2nd Quarter Summative Test

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X- Northern Mindanao
Division of Iligan City
Senior High School
Dalipuga, Iligan City

Media and Information Literacy

2nd Quarter Exam

Name: ______________________________________________ Section: _______________________________ Score: ___________

1-7. Match the descriptions of Column A with that of the forms of media and information literacy in Column B.
Write the letter only.
Column A Column B
1. The best example is a teacher inside the A. People Media
classroom. B. Motion Information and Media
2. Interactive and hands-on media C. Manipulative Information and Media
D. Audio Information and Media
3. Moving text and images E. Multimedia Information and Media
4. Use, analysis, evaluation and production of F. Text Information and Media
sound. G. Visual Information and Media
5. A combination of different types of media
6. Alphanumeric characters and symbols
7. Use, analysis, evaluation and production of
visual images
8-20. Modified True or False. The statement has an underline word/words which made it true or false. Write
TRUE if the word/s made the statement true, and if the underline word/s made it false, write FALSE and correct
or change the word/s.

8. In every step of the development of technology and other types of media, people media was present, they made the
existence of all types of media possible.
9. People media is an assembly of people with a common interest where they become the main means of mass
10. We can learn more by hearing, seeing, seeing and hearing, discussing, experiencing and teaching others.
11. Visual media requires interpretation of the data gatherer.
12. A cartoon is a simple drawing showing the features of its subjects in a humorously exaggerated way.
13. The major limitation of printed materials is that they are written at a certain reading level.
14. Even though textbooks are generally written to be more considerate of the reader, readers who lack pre-requisite
knowledge may struggle to comprehend the text.
15. Traditional manipulative media are often seen in classrooms for children in the early grades.
16. Advancements in technology have paved the way for the enhancement of manipulative media.
17. With live broadcasting, the viewer is able to view local and/or international events as they happen.
18. Television is a one-way communication medium.
19. Audio media can be used anywhere, with or without electricity.
20. Radio serves as one-way communication medium.
21-31. Fill in the blanks. Choose from the choices the word that is fitted in the blank.
21. People media are the sources of ___________ and are responsible in disseminating that information.
a. information b. knowledge c. wisdom d. entertainment
22. Tech savvy people are proficient in the use of ________________ especially computers.
a. technology b. information c. gadgets d. machines
23. Flexible people knows how to use a range of ____________; able to change or to do different things.
a. technology b. information c. gadgets d. machines
24. A colloquial expression used to designate things such as television, film, photography & painting is called _______.
a. visual media b. audio media c. multimedia d. manipulative media
25. Advancements in technology have paved the way for the enhancement of ____________ media.
a. manipulative b. audio c. multimedia d. visual
26. Printed materials are readily available on a variety of topics and in many different ________.
a. formats b. styles c. techniques d. methods
27. Digital _________ media are also used in communication purposes.
a. text b. audio c. multimedia d. manipulative
28. ____________ media are essential for different documentation purposes in the academe.
a. text b. audio c. multimedia d. manipulative
29. Instructional media which involve the use of both auditory and visual senses at the same time is _____ media.
a. motion b. text c. multimedia d. manipulative
30. Video ___________ permits us to view subjects in extremely close range or from a vast distance.
a. production b. recording c. system d. message
31. ____________ refers to any type of application or presentation that involves more than one type of media, such as text,
graphics, video, animation, and sound.
a. Multimedia b. An executable file c. Desktop publishing d. Hypertext
32-44. Determine that which is not part of the group based on the description given.
32. People as media
a. They are the people behind another form of media.
b. They are the MEDIA itself.
c. The person serves as the medium for another person to learn or acquire new knowledge
d. The use of people as a medium by utilizing the people themselves to transfer information.
33. People in media
a. The use of people as a medium by utilizing the people themselves to transfer information
b. They are the people behind another form of media.
c. They use other forms of media such as text media, visual media, multimedia, etc. in disseminating information
and imparting knowledge.
d. They include the editorial board, TV and radio people, etc
34. Advantages of TV People
a. Programs not always on at convenient times
b. Can help generate interest, awareness, and entertainment
c. Wide coverage
d. Good for simple messages and slogans
35. Advantages of people in academic setting
a. Requires deep knowledge about the lessons/discussions to actually teach students
b. Has interaction with students, much better if one-on-one (home schooling)
c. Can adapt to situations that happen inside the classroom when teaching and learning
d. Allows feedback and questioning
36. Disadvantages of traditional manipulative media.
a. Promotes collaboration
b. Children focus on manipulative instead of the instruction
c. Difficult to properly assess
d. Feedback is confined to limits of inanimate physical objects
37. Disadvantages of virtual/digital manipulative media.
a. Fosters peer-tutor interaction
b. Needs softwares or internet connection
c. Limited resources/materials (ratio of students to manipulatives) 
d. Distraction posed by other websites
38. Elements of visual design
a. rhythm b. line c. texture d. shape
39. Advantages of educational television
a. Television is a one-way communication medium
b. Television programs can focus viewers’ attention on those aspects of the learning situation which need to be
c. Television can synthesize the need for a variety of audio-visual and human resources
d. Television can serve a large number of audiences
40. Limitations of videos.
a. Videos can be easily produced
b. Video production can be costly
c. video production needs technical expertise
d. video use maybe limited for topics involving the detailed study of single visual
41. Advantages of films
a. Choosing a film with the exact content desired can be a problem.
b. Actions provided by films can easily motivate students.
c. Film viewing can be adaptable to small and large groups.
d. Films require very little reading skills
42. Traditional Text Media
a. paper b. parchment c. papyrus d. clay
43. Types of Letters
a. Chain Letter b. Application Letter c. Inquiry Letter d. Acceptance Letter
44. File format of Film
a. PNG b. AVI c. MP4 d.MPEG
45-50. Determine the best answer from the choices.
45. What form of digital media uses file formats with the abbreviations JPEG and PNG
a. Images b. Music c. Video d. Audio
46. Which of the following statements is false?
A. The audio, video and photo quality of smartphones is so poor that they are not worth using for research purposes.
B. If young people already have smartphones, they can be a handy way to generate photos, audio and video quickly.
The quality may not be great though.
C. Some smartphones now have very high quality built in audio, video and photo capabilities. The results are just as
good as what can be obtained by using professional cameras and recording equipment
D. Modern smartphones can produce still images of a reasonable quality. The quality of video and audio they
produce is less good, but this can be improved by using certain apps and add-on devices.
47. What are presentations?
A. A sequence of slides that usually incorporate text, sound, graphics, and animation
B. A speech
C. Information presented using more text than graphics and animation
D. A television interview or news report
48. What is multimedia?
A. Integration of still and moving images, text, and sounds by means of computer technology
B. Images and audio
C. Moving images and text
D. Programs that combine text and images on a television screen
49.How does multimedia help school-age children?
A. It helps students learn in new and stimulating ways and allows them to apply their knowledge creatively
B. It replaces direct textbook reading
C. It allows students to control all their learning
D. It replaces teacher lectures 
50. What are some examples of multimedia?
A. Video games, movies, and television
B. Television series
C. Computer-generated graphics
D. Digital pictures


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