Vanamahotsava Prayer Service June-3!11!12

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Archdiocesan Value Education Centre - AVEC

Don Bosco Youth Services Matunga, MUMBAI 400 019 Tel: 24154477 E-mail:

Prayer service to celebrate Vanamahotsava (festival of forests) Day (Incorporate the World Environment Day 5 June - WED 2011: International year of Forests) Theme: "Forests: Nature at your Service" Quote: The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn. - Ralph Waldo Emerson Symbol: Logo of WED 2011 Forests for People Activity: Planting a sapling in a pot / in a striking spot in the campus. He who plants a tree Plants a Hope. ~ Lucy Larcom, from Plant a Tree Introduction: Teacher / Leader: June 5th World Environment Day was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972 as an important day for all in our global village and is commemorated in a different city each year with an international exposition through the week of June 5. This year India hosted the events. World Environment Day is a vehicle through which the United Nations stimulates world wide awareness of the environment and enhances political attention and action. This year 2011 is declared as the International Year of Forests by the United Nations to raise awareness on sustainable management, conservation and sustainable development of all types of forests. The Logo conveys the theme of Forests for People celebrating the central role of people. The elements in the logo depict some of the multiple values of forests. Forests provide shelter to people and habitat to biodiversity; are a source of food, medicine and clean water. Forests play a vital role in maintaining a stable global climate and environment. All of these elements taken together reinforce the message that forests are vital to the survival and well being of people everywhere, all 7 billions and more of us humans.
*Building a New Humanity Through Universal Values* PRAYER SERVICE FROM AVEC

Archdiocesan Value Education Centre - AVEC

Don Bosco Youth Services Matunga, MUMBAI 400 019 Tel: 24154477 E-mail:
Let us begin our prayer service with a prayer song Come fill my world Prayer Song: Refer: Chorus: Come fill my world, come fill my life Come take my hand, come walk with me (2) 1. Without clouds the rain wont come Without rain the grass wont grow Without sun the flowers die Without GOD we cannot be 2. Without eyes we cannot see Without hands we cannot touch Without heart we cannot love Without GOD we cannot be 3. Without bread we cannot live Without friends we cannot share Without joy we cannot hope Without GOD we cannot be. (Instructions: 1.The Logo Nature at Your Service is displayed prominently during the prayer. 2. Prepare earlier the 7 placards -1. Forests make our planet alive 2. Forests release oxygen 3. Forests feed our rivers 4. Forests maintain soil fertility 5. Forests provide livelihoods 6. Forests are the green lungs of the earth 7. Forests support diverse ecosystems on land. 3. 7 students hold placards displaying the significant services rendered by the forests, go near the mike, read their parts at this point of time and stand around the logo.) The Logo: Forests: Nature at Your Service Reader 1: Forests cover one third of the earths land mass, performing vital functions and services around the world which make our planet alive with possibilities. Reader 2: Forests play a key role in our battle against climate change. Forests release oxygen into the atmosphere, while storing carbon dioxide. Reader 3: Forests feed our rivers and are essential to supplying the water for nearly 50% of our largest cities. Reader 4: Forests create and maintain soil fertility; they help to regulate the often devastating impact of storms, floods and fires. Reader 5: Forests provide shelter, jobs, security and cultural significance for forest-dependent populations. In fact for 1.6 billion people on the planet, forests provide livelihoods. Reader 6: Forests are the green lungs of the earth, vital to the survival of people everywhere all seven billion and more of us humans. Reader 7: Splendid and inspiring! Forests support diverse ecosystems on land, and are home to more than half of the terrestrial species of animals, plants and insects. Reader 8: A Prayer of Gratitude Reader 8: Our response to prayer of gratitude will be: We rejoice in all life. Please repeat: All: We rejoice in all life. Reader 8: We live in all things. All things live in us.
*Building a New Humanity Through Universal Values* PRAYER SERVICE FROM AVEC

