Pokémon Pinball

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A en ed o LZ estat ball Long en Vee ma DT oe Pert Don ae syne Tis oft sl yur aura hat Nena eel ts proc ta a ral adr fo een meer, ta ert tl Atego for token buying gomes and accssoves to ensure compete compatibility with your Nintendo produc. ‘eyo lig nn abd” kr Nido Ge ro Get cramamaio teh een nennn cram oye Controls ‘Paging the Game “The Red Field ‘The Blue Field “The Catch ‘em Mode ‘The Evolution Mode “The Map Mode ‘About the Siots Getting Higher Scores ‘The Bonus Stages High Score Menu sme Boy® Ramble Pak Precautions 44 ob control Pad: + Move the cantor 20d mate command stectons La Fier Tt he Gold ight “THE he fel up Use when easing data am Use when svg and racing dat Use when piting and in irae coommaniesone O A eution. Start the ball + Fight Fipper + confem command tslections Oe Bution Ti th Fld + Canal command elections Using Controle During Game Play ‘he + Carr ad an he A ation are aod Fgh TH & a «Cant Pa forthe folowing. ft tn PIKACHU Fetbace (se page 7) Upper tt: Sevect 1 Out Lane and Psturn Lane Light (ee page 0) (SH pageT for mere information) 1 Feld muliplor Lane Light (ee page 32) “The Get Game Pax wth 2 rumble feature rom Nite “he Fordaon Picball Game Pax fautes 2 rumble moor As the tall bounces around, you can fee the cumble=i fe ie you're aging 2 eal ploball mace ‘When you turn your ame Boy System ON, the Tie seven wil ype: Using the = Control Pa, select “came Se and press the A Button ‘The Fed and Olu Find wil appear. Selec! the Gk you wish to fay. and poss the A Buton fe sat the gp, | etsnging opens Game sings can be changed by selecting “Opi the Tile screen, The Options ‘Mont conaine the flowing Pantie Key Contig Sound Test ‘Set the Fumble Mode o ON or OFF. The Fumble Mode does NOT wort sath the Super Game Boy® accessory “hie mode let you change the Buttons used ae cones You cn et upto two conta pe Fy. To rest the Feys to hee original eltings, select “Pas” Use thi to haar the baerground musi (BCI) and sound fc (SE) utd in the gue “The Save Menu appears vn you press START during game pa, ‘Select SAVE fom the menu, ten press the A lon to save your ‘regres and gui the game. ‘when the game retare tthe Tile {eretn, your eave wae sceeefl NOTE: ven f you tun He game ror ane dat thr option fo elect ether NEW GAME or CONTINUE, NOTE: Choosing ether of those wil erase your eved dts, “To aces the Eraue Saved Data screen, hold + and onthe + Conta Pad, SELECT and START all lth same ine before the Seren shown the righ appears, To eau ll saved dal, prt He ‘Natton. Pree te B Button to cana. Det To rast during game pla, prove START, SELECT, and the A and B Buttons irdtaneouny, NOTE: Yur data wl ot be eesed “Tece ae te piball Sid to choose from-th Fed Field and te ‘hue Field. You start the game wth tree balls, Use tbe fpper to Int the ball ad eee from fling down the bale a he baton of the fl nce you have met cerian equrements during the game, You can {atch Porimon inthe Calc tm Mode, your Posémon can tole in the Evoltion Mode, and you can shoot for a hi scares the Bonus Sages ole ll the Pkimon nd complete your Pokédex! ‘Onc you have stem 2 Potémon, i hove wl appear inthe Potiden. Oats for Fordson you have captured aed ones that have volved is automaticaly ecarded i your Pokédex. Open your Potkden on the Tile stron ole a our Poon data and hear Porimen al. ach the ball hats abou o al), PACH ek You mos bud phe Tan ody achat fe Pract Pata Th ener rbd oy von ball Aa {pe rvgh tn Fa Lop ao ope Ie poe. sae alae ‘hen the Thunder Merges uly charged, the PIKACHU Fixback ie