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Rajiv Misra XLRI

Time: 15 minutes

Name: Mr. Saroj Sahu (Registration ID is 100329)

The 2H Project: sHape and Hoover Dam

Debriefing Questions (put your views and then answer the same questions in your group)

1.0 What were the similarities between the project you participated in and the Hoover Dam project?
Requirement statement – is a one liner. No granular details available.
POC and planning stage usually goes good and things look straight forward
During execution many unforeseen come up. Requirement clarity achieved in the middle. Even
some requirements and plans change.
Resource management becomes a challenge

2.0 What are the Things that went right and Things that went wrong in the project?

Things that went Right Things that went wrong

Shapes Shapes

Planning Execution
POC POC and final execution had differences
Parallelogram looked doable Parallelogram cutting needed more time
in time

Hoover Hoover

Architecture Architecture needed changes

End goal was clear Too many unforeseen challenges
PM and architects were good Loss of lifes
The decisions were timely and concrete Labour welfare

3.0 What do you think would be the main role of the Project Manager based on your experience in
performing and watching these projects?

Collaborate with engineers, architects and determine the specifications of the project
Obtain permissions and licenses and approvals from concerned leaders or authorities
Come up with alternate plans when unforeseen come up
Allocate/fund resources or contractors and other staff and allocate responsibilities
Work closely with execution leads and managers and supervisors
Track and monitor progress and take care of reporting to authorities / leaders
Assess ricks and have mitigation plan

4.0 Why was the quality of the drawing on the shape not ‘so good’?
Specially the drawing done in the beginning were good as they were given more time. Towards
end it was hurried up and hence it impacted quality. For better quality the drawing could have
done via a blurprtint/stamp.
5.0 What do you think would be the common processes/activities in all projects?
Strategy, Planning
Risk assessment and mitigation
Reporting progress
Training and enablement

6.0 What would be your reaction the statement ‘ A successful project manager in IT can be successful
in a Road project i.e. a successful project manager anywhere can be successful anywhere’

A successful IT project manager can manage a non-IT project well as well. Provided the
supporting staff is well cooperating. Because many processes and activities remain same in most
projects. So a good project manager with a good team working with him can bring success to any
kind of project. One thing needed is, be open to ideas, opinions, learnings.

1.0 a) Stakeholder Analysis for Hoover Dam

SL Name of Likely Concerns

Stakeholder (What would make them say the project was a success)
1 Government Making such a large project can be seen as the boost for the
economy. Benefit to millions of citizens.
2 Project manager-Mr. It was a challenge to make such a huge project in a limited time
Crowe frame with so many unforseens. Many risks, good and bad name
and fame in the process
3 Architect and engineers Come up with good plan, design and architecture for such a huge
project with many risks
4 Workers and labours Earning good wage, safe work, maintaining family needs
5 Workers families Housing arrangements, safety, kids education
6 Environmentalists No CO poising, less tree cutting, chances of earthquake
7 Residents of Colorado Huge contributions from the Hoover dam in the revolutionary
change of what was once a desert to the current city of Colorado
8 Basin states The seven basin states Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New
Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming got into agreement on equitable
supply of water and electricity. This was crucial for success.
9 The president Hoover The president Hoover, a former mining engineer, promoted the dam
as part of federal efforts to combat the Great Depression and tame
the infertile West.
10 The lawyers and federal These stakeholders played role in resolving lawsuits and such
contacts conflicts to reduce losses and add positivity to the project.
1.0 b) Plot some of the Stakeholders on the Power Interest

Keep Satisfied Key Player

Minimal Effort Keep Informed

Project manager-Mr. Crowe
Architect and engineers
The lawyers and federal
Basin States
President Hoover

E Environmentalists Workers and labours
R Workers families Residents of Colorado

2.0 Identify some Risk Events

Id Risk Event Impact on Trigger Prevention Plan Contingency

Project Plan
1 Labour strike Delay in project Lack of Get rid of noise Good HR
timeline adequate makers and Management
safety and engaging with
lesser negotiations and
wages communications

2 Lawsuit Damage to Rains Providing Negotiations

brand image. clean water arbitration
Project Delay and air along
Losses with safety

3 Flooding Delay in project Rains Safeguard the Diversion

deadline. DAM construction Tunnels
Additional cost site and space

4 Labor shortage Delays, Over Keeping Look for urgent

dependence on partnership outsourcing for
current workers with short duration.
3.0 Plot the risks on PROBABILTY IMPACT MATRIX


Labor strike
Labor shortage Flooding

C Lawsuit



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