Archdiocesan Value Education Centre - AVEC

Don Bosco Youth Services Matunga, MUMBAI 400 019 Tel: 24154477 E-mail:
All: Reader 8: All: Reader 8: All: Reader 8: All: Reader 8: All: Reader 8: All: Reader 8: All: We rejoice in all life. We live by the sun. We move with the stars. We rejoice in all life. We eat from the earth. We drink from the rain. We breathe from the air. We rejoice in all life. We share with the creatures. We have strength through their gifts. We rejoice in all life. We depend on the forests. We have knowledge through their secrets. We rejoice in all life. We have the privilege of seeing with our senses and understanding in mind and heart. We have the responsibility of caring. We have the joy of celebrating. We rejoice in all life. We are full of the grace of creation. We are grace-ful. We are grateful. We rejoice in all life. We rejoice in all life.

Teacher / Leader: People who will not sustain trees will soon live in a world that will not sustain people." B Nelson Reader 9: Vanamahotsava - the festival of forests is celebrated in order to nurture trees and protect our priceless forests. This includes planting new trees and cultivating them till they grow and generate a forest for a healthy eco system. Vanamahotsava implies that we stop tree felling or deforestation and prevent degradation of the forests in promoting greenery - "Go green" initiative. The Government of India began the annual festival of tree planting with the idea of Vanamahotsava in 1950, but over the years, the implementation has become a ritual for politicians seeking media publicity. The actual number of trees planted by these rituals should have covered the whole of India by now. Vanmahotsava is an effort to create awareness of tree culture among the various sections of the people - children and adults to promote Ecological Consciousness. We appreciate the rich biodiversity for environmental stability and strive to conserve and preserve our vast ecosystem to safeguard Mother Earth. Let us embrace the tree culture bestowed upon us by the tradition of our ancestors and add to it by planting more and more trees. Teacher / Leader: We shall now have the activity of planting a sapling as an initiation and inspiration likewise for each one plant one and care a sapling / plant / tree in your place.

Ritual of Activity - Planting the Sapling in a pot:

*Building a New Humanity Through Universal Values* PRAYER SERVICE FROM AVEC

Archdiocesan Value Education Centre - AVEC

Don Bosco Youth Services Matunga, MUMBAI 400 019 Tel: 24154477 E-mail:
(Instruction: 5 students take their place on the dais each holding an empty pot, bag of soil, sapling, a gardening tool and mug of water. Principal and a teacher participate in this activity). (As the soil is put in the pot by a teacher 1): Leader: The fertile soil with proper humidity and the right balance of all the minerals and nutrients provide the nourishment for the plant to grow and support the plant to stand firm and tall. In like manner the values we receive through our environment at home /school/ society and education through our childhood empowers us to grow upright and brave to take a stand for the right cause. (The sapling is planted in the pot by the Principal):Leader: In the GPS global positioning system, this plant has specific position / place /space on this planet earth in a particular time. The plant represents me in my precious uniqueness and the life I live in the place I am at home / society, in the class / school, in the country and world at large. As this plant grows to be a useful tree to expand into a forest, I have a privileged role to play and make a definite difference at all times and situations wherever I am. (The plant is watered by 2/3 students ) Leader: The plant is surrounded by fresh air and exposed to sunlight freely available for its well being. I too am encircled likewise by unrestricted love of my parents, siblings and family, caring concern of friends, teachers, classmates and schoolmates. The water that sustains the plant reminds me of my responsibility towards myself to develop using my opportunities, talents and time. Teacher 2: We shall now listen to the reading from the Sacred Scripture: 'Make a tree sound and its fruit will be sound; make a tree rotten and its fruit will be rotten. the tree can be told by its fruit. (Gospel of St. Mathew 12: 33.) For

Reader 10: Forests embody so much of what is good and strong in our lives. Yet despite all of these priceless ecological, economic, social and health benefits, we are destroying the very forests we need to live and breathe. Our forests have been victimized by human threat. Loss of biodiversity and extinction of precious species ultimately impoverishes us all, as harm to our forest life-support system continues each and every single day. We hope in a greener future where forests are at the heart of our sustainable development and green economy improving every aspect of our quality of life lies in our hands. Each tree proclaims a forest if only we could see. Reader 11(child): Let us pay that we may be good stewards of Gods beautiful creation: (pause) Dear God: We love this wonderful earth which you have created, but we are worried about many things which can cause it harm. We understand that there are many problems with our environment. We ask you, God, to help us find ways to take better care of the earth. We know that there are many
*Building a New Humanity Through Universal Values* PRAYER SERVICE FROM AVEC

