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Sub Committee for Curriculum Development


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Course Name:Innovation Management
Course Code: T2244

Course No. ENTRE P 3


Number of Credits: 2


Learning Objective(s):
1. The analyze the concept of innovation and interpret various tools used in innovation.
2. Compare and contrast the concepts relating to innovation,and the techniques used in managing
3. Assess and interpret innovation processes

1. Discussion of case studies of companies managing innovation.
2. Tools in innovation(if any).
3. Powerpoint presentations.

Pre-learning: Not applicable.

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Course Outline

S.No. Topic Hours

What is Innovation : Concept, Management Innovation,main challenges in
1 4
the management of innovation,Assumptions and barriers to innovations,
Organizing for Innovation : shaping up of firms’ innovative activities by
2 the business and innovation systems,advantages and disadvantages of 4.5
small versus large firms.
Technological innovations: types and extent of innovation, contrasting
3 incremental and radical innovation,why do firms collaborate for 3.5
technological innovation.
Innovation Strategy : What is an innovation strategy,innovation strategy
in practice, outlining different types of innovation strategy and the
3 5
processes firms use to build innovative capabilities. push and pull
Managing Product Innovation : New product development,Process
4 innovations,Product innovation,cases of success and failure in new 4
product development.
The Other Side of R&D: Learning from Others : forms of collaborative
5 arrangements e.g. with customers, users, suppliers and competitors,focus 3
on standards, modularity and the implications for management.
Service innovation,service design thinking. Organizational aspects of
6 3
Conclusions and Future Challenges :explore future challenges in the
7 management of innovation and new innovation process,experiential 3
Books Recommended:
1. Managing innovation: integrating technological, market and organizational change - By
Joseph Tidd, J. R. Bessant, Keith Pavitt
2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship(Paperback) - by Peter F. Drucker
3. The Future of Management by Gary Hamel,Harward Business Review Press
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Presentations.
2. Mini Projects
3. Case studies

Parallel/Similar courses the existing curriculum:

S.No. Name of the course Institute where it was offered

Name of Apoorva
Member Kulkarni
Org. / Inst. SCIT


Name of the Expert: Vinod Shastri

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