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Project Name: Organizational Behavior & Human Resource Management

BBA Double Majors in Finance and Marketing

Section C
Submitted to:
Faizan Khalid
Submitted by:
Shershah Adnan
Hussain Elahi

Sapphire Textiles
Vision and Mission of the company......................................................................................................2
Chain of Command................................................................................................................................4
Workforce Planning Process..................................................................................................................5
Recruitment and Selection Process.......................................................................................................5
Performance and appraisal....................................................................................................................7
Fringe Benefits.......................................................................................................................................8
Diversity Management..........................................................................................................................8
Office Environment & Facilities.............................................................................................................9

Vision and Mission of the company

It has a mission to lead the markets and supply with the best quality yarn fabrics and other
textile materials in order to satisfy the market needs and excel in their market relationships.
The director of the company had the vision to make the company the foremost leading
company that leads in awareness equipment agility and eminence.

Sapphire was launched by Mr. Abdullah in 1940.It is a manufacturing high quality products
needed for making clothes. Its products are being exported to 35 different countries. It
employs more than twenty thousand people. Sapphire has moved its all operations from
Calcutta to Karachi and Punjab. It consists of 120632 spindles,3120 rotors,292 looms and 230
stitching units. The company has a very motivating culture as they do all of these projects in
teams and appreciate the efforts and praise all the good work by being humble and supporting
each other. It has a welcoming attitude towards the employees which boosts up their
confidence level and make them more strong
It has done diversefcation in its business to dairy power sectors with having a combined
electric plant of 234 Mega Watt located at Gwadar and the dairy farm at Sheikhupura known
as the Sapphire dairy farms private limited with the prospect of milking 500,000 litters milk
ten thousand Australian cows per day and with the herd size of 3000 to be achieved by
2021.It is continuing to diversify by launching Electric buses and making its dairy sector
more diverse by launching Riwayat Farms. It has also contributed to welfare community
programs by setting up two primary schools that are being operated by the Abdullah
foundation collectively with the aim of providing education to the poor in terms of resources
and also it has set up a medical camp for the treatment of the cataract disease in the backward
areas of the country with making regular donations to the poor which also helped the
company in securing a Sitara-e-Imtiaz , the star of excellence award to the Chairman of the
company Mian Abdullah. It had continued to grow as a pioneer in the textile industry with
the passage of time by establishing its position more and more into the textile world and by
providing the quality fabric that is very popular amongst the ladies these days and it has now
become the style statement of ladies across Pakistan.The company has four directors which
are managing the company. The name of directors is Mian Abdullah Amir Abdullah, Yousaf
Abdullah, Yousaf Abdullah and Nadeem Abdullah. These directors have been given their
own firms which are operating under the same name. Mr. Nadeem Abdullah is managing the
electric power brand with mills and the clothing brand. Mr. Yousaf Abdullah is managing
Sapphire finishing mills. The company had been diversified and each of the unit has different
The departments consist of supply mills. The resource and information technology
department. The HR department of Sapphire textiles is being controlled by Miss Saria Zaheer
who looks both the head office and retail office as she is directly reporting to Mr. Shayan
Abdullah. Omar Hasnat manages the decisions of employee’s incentives and Mr. Rizwan
Sohail manages everything for employee’s safety and health procedures.
The company has a very motivating culture as they do all of there projects in teams and
appreciate the efforts and praise all the good work by being humble and supporting each
other. It has a welcoming attitude towards the employees which boosts up their confidence
level and make them stronger.
Chain of Command
The chain of command at Sapphire shows that decisions are taken from the top management
and are circulated to the lower management and further decisions are made by department
heads. This shows sapphire has a combination of centralized and decentralized setup.The
following diagram shows how chain of command works at Sapphire.


General Manager

Senior Manager

Deputy Manager

Assistant Manager

Senior Officer

Workforce Planning Process
The workforce planning process of sapphire includes the following steps which are analyzing
and planning for the future of their workforce. Currently sapphire has over 16000 employees
and each employee are stored in each HR department. It determines the needs of new
workforce by seeing which employees have resigned and the new machines they have
bought. They also determine the workforce by seeing whether they need any new member in
any of their departments. The daily functions and communication include the extensive usage
of mails and telephone exchange. The human resources policies of the company play a vital
role in day-to-day activities of the management within the textile industries.

