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N TRAINER’S GUIDE FROM 2222477——° “| a LG BUT pony Petry Pend Sek Brion Petter Enea ear Pra ered oo Reina oN urea cron Fond Perce pony eae! aires Dee aaa Na Pan’ PoC pier ag Ce Prana Era ETAT. Crary Pood) CONN erreny PZ Cerny ars ene eae Rott rT cr rh A ren Preamee rte rer at Peas Pre SONIA MORRIS Game consuuta Pr ear d TT CONSULTANTS» PNT MATT PARK Pret ray OFFICIAL PLAYER’S GUIDE PREPARE FOR THE ULTIMATE TEST OF POKEMON POWER! THE GREATEST POKEMON TRAINERS IN THE WORLD. AWAIT INSIDE THE LEGENDARY WALLS OF POK6MON-STADIUM, READY TO TTLE ALL WHO DARE TO CHALLENGE THEM. YOU BEAT ‘EM ALL? ar CONTENTS Step into the Stadium . ROUND 2. eeeeecccsoes 5 How to Battle Pika Cup...+ Types & Abilities... Petit Cup... Build a Team...... Poké Cup... Type Chart... Prime Cup . « Pokémon Conditioning . +++ 12 Pewter Gym. Tactical Tips Kids’ Club Cerulean Gym... Vermilion Gym . 14 nh ‘my Gallery . . Celadon Gym 116 Fuchsia Gym. ms ROUND 1.644+6+666¢6¢019 SaffronGym. . 120 Pika Cup . Cinnabar Gym . Petit Cup. i Poké Cup Prime Cup Pewter Gym. Cerulean Gym Vermilion Gym.... Celadon Gym Fuchsia Gym. Saffron Gym. Cinnabar Gym . ian Gym Vs. Elite Four. Rival. . POKEDEX ......+++6+ BI Yellow Pokémon Chart . 132 Red Pokémon Chart ......+ Blue Pokémon Chart Pokédex Key .... Abilities & Attacks Charts TM & HM Lists TM & HM Charts . Stadium Secrets « STEP INTO THE STADIUM You have entered Pokémon Stadium, where Pokémon Trainers test the mettle of their Pokémon in beautiful 3-D. The battles are challenging for inexperienced Pokémon League hopefuls, and even the most dedicated Pokémon Masters will meet their match in the game’s grueling Cups and Gyms. The fun goes beyond the battle arena with minigames, a photo gallery and an option to import Pokémon from your Game Boy. POKéMON BATTLES ON THE N64—COOL! Pokémon Stadium focuses on one of the most popular and exciting aspect ofthe Pokémon Game Boy game—the battles. Inside this Stadium you can do bate with the famous Gym Leaders and the Elie Four, and you can also enter Cups with Pokémon of various levels, and sizes. With your Game Boy game and the Transfer Pak that is bundled with Pokémon Stadium, you can use your favorite Pokémon in the battles and even ply your Game Boy Pokémon game on your N6q. Ifyou dont havea Pokémon Game Boy game, dont worry. You can rental the Pokémon you need to battle every lst competitor inthe game, including the Gym Leaders, your friends or the ferce and powerfil Mewtwo. But thats not all Pokémon Stadium has to offer In the Galler, you can snap pictures of your J) ‘own or rental Pokémon, and the Kids’ Club features ine minigames that letyou test your skills ina numberof carni- valtype games. There is even a Hil of Fame in the Victory Palace to honor great Pokémon! SS veo the Fant Fk ths ay your Game Boy Pokemon ee, Bluse ‘elo game on your TV Yoscan alsa Unser Pokaan rom your Gare Boy gare oPotsnen Staton se in inbatle TRANSFER PAK. GAME BOY RENT OR OWN The Tansfer Pak allows 1 touse your own fkemoninall ofthe batlesinPokemen ‘Stadium, Rental Pokemon are avalbleit donthave Game Joy Pokemon gemeorit your Pokemondon't {quality for some battles, Noucanevanmakea team that has your own Pokémon iting side by sie with ental Pokémon NINTENDO PLAYER’S GUIDE POKEMON STADIUM TOUR ‘The main overworld of Pokémon Stadium is where you can choose most of the activites, features and battles in the game. Ie set up like a map, and you move the ‘Magneton-shaped cursor over the part of the game youll like ro enter and press the A Button to begin your game. The main battles take place in the Gym Leader Castle, the Stadium and the Free Battle area. The minigames are located inside the Kids’ Club, and the Victory Palace wll begin to fill up once you stare winning Cups. You need to use the Transfer Pakand a Game Boy Pokémon game to acess the Game Boy Tower and the Pokémon Lab. Stadium Gym Leader Castle Inside the Stadium you will They say the personwhoreaches the /findthe Poke Cup, the Oil topof Gymteader Castes haul Pokemon League foumerent imate anes You ust dete tee thaPrine Cup en“anything ‘Tanersand one Gymtesdorinaachot | goos”compation and the eghtGyms,thenbeottheeltoFour Fa ane Cups for smaler ‘and your Rival tomakeit to the tp. and lower-level Pokémon. Game Boy Tower lt you have Pokémon Red, Blue or Yellow ‘game, you can use the Waser Pak bundled \nithPokémon Statium to pay tin the Game Boy Tower. The seers border will elect the color ofthe Pak youre paying, Pokémon Lab Inside Professor Oks Lab, youcan arrango your Game Boy Pokemon Pak items and Pokémon and save them 0 Your Pokémon Staium Pak You can 4s trade Pokémon wth your ends {witha second Tanstr Pat and Secase aD version of yor Pokedex thats joepoke hte ‘no about your Pokemon a Free Battle Upto fou payers can participatein the Free Battles. Players canuso the lransfer Pak to . battle wth ther com Pokéman, and rentl Victory Palace Pokemon are also avaliable for use. Battles This Hallof Fame wll be FuriovingPokémoninjte __withtreeorourplayersare played ag ‘empty until you can finish ‘you to join them in the Kids’ teamstyl. a Cuporthe entre Gyn Ei ese Leader Castle Once team ringanes staring Pkach, isateesetlinbatte, stat Hepler. kas ues of themembers willbe Gllaryandotrers ensiviedin theta ofFane. _‘Wnigehres canbe played at Easy, Normal andHardai culty levels. og =| roxamon stanum 3 Of HOW TO BATTLE Giving battle commands to your Pokémon is menu-driven and simple in Pokémon Stadium. Once you've decided which six Pokémon will form your team in a Cup, Gym or Free Battle, you will then pick three to use in each particular battle. Battles are turn-based, and you give one command at a time to your Pokémon. CHOOSE YOUR ENTRY POKEMON The Pokémon on your Game Boy Pak that ae ebb forthe cur rent match determined by level, among other factors} willbe showninboxes with ther nick ‘name andievel dspiayed,Younay choose these Pokémon for your {warn and you nay also adrenal Pokemon to make that team bl- anced i you'dke ‘The Gyms, the Cups and even the Free Battles each have rules about which Pokémon you can enter into a bate. All of them are open to Pokémon from your Game Boy Game Pak, iFyou have one, and, ofcourse, rental Pokémon are always available. At che start of| a match, you choose a team of six Pokémon from either your Pokeé- mon Game Boy game, the rental Pokémon, or a combination of both. Only the Pokémon who meet the eligibility requirements for the battle will be shown. You can register teams you use often, which makes the stare of a match move very quickly. Pesca dancun mie PENizaasenn \When youhave founda team you Every battlehas Poktian for realy ike, youean register t to rent-ThePokémon wil always make teasy to access at the tonform tothe rues ofthe Startof amatch. You can ragister match and the attacks, vel and UptolD teams for eachot the six HP vile diferent forthe same dierent sets ofrules~Gym Pokémon nifferent battles for Leader Castle, FreeBatle ard the example, the rental Gengarin the four Cups, Youcan save any sort of Gymbeader Castles evel 50 ard team to the Staclum Pak, ovenit hhas Confuse ay, whe the rental some olf the Pokémon came GGongarin the Prine Cupis evel fram aGame Boy cartioge. 