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English 8

English 8
1.1 Do You Fit In? The present simple 6
Personal pronouns, reflexive pronouns and possessive adjectives
1.2 What’s Up? The present simple and the present continuous 10
Possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives
1.3. Brian’s Biology Project Numbers, fractions and percentages 14
1.4 What’s Eating Amy? Reported statements and questions 16
From Brian’s Bookshelf: Grease Expansion of vocabulary and structures 20
Revision (Unit 1) 22


2.1 It’s Not Your Fault! The present simple and the present continuous 24
Indefinite pronouns
2.2 It’s Nothing Serious, Is It? Commands and requests 26
Reported commands and requests
Adverbs of frequency
2.3 Bullying Bites Adjectives and adverbs of manner 29
Expressing opinions, agreeing and disagreeing
2.4 Ability, possibility or permission – can / can’t, be able to 32
Obligation, no obligation, prohibition and advice – must, have to, should /
shouldn’t, don’t / doesn’t have to, mustn’t, can’t.
From Brian’s Bookshelf: Billy Elliot Expansion of vocabulary and structures 36
Revision (Unit 2) 38


3.1 Pretty, Popular... Unhappy? The present simple and the present continuous 40
Indefinite pronouns
3.2 What an Awful Week for Celia! The present perfect simple 44
The present perfect simple with since, for, ever, never, today, recently,
this month
The present perfect simple – questions
3.3 What’s the Price of Perfection? Possibility – may / might 48
3.4 What Should I Wear? The present simple, the present continuous and the present perfect simple 50
Suggesting, accepting, refusing
From Brian’s Bookshelf: An American Icon Expansion of vocabulary and structures 55
Revision (Unit 3) 57
4.1 Love Hurts The past simple 60
Possibility and ability in the past – could, couldn’t, was / were able to
4.2 Sweet Little Lies The past simple – questions 63
4.3 Great Romances of the 20th Century The past simple – subject and object questions 66
4.4 How Did They Meet? The present perfect simple and the past simple 70
From Brian’s Bookshelf: Romeo and Juliet Expansion of vocabulary and structures 74
Revision (Unit 4) 76
5.1 A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed The past continuous and the past simple 78
5.2 You’ve Got It All Wrong! The past continuous – questions 81
The past continuous and the past simple – questions
5.3 20th Century Heroes Relative clauses 84
Word order – adverbs and adverbial phrases of time and place
5.4 A Special Present Asking people to do something (requests), asking for things, asking for 88
permission, offering, thanking somebody, apologising
From Brian’s Bookshelf: Memorable Expansion of vocabulary and structures 92
Olympic Heroes
Revision (Unit 5) 94


6.1 20 & 21 Centuries Inventions and
th st
The present simple passive 98
Discoveries The past simple passive
The present simple passive and the past simple passive
6.2 Amy’s Preparing for Her History Test Passive voice – questions 103
Definite article the
Definite article the and indefinite article a, an
6.3 Global Concerns in the 21st Century Will future for predictions 106
The future passive
6.4 Food for Thought Plural of nouns 110
Countable and uncountable nouns
Question tags
From Brian’s Bookshelf: Expansion of vocabulary and structures 114
GenTech – The New Teen Generation
Revision (Unit 6) 116


7.1 Speak English and Have a Great Definite article the 118
Holiday! Writing
7.2 Summer Plans Gerund 122
Would like to
Going to future
Going to future – questions
7.3 There’s No Time Like School Time Going to future 125
7.4 Amy’s End-of-School Party Future tenses – the present simple, the present continuous and will future 127
Asking for directions and giving directions
From Brian’s Bookshelf: What’s So Special Expansion of vocabulary and structures 130
about Scotland?
Revision (Unit 7) 132

CHRISTMAS – The Grift of the Magi Expansion of vocabulary and structures 134
EASTER – Seven Important Days in the Expansion of vocabulary and structures 136
Easter Calendar



LESSON 1 Do You Fit In?

A Complete the sentences with the following prepositions. Then say which teenage groups
they are talking about.

by at up at up of
1 They always keep with the latest fashion trends.
2 They are fascinated African American urban culture. That’s why rap and hip hop
are their favourite music, while girls are especially fond R&B.
3 They are brilliant science subjects, especially maths and physics.
4 They sometimes have a lot of schoolwork to catch because they miss a lot of
classes when they prepare for important competitions.
5 They are excellent all subjects, which is why other students sometimes call
them nerds.

B Match the words on the left with the words on the right. Then use these phrases to make
sentences about different teenage groups.

1 sports victim 6 a cyber music

2 a teacher’s centre 7 urban trousers

3 a debate culture 8 casual team

4 a fashion event 9 classical café

5 a shopping pet 10 baggy clothes

C Fill in the missing letters. Then tick the sentences that are true for you.
1 A tracksuit is my favourite o t.
2 It is important for me to have good grades and I often go to competitions, so everyone thinks
I am a s and c e.
3 I am not too p y about my clothes. I just wear what’s comfortable.
I have problems with Physics and Chemistry, so you can’t call me i s
when it comes to science subjects.
5 I think that drawing graffiti on the city walls is a kind of v m.


GRAMMAR Present simple

D Complete the following sentences with the present simple of the verbs below. Are these
sentences true for anyone you know?

study do spend play listen wear give

1 My friend is a real fashion victim. She always

designer labels.
2 My brother
hours in front of his computer. He is such a computer geek.
3 Some of my classmates call me a nerd because I
for three hours every
day and I always my homework.
4 Our history teacher
us a lot of project work for homework.
5 My mum
to classical music.
6 My dad usually
basketball at weekends.

E Complete the text from a school yearbook. It’s about a boy called Sid. Use the present simple
of the verbs in brackets. Then decide which of the following teenage groups Sid belongs to.
heavy metal fans    emos    punk rockers

First of all, don’t confuse us with heavy metal fans, because the boys never
(1) (wear) long hair, and we (2) (listen) to punk
rock music, like the Ramones and the Sex Pistols. I (3) (have)
a confession to make. My real name is Sydney, but Sid (4) (sound)
much cooler, you know, like Sid Vicious from the Sex Pistols. A black leather
jacket, a pair of combat boots or Converse sneakers, and a metal chain
(5) (be) a ‘must have’ in my wardrobe. My mum always
(6) (say) that my hair (7) (look)
awful, especially when I (8) (use) hairsprays in different
colours. My friends (9) (experiment) with tattoos and
piercing, but my parents (10) (not / let) me even dream
about it, at least not until I’m 18. My English teacher (11) (think) I’m rebellious,
just because I (12) (stand up) for my rights and I always have an opinion.
OK, I (13) (skip) classes from time to time, but I (14) (be)
hardly ever rude to teachers. I’m simply aware of all kinds of social injustice, which is why history
(15) (be) my favourite subject. I dream of having my own band one day, so
rock concerts (16) (be) my favourite hang-outs. And, I hope Nancy will say yes
when I ask her out on Friday!

