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Spring Break HW for Grade 7

1. Greek scientist called Archimedes was asked to check the purity of the gold in a crown.
He did this by comparing the density of the crown with the density of pure gold.
a) Describe how he could have measured the density of an irregular shaped object as a




b) Pure gold has a density of 19000 kg/ m3. Suppose the crown had a volume of 0.0001m3.
What mass should the crown be if it is made of pure gold?




2. A piece of iron has a mass of 390 kg and a volume of 0.05m3 . What is its density?




3. The mass of 50cm3 of a liquid and a measuring cylinder is 146g. The mass of the empty
measuring cylinder is 100g. What is the density of the liquid in kg/m3?




4. Why can you not measure the volume of water in a measuring cylinder accurately unless
you look straight at the scale?




5. Calculate the densities of the following materials.

a) Material A has a volume of 2cm3 and a mass of 30g.




b) Material B has a volume of 10 cm3 and a mass of 8g.




c) Is material A or B more likely to be a liquid?


6.a) Explain why the feet of camels and wading birds have the shapes that they have.




b) It is easy to cut vegetables with a sharp knife than with a blunt knife. Why?



c) The weight of a camel is 5000N. The area of its four hooves is 2000cm3. Find the




d) Why the concrete at the bottom of a dam wall has to be many times thicker than the
concrete at the top?




7. The photograph shows two cups of coffee.

The cups are the same size. One cup is full of coffee, the other cup is half full. Compare the
pressures in the coffee at the bottom of each cup.

















1. Name the force that:
a) causes objects to fall towards the Eath.

b) makes a ball rolled across level ground eventually stops.


c) stops a car sinking into the road surface.

2. Name two types of force that oppose motion.

3. Describe two things that it would be impossible to do without friction.


4. The diagram shows the driving force on a sports car as it moves along a race track

(a) Name two forces that oppose the driving force.


5.a) The diagram shows the skydiver falling at a constant velocity. Add two labelled
arrows to the diagram to represent the forces acting on the skydiver.

Q6. When a girl steps on to a weighing machine, it shows a reading of 42kg.

(a) What is her mass ?

(b) Find the weight of the girl.




Draw a ray diagram to show the use of a convex lens for the formation of images having the
following characteristics.
(a) Real & inverted and diminished
(b) Virtual, erect & magnified.

Three mirrors, one plane, one concave and one convex are lying on the table. How can a
person identify them without touching them or using any other apparatus or device?

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