Images For Radiology Final 4th Year PDF

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Images for radiology final 4th year

Scintigraphy of the myocardium in vertical, horizontal, long and short axis

CT of thorax in axial view in mediastinal window with contrast media. Dilation of main
pulmonary artery (>3 cm in diameter) → sign of pulmonary hypertension
CT with contrast media (angiography) of the thorax in sagittal view. Stenosis (partial) at the
level of descending aorta called “coarctation of the aorta” (congenital condition)

Radiography of thorax in frontal view. Presence of enlarged hila and heterogenous opacities
around the heart’s silhouette. In right lung is also seen horizontal fissure with small quantity
of liquid. Conclusion: pulmonary edema
Radiography of the thorax frontal view. Enlargement or deviation of the heart apex to the left
with elevation and deep cardiac waist → aortic configuration or “Boot”-shaped heart (or in
French “cœur en sabot"”) seen in Tetralogy of Fallot or myocardial hypertrophy (in adults)

Ultrasound of the thyroid gland with right and left lobe and isthmus. The round shape in the
middle is trachea
MRI T1 of the brain in sagittal view without contrast media. Seen clearly is corpus callosum,
pituitary gland, supratentorial part of the brain, cerebellum, sinusoidal sinuses, pons,
midbrain, bones of the skull etc.

Abdominal radiography frontal view. Bilateral opacities in the protection of both kidneys →
bilateral kidney stones or nephrolithiasis
CT of the abdomen axial view without contrast media. The arrow points at a hypodense mass
in the right adrenal gland, looks benign → right adrenal adenoma

CT of the thorax axial view, lung window. In the anterior part of the left lung is seen a ring
shaped mass with cavity inside, thick walls, heterogenous and irreguar borders. Conclusion:
primary bronchogenic carcinoma with destruction inside
Also is seen diffuse nodules bilaterally → metastasis of the carcinoma
CT of the thorax, lung window, coronal view. Multiple lesions bilateral superior part of the
lungs are seen. Conclusion: Bilaterial spread of tuberculosis

Radiography of the thorax frontal view. Multiple micronoduler opacities, diffused bilaterally,
with costal intensity → miliary tuberculosis
CT of the thorax axial view pulmonary window. Multiple micro/miliary nodules bilaterally →
miliary tuberculosis

Linear tomography of the thorax frontal view. At the level of right lung hilum is observed
opacity which corresponds to tuberculous calcification with lymphadenopathy of right
Radiography of thorax frontal view. In apex of right lung is seen heterogenous opacity of
costal intensity with spread to right hium → tuberculous infiltration of superior part of right

CT of the head axial view. Hyperdense area in the left hemisphere in subdural space →
subdural hematoma with deviation of the midline to contralateral side and compression of
the lateral ventricles
CT of the head axial view. Hyperdense area (limited to left frontal bone) in epidural space →
epidural hematoma

CT-angiography 3D reconstruction. Succular form dilatation of middle cerebral artery →

aneurysm of middle cerebral artery
CT of the head axial view without contrast media. Hyperdense mass in left occipital
hemisphere → intracerebral/intraparenchymatous hematoma

MRI of the posterior part of the head, T1, coronal view, with contrast media. Round/oval
shaped mass in right occipital lobe, heterogenous structure with enhancement
(hyperintensity at periphery – due to contrast media). Conclusion: malignant tumor e.g.
There is also diviation of midline to the contralateral side and compression of the lateral

MRI of the head axial view, T1, with contrast media. At the level of the right pontocerebellar
angle lies a heterogenous hyperintense mass (enhanced diffusely due to contrast media) that
compress the right cerebellar hemisphere → schwannoma (benign tumor arises from CN 7
or 8)

Radiography of the orbits in frontal view – Comberg-Baltin method (for localization of

foreign body)
The patient wears a prosthetic lens with 4 metallic pieces pointing at 12, 3, 6 and 9 o’clock.
The localization of the foreign object in the right eye is described by its position from the
metallic pieces, e.g. the forgein object is locatized between 3 and 6 o’clock (inferior-medial
part of right orbit)