Archdiocesan Value Education Centre - AVEC

Don Bosco Youth Services Matunga, MUMBAI 400 019 Tel: 24154477 E-mail:
people working to help the earth and we would like to find our own way to be good stewards of creation. Teacher 3: Let our prayer of gratitude rise up from appreciation of the gift of creation: (pause) We give you thanks, most gracious God, for the beauty of earth, sky and sea; for the richness of mountains, plains, and rivers; for the songs of birds; the splendor of colours and smell of flowers. We praise you for the beauty and bounty of creation, and pray that we may safeguard them for our posterity. Grant that we may continue to grow in our grateful enjoyment of your abundant creation, to the honor and glory of your Name always. We shall conclude the service with a Prayer Song: (Refer: Pray & Sing No. 238 / Joyful Lips X 33.) Chorus: You shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace, The mountains and the hills will break forth before you. Therell be shouts of joy, and all the trees of the field Will clap, will clap their hands.
1. And all the trees of the field will clap their hands (3)

While you go out with joy! 2. And all the birds of the sky will chirp and sing (3) While you go out with joy! Concluding message: (by the Principal / Teacher) This day invites us to action alongside prayer. We are encouraged to participate in (United Nations Environment Programme) UNEPs Plant for the Planet: Billion Tree Campaign which strongly encourages planting indigenous trees, or other plants / trees appropriate to our local environment. Enter your tree planting pledges on the web site: ( Requirements: A Teacher and a Student Leader will take full responsibility for prior preparation:
1. Arrange and organize the prayer service, with prior preparation for the requirement. Assign

2. 3.


students of all sections/classes to responsibly render their role, practice earlier to set the tone of prayerful devotion and let the prayer flow with meaningful pauses without flaw. Display prominently The Theme, Quote and the Logo on Nature at Your Service. 7 students to hold placards on benefits of the forest & read the message about the logo. 5 students for the planting activity having the necessary tools with them - an empty pot, a bag of soil, a sapling, a gardening device and a mug of water. 4 more readers and 3 teachers to perform their part during the prayer.

Ref: World Environment Day 2011

*Building a New Humanity Through Universal Values* PRAYER SERVICE FROM AVEC

Archdiocesan Value Education Centre - AVEC

Don Bosco Youth Services Matunga, MUMBAI 400 019 Tel: 24154477 E-mail:

Suggested activities: 1. Ceremonies and Celebrities; Competitions and Concerts; Drama and Poetry; seminars and debates; 2. Drawing, painting, poster, slogan, skit and essay (literary and art) competitions on issues of forests. 3. Environmental Education and Awareness-raising on the value of natural resources (prevention of pollution, careful use/reuse of water, identifying certified forest products etc.). 4. Tree planting, recycling efforts, clean-up campaigns, green concerts etc., 5. Sports Activities: green marathons, walkathons, bicycle parades and carpool to raise awareness,, Workshop on optimum use of different resources e.g. (washing, cleaning or watering plants with grey water, i.e. water that has already been used for something else and is no longer considered safe for consumption). 6. Demonstrations in the use of fuel efficient stoves, alternative fuels, use of good cooking/fire management practices; the sustainable agriculture; the sustainable use of forest resources; school or kitchen gardens. 7. Show support conservation efforts and green policies. Share your activity with the rest of the world to inspire others! Please register your activity on World Environment Day 2011 8. Online and Social media activities; Publicity and Media Coverage; create your own ideas and guidelines, and submit to WED! 9. Watch this short animated film which highlights the role forests towards a green economy and climate change. More on World Environment Day 10. World Environment Day 2011 on TreeHugger.; 11. Winner Announced in UNEP Blogging Contest!

*Building a New Humanity Through Universal Values* PRAYER SERVICE FROM AVEC

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