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Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology

Practice of Shock-Absorber Design: Steps in the Design of an Oleo-Pneumatic Undercarriage Leg

F.E. Burger
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F.E. Burger, (1949),"Practice of Shock-Absorber Design", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 21 Iss 12 pp. 384 - 385
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Practice of Shock-Absorber
Design (Other than that explained in context.)
pT =Dynamic load fully to compress the tyre
Steps in the Design of an Oleo-Pneumatic Pn =Air pressure in shock-absorber at load nW
P0 =Inflation pressure of shock-absorber
Undercarriage Leg P8 — Air pressure in shock-absorber at static load
By F. E. Burger Py =Air pressure in shock-absorber at any given
point in the stroke

I N a previous article (Ref. 1) the present author

outlined some fundamental considerations of
general practice. In the present paper the in­
tention is, in effect, to take some pages from a de­
(1) Burger, F. E. Theory of Shock-absorber Design. AIRCRAFT
ENGINEERING, Vol. XV, No. 168, February. 1943.
(2) Hadekel, R. Shock-absorber Calculations. Flight (The
Aircraft Engineer), Vol. XIX, No. 7, July 25, 1940.
r =Lever arm ratio (articulated struts)
b =Equivalent length of air column at static
l =Equivalent length of air column at zero load
signer's notebook and explain in detail the pro­
cedure by which the dynamic characteristics of b/l =Inflation height
a leg are determined. A description of one of the pression 4 and of the geometrical data—given by y1 = Shock-absorber2 travel
author's own designs will provide a suitable area the equation, h =Drop height (V L/2g)
of reference, and although certain of the geo­ W =Aircraft weight
metrical calculations will apply rather specially to η1 = Shock-absorber energy absorption efficiency
this, the remainder of the working will be quite η2 =Tyre energy absorption efficiency
general in its application. In particular, the orifice VL =Vertical velocity of descent of aircraft
calculations—a vitally useful aspect which has Energy Absorption E =Total energy at touchdown, fully airborne
not previously been treated in a practical fashion E8 — Energy absorbed by shock-absorber
—have been compared with drop-test results The oleo-tyre combination and the effect Et = Energy absorbed by tyre
over a range of differing designs and sizes of which relative tyre softness has on shock-
shock-absorber and show very good agreement absorber efficiency has been discussed in refer­
with them; certainly good enough for a close ence 1 and taken into account in the energy equa­
initial approximation, and in the style of leg de­ tion formulated therein. Hadekel (Ref. 2) If the inflation height is fixed at 1/2, equation
scribed here and in other simple fixed orifice de­ showed how reaction factor, drop height and (8) reduces to,
signs, sufficiently accurate to allow of dispensing relative tyre softness could be related in a simple
with dynamic tests provided that tyre and oleo nomogram based upon the fundamental equation,
relationships do not diverge too far from the
conventional. which may be solved for 'VI'. Alternatively it may
be evaluated in terms of 'VL' or 'n' by means of
in which the oleo efficiency 'η 1 ' is taken as 80 per the nomogram which is reproduced in FIG. 2.
Air Compression cent and the tyre efficiency 'η 2 ' is taken as 47 per
The previous article showed how from con­ cent.
siderations of the stated reaction factor, adiabatic Rearranging equation (1) with respect to Orifice Calculations
compression of the air column, and the ground y1/1 gives, Designers have shown much ingenuity in de­
handling qualities of the aircraft, the compression vising orifice arrangements, and such complexi­
ratio of the leg became 4:1 and the inflation ties, whether or not they yield any improvement
height was usually set at 1/2, at which setting the in general or special performance, tend to pro­
leg extension under static load conditions estab­ hibit the use of straightforward methods of calcu­
lished itself at 1/3 of its total travel. The equations which by substitution in equation (6) results in, lating their sizes. The author, and others, have
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for rapid compression of the air are, satisfied themselves that in the great majority of
cases little point is served by departing from the
employment of simple fixed orifices. The present
writer decided to attempt to evolve an expression
of extreme simplicity which would give an accur­
where K is the expression for relative tyre softness ate forecast of sizes for fixed orifices, and com­
parisons with test results have shown the method
and, as evaluated in reference 2. to be of very reasonable accuracy. In this deriva­
tion the following notation is used:
V = Maximum closure velocity of oleo leg
The type of leg which we shall consider as an (ft./sec.)
example is that illustrated diagrammatically in A =Area of annular oil chamber (ft.2)
FIG. 1, in which the air and oil chambers are V1=Maximum velocity of fluid through
separated from one another. In this instance orifices (ft./sec.)
equation (2) may be more conveniently stated as, a =Orifice area for closure stroke (ft.2)
k =Orifice discharge coefficient
P = Maximum fluid force sustained by
piston (lb.).
Two assumptions are made; the first is that
the flow through short orifices is fully turbulent
and has a discharge coefficient of 0·5, and the
Since the proportions of the leg are more often second is that the maximum closure velocity of
than not determined by the physical requirements the leg is half that of the vertical velocity of de­
of the plunger tube, it is useful to derive an ex­ scent of the aircraft at touchdown. Measure­
pression relating the air chamber bore to the ments of leg closure velocity for normal tyre-oleo
diameter of the plunger and to the other practic­ combinations show this latter assumption to be
ally determined dimensions. The stroke of the leg approximately true, but in cases where the com­
will have been calculated cither from expression 8 bination varies greatly from normal an appro­
in reference 1, or settled by other considerations. priate factor can be introduced.
If 'Q' and 'q' denote the volumes of the air cham­ From considerations of continuity of flow,
ber with the leg extended and closed respectively,
it is clear that under isothermal conditions,
The dynamic pressure in thefluidis,
It can also be shown that the diameter of the
air cylinder bore is—from a consideration of ex-
384 Aircraft Engineering
r =Lever arm ratio (1·33)