Radiography of orbit frontal view with metallic sonde. The opaque foreign body is situated in
the inferior part of right orbit

CT of the head, axial view without contrast media. There is decreased dimension and
deformation of left eyeball, lack of lens and extravasation of vitreous fluid outside the eye
due to trauma
MRI of the head, axial view, T2, without contrast media. Hypointense, well defined object
with clear borders in left eye → foreign body in posterior chamber (could be wood splinter,
piece of glass ect.)
Also, left lens is not well seen.

Ultrasound of eyeball. In the middle of posterior chamber is seen a hyperechoic structure

with “comet tail” sign→ forgein body
CT of orbit, coronal view without contrast media. In both orbits are seen hyperdense
structures with many artifacts (black lines) → metallic foreign bodies in both orbits

CT of the thorax in axial, coronal and saggital view. At the level of inferior mediastenium,
anterior to the aorta, in supradiaphragmatic area is a heterogenous, hyperdense mass →
foreign body or calcified mass – probably benign - in the distal part of esophagus
CT of the thorax in coronal, saggital and axial view in lung window (4 first images) and
mediastenal window (last 2 images). In the superior left lobe of the lungs is a round
heterogenous mass, iso-hyperdense with calcifications inside → benign lesion e.g. teratoma

Radiography of the thorax, frontal view. Total hyperlucency in left hemithorax with collapsed
lung, displacement of mediastenum to contralateral side and absence of pulmonary
pattern/vessels→ left sided pneumothorax
CT of the thorax in aial and coronal view. Pneumothorax in right hemithorax with decreased
dimensions of right lung
Also present: subcutaneous empthysema on the right side

Radiography of the thorax, frontal view. Subtotal homogenous opacity of the left lung with
horizontal airfluid level and displacement of mediastenum to contralateral side → left sided
subtotal pleural effusion
Radiography of the thorax frontal and lateral view. Subtotal right side opacity, heterogenous
with olique line of fluid – called damoiseau-Ellis line – no diviation of mediastinum → right
sided subtotal pleural effusion
Radiography of the thorax frontal view. Total right hemithorax opacity with deviation of
mediastenum towards the opacity → right sided atelectasis or pneumonectomy

Radiography of the thorax frontal view. Right sided heterogenous opacity with multiple ring
shaped opacities with airfluid level → multiple abscesses in right lung

Radiography of the thorax lateral view. Superior part of right lung is a limited opacity →
pneumonia or tumor
Radiography of the thorax frontal view. Ring shaped opacity, heterogenous with airfluid level
in inferior part of right lung → right sided abscess

CT of thorax, axial view. Round shaped, hyperdense mass in right lung with spread margins
and multiple, small, diffused nodules spread bilaterally → tumour with metastasis
CT of the thorax axial view. Multiple small nodules bilaterally → Tuberculosis or sarcoidosis

Radiography of left hand, frontal view. Areas of costal destruction on 4th falange with
swelling of soft tissue → Gout
Radiography of left hip frontal view. Heterogerous, opaque and hyperlucent aspect of left
femur head with deformed contour→ avascular/osteonecrosis of left femur head

Radiography of both knee, frontal view. Severe osteoarthrosis of knee joints, more right
knee than left with absence of joint space
Radiography of left foot. Diffuse osteoporosis and osteolytic lesions of distal part of 1st
metatarsal bone and 5th metatarsal bone with thickening/opacification of surrounding soft

CT of thorax axial view. Seen are bilateral opacities, pneumothorax of left lung, pleural
effeusion and bilateral consolidations with airbronchogram. There are also subcutanous
emphysema bilaterally
Radiography of lumbar spine saggital view. 2nd vertebral body of the lumbar spine has a
compression fracture