Recruitment and Selection Process

The recruitment process consists of different ways for generating positions which includes
replacement hiring, new positions and new machinery add up. They use two different
methods to full up these positions. They use internal and external hiring both. The process for
internal hiring begins with the approval of department head. The first step for the candidate is
to visit the HR department with the application and curriculum vitae and can apply for the
position. The position is also advertised on company’s notice board if someone wants to
apply. The HR department sees the qualification and the performance evaluation report
generated by the manager of the department he works apply. The performance evalution
report is good than the candidate is selected.If internal hiring doesn’t work than the company
moves towards the process for external hiring and the process for external hiring remains the
same if it’s a junior position or a senior position.When a person has to be hired the related
department sends a recruitment requisition form to the HR department which mentions the
information regarding the job for which the hiring is required which includes the designation,
job description, education required skills required experience level age group salary group
and job duties.The department head fills all of these things and then gives it to HR.The HR
department than post these job openings on social media,newspaper and job portals of
universities.Than the process starts.The first step is that the candidates start to send resumes
using email or physically visiting the HR department.Once the HR gets the resume the
process of short listing starts.The short listing is totally based on the details given in the
resumes.The resumes which don’t have the skills and levels that the departments wants are
separated and stored in the data bank for the future references . Shortlisted resumes are send
to the line manager who further short list the resumes and schedule the preliminary
interviews.The interview begins and each day almost 5 candidates are called,The canidates
appear for an aptitude test in which they are given questions based on hypothetical
situations.The IQ test is being done in the conference room.After the test has been conducted
the candidates have taken a short tour of the plant and the tests are being checked by the hr
officer administrator.After the tour finishes a short group discussion session is arranged and
the candidates are divided into groups and are given a specific topics on which the
discussions are made and they are being observed on their confidence level,general
knowledge and communication skills.At the end of each session panel short lists the
candidates based on their performance in the above areas.After the initial screening has
passed the candidates are called for there first interview which is taken by the general
manager.The evaluation is made on individual candidate assessment form.Than the
shortlisted candidates by the general manager are send to the line manager where they take
another interview and the final interview is taken by the HR director itself.After the final
interview is conducted the selected candidates are given the offer letter which is send through
TCS and email.For the management trainee programs the negotiations are conducted during
the interview whereas for senior levels the negotiations are done over the discussions with the
finalized candidate for which the HR department is solely responsible. After that the HR
makes reference check in which the HR checks the criminal record and verification of
educational records. The conditional offer letter is given to the candidate consisting of a
prohibition period of six to eight months. When the prohibition period ends the temporary
employee becomes permenant and is issued confirmation letter.The form given below is
filled by the employee.
The Sapphire Textile mill adopts many different training programs for enhancing the skills of
its employee. In Sapphire textile mill following methods are used for employee training
which are induction training, on the job training and off the job training. The induction
training begins in which the staff is introduced to the organization and this is for 3 days. They
are given instructions on how to avail leave and how to get bonuses and incentives. The
training for worker level is 3 days and for professional it is 6 months. The workers are given
a on the job training. The professionals are divided into groups in which supervisors train
them and the training purpose test is conducted over 6 months. The trainers and HR specialist
prepare a book which is known as weavers guide. The professionals are given both soft skills
training and special training. In soft skills training they are trained what they have to do and
in special training they are trained to use the new machine if they don’t know how to use
training. In managers are also given training by head of departments in which they are trained
for the better performance of company. The marketing managers are given the 7 habits of
highly effective level which is very costly. The employees are taken to seminars where they
get free of cost training.

Performance and appraisal

It is a discussion of an employee’s performance of the assigned duties and responsibilities.
The appraisal is based on the efforts and the results generated from employee’s effort. The
appraisal measures the skills and the goals achieved with the reasonable accuracy and
uniformity. The following are words by the deputy manager “Mamoon Musa” which are that”
Sapphire mills focuses on its products and customers for that we always ensure a best quality
by improving the performance of our employees” The sources of performance appraisal are
performance observed by shift in charge, task completion and interview. The employees are
appraised every three months and the results are updated in the database with the ratings of 1
to 5 and at year-end bonuses are given. The leave period for worker level are 40 days and rate
of over time work is doubled. The employees are invited for their celebrations of their
birthdays with the department heads, The leave is granted by the approval of the HR.

Fringe Benefits
In terms of non monetary compensation, Sapphire has very little focus in that regard,
focusing primarily on salary policies, and a reward management system, including
compensation for religious holidays, such as Eid Al Adha and Eid Ul Fitr, with over time
being doubled for an employee on a worker level. Despite this, they do carry a set of benefit
plans, with a motto of providing relaxation and ease, relative to the employee’s requirement.
These include hostel accommodation as well as pick up and drop facilities for stationed
employees, which also include transportation if necessary, alongside the standard health
benefits, medical benefits, life insurance, health insurance, dental insurance etc. They also
provide this accommodative benefit to their managers, however in that case, the management
teams have a level of choice, depending on the availability of estates. They also provide
provision funds, gratuity, bonuses and the aforementioned leave pay. Leaves however are not
allowed to employees on probation, unless they are under specific, medical circumstances.
All benefits are started after a confirmation process, in other words, the employees are to sign
up for them beforehand.
Diversity Management
For diversity management, there is little regard for diversity of the mind, rather there is more
a focus on surface level diversity, with a focus on morality of the workplace in terms of
different genders, the defining lynch pin of any sort of diversity management within
Sapphire. This will be further discussed in Office Enviornment. Workplace employment is
required to be at least above 18 years of age, with a verified educational certificate as well as
a functioning CNIC ID card