F Correct the following sentences.

1 Punk rockers look like heavy metal fans.
2 Punk rockers have long hair.

3 Sid’s mum likes his hair.

4 Sid experiments with tattoos and piercing.

5 Sid is rude to his teachers.

6 Sid has his own band.


G Complete the text about emos, another teenage group, using the present simple of
the following verbs.

listen  be  love  describe  be  believe  wear  choose

EMOS - this word is short for emotional, which is the word that best (1) them.
Don’t confuse them with punk rockers, just because they both (2) black clothes.
They (3) rarely so rebellious, but sensitive and shy, which is probably why they
(4) desks at the back of the classroom. They are interested in subjects like
Art, especially painting. They (5) writing poetry, which can often help them to
express their confusion, depression, and the general feeling that the world (6)
against them. There are rumours that some emos injure themselves on purpose just to feel
something at all, but who (7) in stupid gossip! They (8) to
alternative music, and their favourite hang-out is a place where they can talk in private, and that,
of course, is the school bathroom.

H Complete the following present simple questions about Sid. Then answer them.
1 What kind of music Sid listen to?
2 What his favourite clothes?
3 his mum like his hairstyle?
4 his parents let him experiment with tattoos and piercing?
5 What Sid’s English teacher think about him?
6 Why history his favourite subject?
7 What he dream of?
8 he have a girlfriend?
I Read the answers. Then make present simple questions about emos.
1 What ? Black clothes.
2 Where ? At the back of the classroom.
3 Why ? Because it can help them to
express their feelings.

GRAMMAR Personal pronouns, reflexive pronouns and possessive adjectives

J Some pronouns and possessive adjectives are in the wrong places in the table. Circle them
and write the correct pronouns and possessive adjectives.


me I myself my
you yourself you your
he him himself his
her she herself her
it it its itself
we us our ourselves
you you yourselves your
them they themselves their


K What do you remember about Amy? Complete the following sentences with the correct
pronouns or possessive adjectives from the table in Task J.
1 Amy doesn’t like talking about .
2 She is not fashion-conscious – she doesn’t think much about clothes.
3 That’s why she thinks preps would look down on .
4 Amy is not very good at dancing, so thinks that hip hoppers wouldn’t
like to see her in dance group.
5 Whenever she feels down, Amy plays the piano. makes her
feel better.
6 Amy loves dogs because she thinks are great friends.

L Correct the mistakes in these sentences. They all relate to pronouns and possessive
1 Most teenagers don’t like talking about themself.
2 Amy doesn’t feel good about her because she doesn’t belong to any teenage group.
3 Preps sometimes spend hours looking at them in the mirror in the bathroom.
4 Sid hopes that Nancy will say yes when he asks she out.
5 Sid would like to have he’s own band one day.
6 Punk rockers always have a black leather jacket in theirs wardrobe.

M Use the following profile for heavy metal fans, and write about them using the present simple.
Add any details you want.

Teenage Group: Heavy Metal Fans

long hair, tight jeans, black clothes,
lots of silver jewellery

don’t have problems with any

subjects, but sometimes skip classes

head-banging at concerts, not fans

HOBBIES AND INTERESTS of sports, but interested in computers
and motorcycles
different types of loud heavy metal
cafés with heavy metal music,
garages, concerts


LESSON 2 What’s Up?

A Do the crossword puzzle.

4 8 5

1 2


9 1 Celia thinks that shopping centres are

a .
6 Celia doesn’t want to leave a
m for Sarah
because she hates talking to machines.
imon can’t talk to Celia bcause he’s
7 trying to f on
the game.

2 Celia needs help with picking o a new pair of jeans.
3 Brian is doing r for his biology project.
4 Celia thinks that Brian is a n because he is studying on Saturday.
5 Sarah doesn’t p up the phone while she is at the library.
8 The Sherlocks have to r because they are having a concert tonight.
9 Celia can do w another pair of jeans.
10 In the end, Celia decides to t herself to three scoops of ice cream.

B Copy the words and expressions from the sentences in Task A next to the corresponding
1 the same as wonderful
2 someone who studies a lot
3 to manage to live without
4 to choose
5 to answer the phone
6 to practise in order to prepare for a concert or a play in a theatre
7 to concentrate on something
8 to study something in detail in order to find


C Circle the odd one out.

1 to do shopping research homework a concert

2 to pick out a new jacket a CD the phone a book

3 to get happy arrogant interested in angry

4 to focus on your work studying the game the computer

D Translate into Georgian.

1 What’s up?
2 Long time no hear.
3 Thanks for nothing!
4 You’ve reached the number…
5 Pick up the phone!
6 Never mind.

GRAMMAR Present continuous

E Tick the -ing forms of the verbs which have a spelling mistake. Then correct the mistakes.
1 doeing 8 shoping
2 picking 9 talking
3 hanging out 10 rehearseing
4 takeing 11 watching
5 danceing 12 geting
6 playing 13 haveing
7 studing 14 siting

F Use some of the verbs from Task E in the present continuous form to complete the following
sentences. Which of these sentences are true for you? Tick.

It’s Saturday morning...
1 My sister in front of the TV and watching her favourite show.
2 My brother because he has a lot of schoolwork to catch up.
3 My best friend for her piano recital.
4 My mum research for her new project.
5 My dad basketball with his friends.

6 My neighbours their dog out for a walk.

7 My cat breakfast.
8 I out a birthday present for my friend.


G Choose four sentences from Task F and make questions in the present continuous.

2 .

GRAMMAR Present simple and present continuous

H Put the verbs into the

correct form, the present GUESS WHO’S TALKING!
simple or the present
continuous. Then guess I normally (practice) the piano on
who is talking. Saturdays, but this Saturday I (go) to
see a water polo match. I (be) so

1 Jill excited!
I usually (count) calories, but

2 Brian
today I (have) an ice cream for
dessert and I don’t care! Yummy!
My phone (ring) again! I was
3 Celia sure I turned it off. I
(be) so

I (have) so much fun this week.