Radiography of right hand with a hairline or transverse incomplete fracture of distal

metaphysis of right radius
Radiography of the foot lateral and frontal view. Multiple opaque foreign bodies and multiple
comminuted fractures of distal part of diaphysis and epiphysis of tibia and fibula → gunshot

Angiography with 3D reconstuction of bilateral renal arteries. Observed is unilaterial small

renal artery with hypoplasia of kidney
CT of abdomen in axial and coronal view. Hypoplasia of left kidney

CT of abdomen in axial, coronal and oblique view and angiography with 3D reconstruction.
Both kidneys are located in the small pelvis → bilateral congenital ectopy of kidneys
Intravenous urography frontal view at 15 min. Left kidney is situated on the right side →
congenital right sided dystopia/ectopic of left kidney

Cystography frontal view with minus filling in the superior right part of the bladder → tumor
of the urinary bladder
Cystography frontal view with multiple plus filling on the wall of the urinary bladder →
multiple urinary bladder diverticula

CT of the abdomen in axial view and CT urography. On the right lobe of the liver is a
hypodense, heterogenous, hypervascular mass → tumor (metastasis or primary)
Hypodense mass is also located in the left kidney, which is highlighted with contrast media.
On urography the mass has caused obstruction, hence no excresion from left kidney.
Conclusion: malignant tumor in left kidney
CT of the abdomen in axial, coronal and saggital view with and without contrast media and
CT urography. Hypodense, well defined lesion in left kidney that is not enhanced with
contrast media → cyst in left kidney

Ultrasound of the kidneys. Multiple hypoechoic round masses with clear borders/capsula →
polycystic kidney disease
CT of the abdomen in axial, coronal and saggital view. Multilpe hypodense round lesions are
seen on both kidneys and an increase of kidney size→ polycystic kidney disease
There are also cystic lesions in the liver → hepato-renal polycystosis

CT of abdomen axial view with and without contrast media. Bilateral dilatation of collecting system of
the kidneys. A hypodense mass is also located in the cortex of left kidney, doesn’t absorbe the
contrast media → parenchymatous cyst in left kidney (and bilateral hydronephrosis)
CT of abdomen axial view in urographic phase, the hypodense masses in both kidneys are not a part
of the collecting system (due to contrast media seen in the proximal part of both ureters) →
parapelvical cysts

CT of abdomen in axial and coronal view with contrast media. Heterogenous large mass on
superior pole of the left kidney → left kidney tumor
Radiography of the abdomen frontal view. Hyperlucency inside of right kidney with
enlargement of that kidney → emphysematous pyelonephritis

Radiography of the abdomen frontal view. Oval shaped opacity in the projection of the left
ureter → stone
CT of the abdomen in axial and coronal view with and without contrast media. Also seen CT
urography and 3D reconstruction. Hyperdense areas are seen in left kidney, causing full obstruction
(due to no contrast media in left ureter) → nephrolithiasis

A round hypodense mass with irregular borders in right kidney (inferior pole), doesn’t absorbe
contrast media → possible tumor
CT of the abdomen with contrast media in axial view. Hypodense mass in the left kidney with
surrounding hematoma causing deformation of the left kidney → post-traumatic changes/fracture of
left kidney

Intravenous urography frontal view. Right side delatation of collecting system with total obstruction
(lack of contrast media in the right ureter) → moderate to severe hydronephrosis of right kidney

CT of abdomen axial view without contrast media. Dilatation of right side collecting system → mild
Intravenous urography frontal view. Severe hydroureteronephrosis

Intravenous urography frontal view. At 12 min when the patient is in decubit position right and left
kidney are on the same level. When the patient is upright (orto position) the right drops down →
right sided nephroptosis
MRI of the prostate axial view (normal – looks like an apple core)

MRI of the prostate axial view. In the right periphery of the postate is seen a hypointense
area → tumoral lesion (PI-RADS 5 lesion)

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