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Republic of the Philippines

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Division of Dapitan City
Potungan, Dapitan City


Grade 10 – 21st Century
Week 1-8 – Quarter 1
September 13 – November 5

Day and Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
MONDAY- ENGLISH MELC: DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING IN THE MODULE. Use separate answer Personal submission by the
FRIDAY Differentiate/compare sheet. parents, guardians,
September 13- Lesson: Literary Genre and contrast the housemates in school
17, 2021 various 21st century  Assessment – On your answer sheet, write the literary genre
1:00 – 2:00 PM literary genres and described in each statement below. Choose your answers from
the ones from the the words found in the box.
earlier genres/periods
citing their elements,
structures and
September 20- ENGLISH MELC: DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING IN THE MODULE. Use separate answer Personal submission by the
24, 2021  Identify the sheet. parents, guardians,
1:00 – 2:00 PM Lesson: Poetry geographic, housemates in school
linguistic and  Application – Read the poem Mayon by Kristian Sendon Cordero
ethnic dimensions (Camarines Sur), translated from the Bikol by the author.
of Philippine  Assessment – Choose the correct answer and write it in your
literary history answer sheet.
from pre-colonial
to modern.
 Appreciate the
application of
imagery in the
text provided,
paying particular
attention to the
regional origins of
the poem.
 Respond critically
to the poem and
articulate this
response through
an essay.
September 27- ENGLISH MELC: DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING IN THE MODULE. Use separate answer Personal submission by the
October 1, 2021  Compare and sheet. parents, guardians,
1:00 – 2:00 PM Lesson: Philippine contrast a literary housemates in school
Literature piece from pre-  Assessment – Write on your answer sheet the letter of the
colonial to correct answer.
 Apprciate the
application of
imagery in the
text provided,
paying particular
attention to the
regional origins of
the poem.
October 3 – 7, ENGLISH MELC: DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING IN THE MODULE. Use separate answer Personal submission by the
2021  Be able to sheet. parents, guardians,
1:00 – 2:00 PM Lesson: Elements of appreciate a housemates in school
Literature literary text  Analysis – Read and answer the questions given. Write your
 Compare and answer on your answer sheet.
contrast the  Assessment – Write the letter of the correct answer on your
various 21st answer sheet.
century literary
genres citing their
October 10 – 14, ENGLISH MELC: DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING IN THE MODULE. Use separate answer Personal submission by the
2021  Demonstrate sheet. parents, guardians,
1:00 – 2:00 PM Lesson: Basic understanding of housemates in school
Elements of a Short a short story;  Assessment - Write the letter of the correct answer on your
Story answer sheet.
 Analyze a short
story by
identifying its
basic elements;
 Appreciate the
use of multimedia
in sharing the
lessons learned
from a short
story; and
 Perform a self or
in evaluating
one’s work.
October 17 – 21, ENGLISH MELC: DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING IN THE MODULE. Use separate answer Personal submission by the
2021  Be able to sheet. parents, guardians,
1:00 – 2:00 PM Lesson: Multimedia differentiate housemates in school
Formats in multimedia  Assessment – Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the
Interpreting Literary formats. chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.
 Show an
appreciation on
the use of
October 24 – 28, ENGLISH MELC: DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING IN THE MODULE. Use separate answer Personal submission by the
2021  Demonstrate an sheet. parents, guardians,
1:00 – 2:00 PM Lesson: Applying ICT understanding of housemates in school
Skills in Interpreting the anecdote;  Assessment – Read and answer the questions given. Write your
Literary Texts  Show an answer on your answer sheet.
appreciation on
the use of
multimedia to
interpret a literary
October 24 – 28, ENGLISH MELC: DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING IN THE MODULE. Use separate answer Personal submission by the
2021  Choose an sheet. parents, guardians,
1:00 – 2:00 PM Lesson: Literary appropriate housemates in school
Adaptation multimedia  Assessment – Produce a power point presentation or video
format in interpretation from any of the following non-fiction genres
interpreting a below:
literary text; a. Your travel experiences (travelogue), your autobiography
 Do self-and/or b. Your testimony/ies
peer assessment c. Biography of other people
of the creative
adaptation of a
literary text based
on rationalized
criteria, prior to

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Subject Teacher English Coordinator Head Teacher III

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