4 Amy Hip-hop dance

(be) so cool!
(call) me a nerd, but I

5 Sarah only
this Saturday. This project
so much to me.

6 Adrian One day I

a famous basketball player.
(hope) to become

7 Simon I (want) to play in a band like

the Sherlocks. They rock!

I Complete the following questions with do, does, is or are, and then answer them.
1 How you usually spend Saturday evening?
2 What the most popular hang-out for teenagers in your town?
3 What the most popular shopping centres in your town?
4 you play any instruments?
5 Which book you reading at the moment?
6 What subjects you like?
7 you taking any dance classes this year?
8 What your teacher say about your schoolwork?


J Write the present simple or present continuous questions for the following answers.
The questions must be based on the answers in colour.
Example: Sarah is asking Amy a lot of questions.
Who is asking Amy a lot of questions?

1 Sarah meets Amy at the library on Saturday.

2 Amy is reading Romeo and Juliet for the second time.
3 Sarah and Amy both like Shakespeare.
4 Sarah invites Amy to a water polo match.
5 Celia is angry with Simon because he doesn’t recognise her voice.
6 The Sherlocks are rehearsing for their concert.
7 Simon and his friends play basketball every Saturday.

GRAMMAR Possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives

K Complete the following table with the missing adjectives and pronouns.


his his
your yours

L These are some song titles from the Sherlocks’ new album. Fill in the missing possessive
pronouns or adjectives below.

mine your Our theirs Your yours my his your

1 heart is broken, but so is
2 I don’t want stupid questions
3 Always friend, but girlfriend
4 last dance
5 The fault is , not
6 Stand up for rights!

LESSON 3 Brian’s Biology Project

A Match the words on the left with the words on the right.
1 sports activities 5 religious programmes

2 drama languages 6 community activities

3 foreign group 7 recreational groups

4 extracurricular lessons 8 youth service

B Complete the sentences with the right phrases from Task A. Then tick the sentences which are
true for you.
1 I don’t have much free time because I take part in a lot of .
2 I attend once a week.
3 I prefer to learn rather than take .
4 I would like to join a .
5 I’m not fit, so I would like to participate in some .
6 I never perform .

C Complete the table with the missing verbs, nouns or adjectives.



D Now complete the sentences by changing the words in brackets.

Example: A lot of teenagers start drinking because of curiosity (curious).

1 Some teenagers get (drink) to forget about their problems.

2 Some teenagers do not spend their free time in a very (produce) way.
3 Drinks companies make drinking look cool, (attract) and fun in
their (advertise).
4 Teenagers who drink often have problems with (concentrate) and learning.
5 Drinking can cause (violence) behaviour.
6 Schools should (education) teenagers about the dangers of alcohol abuse.

E Replace the words and expressions in colour with the right words below.

violent  fines  amounts  under-age  illegal  damage  average

1 It is against the law to sell alcohol to teenagers.

2 Binge drinking means drinking large quantities of alcohol during a short period of time
just to get drunk.
3 Higher amounts of money paid as punishment might stop shops and pubs from selling
alcohol to drinkers who are too young.
4 Some teenagers have problems with aggressive behaviour because of drinking alcohol.
5 Alcohol abuse can have a negative effect on your health.
6 The usual age at which Americans start drinking regularly is 15.

GRAMMAR Numbers, fractions and percentages

F Replace the words in colour by writing them out as numbers.

1 About twenty-five percent of teenage boys and forty percent of teenage girls take part
in extracurricular activities.
2 Every eighth teenager takes weekly sports lessons outside of school.
3 Less than a third attend religious activities once a week.
4 Britain has the third highest number of teenage drinkers in Europe.
5 Every year, more than five thousand deaths of people under the age of twenty-one in
the USA are connected with under-age drinking.
6 About twenty percent of teenagers aged fourteen to sixteen smoke on a regular basis.

G Write out these numbers as words.

1 1/2
2 14th
3 368
4 95%
5 4,730
6 5,000,000


LESSON 4 What’s Eating Amy?

A Complete the phrases in the speech balloons with the words below.

bet mood mess good wear notes strange kind

7 “She looks a bit .”

1 “Why does she always 8 “She dresses like a boy.”
such awful clothes?” 9 “What of music does
2 “She always carries around those stupid she listen to, anyway?”
.” 10 “I she’s not on the
3 “I’m sure she’s not at school sports team.”
dancing.” 11 “Does she ever go out?”
4 “Her hair is always a .” 12 “What’s her name, anyway?”
5 “Is she ever in a good ?”
6 “She never hangs out with us.”

B Circle the correct answers, A, B or C.

1 Amy feels that she looks like a because other students think that she
is never in a good mood.
A geek B grump C nerd
2 Amy feels a bit because she is not good at dancing, and boys think
that she is not good at sports.
A silly B worried C clumsy
3 History gives Amy a headache. It’s such a !
A drag B mess C fuss
4 Amy feels because she thinks that nobody likes her.
A confused B miserable C exhausted


C Complete the questions with the prepositions below, and then answer them.
to    in    at    with    on
1 Are you good dancing? .
2 Who do you usually hang out ? .
3 Are you the school sports team? .
4 What puts you a bad mood? .
5 What kind of music do you listen ? .

D Translate into Georgian.

1 What’s her name, anyway?
2 Her hair is always a mess.
3 She’s not good at dancing.
4 Is she ever in a good mood?
5 Who wants to hang out with such a grump?

GRAMMAR Reported statements and questions

E Sort out the statements, YES / NO questions and WH-questions from Task A. Write them
under the correct heading.

Yes / No questions


F Can you report the statements from Task E?

1 Girls say that .
2 Boys say that .
3 Girls think that .
4 Boys think that .
5 Girls say that .

G Can you report the questions from Task E?

1 Girls ask .
2 Girls wonder .
3 Boys wonder .
4 Boys ask .
5 They still ask .


H Correct the mistakes in the following reported statements and questions.

1 Girls tell that my hair is always a mess. .
2 Girls say that I never hang out with us. .
3 Boys wonder do I ever go out. .
4 Girls wonder am I ever in a good mood. .
5 They wonder why do I always wear such awful clothes. .
6 They still ask what is my name. .