100 anthas Night Shade SELECT POKEMON FOR BATTLE ‘Your team has six Pokémon on it, but you ean take only three into any given battle, except an "Anything Goes” match in the Free Battle area and the battle with Mewewo, where you can use all six members of your team. Each Pokémon is assigned a button on the Controller, and you choose that Pokémon to be on your team by selecting its assigned button. The first Pokémon you choose will be the first to battle. The Pokémon are then reassigned to the top, right and bottom C Buttons, so you can choose them in battle. BATTLE PICKS Ws wwe pavers ove TAKE YOUR TURN You have three choices for action during each turn. You can attack with your current Pokémon, a process you start with the A Button; you can change your eurrent Pokémon, which you initiate withthe B Button; ot, if things are really bad, you can Run, or quit the batl, by pressing the x Start Button, The flow chart below shows how a turn progresses. PeeWee 1 you want ta battle withthe r 2 Pokemon thtis already nthe ELD batt area, poss Af you went - tochange Pokémon, oessB.11 ‘youwant to quit press tart I Youu, youwll automaticaly Tose the match. fi Ge ya chooe tose th Pako akon your Wiychoge to Gare Pokémoyyoucenus te TRiomon yancaes he Battontovee st ZN Aiton ovew yar aon Paoronatd hor elvan luorattara nd thecoresanang tatesponingt Baten ue pese ne autan Ein those thes ou wood me tuse isin Peon Cres aero DON’T TIP OFF YOUR ENEMY! You can use the R Button to check which attack you want to use oF which Pokémon you want o take into the fight, but if you're battling a human opponent, youll lose the element of surprise. To pre vent them from knowing what attacks you have or which Pokémon you've picked, memorize which C Buttons you've assigned everything to and pick blindly. That way, your opponent will never know hac’ coming. The more you keep them in the dark, the less strategy they'll be abe to plan, roxemon sraowum 3 TIME TO BATTLE You've size up your enemy, picked out your Pokémon, and theres noth- ing left to do but get in the arena and duke it out! Whether youte fighting friends or the legions of Trainers that the one-player game will throw your way, you'll soon find that many battles are long aflairs, requiring intelligent strategy as well as strong Pokémon to ensure victory Before you try to leapfrog straight to the top of Gym Leader Castle, though, youll better master some of the basics. Keep in mind as you fight that since chance determines many factors in battle, you'll need fuck on your side Pt oe yubat athe gon ihc petit th you yr per ion oot Re returner ia eae Pine meena ee Gp auee pany atamncaaeneresone cas Cae tae eae eee " BASIC CUP RULES 1 Decde which Cup you want tparticgatein then check to see which Pokémon are ele to ante, 2.Carefuly choose ixPokémn tomakeup your teant'sgoaralyagoodies topic siaferen types '3.Choose threePokémon to fight in each round You'l win the Cup youranage to beat eight Tiers 4 You ose the battle your Pokémon wer legally entanced with gare-altering device. 5 oul alsolose the battle you freeze ‘wo Pokemon or put twoPokémon to sloop nthe same round, as ths iscansd- red dty fighting It's ang to put one Pokémon to sleep and to freeze another. 6 Another forbidden dirty tactcis to uso Explosion or Self Destruct with your last Pokémon It wil end the match, Sncenaithor side wil ve any Pokémon left, but sce you triggered, youlose. Boo nwnew0 nares oun: TYPES & ABILITIES The key to success when battling Pokémon is matching up against Jf your opponent's Pokémon types. Every Pokémon has strengths and a weaknesses, and if you want to win, you'll have to use one Pokémon’s strength to take advantage of another’s weakness. It all boils down to an incredibly advanced game of rock, paper, scissors. POKEMON BATTLE CHART Trainers who play Pokémon on their Game Boys will find this chart familia. By ining up the attack type with the type of Pokémon you're facing, you can determine what the best tactics should be. For instanee, le’ say you are facing a Grass-type Pokémon. Under the Opponent’s Pokémon Type, find Grass and then follow the column down. Since there are + signs in the Fire, Ice-, Poison-, Flying- and Bug-type Attack columns, any one of those attacks will score double the amount of damage a standard attack would do. If there's a= sign in the column, it means that the attack will do only half the standard damage. If there's an = sign, the attack will not affect the enemy at all ATTACK @x2 |Z g Zlz\2 Zz ADVANTAGE elale| |Elo|s/o i You'll gain even more of an advantage OQ x05 |5\,, EIS |s] | E12/9/2/2)o/8/S/S] sy yingro your Pokemon’ alent Oxo |9#/S\Slely/Sols/=/s/aloisia youratacktypeis these asthe Pole ‘non who is wielding it, that attack wi NORMAL =|= Risove-tnd-eralfcines the damage FIRE =l-| [+/+ += =| would do if it were in the hands of a Pokémon of a different type. So if you WATER +{-[ + FL [=| aki the wWatersyse Veporeon wich ELECTRIC +1-|- =/+| = ser Uae a> ific werein the hands of Cubone. Also, GRASS -|+| [- -|+|- =F] |=] ityou manage to hit the enemy's weak Pa | ice il a] ep +/+] + na ee iis Hit, you'll do double Fal | FIGHTING [+ +{ [= [-[-[-[#le Sp senna Sanat FY | POISON + =| Flea Fj | GROUND +| [+]- +/ [el [-[+ SAME TYPE bd | FLYING -|+) [+ +: CRITICAL HIT. PSYCHIC +/+ - BUG - +f ROCK + +|- GHOST (oRAGON POKEMON STADIUM DUAL-TYPE POKEMON AAs any Pokémon Master can tell you, there are many Pokémon out there with multiple personalities, Pokémon who have wo different types can be great assets, because they boast twice the attributes of a single Pokémon. If you have a Psychic-and-Grass-rype Exeggutor, for example, ill have strong attacks against ‘Water-, Fighting-, Poison-, Ground- and Rock-types. OF course, the flip side type Pokémon will also have twice the vulnerabilities of a single-natured creature, Balancing the risks and benefits