of data
collection -Selecting the sample -collection of the data -Processing and
analyzing data -reporting the findings Sample Design: A sample is small
group of unit selected from whole universe. Sampling is a process in
which we draw a collection about some measure of population based on
a sample value. The measure is a variable such as the average or mean.
A sample design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample form a given
population. It refers to the procedure or technique the researcher would
adopt in selecting items for a sample. It includes sample size and
sampling technique:
 Sample Size is number of units selected as sample from universe. In this
project the sample size is taken of 20 respondents.
 Sampling Technique is a method of sample selection. There are various
types of sampling techniques.


There are two sources of data namely:

 Primary Sources
 Secondary Sources

Primary Sources: Here the data is collected for the first time. It is original and for
specific purpose. The most commonly used methods for collection of data are: 
Observation Method where the respondents’ behaviour is observed is researcher
rather than being questioned. This is done through cameras, audiometers. 
Survey Method, also known as questionnaire method, where a list of questions is
prepared and distributed to the end users to elicit the response.

Secondary Sources: The data is collected from journal, magazines, government

publications, company reports, directories etc. In this research, secondary data was
collected from journals, books, magazines and interne

1. DATA ANALYSIS - The data collected is analyses by converting the collected

figures into tables. The percentage of each figure is calculated. The data after
analysis is classified into tables showing percentages and is presented in the form
of charts, graphs, bar diagrams, etc
Learning outcome

The second week me learn that .the departmental strategies

need to be developed keeping inter-linkage . fourth week for
analyzing and learning various scope of strategic


Management process : management process as releated to

who strategies
 Management Decision: management process as related
to a solu

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