I Amy is not the only person other people

gossip about. Celia receives Sarah’s text
message to Amy by mistake. Celia is very
– mob
upset, and tells Jill about Sarah’s message. Sarah
Can you report what Sarah says? always
a d r a g! She I really
such and
Celia is go shopping s. And why
to clothe bout h
c a re about li s t e n a I
don’t y s h ave to r there when
do I alw ? She’s neve never wants
ms he
r h e lp . And s he only talks ,
e S hing
need h t for a pizza. e at anyt
o u s s h e
to go s. Doe
b o u t calorie

Sarah says

  2  Sarah wonders .

Sarah says

 4  She wonders .


J Read Amy’s poem. What are the things she likes to hear, and what are the things she doesn’t
like to hear? Which words rhyme in Amy’s poem?

“I’m glad you care,” is what I say.
“Is everything OK at school?” my mum asks every day.
My mum never says that she is proud of me.
“Why do you never go to the pool?” my dad often asks.
My dad rarely asks if I would like a cup of tea.
“I like your hair,” my cousin always says.
My teacher never asks why history gives me a
And I wonder if Brian will ever ask me out for cake.

K Can you report the statements and questions from Amy’s poem?
1 Amy’s mum asks .
2 Amy’s dad often asks .
3 Amy’s cousin always says .
4 Amy says .

L What are the exact words in the following statements and questions from Amy’s poem?
1 Amy’s mum never says: “ .“
2 Amy’s dad rarely asks: “ ?“
3 Amy’s teacher never asks: “ ?“
4 Amy wonders: “ ?“

M Write a poem similar to Amy’s.


From Brian’s Bookshelf: Grease

A Use the words below to complete the questions about the musical Grease.

fling ignore apologise reunite upset bump into

groups make up miserable

1 What are the names of the two main

at Rydell High School?
2 Whose summer
do they want to know about?
3 Why does Danny
Sandy when they each
other at school?
4 How does Danny try to
with Sandy?
5 Why is Sandy
at the school dance?
6 Where does Danny try to
to Sandy for leaving her at the school dance?
7 Why is Danny
at the drive-in movie?
8 Where do Danny and Sandy
at the end of the movie?

B Answer the questions from Task A to get the summary of the plot.

C Tick the songs which are NOT from the musical Grease. Do you know which other famous
musicals they come from?
Summer Nights You’re the One that I Want
Over the Rainbow Aquarius / Let the Sunshine In
Take a Chance on Me Grease
Sandy Singin’ in the Rain

D Choose one of the scenes from the musical Grease and write a dialogue. Then role-play it in
• The first day of school at Rydell High School
• Sandy and Danny meet again at school

• Danny tries to make up with Sandy at the cafeteria

• Danny and Sandy have a fight at the drive-in movie

• Sandy and Danny reunite at the school carnival


E How much do you know about music? Do the music quiz and find out.

1 A group of people who sing together is called:

A a choir. B a band. C an orchestra.
2 A play in a theatre, or a film, in which performers speak, sing and dance is called:

A an opera. B a musical. C a ballet.
3 A song that is sung by only one person in an opera is called:

A a libretto. B an aria. C a duet.
4 A person who writes music is called:

A a composer. B a screenwriter. C a director.
5 A musical play in which many or all of the words are sung is called:

A a ballet. B an opera. C a concert.
6 A piece of music for two performers is called:

A a quartet. B a solo. C a duet.
7 The words of a song are called:

A lyrics. B a libretto. C a soundtrack.
8 Which of the following is not a musical?

A Jesus Christ Superstar. B Porgy and Bess. C The Phantom of the Opera.
9 Which of the following is a ballet?

A Singin’ in the Rain. B Fiddler on the Roof. C Swan Lake.
10 Who is not a 19th century composer?

A George Gershwin. B Giuseppe Verdi. C Giacomo Puccini.
11 The composer of the opera Carmen is:

A Richard Wagner. B Giuseppe Verdi. C Georges Bizet.
12 Match the composers with their operas.

A Giacomo Puccini The Magic Flute
B Giuseppe Verdi Rigoletto
C W.A.Mozart Madame Butterfly


PLAY “HOT POTATOES”. Students are divided into 6 teams. Each group gets 3 cards with three
questions each. The team can get rid of their cards only if they answer all 3 questions on the card
correctly. The winner is the team that gets rid of their cards (”hot potatoes”) first. When you have
finished the game, write your answers in the GRAMMAR and VOCABULARY cards.

A Use the present simple or the present B Fill in the missing prepositions.
continuous in the following sentences.
1 Amy bumps Sarah in the library.
1 Sarah (read) Lord of 2 Athletes sometimes have a lot of work to catch
the Rings at the moment.
3C elia needs help with picking
2 Amy (not / like) history.
a new pair of jeans.
3 The Sherlocks (work)
on their new album.

C Do you remember the words which match DU
 nscramble the questions, and then answer
the following explanations? them.

1 a machine or a device 1 When / Brian’s team / their first match / playing /

2 a student who studies a lot is / this season?
3 the same as wonderful, amazing 2 Jill / have / every week / hip-hop classes / does?
3 Which / does / sport / like / Simon / playing?
E Complete the following sentences by F Insert the missing auxiliary verbs:
changing the words in brackets. am, is, are, do, or does.

1 Most hip hoppers know a lot about 1 Can you call me later? I studying in the library
(globe) problems. and nobody talking.
2 High-flyers are very 2 How often your brother have football training
(competition). sessions?
3 Athletes miss a lot of classes because 3C  omputer geeks care about fashion?
of (prepare) for Not really, but they crazy about new gadgets.
important competitions.

G Report what these people are saying. H Fill in the missing prepositions.