The closure orifice area is derived from equa­

tion (12), the recoil orifice area being set at one-
quarter the value of the former. The following
data are collected:
V=11½ft./sec. A = l·13 in.2(·00785 ft.2)
k=0·5 p =58 lb./ft.3 (fluid density)
The maximum force sustained by the fluid will be
derived from equation (13) and from the know­
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ledge that the total end load per leg is 3Wr/2 lb.,
at 1/3 closure, this becomes,

By equation (12) we may now evaluate the closure

orifice area, and from the given data this works
out at,
a=·0185 in.2
while the recoil orifice area which we may
designate 'a r ' is,

These orifice areas will be apportioned between

a convenient number of holes drilled around the
lower and upper lips respectively of the orifice
ring, the loose steel piston ring acting as an auto­
matic valve and directing the flow through either
set according to the direction of stroke.
In subsequent drop-tests this shock absorber
was shown to sustain a reaction factor of 3·0 in­
stead of 3·20 as indicated by the nomogram. It
will be remembered that this nomogram was
from which, cantilever leg as might be dictated by the factors based upon an assumed shock-absorber efficiency
involved in the specific case. The dynamic prob­ of 80 per cent; the tests indicate the efficiency to
lem was overcome by arranging a complete isola­ be in excess of this. It is of use to determine the
tion of the air chamber from the oil chamber; in realized efficiency. The energy equation is,
this way the oil and air could not mix and cause E =E3+Et
cavitation and high velocity recoil. The fact that i.e.,
hence, the orifice ring would be working in unaerated oil
was a guarantee also of consistent energy-absorp­ hence
tion performance on the closure stroke. Among
It will be noted that the fluid force used in this the practical advantages was included the feature
expression has to be isolated from combination that a leg of this type could be used in any posi­
with the air load. Since the air column pressure is tion—upside down or on its side if need be.
varying continuously to an adiabatic law during Manufacturing requirements were met by the fact which is interesting and indicative of what may be
compression we have to decide at which point in that no internal bore grinding was necessary and achieved with simple fixed orifices.
the stroke this shall be determined. Plottings that the very smallest number of component parts
from cathode ray oscillograms show the maxi­ were used; also, the large overlap between the
mum fluid pressure to occur at about one-third bearings provided an ideal type of leg for use as a
of the stroke in normal designs, and it is at this cantilever when occasion arose.
position that the separation may be made. We first consider the energy absorption and
Equation (3) gives a direct determination of the evaluate the requisite constants, knowing that the
air load at any specific point in the stroke; at travel of the wheel hub is 7·5 ins., that the maxi­
one-third stroke, mum load fully to compress the tyre is 4,250 lb.,
Py = 1·45P0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . (13) and that the product 'rl' is equal to 4/3 of the
hub travel; the constants become,
A Specific Design
An actual design taken through its various
stages of calculation is always helpful. Here it From figure 2 we find the reaction factor to be
is proposed to describe the shock-absorber de­ 3·20 at a shock-absorber efficiency of 80 per cent.
signed for the Miles 'Messenger' and 'Gemini' Dealing now with the geometry of the shock-
aircraft. The photograph (FIG. 3) shows the unit absorber wefindit convenient to manufacture the
assembled and also broken down into its com­ plunger tube from 1⅝ in. o.d. steel tube, to be
ponent parts. It will be remembered that these ground to 4·600 in. finished size. By making a
undercarriages are of the articulated type, the layout on the drawing board we find the geo­
former fixed and the latter retractable, with a size metrical constants to be,
of oleo common to both aircraft. The gross
weight of 2,400 lb. is divided between two wheels D1 = 2·0 in. Y 1 =5·25 in.
for the purpose of the energy calculation, and the L =5·55 in. c =0·25 in.
tyres are Dunlop 6 in.-6i in. inflated to 30 lb./in2. Substitution in equation (5) gives, 'D' = l·83 in.
The reaction factor is 3·0 at a vertical velocity of We now turn to a consideration of the inflation
touchdown of11½ft./sec. pressure and of the orifice sizes for the closure
There are one or two points of interest in this and the recoil strokes. Let the inflation height
shock-absorber which might first be noted. There 'b/l' be 1/2, i.e., the shock-absorber will be one-
had been so much trouble in legs in recent years third extended under static load conditions.
owing to vicious recoil habits that it was decided Hence the inflation pressure will be one-half of
to produce one which would largely overcome the static pressure. Adopting the notation,
this drawback. At the same time consideration R =Static reaction per wheel (1,200 lb.)
had to be given to ease of manufacture and the A =Cross sectional area of plunger tube
desirability of making the basic design adaptable (2·01 in.2)
to the requirements of either an articulated or a P0 = Inflation pressure of leg
December 1949 385

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