Office Environment & Facilities

There are stringent rules in place, contingencies and workplace etiquette designed in place to
keep operations professional. In terms of employment law, physical assault, sexual
harassment, workplace malpractice and disorder, workplace dysfunction, employee
manipulation, bribery, general insubordination as well as verbal harassment are all very much
enforced against, violation of these rules are likely to lead directly to immediate termination.
Leading on from there, a set of health and safety policies are established to ensure day to day
risk minimization, with a risk assessment plan designed and properly communicated to staff.
These include safety kits for medical emergencies, a 1122 training program, an obligatory
medical test that each employee partakes in at minimum, once every 3 months, firefighting
workshops in case of a spontaneous fire hazard, as well as limiting work hours, a maximum
of 8 hours per day and therefore, 48 hours per week. There’s also an entire, fairly extensive
HR department, designated to maintain a healthy environment for the employees, both
physically as well as mentally, in terms of motivation. HR planning has two components in
and of itself, those being to identify the number of human resources required, as well as
making sure the right person is at the right place and at the right time. This means that
Sapphire, despite its significant size and scope, it puts in considerable and effort into its
human resources, in order to ensure that the company operations function to their zenith.
According to the head of HR planning, Deputy Manager, Mamoon Moosa, the process is to at
first select a specific objective, in the context of the situation is and what aspects need to be
tackled as well as how, scanning the multiple departments to verify which would be most
optimal in the given circumstances, closely analyzing the satisfaction and motivation level of
all employees that could fall under this umbrella, then finally, identifying the required human
resource course to take. In further analysis, HR practices also include :

1. HR Planning
2. Recruitment
3. Selection
4. Orientation
5. Training & Development
6. Career Planning
7. Performance Appraisal System
8. Reward Management And Compensation
9. Extra Activity
10. Health and Safety Policies.

Safe to say, that with such an extensive list, Sapphire goes to great lengths to ensure that
the office working environment not only covers the physiological needs of its employees,
but also the mental aspects, fostering an environment that puts self growth as well as job
satisfaction at the highest priority possible. This is best exemplified in the focus on Future
Developments, with aspects of inter/intra department business communication, personal
employee development, project management, team building with a slew of situational
based team building exercises and time management to ensure that within such a costly,
time intensive, resource draining process, efficiency and effectiveness end up as the final
result. Moving further, discussing the reward management and compensation system, the
structure involved is best showcased through Sapphires salary policy, where on a worker
level, the salaries start at Rs. 12000, with a 1500 Rs incremental raise depending on the
category of employee (labor, office, executive etc) as well as guaranteed bank account
through a partnership with M.C.B. They also provide paid for leave, as well as doubling
the payment rate for over time served in work.

Sapphire also has its own Pay Roll Management department, where through biometric
attendance verification systems, they can oversee in real time, the attendance and time
management of their employees from the administrator’s office, divide the salaries
equally through a pay roll software (bearing in mind the factors such as overtime),
providing a daily base pay for workers, monthly base pay for managers, as well as
keeping in mind senior employees or retired workers through a pension system, where
after registering through the EOBI (Employees old-age Benefits Institution), the
pensioners can corroborate with the labor department and be officially registered for
guaranteed pension.
There is also a heavy focus on extra activity, primarily as a form of building morale and
long term employee loyalty, with monthly and yearly award ceremonies on the basis of
employee performance, particularly for teams, being conducted and arranged. This allows
for high levels of employee engagement, which opens the channel to extracurricular
activities, birthday celebrations and even “coffee mornings” for the managers, which is
used as a platform to hold seminars.

Another way Sapphire heavily leans towards employee relation is “Worker management
counsel”, a labor staff representative group comprising of multiple different departments ,
who discuss their issues if their respective departmental heads are for any reason, unable
to solve them to a satisfactory level.

Job Desciption

Job Title Team Leader

Department Customer Service
Location Sapphire Textile Head Office Lahore

Job Purpose
A team leader to manage the customer service department

Staff Management Responsibility

Yes will be managing 10 people in customer service department

Special Conditions
This role may involve working on weekends

Main Duties and Responsibilities

Managing the staff at customer service department
Managing the communication between the admin
Manage performance of customer service employees
Solve problems of customer service employees

Person Specification

Criteria: Qualification Essential Desirable

and Training
Educated to a 
bachelors level
Other Professional 
Criteria Knowledge
and Experience
5 years’ experience in 
team lead
1 year experience in 
team lead
Criteria Skills and
Experience in MS 
Excellent verbal and 
communication skills
Excellent in managing 

Linkedin Page
Job Ads

Google Jobs Newspapers

Interview Questions

Q1. Tell Me about yourself

Q2.You have worked in Nishat how would this help you over here
Q3.If I contact your manager at Nishat what strengths would he tell
Q4. What techniques have you used to motivate your team at Nishat
Q5.What ideas did you introduced at Nishat for communication
Q6.How do you handle stress at work
Selection Criteria

The following criteria is being used by Sapphire for selection of team lead

The interview questions consists of 5 points and it looks like as below

Bad Satisfactory Good Very Good Excellent

1 2 3 4 5

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