1 “I love your new pair of jeans, Celia.” 1H ip hoppers are fascinated
Jill tells Celia . African American urban culture.
2 “I don’t believe you.” Celia tells Brian 2 Computer geeks are brilliant
. science subjects.
3 “I’d like to have my own band.” 3 Preps are fond designer labels and
Adrian says . they like to keep up the latest

I Circle the correct word. J How do you pronounce these verbs in the
present simple, 3rd person singular? Sort
1 Simon is saving money to visit his / her / he’s friend them out: belong, spend, play, go, wear,
in the USA. speak, say, tell, talk, do, put, listen, call,
2 The Sherlocks’ new album is awesome. read, study, like, miss, buy, consider, help,
Its / It / It’s called Face it. look, practise, care.
3 Hip hoppers draw graffiti on city walls, but 1 /s/
sometimes you can see they / them / it in 2 /z/
there / their / theirs notebooks, too. 3 /ˆz/
K Change the following reported questions to direct L Match the halves to get the right words.
1 fashion A pet
1 Celia asks Sarah if she would like to come over 2 extracurricular B victim
to her place and watch Grease with her. 3 teacher’s C activity
2 Sid wonders why his English teacher doesn’t like him.
3 Sid’s mum asks him if he can change his hairstyle.
M Circle the correct answer. N Correct the mistake in each of the
following sentences.
1 Some teenagers start smoking because of
pastime / curiosity. 1M ore than 50% teenagers prefer to spend
2 Sid’s best friend is such a geek / grump. He is their free time alone than with their friends.
always in a bad mood. 2 This is not mine book and I have to return it
3 It is not nice to look down on / do without your to the library.
classmates. 3E mos sometimes think that nobody doesn’t
understand them.
O Write out these numbers as words to complete the P Circle the correct answer.
following sentences:
30% 5,000 8th 1,000,000 1 A enjoys reading books.
A geek B bookworm C high-flyer
1 Several teenagers in the USA 2 If you have two left feet, you’re
have a serious drinking problem. and not very good at dancing.
2 Every year, about deaths of A miserable B exhausted C clumsy
people under the age of 21 are connected with alcohol 3P  eers are people who…
abuse. A are the same age as you.
3 Only of teenagers enjoy B go to the same school with you.
reading books, while every C are your neighbours.
teenager does sports outside of school.
Q Correct the mistake in each of the following R Make the present simple or the present
sentences. continuous questions for the answers in
1 I wonder would you like to go out with me.
2 I keep asking myself why is there so much 1 Brian prefers water polo to basketball.
injustice in the world. 2 Celia and Jill are participating in a school
3 I usually hang out with my friends on Sunday fashion show this Friday.
afternoon, but this Sunday I study for my history test. 3S ome teenagers drink because they want to
forget about their problems.


LESSON 1 It’s Not Your Fault!

A How do the people in the photos feel? Match the adjectives below with the pictures.
scared worried compassionate angry indifferent excited

1 2 3 4 5 6

B Complete the sentences using the adjectives in Task A so that they are true for you. You can
use each adjective more than once.
1 I feel when the Georgian football team scores a goal.
2 I feel when I have a maths test.
3 I feel when I see pictures of hungry children in Africa.
4 I feel when the weather is bad.
5 I feel when I read about terrorist attacks.
6 I feel when I have a problem I can’t deal with.

C Complete the sentences with the correct words. Then match the sentences to the speech
balloons in the picture.
1 They pick on me because
I’m a f . It’s all my
f !
2 I often send her t
text messages.
3 I’ll make your life
m , Cinderella!
4 I really hate i !
5 Ha, ha! It seems that
“The Untouchables” have got
a new v .


D Match the beginnings of the sentences to the correct endings.

1 Nobody is strong enough to deal... down. I know I can always count on her.
2 My best friend will never let me... up about your problems. Nobody can
help you if you don’t let them.
3 Don’t let anyone bully you. Just stand up... with bullying by themselves.
4 You have to speak... for yourself. You have the right to be
E Match the phrasal verbs from Task D with the correct explanations.
1 to fight for = to up for somebody
2 to solve a problem = to with a problem
3 to disappoint somebody = to somebody down
4 to express your opinion openly = to up

GRAMMAR Indefinite pronouns

F Complete the sentences with the right indefinite pronoun.

1 Is there you trust? You should talk to about your problem. Doing
and feeling sorry for yourself doesn’t help! Speak up and do .
2 Don’t worry! is perfect. But, there’s who’s perfect for you!
3 Change schools, if helps. Maybe you’ll be happier else.
4 I can’t believe you stay at home all the time and don’t go . I can’t imagine
like that.
5 It must be terrible when you have to hang out with. Why don’t you take your
dog and go for a walk? It could help.

G Circle the right indefinite pronoun to get the correct proverbs.

1 Everything / Nothing comes to him who waits.
2 Everyone / Someone makes mistakes.
3 No one can do something / everything, but everyone can do nothing / something.
4 Anything / something is better than everything / nothing.
5 He who waits too much, doesn’t catch anything / nothing.
6 A true friend is someone / anyone who is there for you even when he’d rather be
anywhere / nowhere else.


LESSON 2 It’s Nothing Serious, Is It?

A Match the words to get collocations.
1 to be late for a walk 5 to have aC

2 to put on school 6 to spend late

3 to study for a skirt 7 to work a pizza for lunch

4 to go for a history test 8 to get time

GRAMMAR Commands and requests

B Make commands and requests using the given words.

1 history / test / for / study / your
2 get / please / C / don’t / another
3 that / put on / please / skirt / new
4 have / for / don’t / please / lunch / a pizza
5 after / go / a walk / school / please / for
6 for / don’t / again / school / be / late
7 work / again / late / don’t / please
8 so much / in front of / spend / time / the computer / don’t

GRAMMAR Indirect commands and requests

C Linda is talking about what her parents tell her or ask her to do. Complete Linda’s sentences
using the appropriate commands and requests from Task B.
1 My parents spend a lot of time at work. I always ask them .
2 I’m a real sleepyhead. My mum always tells me .
3 My dad thinks I should spend much more time outdoors. He always asks me
4 My mum wants me to eat more fruit and vegetables. Every day she tells me
5 My parents are not happy with my marks.
Every day they ask me .
6 My dad thinks playing computer games for hours gives me a
headache. He always tells me .
7 My mum complains that I always wear the same pair of
She often asks me
for a change.
8 I often get bad marks in history. My parents always tell me


D Linda has written a letter for her parents. What requests and commands does she make?
Write a report on it.

every day.
Help me make a vegetable soup. Please, don’t let me eat alone
Please go for a walk with me. Don’t spend evenings watching
s homework
Please don’t bother me about my marks. Help me with my math
from time to time.
. Spend more time
Don’t let me sit around with only my computer for company
with me.
, please.
Let me choose my own clothes. Don’t buy me skirts any more
an A in English.
Don’t be angry when I get a C in history. Praise me when I get

Linda tells / asks her parents...