ready, when the ball lle onto PIKACHU, te unched back by 2 powectal Thunder Tol, You can move PIEACHU to ster Out ae by pressing the A Button or © on the » Cantal Pad Tho fects of Ting ‘when the ball ls nt the Out Lan, the Geld Yo enact ; Upper Wit (SELECT) to enact the all act onte the fl. orrrom™ Fld Multiplier Lance voLroRe™ Spinner “Thunder Meter eeLLSPROUT™ sTaRvU™ Lat Outed Loop Lat iid Loop ight Loop ‘Sul STAEMU Light DIGLETT™ & OUGTRIO™ (ut Lanes & Return Lanes " 2 a ™ ‘Sling Shet Sumpers Bonus Cave & Bonus Cave Light Porkmon Pant ‘alc Counc Ball Saver Light & Shoot Agia Light ‘IKACHU Kierbaee Bonus Multiplier Counters Colton Aevowe Calc ‘om evo af side Laop Aero @ELLSPROUT Arrow pers lunges Lane sLowroKen Fil multiplier Lance SHELLDEE Spinner Thunder Mate chovster™ ach Arrow Lat Loop Fgh Loop “POLIWA™ ‘reybucr™ ut Lanes & Return Lanes ling Shot Bumpers onus Cave ons Cave Light 15 Pokdmon Panel WW cate Counter all Saver Light Shoot Aga Light i PINCH Kitbace 1 Bonus Bulipliee Counters 20 Evelaon Arrows 21 Cath ‘om Brvows 122 SLOWPOKE Arrow 125 CLOYSTER. Arrow 24 Flippers 25 Plunger Lane u Scoring Ye py tng en nd ad hy lk sing The bal beng the lop: Rep or bal nde onl ad fr» igh sae! ‘Alter sour ball fall down the hale beneath te fippers, bonus points wil be eluate ‘nd added Jo your score, and yur toa score vel be dipaged Red Field Bonus Points Pass-Through Switch Fld muliplee Such emus Maltiplr Suatch Dut Lane or Return Lane PIKACHU Kiera. 13 S/S Blve Field Bonus Points ild Mulgher Ste (ut Lane or Fern Lave PIACHU Kietace 4 50,000 50,000, 15,000 ‘he Gnd of Ball Bes ead sur yu al a ln an theless. TS You can etch Pokimen inthe Catch ‘om Mode (You coma cath eveed Poke in Cath om ode.) 1. Pas through he Right Loop as shewn onthe igh Esch tine ou pas through i ne Cah om Rerow ‘al ght up (Att tart of hy game, wo Cath on Devoe are aed Mt) : {eh he Pion nerds fhe me i] ening spars in the peg carer fe Ss "WE 7. Win wo or tree Catch tm Arrons ae It, shoot the bal inte the BELLSPPOUT's mouth (CLOYSTER’S south on the Pa Field). when the ball comes ut, ie é) ‘he catch em Mode brane. You have two minutes to eo ly 4. Onto mae aha ern te foe mela btn ol ser per 4. aout odmon you c th vn (jee page 24) are more Una Yo appear) pa & im % " qin the Potémon Panel 16 "7 TE) 8 oneal hte pn the Pod 5, ha arvow wl appear somenbere on the fel it ) 24 iat ete he as fal fv oro pats wi the a ha Te aro ‘a H FEA" re dnt ote rotien ou caught wl be carded ‘. when you hit that area with the ball, a portion of ‘in your Pokédex (see page &)) fe pet be reed (nce the ante pana hasbeen eevaled, te Potion wl apse. Ths tne, hi he Ptdmon ‘us the ball. Re you it he Poon wth the al fhe eters “CA "Te," and “HP wll appear Benet ® You can evalvePekimon you hav caught in the Evlton Mode. +. choose which o our Rotman yu want to evolve hen the tall comes eu the Evelaion Mode star. You have to minutes to vere your Pokimon 1, Shoo! your ball rough the Lal Outside Loop (Lf Loop onthe Blut Fld a time you pate rough he lop. ove Exon hero wi igh 2. When al thres Evlation Arrow ae Ut the Croton Mode i ready, Shoot the ball Ini the Eveution Cave (SLDVIPOKE'S ‘nouth on the Ble Find). NOTE: I you donot have anq Pinon that can ele, he Exclition Mode wil not bag NOTE: The Rerémen you choote wil appear i the Porbmen ‘Panel A Potdoon vith» star besde ie wane cannot be ealed ae frter 4. Several arrows el appear on the fll. A prize is den rear ont ofthe acon, 4. when fou hit the prize wth your balla Cvolaton tee wil ‘appear somevbere onthe Gold you touch that ee wih your bal you ge he em, Tre