is what Pokémon is all about. SAMPLE: PIKACHU VS. GYARADOS ‘This is what we call total thumping Pkachu wields an attack thats the same sits type (a Thunderbolt Pus, theattackis. supotefective aginst BOTH of Gyarados’ types. Pach scores artical i ido times the damage! THUNDERBOLT ATTACK X15 <« vs. WATER x2 ° @ VSFLYING _X2 a CRITICAL HIT x2 ‘ y ATTACK TYPES [No matterwhat type your Pokémon ists offensives willbe split into two groups—attacks and Special attacks. Normal attacks are physical blows like Peck or Bit. If your Pokémon uses a part ofits body to deliver the blow, chances are that isa normal attack (the exception is Ghost-type attacks, which are also considered normal attacks). If your Pokémon uses some element like ie water to fight, then you'll be looking ata Special Atack, Refer othe charts below fora detailed breakdown, SPECIAL ATTACKS any ofthese attack types ‘are your Pokémon’ forte, then yo dol to WATER strengthens Special rating ‘withiotsofCaleum. The Spocalratgconas boty | PRAGON. {he power of Special Attacks and theresistanee to them, Thestrongthof dress ance topscaletoosis termine your Poxemonsattackend POISON Defense retngs Bese to esate ingens boos your Pokemon Defense and Protein to boost Laid IRS Attack rating, BUG, NORMAL ICE 8 NINTENDO PLAYER'S GUIDE @ BAD STATUS $Byen if7ou don't masch up well againee s cerin Pokémon, ic doesn't menn you should give up hope or run for the hills. Many attacks will work regardless of what type you're facing, no matter how extreme your disadvantage. Using these attacks is «specially important early on in a match, because you can lay the groundwork fora long, victorious battle instead of just running from a bad situation. You can improve your Poké- _monis status or try to undercut that of your opponent by using attacks that may not damage the opponent but will give you a chance in along, drawn-out battle. Use anattacklikeDoubleTeam to AnattacklikeTaxcisalso excellent —_Paralyzing your anemy withanattack — Whenindovbt, confuse em. An make yourPokémonherdertolt or acauseit is gusanteed toposson the lke Thunder Wave or Body Slam wil attacklke Confuse Ray won't dal tele Sond-Attack tocut down the enamyifitmakes contact. Then, as. DeavitalskilinthelaterCups Not any damage, butit Isorient the ‘opponents accuracy By boosting longas youhave the stamins to waitit only dositgve the otherPokémana other Pokemon to the pont that they Yourownstatsorhurtng thaseot aut, theother Pokemon wil eventually randomchanegoflasingatum, but may attack themselves. Watch out, Your enemy, your ods wil greatly succumb tothe slow ran Itfalsastowit down se you can {houghthey won't stay confused improve attack frst. for therest of thematch NO NEED TO TYPECAST rN) 5 ‘There are six attacks that are exceptions to rypecasting. ‘These six—Super Fang, Psywave, Sonicboom, Seismic Toss, Night Shade and Dragon Rage—will do the same amount of damage no them, but thats a small price to pay for the reliability of these attacks. They're smart attacks to have, just because they give your Pokémon a fighting chance in almost any situation. ‘SUPER FANG SEISMIC TOSS POKéMON STADIUM BUILD A TEAM The beauty of Pokémon Stadium is that you won't build just one team—there are limitless options for your rosters, and you'll need to explore different mixes for the varied challenges of the Cups and Gyms. You need low-level Pika Cup fighters, high level juggernauts and teams to fend off your friends, so you'd better start training! @ CREATING A BALANCED TEAM ‘There are probably some Pokémon Masters out there with five Mewtwo and a Mew who think they'll run roughshod ‘over the competition, but that's not going to cut it. For one, you can't use two of the same Pokémon on one team. Even if that weren't true, though, the idea is still wrong. The key to success in Pokémon Stadium is diversity, and unless you have Pokémon from all walks of life fighting for you, you're likely to run into serious problems. Whether you're traning for a low-level Cup of just a bout with one of your friends, you need to be prepared to face any conceivable roadblock, and that means mixing it up. STRONG TEAM Hero an oxample of a wel-balancad team, ‘Almost all ofthe Pokémon types are represented, so they lb eady for anything, WEAK TEAM One lips, thsi poorly taut -t team ‘They're all part Flying-typeone Electrc-type could KO. them all. youve WATER FLYING PIDGEOT NORMAL FLYING LAPRAS WATER ICE ZapDos FLYING x ARTICUNO — FLYING ICE EXEGGUTOR GRASS PSYCHIC GENGAR GHOST POISON ELECTRODE — ELECTRIC DRAGONITE DRAGON FLYING DUGTRIO| GROUND TEAM EFFORT ‘This the ideal setup~every Pokémon ‘watches another Pokémons back. ‘one of your Pokémons weaknesses is ‘vulnerable, bringin the Pokémon that can counteract the enemy. Of course, inmost (Cups youcan take onl three Pokemon, soyoulhave to choose wisely. CHARMANDER PIKACHU _TANGELA—_NIDORANG ——_JYNK FEAROW ‘STRENGTHS FIRE ELECTRIC ; GRASS - POISON PSYCHIC NORMAL Ice FLYING water < SSANDSLASHL zusar Here it is, Pokémon Masters—your first taste of serious competition. The first round of Championship Cups and Gym Leaders will ease you into the rigors of extended battles, and you'll have to develop good strategies if you want to make it all the way to the top. Getting a feel for the way your opponents think is critical. PIKA CUP Novice Trainers should hone their ski in the Pika Cup, the entry-level compe! ion open only to Pokémon ranking from levels 15 to 20. Moreover, every three-Pokémon team sent into bat- tle cannot exceed a combined level total of 50. And though the rules keep the battles moving at a beginner’s pace, winning will be no easy task. fa Ls x Were Mi sigse mies Forte UIBASAUR WYsauR ‘HARMANDER ‘HARMELEON SUIRTLE 8 waRroRTLE 10 caTeRPIE 1 metapoo v2 BUTTERFREE 1 WeEDLE 14 KAKUNA 15 BeEDRILL 6 PIDoeY 7 Pipstorro 19 RATTATA 2 21 n Fy 5 6 ar 2 0 31 2 2 4 35 3% ar 38 39 40 a IL aTlcaTE SPEAROW FEAROW ans ‘ARBOK Pikactu AICHU SANDSHREW ostas NipoRAN > IDORINA miooaueen poRAN ‘porno poxine ‘cunRy ‘cuerABLE vvutenx imeraues sic6trPUrE \wiceurTuFF ueat Pie seco puss cone 8 6 ” 8 ” so si 32 st 35 56 38 39 6 ra 65 ‘pois PLUME PARAS PARASECT venonar veNoMorH Dieter bucrRio meow PsyDUCK oupuck manney GROWLITHE ARCANIME WAG POLIWHIRL POLAT ‘BRA ADABRA ALAWAZAM 6 a machor NACHOKE MACHANP BELISPROUT WEEPINBELL TENTACOOL TENTACRUEL ropupe PONYTA PIDASH stowPoKe stoweRO MaGNEITE MAGNET FARFETCH'D opuo see. Deweons 0 a 2 8 4 95 % 8 9 100 ro 102 103, 104 106 107 108 109 m SHELLDER clovstiR castiY UNTER Gencar nix DRowztt iiveno anay inte vorToRE HECTRODE