GRAMMAR Adverbs of frequency

E The adverbs of frequency are in the wrong place. Put them in the correct place in
the sentences.
1 Linda eats vegetables hardly ever.
2 She has usually a pizza for lunch.
3 She spends evenings frequently playing computer games.
4 She always is sleepy in the morning.
5 Her parents go never for a walk with her.
6 They are angry when often she gets a bad mark at school.
7 They are at rarely home for dinner.
8 They work late normally.


F Use an adverb of frequency in each sentence to make them true for you.

always often frequently usually normally generally

sometimes occasionally rarely hardly ever

1 I sit around in front of my computer after school. .

2 I go for a walk with my parents at the weekend. .
3 I choose my own clothes. .
4 I get bad marks in maths. .
5 My parents praise me when I get an A. .
6 My parents work late. .
7 I’m late for school. .
8 My parents help me with my homework. .

G Write about the things you do at home and in school.

At home...

1 I frequently .
2 I sometimes .
3 I often .
4 I occasionally .
5 I hardly ever .

In school...
1 I frequently .
2 I sometimes .
3 I often .
4 I occasionally .
5 I hardly ever .


LESSON 3 Bullying Bites

A Read the extracts from five different letters and complete them with the words from the box.

group   popular   insecure   seriously   different

violence   fights   tough   consequences

1 Why does my friend play jokes on me? I keep telling him I don’t like it, but he doesn’t take me

2 Should I get involved in school to look ?

3 Can aggressive behaviour make me more with my friends?

4 I sometimes laugh at a kid from my school. I don’t know why. He’s just I
guess. But that’s not , is it? I mean, I don’t hit him, or anything like that.

5 I don’t fit in with any particular . My friend tells me I could soon feel the
of sticking out. Is she right?

6 Why do I feel so when I have to talk in class? It makes me feel so


GRAMMAR Adjectives and adverbs of manner

B Complete the grid with the missing adjectives or adverbs.


C Read these memo notes. Circle the correct word. 4

1 2
Aggressive /
Everyone is specia 3
l/ aid aggressively
specially and Don’t be afr behaviour
t Hurting
has the right to to talk abou someon doesn’t bring
en / verbal / e
violence op verbally popularity.
be respected / openly . is as pain
ful as
respectably. hurting s
5 ick /
6 Get help qu
quickly no
Bullies look ther
ghly, matter whe
tough / tou You cann ictim
but they are
ot deal Bullying is you are a v
cure /
with viole
nce a serious / or a bully.
actually inse easy / eas seriously
insecurely but you c
problem. It bites
an help
change th bad / badly.

D Complete the text with the right form of the words in brackets. Sometimes you need an
adjective and sometimes an adverb.

I’m one of “The Untouchables”. I bully the other children regularly. I don’t know why I do this.
I want the other guys to take me (1) (serious), I guess. I’m trying to be
(2) (tough), but the truth is I feel (3) (bad)
about it. I can’t sleep (4) (good), and I have nightmares. I see a
creature that looks at me (5) (angry) and then starts laughing. It is so
(6) (horrible) that I try to run away as (7) (quick) as I
can. But the creature holds on to my leg so (8) (firm) that I can’t move. Finally,
I start screaming so (9) (loud) that my parents come into my room and
find me crying in bed. Then I feel like telling them everything, but I’m simply not
(10) (brave) enough to speak up. They think I’m a (11) (nice)
guy who gets As at school, who plays tennis (12) (perfect) and who gives
up his seat to an older person. They smile at me (13) (happy) when I win
a match, but they never really ask me if I’m (14) (happy) or not. Do they
really care about me? What do I have to do to make them love me?
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

! Did you
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a story written by Robert Louis
Stevenson, a famous Scottish writer. It is about a good, kind man - Dr Jekyll -
who changes into bad and violent Mr Hyde when he drinks a special liquid.


EVERYDAY ENGLISH Expressing opinions, agreeing and disagreeing

E The ABC members are talking about Dr Jekyll’s letter. Follow the clues in different colours
and complete their conversation with the right expressions from the box. Use a different
expression each time.

Expressing opinion Agreeing Disagreeing Agreeing up to a point

I think… That’s right. I don’t agree.

Perhaps, but…
In my opinion… True. I don’t think so.
Yes, maybe, but…
I believe… Of course. True, but...?
I agree.

Brian: 1 that Dr Jekyll needs our help.

Sarah: 2 . He is a good guy who has a problem.
Jill: 3 . He is not really a good guy. He only pretends to be good.
Brian: 4 he feels bad about it.
Sarah: 5  . He doesn’t sleep well, because deep inside he knows that
bullying is bad.
Jill: 6 .Why does he bully other children then?
Brian: 7  he thinks his parents don’t really care about him. He has a
problem he can’t deal with.
Sarah: 8  . He’s angry with his parents because he thinks they don’t
really care about him
Jill: 9 don’t you think that he shouldn’t take it out on others?
Brian: 10 . That’s why he needs our help.

F Use the expressions from Task E to write comments to the following sentences.
1 Tough guys should never cry.
2 Nightmares tell us about problems we have in our everyday lives.
3 Parents who never ask their children whether they are happy or not don’t usually care much.
4 Children who have straight As at school are usually good and kind.
5 Bullies usually feel bad about hurting their peers.
6 There is a Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde in each of us.


A Circle the correct answer and complete the sentences.

13/11/26 10:43 PM 13/11/26 10:43 PM

Our 14-year-old son hates us. He doesn’t want to talk to us, he doesn’t even let
us (1) his room. When he is not at home, I (2)

into his room and I can see that he is reading The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and
Log: 24/10/2013 Mr Hyde. My husband says that I panic too easily, but I can (3)
trouble. I even think that he has something (4) with that book.
At school he gets As, he plays tennis and the violin, he even (5)
of his hamster. But then he hangs out with some bad boys and they call
themselves “The Untouchables”. Isn’t that strange? I’m so (6) .
He screams at night and then he cries (7) . It seems that this
is a (8) period for him, but he doesn’t want our help. He
(9) us out of his life. Why is he so (10)
with us? I can’t (11) it out. My husband and I are doing our
(12) to deal with this problem, but things are not getting any
better. What should we do to (13) this strange case? Please,
give us a (14) !

