Petrel Newsletter Asia September 2006

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September 2006

Dear Valued Customer,

The Petrel Team is proud to continue this Newsletter specific to Petrel Asia/Pacific.

This Newsletter will be focusing on:

- News of the month - Petrel 2005 - Patch 1.2 Release

- Functionality of the month - What is ProSource?
- Tips of the month - How to sculpt Seismic between 2 surfaces?
- Workflow of the month – What is the faster way to compute a "mean" Surface from a
group of Surfaces (more than 500)?

We hope you will enjoy it !

Best regards,

The Petrel Asia/Pacific Team

New Patch out !
Petrel 2005 - Patch 1.2 Release

It complements the Petrel 2005 release with a number of bug fixes related
to checkshot handling with OpenSpirit, Information M anagement
workflows with the ProSource plugin and improved data loading in Petrel.

See announcement in this newsletter


News of the month – New patch 1.2 now available

Petrel 2005 was very much a user-driven release and this second minor patch release, Petrel 2005.1.2,
complements our major release and addresses data management related issues that have been identified
since the May patch release.

Patch features
- Improved memory handling for Information Management. The ProSource IM plug-in will now run
on Petrel projects containing larger G&G datasets.
- OpenSpirit module improved for checkshots.
- The next rollup patch from OpenSpirit (v2.9.2) will further improve checkshot handling for
GeoFrame projects. OpenSpirit is planning to release v2.9.2 within the next month.

- Improved data handling in Petrel for:

• Loading TIFF, JPG and BMP images
• Loading large surfaces
• Resolution of missing well logs within a saved project

In total 14 reported Petrel issues have been resolved in this data management patch.

We trust you will enjoy all these small but very useful data management enhancements in your daily work.

Trond Skjerven, Lead Product Champion – Petrel, September 2006

The Patch 1.2 Release Notes are now available and provide a full listing of all workflow enhancements and
bug fixes. Please ask your local Petrel support to send you the PDF document or send me an email :


Functionality of the Month – What is ProSource?

Traditional G&G workflows need a coordinated information management (IM) approach for project data.
The ProSource workflow extension for Petrel module provides simple unobtrusive workflows designed
to help manage Petrel projects.

This design allows asset teams across enterprises the power to:

- Streamlines project publishing and archiving workflows

- Search, browse, compare and quality control Petrel project from central point
- Allows archival, restoration, and reuse of studies created in Petrel software
- Integrates Petrel, Finder, OpenWorks, and GeoFrame data & workflows into one
- ProSource interface, including a geographic information systems (GIS) interface

- Enables management of multiple Petrel projects across an enterprise
- Removes the project data management task from the end users
- Ensures compliance with company-wide and local data management policies
- Reduces the risk of data discrepancy and errors

Should you need more information about ProSource, please contact your SLB account manager or
send an email to the Asia Champion: Abbas Mehrabian :


Tips of the month - How to sculpt Seismic between 2 surfaces?

1 – Interpret the horizons you would like to use as Top and Base depth limits
2 – Grid these two horizons using “M ake / Edit Surface”
3 – Create a simple grid using these 2 gridded horizons, using “M ake Simple Grid”
4 – Under “Layering”, create simple layers at the resolution of the seismic
5 – Sample Seismic into the grid using “Geometrical M odelling” / “Seismic Resampling”
6 – You can use the I, J and K filters to play and render through the property
7 – This property is now part of the modeling world, so it can then be used as a secondary
property for Property M odelling or be filtered and used in the volume calculation for


Workflow of the month - What is the faster way to compute a

"mean" Surface from a group of Surfaces (more than 500)?

This is a simple loop workflow.

Please make sure you have all your surfaces within the same folder.

Martyn Beardsell, our Petrel Workflow Advisor, has written this workflow.


Petrel Asia Training Schedule

- Oct: 02-03 - Mapping & scaled plotting - Jakarta - Indonesia

- Oct: 02-04 - Petrel Seismic Visualization and Interpretation - KL - Malaysia
- Oct: 02-04 - Petrel Reservoir Engineering Course - Perth - Australia
- Oct: 05-06 - Petrel Applied Mapping - KL - Malaysia
- Oct: 09-10 - Petrel Uncertainty Analysis CoursePetrel
25-27 October: - Perth - Australia
Property Modeling
- Oct: 16-17 - Petrel Structural modeling - Jakarta - Indonesia
- Oct: 23-26 - Petrel Introduction - Tokyo - Japan

- Oct: 30 - Nov: 02: Petrel Introduction Course - Perth - Australia

- Nov: 06-08 - Petrel Seismic Visualization and Interpretation - Jakarta - Indonesia

- Nov: 06-09 - Petrel Introduction - KL - Malaysia
- Nov: 09-10 - Process Manager and Uncertainty analysis - Jakarta - Indonesia
- Nov: 13-14 - Petrel Complex Structural Modeling - KL - Malaysia
- Nov: 13-14 - Process Manager & Uncertainty - Tokyo - Japan
- Nov: 14-17 - Petrel Introduction - Jakarta - Indonesia
- Nov: 15-15 - Automated Structural Interpretation using ANT Tracking
- Nov: 16-17 - Petrel Structural Modelling Course - Perth - Australia
- Nov: 27-28 - Petrel Uncertainty Analysis Course - Perth - Australia

- Dec: 04-05 - Mapping & Scaled plotting - Jakarta - Indonesia

- Dec: 04-06 - Petrel Property Modeling - KL - Malaysia
- Dec: 11-12 - Petrel Velocity Modeling - Jakarta - Indonesia
- Dec: 18-19 - Petrel Applied Well Correlation - Jakarta - Indonesia

Interested in sharing your experience with the other users around Asia / Pacific ? Please do not hesitate to contact Caroline
Le Turdu ( Many thanks !





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