presocuTe ExEGGUTOR cunone monte HITHMONCHAN LUcKTTUNG KOFFING i RHYHORN. m 13 ™ 1 W 1 m9 m0 ma m m3 m ww m9 10 a m2 RHYDON CHANSEY TANGELA 137: PORYGON KANGASKOAN | 188 OMANYTE HORSA SEADRA GOLDEEN seaKin staRYU STARMIE MR. MINE SCYTHER ak 147 rari mo WB DRAGONAIR HAR 49 DRAGONIT PINSIR 50 Wi acinar? ‘oraranos apes pinto RECOMMENDED RENTAL TEAM team, Only the Qualifying Pokémon on page the group below is the recommended dream clean sweep tothe trophy. If youite not uploading your personally trained Game Boy Pokémon, you must rent your 20 are available for the Pika Cup draft, and team that's ready for anything—especially a yo Da hei Ba LV. 15/HP 56 bet est lls ae . Es ‘ = Cs » \ rwuwer tc = SURF wr|| $2 oe ro q THUNDER WAVE LC FY vounsuar ame wat 2s SEISMIC TOSS FIG METRONOME == NRM EMBER AR crow NAM HYPNOSIS PST DOUBLE TEAM NRW a KB 25001 Lod Aa bated ae #147 DRATINI Ahm ons] ren] om Toxic SN WYPNOSIS. PSY AREBLAST IR artist NR psvcne SY nimi AMEGADRAN CRS DREAM EATER PSY soositm NN PSYWNVE SY mamice nin | |S THUNDER Wave [Arthe prebattle screen where you select your the button assigned to your Pokémon. When ities and attacks against your foes. For Bug Bi safe bet. three Pokémon, press and hold R along with its stars come up, weigh your Pokémon’ abil oy, Drovzee and its Psychic attack will make ar #23 EKANY Ae Eke CU ALilmad =m > CT RCT crow, = NR POISONSTING PSN tackle (NR TACKLE NRA | LER NRM DISABLE RM SceaTcH NR wear nR SUPERSONIC NEM DOUBLEKICK FIG faye nats Tada aCe Ae bette ae 4 a an = ce O77 conrusion sv POISONSTING PSN SCRATCH NR a TACKLE NRM ‘STRING SHOT = BUG RQ) STUNSPORE © GRS STUNSPORE — GRS y SLEEP POWDER GRS SAND-ATTACK NRL ELA Yh Ao QUICK ATTACK RIM a CS : yo RAZOR WIND —_NRIM Mostof Lad's Pokémon are either Grass- or Fl Blasts, call in Dratini as your starter. The arsenal, while Poliwrath is the perfect foil Poison-types. #83 FARFETY aia [ wormaL | FLYING RM, PECK. AY SAND-ATTACK — NRM TAKEDOWN NRM FURY ATTACK. for Geody and Drowzee is the perfect cure for Iying-types. Since both are susceptible to Fire Dragon-type is naturally resistant to Lad’s #69 SPROUTY ae cust RM. #2 IVYSAURY a | TACKLE RM, VINEWHIP —GRS GROWL RM, LEECH SED —_GRS. #41 ZUBATY ae [Poison | FLYING LEECHLIFE BUG SUPERSONIC RM BITE NR 1 crass | VINE WHIP GRS <« GROWTH © NRM. WRAP RM. EGADRAIN —_GRS #74 GEODY Cone eo TACKLE RM DEFENSE CURL RM roxsnon stapum 21 ‘The key to assembling a winning team is diversity in types and attacks, and Swimmer sinks in that department. His lopsided crew shares the same weaknesses. Grass and Psy- chic powers have the advantage, and since Exeggutor has both, ican single-handedly win POUND RM HYPNOSIS PSY DISABLE RM CONFUSION. PSY the battle. ao bad aa bare ed Ce i wm Z TACKLE RM SPusH RM yowoss est | | TRILWHI RM TACKLE WRI UBBLEBEA WIR WaTee Gun WIR supe wrk #79 SLOWMER aes CaP LSA 11 See Bk ua [ore [svar | 4 [reson] CONFUSION PSY WATER GUN wR leer ie. STRENGTH NR UBBLESEAN TR HORN ATTACK ARIA ASH wR TACKLE RM POISONSTING PSN DOUBLEKICK FTG Qo Fire-ypes make up the bulk of Burglar’ stable, Since they're dominant over Grass-ypes, ep Exeggutor sidelined. In place oft, cll in Poivrath to rob Burglar of victory. With Hele more than a single wave ofthe Water-type’ Sur, tcan snuff out any one of his Fie-xypes Aad Bate el 99 aoe #27 SANDLAR a = o® mim * nae AR 2 ate i SceaTcH ARM BODYSLAM NR oA i SAND-ATTACK ARH ‘Ns ibe wan & sr sy Swit NRM s TAILWHIP NM #96 DROWLAR aed eR ius TOL SCRATCH NR les RM Fe inne AR Growl WRN [rine EMBER FR TAILWHIP MRM #100 VOLTCIAN —_8v.16/HP 42 ‘Mr. Fix’s roam is heavy with Electric-types, circuiting them. Since Arcanine’s Dig attack round out your team with Drowzee to count #81 MITECIAN (OE and Ground-type attacks are perfect for short- will do the erick, recruit the Fire-type, then +r Mancian and Exeggutor to battle Glercian, #137 PORYCIAN ie. 1 NORMAL | TACKLE ‘NRM ¥. TACKLE NR PSYCHIC Psy seen Mt WE tions te sianeen a manok ne Tnnetolr He COWESION NEN SHrorsRucT Mn ae reo te bie! TA baci AO ZL ahead a, a7 L WaTeR | townie 6 SHORDS DANCE aa THuNDEROWT uc rw cincior im | | Boor stan Nth CS oorsuin haw e ‘LEER RM BUBBLEBEAM = WTR FLASH RM METRONOME — Ni ar nH povetesnce ‘Pee nero mare's cuve By Battle 6, the Trainers will begin marching your bases covered by choosing Pokémon th: using a Grass-type that can do double duty ‘Water-types. out a wider variety of Pokémon types. Keep at are superior over multiple types, such as by handling both of Hiker’s Ground- and #40 HIGGLYTUFF aA Bical Dad 4 om 4 DOUBLE-EDGE = NRM ‘SING NRM Ae PSYWAVE PSY ROCKSUIDE —RCK mecanice nam | | SP KINI PSY EARTHQUAKE = GRD REFLECT PSY ey THUNDER WAVE ELC FHssuRE GRD : STRENGTH ARMM AK _mereowome nam #66 HICHOP Aes #117 HIDRA aad aa ee aides \ eee 47 PaRASECT 69° BELLSPROUT LOYSTER 133. CHANSEY 135 JOLTEON 4 curmanoer | 26 rac | se vivonar | 70. werrnone | on asta | ne TNE 36 FAREON ROMs cunwneicon | 27 samsinew | so vivonorm | 71 vicrrma | 93 unten | as tancastoun | 137 roRison EM + cuanizaro | 26 sanosuash | 50 oiGuert 2 TenTacoot | 94 GeNGAR 6 HORSEA 138 OMANYTE fe) 7 soumne — | 29 moran # | 51. nuciRio 73 wenmaceue | 95. onx 17 SeADRA 139 OMASTAR ES): wnsione | 30 wiooninn | s2 meowrH | 74 eropune | ss osovizee | ne coupe —_| to xasuro s austoss | 31 mpoauen | 53 reasian | 75 craven | o7 revo | ny stato | at xanvvors J 10 carte | 92 noon 54 psroueR 7 coin oy mramy | 20 starvu askooactr ra sa-moonmo | 55 corpuck | 77 rowrix 99 KINGLER vm sTaRME SWORLAK > Be 56 MANKEY 78 RAPIDASH 100 a2 mR, MIM AARTICUNO. Fem is weroue 35 castumy | 57 mrntame | 79 siovone | ant > ScrTHER 7ar005 Bei ie wacom | 36 carrie | 8 crowns. | 20. stowero | az execocure | cu svn mouress Beas acon | 7 wu se ancawiNe | a1 macweure | 103 axeccuTOR ain BS) is mosey | ae eres | «0 POUWAG = 2 acieON) | 08 cURONE Racor EH v7 rioceoro | 39 neoureurr | 61 rouveint | a3 raneerava | 105 manowan DRAGONITE CoM is Piocror 0 wiccirturr | 62 pouwearh | 84 DODUO 106 HITMONL 50. MET WO we partara | a1 Zune 63 Aa | 25 oookio | 107 wrmtoncran | 129 aaGimaRP | 151-18 mo ravicare | 42 count | ot wanton — | ae. see woe ucaiTone | 130 Gyanaoos Wee nnrenoo ruarer’s cuioe ie) Rather than build a team based entirely on varied Pokémon types, choose the members based on their varied attacks. For example, the recommended team lacks a Fire-type Pokémon, but Dratini will compensate, covering the fire angle with its Fire Blast attack. f =m = THUNDER WAVE ELC LEECH SEED SMOKESCREEN NR stam i MEGADRAIN GRS UDDLEBEAM WIR THUNDER = SOLARBEAM — GRS swirt RM asi ne ar a IceEAM CE ; c um e SLASH RM