Josh’s parents

 1 come enter go
 2 sneak come enter
 3 hear taste smell
 4 in trouble in love in common
 5 takes care thinks cares
 6 excited indifferent worried
 7 happily carefully desperately
 8 hard long complicated
 9 feels shuts needs
10 scared insecure angry
11 figure forgive find
12 good better best
13 feel solve take care of
14 clue help problem


B Complete the questions with the words from the box. Then answer the questions about

with in with into out for

1 Do you have anything in common Josh? What?

2 Do you feel sorry his parents? Why?
3 Do you sometimes get angry
your parents? What is the reason?
4 Do you sometimes lock yourself
? When do you do that?
5 Do your parents sometimes sneak
your room? How do you know?
6 Do you think it is a good idea for children to shut parents
of their problems? Why
or why not?

GRAMMAR Can / can’t / be able to

C Complete the sentences with can or can’t so that they are true according to Josh’s parents’
post in Task A.
1 Josh play tennis.
2 He
play the piano.
3 His mother
feel that he is in trouble.
4 His parents
enter his room.
5 They
talk to him about his problems.
6 They
hear him screaming at night.
7 He
hang around with The Untouchables.
8 His parents
deal with the problem by themselves.

D Complete the sentences using the information in Task C.

1 Josh is able to .
2 He is not able to
3 It is possible for his mother to
4 His parents are not allowed to
5 His parents are not able to
6 It is possible for his parents to
7 Josh is allowed to
8 It is not possible for his parents to


GRAMMAR Must / have to / should / shouldn’t / don’t / doesn’t have to / mustn’t / can’t

E Circle the correct option to complete the replies sent to Josh’s parents.

14/11/26 10:58 PM 14/11/26 10:58 PM

1 You must / don’t have to take that book away from him. It spoils him.

2 You mustn’t / should let him hang out with these boys – “The Untouchables”.
Parent18 They are bad company.
Log: 17/03/2014

3 You should / can’t take him to a psychologist. Things are getting out of control.

4 You mustn’t/ have to lock him up in his room until he speaks up.

5 You shouldn’t / can’t be so worried. He’s just having nightmares, that’s all.

6 You should / don’t have to hug him and tell him that it makes you sad to see
him so unhappy. It works - trust me.

F Josh and his parents have finally talked the problem over. Rewrite their sentences by
replacing the phrases in colour with the correct form of the verb in brackets.


1 It is very important that I apologise to the kids I hurt. (must)
I must apologise to the kids I hurt.
2 It is very important that I don’t hang out with “The Untouchables”. (must)
I .
3 It is a good idea that I join the ABC. (should)
I .

His parents:

1 There’s no need to play the violin if you don’t want to. (have to)

You .
2 It is possible for you to take up playing water polo instead of playing tennis. (can)

You .
3 It is important that we spend more time together. (have to)

We .


G Complete the conversation. Use: must, have to, don’t have to, can, can’t or should.

Brian: Are you coming to the ABC meeting, guys?

Sarah, Jill: Sure, we are.
Sarah: We (1) do everything it takes
to help things change.
Celia: I’m sorry, but I (2) come.
I (3) tidy up my room and I

(4) take Muffy for a walk.
Sarah: Oh, that’s too bad. You (5) see our anti-bullying posters. They are great.
Celia: I’m sure they are, but I (6) stay out late.
Jill: You (7) stay out late. The meeting finishes at 7 o’clock.
Sarah: I (8) ask my dad to pick us up.
Celia: No, thanks. I (9) keep a promise this time.
Brian: A promise?
Celia: Yes, I promised my mum...
Simon: Hi! We (10) hurry up, Celia. The film starts in half an hour.
Brian: The film? Are you taking Celia to the cinema?
Simon: Yes, I am.
Brian: But, she (11) stay out late.
Sarah: And she (12) tidy up her room.
Jill: And she (13) take Muffy for a walk.
Celia: Err, I think I (14) go now. You know my mum...

H Sort out the expressions under the right headings to get your list of home rules.
stay out late smoke choose my own clothes put on make-up use the Internet

get good marks tidy up my room use bad language do some sports

drink alcohol play an instrument be nice to my brother / sister study every day

take care of my pet watch any TV programme eat junk food

hang around with friends after school

I must / I have to I don’t have to I can I mustn’t / I can’t I should


From Brian’s Bookshelf: Billy Elliot

A Do the crossword puzzle.
7 15

1 9 17

11 16



3 14

6 12


1 A person who helps you understand 9 A person who teaches.

somebody’s mind. 10 A person who works in a mine.
2 A person who keeps public order. 11 A person who looks after small children/
3 A person who cuts and styles your hair. who cares for people who are ill.
4 A person who designs clothes. 12 A person who offers you goods for sale.
5 A person who treats people when they are ill. 13 A person who boxes.
6 A person who directs films. 14 A person who sails as a member of a crew.
7 A person who flies a plane. 15 A person who travels in a spacecraft.
8 A person who defends his/her clients at 16 A person who plays football.
court. 17 A person who designs buildings.
18 A person who dances in ballets.
B Match the jobs and the pictures.
1 a nanny
2 a chef
3 a waiter
4 a bodyguard
5 a mechanic
6 a travel guide


C Complete the sentences.

1 A nanny is a person who .

2 A chef is a person who
3 A waiter is a person who
4 A bodyguard is a person who
5 A mechanic is a person who
6 A travel guide is a person who

D Complete the plot of Kathy Taylor with words from the box.

forbids inherited against all odds prejudiced encourages

tale audition witnesses

Kathy Taylor is a film which is set in the rich part of a town in South England where Kathy, a lively
11-year-old girl, lives with her proud mother and older sister Lucy, who are both piano players.
Kathy’s mother hopes that Kathy will become a world famous piano player, but Kathy is more
interested in sports, a talent she (1) from her late father. When her mother takes
her to piano lessons, she finds that she doesn’t really like music, and has no real talent for it.
She skips the lessons and goes instead to the football field behind the building where the piano
classes are held. With the help of Mr Robinson, the football coach, Kathy secretly starts training at

When Kathy’s sister is arrested for dangerous driving, Kathy misses a few training sessions, so
her coach goes to their house to tell her mother. When Kathy’s mother discovers that Kathy is
spending her pocket money on football boots and football PC games, she is furious. She thinks
that playing football is not a woman’s career, certainly not for a piano player’s daughter. Afraid of
what her friends might say, Kathy’s mother (2) her to play football. Meanwhile,
Mr Robinson (3) Kathy to try out for the Arsenal Football School in London,
where she can use her talent and escape her mother’s bullying.

