Chapter-1-Natural of Physical World and Measurement Book Back Exercise

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NATURE OF PHYSICAL WORLD AND MEASURMENT cc 1. One of the combinations from the fundamental physical constants is a ‘The unit of this expression is a) kg* b)m* cs? d)m Unit Of hc __Jsms G Nm?kg* a _Nmsm st _ Nm?kg~? . If the error in the measurement of radius is 2%, then the error in the determination of volume of the sphere will be a) 8% 0) 4% b) 2% d) 6% Volume of the sphere V ie 00 = 3 x100 = 3(2%) = 6% . If the length and time period of an oscillating pendulum have errors of T}me period of the pendulum 1% and 3% respectively then the error in measurement of acceleration due to gravity is a) 4% b) 5% c) 6% d) 7% [Related to AMPMT 2008] De=4r— I ra Ag _ g M% rain lt g& oa T ou =1% +2(3%) = |. ‘The length of a body is measured as 3.51 m, if the accuracy is 0.01mm, then the percentage error in the measurement is a) 351% b) 1% ¢) 0.28% d) 0.035% percentage of 2. = $0 = 0.28% 5. Which of the following has the highest number of significant figures? option (d) Rule : All zeros to the right of a a) 0.007 m? decimal point and to the right b) 2.64x10"kg ; of a non zero digit are ea significant d) 6.3200] 6. Ifm=3.14, then the value of is 7” =3-14x3.14= 9.8596 As the input data has three significant figure, a) 9.8596 b) 9.860 The answer should be restricted to oa )9.86 4)99 significant figure by rounding off 7° = 9.86 7. Whichofthefollowing pairs of physical quantities have same Dimension of torque= [MZ°T7] dimension? . . - 22 O)iescmiiges Dimension of Energy =[MZ~T~] b) torque and energy c) torque and power d) force and torque is given by v = at + bt”. The dimensions of b is a) (1) b) [LT’] 8. The dimensional formula of Planck's a E_ [Mer] constant h is [AMU, Main, JEE, NEET] Dimension of h = 7 = —=y— a) [ML-T*] b) [ML-T?] = [ery c) [MLT"] d) [ML’T“] 9. The velocity of a particle v at an instant t v=at+br By the principle of homogeneity. Dimension of v = Dimension of at = Dimension of br? oo. aT 3 Dimension of b= —,— = LT c) [LT] 4) (LT?) T 10. The dimensional formula _ for gravitational constant G is [Related to AIPMT 2004] fer?) a) [ML’T?] b) [M"L’°T?] c) [M"L*T?] d) [ML*T?] TEAM PHYSICS KPM 11. The density of a material in CGS system 4 ey ofunitsis4gcm*.Inasystemofunits "i [MjL)~]= malMe me ] in which unit of length is 10 cm and unit of mass is 100 g, then the value of, = nf density of material will be 100 10 a) 0.04 b) 04 ) 40 d) 400 a Ny = 4x— = 40unit . If the force is proportional to square Force a (velocity)? of velocity, then the dimension of F=k? —=>k= rie proportionality constant is [JEE-2000] a) [MLT’] b) [MLT"] ; von of k MLT~ ao ©) [MILT] d) [ML‘T Dimension 0! (7) 13. The dimension of (1465) is Dimension of 4, =[M IT" 4] [Main AIPMT 2011] Dimension of ¢, =[MZT~4~] (a) length (b) time a (0) velocity (d) force Dimension of (¢,4,) 2 1 peer 2yir 4)? = (2ry2 =L1T vacuum (c) and Newton's gravitational By the method of dimension constant (G) are taken as three lah Ge (1) fundamental constants. Which of the Substituting dimensions following combinations of these has {Z] =(Mrr yer y ry comparing power of M .L and T the dimension of length?. O=a-b=a=b [NEET 2016 (phase IT)] 1=2a+3b+e iG vig 0=-a-2b-c @>= = Bee e a 2) 2 2 vVhG he Ge on substituting in (i) we get / = aaa (©, @ 5 hn TEAM PHYSICS KPM 15. A length-scale (I) depends on the permittivity (€) of a dielectric material, Boltzmann constant (k,), the absolute temperature (T), the number per unit volume (1) of certain charged particles, and the charge (q) carried by each of the particles. Which of the following expression for | is dimensionally correct?. [JEE (advanced) 2016] By the convention 2 4 Fr=E Also KT=E, €,r 2 q =r é,1KT g__ erKT Dimension of n =[ By By Trial method, @ Vei-Vr =1 L () rs =P =L (option bis correct) (1) Dimension of lV. Numerical Problems: Question 1. In a submarine equipped with sonar the time delay between the generation of a pulse and its echo after reflection form an enemy submarine is observed to be 80s. If the speed of sound in water is 1460 ms. What is the distance of enemy submarine? Solution: Time taken = 80s Velocity of sound = V = 1460 m/s Distance of enemy submarine d = ? _ 2d Vee d= _ 1460x80 ~ 3 1460 x 40 = 58400 m d = 58.4km Question 2. The radius of the circle is 3.12 m calculate the area of the circle with regard to significant figures. Solution: Given: radius: 3.12 m (Three significant figures) Solution: Area of the circle = mr? = 3.14 x (3.12 m)2 = 30.566 If the result is rounded off into three significant figure, the area of the circle = 30.6 m2 Question 3. Assuming that the frequency y of the vibrating string may depend up on (i) applied force (F) (ii) Length (I) (iii) mass per unit length (m) prove that y « a / + using dimensional analysis. y « Fa |bme Writing dimension on both sides T'o{MLT~}°[L}[ML"Y TaM*L’T? Ll’ M6“ T aM [oT 4 Comparing the power an both sides a+c = 0 atb-c = 0 -2a =-1 a= c =-h sub (a) & (b) ina+b-c=0 Yt+tb+%r=0 s ! | » “YO P27 m2 Y ai(=)" Y A\m Question 4. Jupiter is at a distance of 824.7 million Km from the earth. Its angular diameter is measured to be 35.72" calculate the diameter of Jupiter Solution: LX d Given Distance of Jupiter = 824.7 x 10© km = 8.247 x 1011 m angular diameter = 35.72 x 4.85 x 10°rad = 173.242 x 10° rad = 1.73 x 10° rad . Diameter of Jupiter D = D x d = 1.73 x 10% rad x 8.247 x 1011 m = 14.267 x 10’ m= 1.427 x 108m (or) 1.427 x 10° Km Question 5. The measurement value of length of a simple pendulum is 20 cm known with 2mm accuracy. The time for 50 oscillations was measured to be 40s with in Is resolution. Calculate the percentage accuracy in the determination of acceleration due to gravity g from the above statement. Solution: |= 20x 102m = 20cm Al = 2mm = 0.2 cm Time for 50 oscillations = 40s Time for 1 oscillation = T = = _4 = 58 AT = 1s. _1 AT=<58 AB 100% =? g T=2n/ Y T? = 41° Ve g=4n’ 7, Ag «100% =! 100% + 247 x10 g / T = 2 x100%+ Z x x 100 % g=4n° Yoo AB 100% =e x 100% + 24 x10 g / T 2 =»? 100%+ 2x ——x Loo % 2 x SO we =1%+5% = 6%

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