CONFUSERAY —GHO THUNDER WAVE ELC POISONSTING PSN NIGHT SHADE GHO WRAP ea ig GRD THUNDER THUNDER =e ROCK SLIDE ROK ‘MEGA DRAIN — GRS ws FIRE BLAST. AR Di) Choose Dratini ist since its Fie Blast wil spark an instant ntng spel in almost every on onc of Bog Boy’ Pokémon, For enforcement,cl in Horta ite ee Bear priest Daeg effective) and Gastly (a Ghost-type that’s well rounded in abilities as well as shape). #10 CATERPY LEV. 25/1 acai 5d Deed Ee eute ered > a & cs TT ) STRING SHOT BUG ‘ STRING SHOT BUG py BS stuwspore rs 4 J J wccvure wus #43 ODDY Tues EA ee aya Teal ee 7 ; ‘ABSORB GR fnew rs BARRAGE NRM STUNSPORE —GRS : > GROWTH RM ‘ HYPNOSIS PSY SLEEP POWDER GRS . POISONPOWDER PSK RECT PSY cio PsN AA swunspore ks O ‘Since no Pokémon has a natural advantage over Ghost-types, Gastly is the perfect anchor ; forall of your battle trio. For more than a ghost of a chance at winning your second Petit battle, enlist Pikachu, Like Gasty, it boasts a Thunder attack, which is perfect for ground- = ing Fying-ypes baal ed ey Lee ee #132 DITTY Pe TT) UT = Am EC B Gust ie TALI RM Dy eanstorm new SDL sano-artace nem }auicr attack Nm p< quick attack NRM HYPERFANG —NRM m= wwirtwino rm | | AE rocusewercy nam ahd ee #23 EKANSY Te ed BAe Lee Dees mn . =: ao TACKLE mo WRAP em LeHLIFE BUG Ligh SeeD—GRS POISONSTING PS SUPERSONIC NR ViNEWnIP—_ GRS alte a alte rn POISONPOWOER PSN GUARE aM / CONFUSERAY —_GHO POKéMON STADIUM 25 Realy, the only off-putting thing about Nerd’s team is that his Pokémon sport some ridiculously silly nicknames. Other than that, his erew will be no match for yours, especially if you rely on Gastly’s Thunder, Sa indshrew’s Slash and Bulbasaur’s Leech Seed. #74 DUDEGEO ed #92 LYGAST ed #100 ORBVOLT eo Baa a Le 54 ba Aa Sl RL are Aa ee Enna ws zea iim ‘Water-types are susceptible to Electric-ype eer) eZ antacks, so plug in Pikachu, Dratini and Gastly to sink Sailor's seafaring crew. All three ‘Thunder—an attack that will wash up Sailor's landlubbing team members, Choplor and Spealor. sport Electric-type moves, most notably OTT ee (\ , im BUBBLEBEAM = WTR. BUBBLE WIR 5 ‘SPLASH NRM, ar va snort wen |] QQ tcc tn VICEGRIP ARM ‘SWIFT NRM “ ~CuILOTINE Nw ware con wk #66 CHOPLOR uel Bad Padded #21 SPEALOR Lele AY d [WATER] + Cx% [ wonmar } riving | Ke~ waraTe corm tc iu ew fy Sy lownick 1G PRG suressonie em ee New ine mn | | <>Q7ES wonwaricy i urvariace en Zz RAGE RM CS sure wir mR MIRROR MOVE FLY The female Jr. has assembled a fairly diverse team, so call in your all-purpose fighter, Gast zap or wo fom your Ghost ypes Thunder atack il ve mos of out Opp - nents falling at your feet (if Gastly had any, that is). For backup, bolster your team with a) Bulbasaur and Horsea. bas ts Lali #58 GROWLGROWL Ltv.27/HP 73 #52 MEOWMEOW _ LW. 27/HP 65 9 “~ ~Me e towecius cro ak Pav ony a a be wen | | sunn.ecam wre SUBSTITUTE NRM h € DOUBLE-EDGE —NRM - THUNDERBOLT ELC ‘SKULLBASH ——_NRM pe oc GRD « SCREECH RM BSL ee Bi a a ued Be ea qq Um Se B\ vmoss esr smo nw ve TmATTICK Nem Ices ck DoOuBESLaP HR SYS te” ae Duoettan Wik yy wacun wk wi ‘SUBSTITUTE =—-NRM BODY SLAM RM = PSYCHIC PSY SBee> nnrenvo praven's cue “The battling gets trickier when you set your sights on the Marsh Badge. Since the boy Jr. will toll out a motley crew of Pokémon steeped in a hodgepodge of fighting styles, you! win an edge if you can attack first. Choose the quick-draw Pokémon Gastly, Sandshrew and Bulbasaur. Ec CO CU ME ; | s z. 4 SCRATCH NR ~~ TACKLE Rm er rick fy Growt =a : SONICEOOM ARM BD swarm nn 1G cr) THUNDERBOLT HC e& Leer Nem SAND-ATTACK NRL asi io | runvartack nei eta PE EXCLU LAT cS TTA , , =m igen URE BUG aur wn atte rm TAKEDOWN MRI enor AR une wir ait RM LER Ran sine RM CONFUSERAY —_GHO at me RI, SEISMIC TOSS FIG Z od Enter the Semifinal round with Gastly, Sandshrew and Horsea and choose their attacks i wisely: Unlike other Trainers, Lass won't be very confrontational. Instead, she'll esor to VA sekcing ost boot her ake dtense per ordain your chosen ones offensive power. OC A) AA DOUBLE-EDGE — NRM THUNDER WAVE 1c noe AR REnECT PSY QUICK ATTACK HRM (QUICK ATINCK NR SURF wir DOUBLETEAN MRI ig RD LB cum ic THUNDERBOLT HC FREBLAST FIR EY ME TE 7 eS erro ge x ss en et sie a SAND-ATTACK NRK © minimize RM BLIZZARD ICE DOUBLE-EDGE —NRM BODYSLAM —-NRM sy NEGAKICK RM QUICK ATTACK NR METRONOME NR eis ay, Toxic Ps Choose Horsea, Gastly and Dratini to win Since the Watertype is effective against Pysmania and Omania. EDI Wi. 1) Canoe) the Cup. For the bulk ofthe bate, use Horsea. Shrewmania—Horsea will gallop you to victory. Its also quite resistant ro attacks from all of the opposing Pokémon—especially EICTAL Ly tis, Wea oa = om HORN ATTACK NR TAKEDOWN NRM THUNDER WAVE. tc DOUBLEKICK FTG $, Toxic sW wear ie POISON STING PSN ) BIDE NRM DRAGON RAGE DRG HORN DRILL = NRM A TAIL WHIP NRM a J ICEBEAM Ice #27 SHREW MANIA Lv. 25/HP 70 Pit eeh culls SEU aLs #138 OMANIA eed z , cm cm Pe SAND-ATTACK —-NRM ‘SCRATCH NM ‘SURF WIR Susi na Sune wm BUZZARD CE EARTHQUAKE GRD icon DOUBLE TEAM HRM ROCKSUIDE —_RCK cow as DOURLEDGE _NRM POKEMON stapium 27 POKe CUP This challenging Cup for level 50-55 Pokémon is the official league tournament, so expect to face some hungry competition from the opposing Trainers. Think before you act-skill and strategy are at a premium in these battles. Take the recommend- ed rentals through to the Master Ball final to become league champ. POKé BALL..... 29 GREAT BALL.... 32 ULTRA BALL.... 35 MASTER BALL... 38 WS 25 nintenvo pravee's cuine POKé BALL RECOMMENDED ibe at VN PEs LEV. 50/HP 97. nom EARTHQUAKE GRD SLASH NR SAND-ATTACK NR *—_ROCKSUIDE —_RCK bikes Ea "( sven SY KS SEISMIC TOSS FIG y | ‘REFLECT Psy THUNDER WAVE ELC ‘This rough team should be more than adequate for getting you through the Poké Ball round. Most of these Pokémon have varied and powerful attacks—you won't have to ‘waste much time changing vulnerable types in the battles. #120 STARYU uv. 50/HP 14 Perro Ce mG Se WCEPUNCH ICE MEGA PUNCH NRM PsycHic Psy LOVELY KISS NRM #126 MAGMAR _Itv.50/H' = EZ FREPUNCH FIR (MEGA PUNCH RI y PSYCHIC Psy SMOKESCREEN RM. ~ 4 HYDRO PUMP WIR RECOVER RM THUNDERBOLT ELC sycnie PSY bake eco a al ; THUNDERBOLT ELC J PINMMISSIE BUG t Toxic as SAND-ATTACK _ NR #29 RAN-NIDO ? oe that’ all Biker has brought to the party. ERI. ns) Pace If you hie any of these opposing Pokémon with Psychic, chis Trainer won't even get the chance to kick-start his team. The attack is devastating to Poison- or Fighting-types, and PrP ey Ce mE 1 POISON {POISON @D somencr a HORN ATTACK b cuare FS BoDystam NR FURY ATTACK WRI 8 sco