ren ip of Cn Ii Td ha spr dps toler pean Ea oa 22s 62.8 See Some “a 20 1. If our bal its MISS, al the avons will appear for 6 steonds, During tal tne, you cannot Gnd Hes, However. "ou sheot your ball trough he loop a8 show on the eight, all Brows wl inmediatl rapper. NOTE: Yeu can shoot your al rough the lop fom ether the lf or the gh 1. Once you gt the volation Nee, that sare sb vl {appear bones the Potion Panel when you match up the ‘Golan er eye, the Bons Cave wl open in the medale cot te ld 8. If ou shoo! sour ball int the Bonus Cave, the Peréeon in the pal wl eal. |NOTE: The data for the eved Porémon wl be eecorded in {our Potddrs (Ge page). NOTE: During the Catch em Mode and the Evelaion Mode,» High Score Gacept) Point wl appear semenbere on the fel, ‘Sheot our bal around the Gold 36d ty Te find ‘The Map Mode is 2 mode that changes the “plies” where Porémon apes. (athe map ae places such 26 "allel Tove” and “Vidian Forest” ferent kinds of Poréon wil Bppear depending onthe place, so order to calle all he Pokémon, you must move to diferent places inthe Map Mode. “The Map is dpa in he centr pane. Ae start of the game, the ie place Hs ‘lucie from Are | (te pages 1 and 24) bythe Sits, While some of he same places ‘il appear on both the ed and Blue Fs, the Potbeon that appr in those laces are iferent For instance, onthe ed Feld ODDISH™ and MARIEEY™ wil appear Cerulean City wile onthe Blue Field BCLLSPROUT and MEOWTH™ wl appear ther, ed Fld [NOTE In the Cath ‘em Mode, many Potémon oer han those sed elo wil appear. fai oe eee Pe ee — rem a eat ‘Sort tome + squinnc™ KRABOY on ey ere cong) arertone acieccr oie ee eens ssc Oa == B=. & rie pe Pace fom Areas => (Pte from Area 4 => UyPlace from Area 2 - (Place from Area 2 ->(Olndigo Plateau > baat Area a7 + when you it ether PSYDUCK or POLINA ls number wll Ineraee by oe. eer of tm reaches ne, the Map Mads Dil sar Yu have 30 seconds to complete the Move “WE PSYDUCK reaches trv, shoot Your ball ino the CLOYSTERS mouth or theough the Fight Loop ‘IE POLIWAG reaches thee, shoot yur all ito the SLOWPOKE's mouth or though the Le Loop, ‘The let the center ofthe ld wil pe you shat the ball lot the ol, you na do 4 Map Move, ng ace te Bra “The ie place you go ‘ wdan ove glace fom Ares Ub the ean el Sots, The excond and tied fe imivenplaes are alo from Are eee 1 ccs Te tthe se Edna cy,” a clea from Ara 2, + tun cay The anh place is ndgn eee Patan Tee a ae ai Pavan ach an ony be Min aught har. Ae nde tay, ou rare oe (jr het Eras rm ea =p om fea (ec fram Aes 2s om Bra 3 ~ aie Pas => prin! 1 There are a oa of four Ugh (A V and €) inthe Out Lanes and Return Lanes. when the ball passes trough the Lane, the hl il hp. NOTE: The Ut he will move each tne 2 If yu ight up al four ih, the bale In the cele of the Geld epens yu sheet our bal et the bel, the Sots sal art. Preve the A Buitlon to top the ‘Sloe quite 30 The Sets a super mode a which you con get xtra and many, ‘Sell Caley“ Mode Stat alt Saver agen all upgrade el ad ow onus Mile {ier Bown pe ge 6 BIG} ne eulution Mode Start ‘uth natn de Super PIKACHU Kirbace ath Wad gh PER entra Balt Ge Te Bone ‘Tenens Bom Sp, 31 ‘Thoce area varie of way to Increase your score. Use the fling methods and shoot for 3 high score! "About te Fike ater ‘The Fld Multiplier tea mode that multiples your pont a yu evolve yur bal, + Stig the Map on the Red Feld 2. the eat wth our ball open the Lae NOTE: whan the lanes ope, the Sal STARYU Light wl be tol (ihen nt asing the Game Bey" Color stem it wl be vite) +. whan your bal asa through an, the light above the ane wi light wp. When