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Test Section Questions Question Type Why incorrError type How it will be corrected

Test1 Reading 1 Characer sketch Wrong Interpretation Reading literature carefully

Test1 Reading 2 Paired (L) not able to judge line Relating with question
Test1 Reading 3 Voacabulary took its synonyum Find a best fit
Test1 Reading 4 Line Analogy wrong will try to do in end as it need
Test1 Reading 5 Line Wrong Interpretation Will read some line above an
Test1 Reading 6 Voacabulary took its synonyum Find a best fit
Test1 Reading 8 Line Skip that part where mentioned will read question context pa
Test1 Reading 15 Paired (Q) Found right Line interepret from line given
Test1 Reading 18 Paired not able to judge line Focus more on these type
Test1 Reading 19 Paired not able to judge line Focus more on these type
Test1 Reading 22 Purpose based Wrong Interpretation Crefully reading other option
Test1 Reading 24 Paired(L) not able to judge line Focus more on these type
Test1 Reading 26 VOCAB Used out of context word Find a best fit
Test1 Reading 27 Line & Paired not able to judge line try to find from que answere
Test1 Reading 28 Paired (Q) not able to judge line try to find from que answere
Test1 Reading 31 Line Analogy wrong will try to do in end as it need
Test1 Reading 34 Line Wrong Interpretation Will read some line above an
Test1 Reading 36 Paired (L) not able to judge line try to find from que answere
Test1 Reading 38 Paired (L) not able to judge line try to find from que answere
Test1 Reading 39 Vocab took its synonyum Find a best fit
Test1 Reading 44 Vocab took its synonyum Find a best fit
Test1 Reading 45 G Pair not read whole pasage til there read passage of grpah
Test1 Reading 46 Paired not read whole pasage til there rea passage of graph
Test1 Reading 51 Purpose based Wrong Interpretation read passage of grpah
Test1 Reading 52 Reasoning wrong conclusion Crefully reading other option

Test1 W &L 4 Punctuation

Test1 W &L 5 Punctuation
Test1 W &L 6 word choice
Test1 W &L 7 sentence
Test1 W &L 8 diction
Test1 W &L 10 Punctuation
Test1 W &L 11 adding data ()
Test1 W &L 12 word choice
Test1 W &L 13 sentence
Test1 W &L 15 sentence
Test1 W &L 18 data interpretation
Test1 W &L 20 word choice
Test1 W &L 22 passage translocate
Test1 W &L 24 Punctuation
Test1 W &L 26 Punctuation
Test1 W &L 30 Apostrophe
Test1 W &L 31 adding data ()
Test1 W &L 32 conjunction
Test1 W &L 35 main focus
Test1 W &L 41 tone of pasage
W &L 44 passage translocate

Test2 Reading 1 Theme of passage Wrong interpretation Reading passage carefully

Test2 Reading 2 Paired Wrong interpretation first thinking then options
Test2 Reading 3 Paired Not able to judge line carefully reading the reason
Test2 Reading 4 Reason Skip the part where i t Is mentioned finding best fit line
Test2 Reading 5 Vocab Not aware about meaning relating positive or negative
Test2 Reading 9 Line Wrong interpretation reading lines carefully
Test2 Reading 10 Line Wrong interpretation reading lines carefully
Test2 Reading 16 Vocab took its synonyum finding the best fit
Test2 Reading 17 Paired(Q) Skip the part where it is mentioned carefully reading othe option
Test2 Reading 24 Reason Wrong interpretation carefully judging the passage
Test2 Reading 27 Paired Not able to get reason carefully reading question
Test2 Reading 28 Paired Not able to judge line finding best fit line
Test2 Reading 35 Reason took wrong Reason carefully reading the options
Test2 Reading 38 P1 view to (P2Line) took wrong Reason reading lines properly
Test2 Reading 51 G Reason not read the part where it was mentioned reading graph part
Test2 Reading 52 G Reason not read the part where it was mentioned reading graph part

Test2 W&L 9 replacing sentence

Test2 W&L 12 punctutaion
Test2 W&L 15 replacing sentence
Test2 W&L 19 punctutaion
Test2 W&L 24 choice selection
Test2 W&L 28 Transition word
Test2 W&L 29 punctutaion
Test2 W&L 30 contraction
Test2 W&L 31 Transition word
Test2 W&L 32 replacing sentence
Test2 W&L 36 choice selection
Test2 W&L 37 punctutaion
Test2 W&L 40 Transition word
Test2 W&L 41 extra information
Test2 W&L 42 replacing word
Test2 W&L 44 translocation passage
How it will be corrected
Reading literature carefully
Relating with question
Find a best fit
will try to do in end as it need more focus
Will read some line above and down from given mentioned lines
Find a best fit
will read question context passage
interepret from line given
Focus more on these type
Focus more on these type
Crefully reading other options
Focus more on these type
Find a best fit
try to find from que answered
try to find from que answered
will try to do in end as it need more focus
Will read some line above and down from given mentioned lines
try to find from que answered
try to find from que answered
Find a best fit
Find a best fit
read passage of grpah
rea passage of graph
read passage of grpah
Crefully reading other options
Reading passage carefully
first thinking then options
carefully reading the reason part
finding best fit line
relating positive or negative
reading lines carefully
reading lines carefully
finding the best fit
carefully reading othe options
carefully judging the passage
carefully reading question
finding best fit line
carefully reading the options
reading lines properlyly and thinking
reading graph part
reading graph part

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