Psi ) wuzzarD ck THUNDER ELC aie ent oxic PSN REFLECT SY ROCKSLIDE _RCK fa od eee ae Bit esata PAs bie hell CEA = “EI Wn =a HIJUMP KICK FTG LOW KICK FIG ( ‘SUBMISSION FTG MEGA.KICK RM . KARATE CHOP NRM. Pac THRASH Nr SHSMICTOSS FIG FREBLAST FIR 016 RD mepiTare PSY MEGA KICK —_NRML THUNDERBOLT LC against you, while Diglec’s Earthquake attack is more than the Electric-types can handle. ROCKER Jymxis a good third choice, but you shouldn't need it #100 VOLTACE aid #81 MAGNEMACE _Ltv.50/HP 97 eZee ae z swirt nen ) swirT Nam THUNDER ELC EXPLOSION NR : SCREECH NM ‘QUICK ATTACK NRA SCREEGH MRM THUNDER WAVE. ELC THUNDER WAVE. ¢ THUNDERBOLT ELC THUNDERSHOCK ELC SEISMICTOSS FIG Bela eOe O Teale #1 BULBACE eae #43 ODDACE eC Y ne i L crass | Poison | RAZORIEAF —GRS SOLARBEAM —GRS PETALDANCE —GRS < sam Nem LEECH SEED GRS Aap PN or) PsN ar Rn MEGA DRAIN GRS 1 SLEEP POWDER GRS Toxic Pst STUNSPORE _GRS POKEMON STADIUM 29 v ° RK o a c 3 You need to juggle your own Pokémon. Use Psychic against the Fighting-types for a KO, then switch to Staryuls Hydro Pump against Pin Missle attack before it hypnotizes the E Geo-Dude. Ty to hit Drow-zce with Jolteon’s lectric-ype. #96 DROW-ZEE edad #92 GAST-LY ead #107 HITMO-CHAN LEV. 50/HP 122 oo =a HYPNOSIS PSY HYPNOSIS PSY MNETRONOME WRI DREAM EATER SY DREAM EATER PSY METRONOME NR PSYWAVE Psy #67 MA-CHOKE ey EZ Ee LEV. 50/HP 112 #35 CLE-FAIRY ey ican | gy oo: METRONOME WRI smc vw INETRONOME MRI ¢ 4 METRONOME NRM TY #116 HORSEDY Ey HYDRO PUMP WTR SINOKESCREEN HRM BUZZARD ICE LEER RI against Kabudy and the Water-types. ELT RT TS LUV. 50/HP 102 Te SURF wie swirt RW, (MINUIMIZE ARM UGHT SCREEN PSY You should perform beautifully in this battle with Jynx, Staryu and Jolteon. Ice Punch is an effective attack against the two Ground-types, but go with Jolteon’s Thunderbolt attack. #90 SHELLDY ey. 50/HP 102 im KCEBEAM ICE LAMP wir TAKEDOWN RM SELF DESTRUCT NRL EO a MK #111 RHYDY. WV. 50/H 152 [ron | a] CL HYDRO PUMP. WIR BONECLUB GRD stomp NRW SUH I EADBUTT NR ROCKSUDE EK leek ra REBLAST FR bi GRD ABsoRs —_GRS leek wm THUNDERBOLT fC The only otherworldly Pokémon in Mediums crew is worry more about the rest of them, Use Joteons Thunderbolt sgainst the Water-ypes and Zu-Bat, then employ Magmar’s grab bag of attacks op the other Pokémon, PTT ea #37 VUL- Bee 2s UY, 50/HP 12 [rao] oso] cn CONFUSERAY GHo CONFSERAY — GHo CONFUSERAY GH WIGHT SHADE GHO ameTamower FR sire Rn TUNDR—C UicR ATTACK NR NG ATTACK. FLY tier Ho Taw NAM oxic Pn #118 GOL-DEEN ae #72 TENTA-COOL _ LEV.50/HPTIZ bara Aaa _ ce SUPERSONIC NRW SUPERSONIC NRM , SUPERSONIC NRM WaTeRatL WTR hyoro pune win PsvetAM PY HORN ATTACK ARH cD PN cust vn Saw ew CREECH ——_NRM Toxic PSN Woo nwrenoo eraven's cue Jynx is a natural choice co go up against this group: Its lee Punch attack is effective against the Ground-types and Paychie is always useful. Keep Staryu ready to use Hydro Pump against the Fire-types and Thunderbolt against Lesquirt. Rta ALL ‘#58 LITHEGROWL __Liv.50/HP 127 #104 BONECU eae xu a = , <= DIG GRD J DIG GRD DIG GRD HYPER FANG HRM aire Re THRASH NR THUNDEREOLT AC & FLAMETHROWER FIR SEISMIC TOSS FIG A a be ele #4 MANDER-CHA __LEV.50/HPIN Dm fre] Dig om || biG oro og xo slash wR FIRESPIN FIR SURF wr ROCKSLIDE —RCK Stasi am STRENGTH MRI 2 SEMIFINAL You don't need psychic powers to know Jolteon is great choice for this battle. Pin Missile is a powerful attack against the Peychicrypes, and Thunderbole will knock the Fiying- PSYCHIC types out ofthe sly Include Abra and Magmar in your group. bie 2a ye #79 SLOWPENZA _ Lv. 50/HP162 #102 EGGCUTENZA Lv. 50/HP 132 BT ) a Psvcilc SY esycHie PSY SOLARBEAM — GRS MEGAKICK NR SURF wir EGGHOME NR SEISMICTOSS FIG ‘HEADBUTT. NRM “ SLEEP POWDER GRS FLASH RM ea DISABLE NRM ‘LEECH SEED. GRS #84 DODENZA CLA #83 FARFENZA TE lacas #17 GEOTTENZA _LEv.50/HP135 CI ET fj KC) ge | ETN DRILPECK FY HY ay Ay fy TRIATTACK HRM Stas wR QUICK ATTACK NRM Toxic sn SWORDS DANCE. NR SAND-ATTACK RM supstirure NR RinecT SY AA wneonmove av Magmas, Abra and Diglest match up well aga is powerful against the Normal-types, but ‘switch with Magmar if Bedrill buzzes into the inst the Old Man's team. Abrals Seismic Toss ppcture. Earthquake will cutoff Magiite’s power Pyar uv. 50/HP113 I #86 SEL uev.50/HP137 #132 DITO LEV. 50/HP 180 \Y = cr em emn ie | | V TRANSFORM NR FREBLAST FIR SURF wre} | 7 su ne weapeurt NR THUNDER WAVE_c RST sy #81 MAGMITE aL Bae TEA pak rMak a ae x, , ume | ¢ > TwunoeRaour fic TWINEEDLE BUG TRATINCK NR RS sir an DOUBLE EDGE NR psvcnle SY USK MRM NEA DRAIN GRS AGuITY. PSY THUNDER WAVE LC LES sworosoance nem CoNveRsion Nam POK6MON STADIUM — 31 dnd 20d GREAT BALL Lan] RECOMMENDED You'll need alot ofthe same Pokémon as you. did in the Poke Ball. Dugerio replaces Diglet, ~} bringing its Digand Hyper Beam attacks witht The resilient Persian ls ison hand with 3) RENTAL TEAM [Ree P Bead Dead Pes l ay #63 ABRA ee ay 016 cx yo susan rsvcnic st SAND-ATTACK = NRM \ Oy BUBBLEBEAM = WIR SEISMIC TOSS — FTG eee, eee red > jetsam ha E crow ni THUNDER WAVE. Parr eay Usa aL brie S Caldas #135 JOLTEON Eada A =< ae CT / pr ora wn IeEPINGH CE F wvoes01r xc wecoveR RM IMEGAPUNCH NR FINMISSIE BUG TwunbeReout the psycnie PR x Psi psvente SY Lovey ss nai SAND-ATTACK NR A @ BATTLE! {Asin the Poké Ball round, Bikers team cannot withstand the Psychic attack. Pur Abra in SZ first, then keep using Psychic. The opposing Pokémon should drop one after the other Ae) " Pa posing P 4 ia BIKER without getting an attack of Be aad ee #33 RINO-NIDO ae BES eat y = =m =m Qo DOUBLEKICK = FIG. DOUBLEKICK = FTG. SLUDGE PSN FURY SWIPES RM ooysiam Nin BODY sian NRL \ puzzar ice THUNDER ELC THUNDERBOIT ELC Toxic PW Focus tveReY _NRM nimize NR Ca MEATY MEAS En cn =a swuoct PsN townie 1G WcEPUNCH ce THUNDERBOLT HC STRENGTH NR STRENGTH NR FREBUST. FIR ROCKSUIDE RCK SUBMISSION FTG SMOKESCREN ARIK FOCUS ENERGY HRM SHSMICTOSS FIG O BATTLE? Dugttio is more than a match against any of the Electric-types in Rockers band. Just use Dig to pop their circuit breakers, ynx and Joltcon have le Punch and Pin Misi, respec ROCKER Lively to mow down the Gras-rypes. CN ELT OT 2. THUNDERBOLT Hc THUNDERPUNGH «4c THUNOERBOLT f1c SCREECH NRK ASH nn swirt ni swt Rak vicK ATTACK NR RELECT Psy THUNDER WAVE AC THUNDER Wave. fLc THUNDER WAVE LC RC BEEZ CY MELT pan Pons roson | i ¢ MEGADRAIN RS RAZOR LEAF GRS PETAL DANCE GRS \ Aci sn BovvstAMm AR Acid 5 STUNSPORE GR LEECHSEED GR STUNSPORE _GRs Box seve puavers ee #96 DROW-ZEE Y HYPNOSIS PSY DREAM EATER PSY METRONOME —NRM COUNTER FIG Ga Scaryu can take on Juggler all by itself. Is P ‘Thunderbole attack will be a shock for Poli Hydro Pump. Don't let the Water-type fll as EEE te eo = 7 HYPROSIS. PSY DREAM EATER PSY Re PSYWAVE PSY psychic attack will eliminate Hitmon-Lee; its l-Whirl; and Gravel-er will crumble against Jeep, however. #61POLI-WHIRL — 141 nim HYPNOSIS PSY METRONOME RM couNTER = FTG Ele) evo ig METRONOME — RM aa 1 NORMAL e SING RI . METRONOME —NRM COUNTER = FIG 7K. ea =m "@y NETRONOME L RM. ‘Once again, Staryu is an ideal candidate. The Rock-and-Ground-types, plus its Thunderbolt attack will make short work of fellow ‘Water-types. Jynx and Jolteon also are good choices. Water-type's Hydro Pump will knock out the race wv.s/HP105 I #8 WARTODY Cs Mesa Ca x ea DOUBLETEAM —NRIM c DDOUBLETEAM —NRIM DOUBLE TEAM NRM CRABHARMER WTR ¢ HYDRO PUMP WIR SURE wm BLIZZARD ICE < STRENGTH —NRM DOUBLE-EDGE RI STONP RI KCEBEAM ICE Lee NR #117 DRADY CE MELAK Ye Ce MEK eV. SI/HPO| oe a DOUBLE TEAM RIK DOUBLE TEAM —NRI DOUBLE TEAM —NRM SURF wir ROCKSLIDE RK ROCKSLIDE —RCK TAKEDOWN NRIK DIG GRD FARTHOUAKE GRD SMOKESCREEN NAM STRENGTH —_NRM EXPLOSION —_NRM Mediam has conjured up a formidable group hit them with Psychic or Dig. EX ing Abra, Jynx and Dugtrio can't handle, Use of Pokémon for tis battle, but they're ni Lovely Kiss to put opponents to sleep, then EDrereants ee = J. rs CONFUSERAY — GHO CONFUSERAY — GHO SONIC NRM ae MEGADRAIN RS THUNDERBOLT ELC 5) SURF WIR THUNDER HC PSYCHIC Psy nn TAKEDOWN =—NRM NIGHT SHADE —GHO NIGHT SHADE GHO \ TAIL WHIP NR Ea ic eae EA Wid SS #81 MAGNE-MITE _ LEV. 51/HP100 Ie [NORMAL zr POKéMON STADIUM 3: dN> 90d There isn'ta Poison-type in the bunch, but these Pokémon are toxic nonetheless. Staryu's Hydro Pump is an important weapon against the Ground-types, but it's even more impor tant to have Jynx on hand in case Wakmaro appears. #133 VEE CEA #77 TAPONY acd #105 WAKMARO _LEV.5i/HP136 =m << , TOXIC PSN Uf TOXIC PSN n{@ TOXIC PSN weriecr st resem ork | | BONEMERANG ORD DOUaLESDGE MRM y STOMP NR wuzaRD ice a tS ae 2 RU a [cron 7 — aT Toxic rH 5 tonic rs Toxic rN Susi ma STOMP NR E< surmeeane nem TARTHOUAKE GRD ) AREBLAST. IR HYPER FANG NR @ swe These telkintic types wll test you eam depth. jms Ice Punch is ver effective gaint all the potential enemies inthis bat. Jolteon, with is Bug-type Pin Missile attack, also PSYCHIC isa natural against the Psychic-types. bie eat Cea i PSYBEAM PSY MEGA PUNCH —NRIM ¥ FLASH Rm DISABLE RI ETEWU 1 2. ea ¢ Psvcnie sy TRIATIACK NR SUBMISSION FIG SunsTTuTE WR #122 MIMENZA > f, EE yas ‘THUNDERBOLT ELC SSR) carina han Ui scREEN PSY ieate PSY ELIT TC 7. coe cla er rc] KcEPUNGH CE BusBLEBEAN WTR DOUBLESIAP NRW LOVEE KISS NRM Ec 2, \ os ny RM RM Nem AY HYPER BEAM ‘QUICK ATTACK. SAND-ATTACK me Err Uc 2 nT DRILLPECK FLY DOUBLE-EDGE —NRM SWIFT Rm MIRROR MOVE FLY Eras Es | KCEBEAM ICE THUNDER ELC FREBLAST FIR THUNDER WAVE. ELC Use Seismic Toss on it immediately. #49 VENOTH Ga a PSYCHIC psy. TAKEDOWN = NRM TOXIC PSN SUPERSONIC RM Jymx, Abra and Staryu have what it takes ro put the Old Man away. The biggest potential problem is Wigtuff, who can put your Pokémon to sleep, freeze it and disable its attacks, #40 WIGTUFF Ge 4 co —DOUBLESLAP RM BUZZARD ce DisaBle NR SING Ra Eva. LEY. S1/HP 140 LUG | Grass | SLASH RM. MEGA DRAIN GRS LEECHUIFE BUG. SPORE Rs a WATER HYDRO PUMP WTR. SEISMICTOSS FTG DOUBLESLAP RM. HYPNOSIS PSY #5 CHARLEON ee) FLAMETHROWER FIR SLASH RM DIG GRD SWORDS DANCE. NR Pose) nereno0 mavens ounve ULTRA BALL can) bi tcoUVO i) This group has its work cutout fr it.The add Po sgong’s double ice and water attacks will come in handy inthe later battles. Having two Pokémon with Dig also ean give youa strategic advantage. E70 2.).0 1), aa ition of flying attacks from Fearow and Dew dN> 240d CN ET =e a] Dru 0G ow || 9 sian 5 HIRROR MOVE. RY SAND-ATTACK NR counte =—FIG FURY ATTACK = NRM TOXIC PSN y RECOVER: RM : swt Ri HYPRR BEAN NR 016 cro #87 DEWGONG ea Eariei Oued Dea Bak Petia ea ‘AURORA BEAM ICE pe SURF wir i THUNDERBOLT ELC A vapeur Rm we ac INMISSIE BUG ‘REST Psy ATA ‘SWIFT ‘NRM TOXIC PSN SURF we waRoeN NR I SAND-ATTACK HR ye Co Kadabra should be available to use Psychic and useful against everybody else EDCR es ced against the Poison types and Counter against the Fighting-types. Jolteon’s Thunderbolt attack will be imporcant if Rath-Poliw appears Ea LV. 51/HP 184 [Poison > bau] Poison | x ‘ACID PSN a PSYBEAM PSY ‘SLUDGE PSN sreevoa owen | | INEGAORAIN —GRS BODYSLAM ARM INEGADRAIN —GRS v PSYWAVE PSY AREBLAST. FR Guake wen a SLEEP POWDER GRS ScREEGH ARM Gye) hs #67 CHOKE-MA a #57 APE-PRIME CaaS ; [wore [ron] a ra sure wi SUBMISSION FTG SUBMISSION FTG SUBMISSION FIG STRENGTH ARM ROCKSLIDE —RCK DOUBLESLAP —NRM 6 cro TNR HYPHOSIS FST leer wet THRASH NIN OQ BATTLE? Rocker is deceptively difficult in this round. His Grass-types will paralyze your Pokémon. right off the bac if you dont knock them out ofthe battle with your firs stack, Use Poy ROCKER thicon Vileplace and Vcrace #125 BUZZACE Da Ear Sand pz Cede root nar 2c Wom fc Twoowoir ac x ‘SUBMISSION = FIG HYPER BEAM =—«-NRM SEISMIC TOSS FTG NEGA PUNCH NRK PLOSION. NEM swnFT em THUNDER Wave ALC THUNDER WAVE_C THUNDER WAVE_ ELC ECR 19. oa [cass MEGA DRAIN. GRS HYPER BEAM = NRIM GROWTH RS STUN SPORE —_GRS #45 VILEPLACE — I PETALDANCE —GRS acto PSN TAKEDOWN RM STUNSPORE RS Eras. eo om RAZOR LEAF GRS ACID PSN UT NR STUN SPORE GRS poxamon stapum 350 a e BATTLES All of Juggler’s Pokémon have Metronome— ‘expect. Jolteon’s Pin Missile attack will hel and will use it—so you'll never know what to Ip against the Psychic-types, but Dewgong’s JUGGLER ‘Aurora Beam and Surf attacks may end up saving you. #97 HYP-NO ey an Eee Gd LEV. 50/HP 136, PDAS ey yao & am] [cure | iS HYPNOSIS Psy HYPNOSIS Psy a METRONOME —NRM ~ REAM EATER PSY DREAM EATER PSY couNTER FTG METRONOME NM METRONOME NRW #76 GO-LEM Dae #113 CHAN-SEY Cilia A, cm [roc] rou ] (. — um 2 SEMIFINAL There’ no way of avoiding a beating in this battle, but you can make it through. Surf and Aurora Beam are about as effective as anything you have in your inventory, so Dewgong is PSYCHIC required. Thunderbee i helpfal against Fying-ypes ESET MEA MEO 7: 4 arm PsYBEAM PSY Mig rice os SURE wir TRIATTACK NRK SS HeADBUTT NM psvcnle SY HUSH nem AQ at HeaDBUTT——_NRM 2) osm rat i HYPNOSIS PSY DISABLE RM FLEUR MESES MCE a oe 0 a 0 fw Ay DOUBLEEDGE NRM DRILLPECK LY HYPER BEAM NM WING ATTACK LY TRIATTACK NRK AREBLAST FIR SWORDS DANCE. HRM DOUBLETEAM NRK REFLECT Psy TOXIC Pst a\ ton PSN Ed cE num DRAGON RAGE DRG HYPERBEAM —NRIM BUZZARD ICE THUNDER LC ¥ Make no mistake—Drag i in his lineup. Dewgong’s Aurora Beams