you ight up al re lights, your Ball sul esl: Your peas wil be mule wn yur Dall ohed, NOTE: the yllw ight ae moved left when ou prose # on the « Conial Pad ad are moved right when you pres the A Baton 4.16 you ight up al those hts agin whe your Bl i tt tolved, itl eval t the next Evolution Sage. There ae three Evelaton Sages 33 «String the Mali the Ble Fld fe Muliplar fe a made that multiplies your End of all onus by to, thevs or mors NOTE, The End of Ball Borue gues fou poet forthe umber of He yu It ‘GELLSPROUT, the number of Porémon cough, ee, 1 when jour ball passes through 2 Field Maliper Lane the light above the Lane wil ght op NOTE: The gh wl turn of aghin your ball pcane Aheough 3 Lane ati lady 0 be cre nd of Pall Bonus 2. When you ght up al tee hs, your ball wil vole ‘Your peints wil be malped while your balls evolved NOTE: The hts are moved Ie when you prove ‘on the» Control Pad and are moved ight when You ree the A Baton. + umber of Pottmen caught + number of Patimen evolved ‘Number of BELLSPEDUT * Number of SLOWPOKE. Number of CLOYSTER. + Number of DUGTELO {umber of Triple POLIWAC {Number of Triple PYDUCK Number of CAV € Lights + Number oF SpenerTarne 4. Af ou igh wp al Aes igh agp wile your balls ‘il evolved it fl eve tothe web Evcation Stage “Tre ace tess Clan sage. ‘The End of Ball Bonus is plage afer ou lose a ball A his Hn, your Bonus ‘Malipler wil be apple to your fll End of Ball Bonus. For instance, your Bonus ‘Mulipho 24 ines 4) and ou caught two PoLimon (worth 500,000 points each), our Score weld be 500,000 »2 » 4 = 4,000,000 polis! 34 35 There lea eich beneath each ofthe Bons Multiple Lights Fis, bit Ye Blinking ‘th onthe le When yu do this the righ sich wil ear bling, if your slipae vere to, the number on the Io would be 0, andthe umber on te right would be 2 2. when you Wi he right eth,» Bonus Maile is apple, and te number j wy tale wl areas oo, hve oF ord Pawel Sat 36 ben at ex al 37 Y, \S = “The Bonus Stages are speci stages iw wich you can calc os of pas, Pechaps there are more bonus sages than jst Hoge scribed ber, 1 For each Pokimon you catch, ont Poké Bal pnol wil be diplged beneath he Portman Pane, One Port all abo wil lo be aplaged foreach Pevsmon you evo. 2 Once ou hae three Poké all eymbol beneath tn panel, the onus Cave i he corer oft Geld wil open If you shoot your all Into the Cav, a Bons Stage il tae. + Red Fuld Boous Sages DIGLETT Stage (oti it) Ni th DIGLETT wih the ball and ock down a8 many a8 you ca. f the OUETRIO, yu wil deae the sa ‘NOTE: You have ony one ball to ena thm ll owe with, GENGAR™ Stage (:90 Tine Lin) A the GASTLY with your Bl fou bill Ye GASTLY, MAURETER™ ul sppar. Once ou have defeated all he MAUNTER, a GENGAR wl appear, You must tthe GENGAP to car the sage. + Blue Field Bonus Stages MEOW Stage (00 Time Lit) Esch tne you ba the MEOWTH sith your ball gold clos shoo ut. calc the god cine by hing them eh our ba. You wut 120 const clear the sage, NOTE: If you colect sverlcains na row your pols wil increase. EEL Stage (Tome Let 36) Use your Bll to ut he SEEL that chee He ead above te wate. You ‘anno bit whi itis undersaer, Once the counter a he top af he seven reaches 20, you wl clear the stage, NOTE: If yu bit fhe SEEL several ies in row, your pon wil cee DIGLETT Stage PIGLETT 1,000,000 pointe DULTPIO 56,000,000 points GENCE Stage Head Stone 1600 points GASTLY 1,000,000 pons MALINTER. 5,000,000 points GENGAR. 50,000,000 points we Meovtnt Stage MEDWITH 10200 points Gold Coit 000,000 points oR 9 wove: wen you elect several cos in a row, your pots merase, IF ou ‘ole! to, your peas double ou calc Hee, they ple The mos, they can incraae up Heo nes, %: SEL Stage ‘EEL 1,000,000 pin NOTE: you bt the SEEL several ns in a row before i des, your pois inereaee, Each ees te yu ht your points icreace y 0, four, gh tires and soon, The most uy ean crea ois 25 Hes Up ove high cores cam be esved foreach Gl To bring wp the High Score seren, press the & Button we onthe Tie sree, You can sutch bette the high scores for the Fed Feld and the ‘lus Feld by pressing * and * onthe Control Pad you core higher than one of the five high scores for the fel {ou are playing, you ca save your scare and wp le toe lters of your name, Selec he les you van fo save by pressing * ‘and om the» Control Yad and confirm each ter by eceing te A Bution. you make 3 star, press the B uiton fo canes and re-cater Helter. Iyeu press * on the + Control Pad and the © Button at the ‘ame Hine, the Cease High Scores Menu wil appear. I yu press the A Baton ll of your high scores wil be erased Press the B Baton to cca a1 YE! can pit ut your high ecoes using a Game Lint® Cable a a Game Boy Pent (each sald separate. NOTE. nate read the Game Boy Printer lnstruckon aout baore using 1, Connect your Game Bo este 0 the Came Boy ‘eiter withthe Came Lik Cable, Once connected, turn bath he Game Boy unt and the Game Bey Printer OW. 12, On th Tile screen, pres the B Button 1 all up the High Score screen, you ress START, the Poa. Mena appears. Select “Pri” wh the + Canal Pad and {press th A Buln estar ping It you prs the Co an adja the pint quay (is darker, + 6 ihe), Pada this ne, ou me oy Color astm are equipped wih an Infrared Communications Port Using thi nfared Communiaiens Pot you can send and receive high score dal, NOTE: Infrared cemmamcain ony works between tne Game Bo Colette, “eorenting High Scores 1 Bring up the High Score szrvons. Press START to bring up the Print. Menu Sele Wat.” wt the + Control Pad 2 ign the rar onthe font ofeach Game Bay Color ate and Koep the tno fst aout 1516 2° (A105 ea) apart NOTE: Pace the Ivo sys on 3 fable or tr lat suc wo lncrease the chance of succes 2 oth were prea the A Button af the same ine, cemmmunition wil begin. The five ‘ghra scones om the uo eyslems’ combined high scores wil be recorded NOTE: On the tp five scares il be recorded for each Gad fal of He high scores {ou ream in a fade are higher than four ox scores, your scores wl be moved off The records Ut eaue be aware that once scores are removed fam he Us they fant be relarned 43 GAME BOY RUMBLE PAK ane Bof® Fable Pe Futon “hs Game Pachae 2 Beltane tr tat ows yu perc ‘il dcr wed wt Come Bry este are win he Cae Boy Fable a, ntl te batery 2 lows ‘Noth ge pl etre of i Came Fae lopsided ne ‘nj Come Be eo, bt eran wba wl nl Bf the ‘tery ta en aed Cave: Mace suet remove he Cae Bn Ramble Pat om te Came By ‘seven inert or rong ke tery, "ema the bata cove aed ower ove ABA balla awn, Mate ore tae oy eh saline batrieOo wt ake lads bates, Gucacgele Mp0) 2 Rape he bate over Lad he Game Bo Rabe Patt ay aa yee Yn rn he Cae Bn eee per om WARNING: Copying of ny Metro ga hloatona apy lore. Bas aca ocean te pote yur stare Welt wl be prose “Ts moc gare se etna use win any unui exp deve. Use ct “tush got wt mite eur tren pros warary Toner nace “Tho conan fh ac de at nto with our ary ph “Tis manual and ce rte eccrarying his pe are foley domes raion! cay ns “Therma ot hs pane whet permission Nene rts censeas sty rented Fortes itrmaton of anitncn, plese contace ete Consumer Reston ie ‘Navo'so-o0 (US and Conac) ‘Oryouracl auhoraag Nendo reat, Se 49

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