th knocks Devigong out, use Starmie’ Thunder: #127 PINIR Ce = SLASH RM SUBMISSION FTG SEISMICTOSS FTG Toxic Psw is tough, and it’s almost guaranteed that the Old Man will put 1 best weapon you!ll have against it. When it attack, Bie LEV. 50/HP 141 vif a FIREBLAST FIR BODY SLAM —NRIA REFLECT psy SAND-ATTACK —NRM EE EARTHQUAKE GRD THUNDERBOLT ELC MEGA PUNCH NR FOCUS ENERGY _NRIM feos Ee EV. 50/HP 136 THUNDERBOLT ELC EXPLOSION HRM HYPERBEAM RM THUNDER WAVE. ELC SURF wr Dig GRO STRENGTH = NRM DISABLE RI, poxsmon srapum 37 Of MASTER BALL =| is SoTL |) to) RENTAL TEAM #28 SANDSLASH \ Ce Master Ball round. Gengar and Electrode first. They should give you the upper hand, EET Youll need to confuse and paralyze your opponents if you want to make it through the are often most useful when you put them in #94 GENGAR wv. = RE oc ca Pstene st TwNoRRBOLT ec 4, Swit RI COUNTER «FTG NIGHTSHADE — GHO \ SHISMICTOSS FTG RECOVER NR HYPNOSIS PSY SAND-ATTACK MRM ig RD CONFUSE RAY GHO HQUSTARMIE ——_W.50/HP 136 HIOTELECTRODE — [#144 ARTICUNO —_WW.30/H 12 7 | pe ut wir 7 THUNDER ae iCEBAM ICE THUNDER = IC 4 THUNDER WAVE fic SkYATIACK. LY swt wn SELDESTRUCT | NRIA RAZOR WIND NRM HARDEN NR swift a SUBSTITUTE ARM @ BATTLET Kadabra and Starmie should have this battle covered with their Psychic and Thunder attacks, Psychic isnt necessarily a guaranteed KO against the Fighting-types, so be ready BIKER for them to retaliate with Dig or Thunderbolt a TY oy ECC x um | swoce PSN swose SN STRENGTH NRM THUNDER = MEGA DRAIN GRS SURE wir FREBLAST FIR FREBLST. FIR ROCKSLIDE —RCK SMOKESCREEN _NRM INmZE NR Toxic sn CXC MEA I MAY «A 7 : a SUBMISSION FIG - SUBMISSION FTG HYDRO PUMP. WTR SHISMICTOSS FIG THUNDERBOLT fic SUBMISSION FTG ig oRD THRASH NR asvciie PSY FOCUS ENERGY _NRM CREECH NR AYPNOSIS PSY O mn Rocker often sends Tangleace out first to paralyze opponents. Ifyou use Psychic against you may knock the Grass-ype our before it can do mach damage. Sandshrew is essential ROCKER particularly for its Swift artack against Zapace. ETC EEC METS TT l/ THUNDER = LC THUNDER AC THUNDERBOLT f1c iy FY AY 4 DOUBLE-EDGE —NRM. O_o wvrer beam nin TAKEDOWN NM T PINMISSILE UG swift i THUDERYAVE te {L._uvortiive a THuNorR Wave te EDN aed a EDCR TTY. eo L crass eo MEGA DRAIN. GRS MEGA DRAIN RS RAZOR LEAF GRS FcGBOMB RM. DOUBLE-EDGE —NRM BODYSLAM NRM LEECH SEED RS. GROWTH = NRM GROWTH = NRM STUN SPORE GRS STUNSPORE —_GRS LEECH SEED GR #3 VENUSACE Lev. S1/HP IS Boe snresvo eaves cune =y © ones Gengar'saray of psychic and ghost atacks may put a sare into this bunch. Use Hypne- ¥y > sis to put opponents to sleep, then let Starmie hit them with Thunderbolt or Surf. Kadabra i444 JUGGLER should also hold its own in the Battle. dnd 240d #97 HYP-NO wv. si/uP 16s #94 GEN-GAR UV. S1/HP 139 #126 MAG-MAR _Ltv.50/HP 142 cm ‘ =a Bh HYPNOSIS PSY WyPNosis PSY METRONOME NRL Ny DREAM EATER PSY DREAMEATER PSY couNTER FIG METRONOME NRM y ‘a! METRONOME —NRM PWC MEL CR METRONOME —NRM counTeR = FIG LOVELY KIsS—NRM, #143 SNOR-LAX _Uv.53/HP250 J wormat METRONOME —NRM ) eS BATTLE 4 Put Starmie out first—the Water-and-Psychic-rype has both Thunderbolt for the Water-ypes and Surt for the Ground and Rockrypes. Gengars ghost aracks are BEAUTY always effective, and you cn use Thunder against Water-ypes. Desa Ce Cc IT woo PUMP WTR revo PSY THUNDER IC DOUBLE TEAM _ NRM #130 GYARADY —_wy.s3/irwi fl #73 CRUELDY ey Se J _warer | Poison | HYDRO PUMP WTR HYDRO PUMP WTR HYPER BEAM RM ACID PSN FIREBLAST FIR MEGA DRAIN. GRS f DOUBLE TEAM. NRM DOUBLE TEAM —_NRI #139 OMASTADY __18v.52/Hr152 | #112 RHYDDY ey ™™ ie a pad om HYDRO PUMP WTR f Dig GRD ICEBEAM CE STOMP RM, SUBMISSION FTG BUZZARD KE DOUBLE TEAM —_NRM DOUBLETEAM —_NRML Eee UV. 50/4P 152 Jrock om EARTHQUAKE GRD swirt RM SEISMIC TOSS FTG DOUBLE TEAM —_NRIM © wats Medium will probably pur Gen-gar out first, and you should do the same. Try Hypnosis or Confuse Ray, either of which should work. Starmie’s variable attacks—Surf and Thun- MEDIUM der—will work againa ll ofthe opponents EEK EIR % yo aera av. 50/4P 197 EXELL te eed oe oe CONFUSERAY —GHO CONFUSE RAY GHO SUPERSONIC NRL PSYCHIC Psy ae PSYCHIC Psy KeEBEAM ICE THUNDERBOLT FIC NIGHT SHADE — GHO SURF wir NIGHTSHADE GHO EXPLOSION. —_NRM. SPIKE CANNON RIM TCM MELE. yee Ee 9 Bo Lite oe i CONFUSERAY GO SUPERSONIC RM CONFUSERAY —GHO FLAMETHROWER FIR fy AY ICEBEAM ICE Dig GRD TAKEDOWN RM HYDRO PUMP WTR SWIFT RM FIREBLAST FIR DRAGON RAGE DRG poxswon staoum 30 Of ais ET LEV. 51/HP 154 a 1 NORMAL | HYPER BEAM = NRM THUNDER FC dodge that bullet, you'll be able to defeat them, ELLEN 21 ed © | WORMAL | HYPERBEAM ARM ROCK SLIDE CK #78 DASHRADPI wv. 52/ [tnt HYPER BEAM RIM FIRESPIN, FIR Gengar’s Confuse Ray and Hypnosis attacks may carry you through this battle. Hic these ‘opponents with those attacks before they unleash Hyper Beam against you. Ifyou can Een. ead & 1 NORMAL | HYPER BEAM NRM SURF wir #59 NINEARCA —_18v.52/HP173 ~ HYPER BEAM NM DRAGON RAGE DRG #134 EONVAPOR am HYPER BEAM AURORA eyed RI BEAM WTR #65 ZAMENZA _Ltv.50/HP132 able to finish the battle with Dig and Ice Beam. EC 2 ed Lead with the lightning-quick Electrode, then use Thunder Wave on the Psychic-types or Thunder on the Flying- and Water-types. With some luck, Kadabra and Articuno will be EER Tle 2 Weed Ta wsvcnic. sy rsvanic st rsvcune SY bI6 RD SHIsMIcTOss FIG STOMP NR SKULLBASH NR THUNDER WAVE fC wnic Ra DISARLE NRW ust sy UescHsee> Gs ii N ead PPR ree eas #145 ZAPENZA ae REA CTT ) EC Psvcnle SY FLAMETHROWER. FIR THUNDERBOLT EC SURF wr ay wy Ay iy HARDEN NRW race oa swt nn mnimize Na tsk a abe ra #149 DRAGITE LEV. 55/HP 183 El TAKEDOWN RM SURF wir DRAGON RAGE DRG THUNDER WAVE. ELC ability to Recover may pull you through to Vevey Ce BUZZARD ICE SKYATTACK FLY DOUBLE-EDGE —NRM REFLECT Psy ¥ ‘Once again, scart with Electrode. Use Thunder Wave on Dragite and Lapas, then keep your fingers crossed. Articuno’ Sky Artack and Ice Beam will come in handy, but Kadabras the end, Ere Ea a oe FIREBLAST FIR AY FY SWIFT RM DOUBLE TEAM NRM Eee LEV. 50/HP 142 I THUNDERBOLT ELC PIN MISSILE BUG QUICK ATTACK — NRM THUNDER WAVE ELC Ea ev. 507/HP 152 - 1 WORMAL STRENGTH RM. FREBLAST = FIR THUNDER ELC BIDE RI #13] LAPAS b water] ice] SURF wir KEBEAM ICE SING RM. MIST Ice ino PRIME CUP All level 100, all the time. This is the reof-shaking, ultimate battle of the most powerful Pokémon. Strategy is still very important in these battles, but the raw might of some attacks can carry you through in a pinch. Do you have what it takes to fight with the heavyweights?

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