One night, on her way home from a concert, Kathy’s mother (4) her girl playing
for her school team. Moved almost to tears by the girl’s passion, Kathy’s mother suddenly realizes
that football might be her daughter’s future. She decides to take her to (5)
in London herself. Kathy feels that the audition went badly, but she is accepted and moves to
London to attend the school.

The movie ends with a scene that takes place years later, where her mother and sister are
sitting at the Emirates Stadium in London waiting to see Kathy play left wing in the Women’s
Champions League. Kathy Taylor is a heart-warming story that talks about Kathy’s battle with her
(6) mother and the need to express herself. It is a (7) of one
girl who follows her heart’s desire (8) .

E What do Kathy Taylor and Billy Elliot have in common? Write about it.

Revision UNIT 2 : I HAVE A PROBLEM...

A Complete the sentences with:

1 indefinite pronouns.

I say is true, but he doesn’t believe me.
2 The party is a great success.
is having fun.
3 There’s
to sit. Shall I get some more chairs?
4 I don’t want
to eat. I’m not hungry.

2 reported commands and requests.

1 Don’t throw your things all over the floor. My mum tells me
2 Don’t forget to do your homework. My teacher tells me
3 Please, call me later. My friend asks me

3 modal verbs.

1 He
speak French fluently.
2 I
tidy up my room. I go out now.
3 You
tell your parents about your problems. You deal with them
by yourself.
4 I
hear you. You shout all the time!

B Circle the correct option.

1 My dad works very hard / hardly. I hardly ever / hard ever see him.
2 He is a terrible / terribly driver. He drives fast / fastly and dangerous / dangerously.

3 I can’t hear you good / well. Why do you speak so quiet / quietly?

C Express your opinion; say if you agree or disagree.

1 The ABC is a good idea.
2 It is normal for parents to shout at children.

D Read the letter from a teenage magazine on the opposite page. Then answer the questions.
1 Why is Justin writing to Tinkerbell?

2 What do "The Fab Five” do to him?


3 Do the other kids do anything about it?


4 Can he talk to his best friend about it? Why?


5 Do the teachers know what is going on?


6 What do his parents say about the whole thing?


7 How does Justin feel about everything?


8 What is he doing today?



Hi, Tinkerbell!
Hi, Tinkerbell!

I‘m writing to you because you’re my last hope. I’m going

through a really bad period at school. It’s all because of
“The Fab Five”, a group of kids who are doing their best
to make my life miserable. They call me a nerd and they
laugh at me because I wear glasses. They also hide my
schoolbag or they throw my stuff around. I even get
threatening phone calls and messages. Why are they
doing this? Am I really such a failure? The other kids tease
me about it or they just do nothing. Even my best friend
doesn’t talk to me anymore. The teachers don’t know
what is going on because everybody pretends nothing is
happening. My parents are not much help either, because
they don’t take it seriously. My mum thinks I should just
forget about it, and my dad says it’s all just kids’ stuff. But,
it’s not. I’m getting more and more depressed every day. I don’t laugh any more. I stay
at home all the time and play the guitar. Now I’m working on a song called You’re not
alone. Isn’t that funny? It’s Saturday evening and I’m sitting here all alone playing that
song. It seems that You’re not alone doesn’t work in my case.


E Choose the correct indefinite pronoun. Which of the sentences are true according to Justin’s
letter? Tick them.

1 Nobody / Anybody knows anything / something about Justin’s problem.

2 Anybody / Everybody calls him names and laughs at him.

3 His best friend is trying to do everything / something about it.

4 His dad says it’s nothing / everything serious.

5 His mum thinks he should forget about something / everything.

6 He doesn’t go anywhere / nowhere. He stays at home all the time.

7 There is somebody / nobody who can do nothing / something to help him. It’s Tinkerbell.

F What should Justin do? Write Tinkerbell’s answer for the magazine.

LESSON 1 Pretty, Popular... Unhappy?
A Complete the sentences with words from the box. Then tick the sentences that are true for
party competition bet lie diet friends

1 I have never made a .

2 I have never made on the Internet.
3 I have never won a .
4 I have never been on a .
5 I have never had a .
6 I have never told my parents a .

B Match the beginnings of the sentences with their endings to get the summary of Amy’s post
to Brian.

1 Thanks to Archibald’s advice... have been so understanding

and supportive.
2 She is happy that her parents... to support the Club.
3 The fact that she doesn’t have to pretend any more... Amy has found strength to
speak up.
4 The ABC has started a campaign... but she thinks he doesn’t even
know she exists.
5 They are also having a party... has given her a great relief.
6 She fancies a boy who is a member of the Club, against bullying at school.

C Find words in Task B which mean the same as following.

1 an opinion about what to do a piece of a c
2 encouraging, ready to help s r e
to be, to live to x t
4 to present oneself differently from what they really are to t d
5 a feeling of ease after a difficult situation r f
6 to find somebody attractive to cy
7 to encourage, to give help to pp
power tr


D Complete the text with the words from the box and find out what Brian is thinking about.

on   over   up   out   up   out   to   away

I can’t believe this! Cinderella must be Amy Watson, the girl I know. And the boy she is talking
about, that could be me! I’m so glad she has talked her problem (1) . She has
finally spoken (2) . I should ask her (3) so that we can get
(4) know each other better. I could tell her I don’t really have a crush
(5) another girl. We could go to the party together. Hmm, I am getting carried
(6) a bit. And Celia? How come she suddenly wants me to pick her
(7) ? It seems that she has fallen (8) with Sarah again.

GRAMMAR Present perfect simple

E Complete the following sentences with has, have, hasn’t or haven’t so they are true according
to Amy’s post to Brian.
1 Brian invited Amy to the ABC party.
2 The ABC started the ABC campaign.
3 Amy’s parents taken her to hospital.
4 Amy been on a date with Brian.
5 Amy and her parents talked her problem over.
6 "The Untouchables" apologised to Amy.
7 Amy’s parents been so understanding and supportive.
8 Amy made a lot of friends.

F What has happened to Amy recently? Complete the sentences with the correct past
participles of the verbs below.

have be get find invite meet talk make

1 Amy has finally the strength to speak up.

2 She has to her parents about her problem.
3 She has to the school psychologist.
4 She hasn’t trouble with "The Untouchables".
5 She hasn’t friends yet.
6 Nobody has her to the ABC party yet.
7 She has someone interesting on the Internet.
8 She hasn’t to know the boy she fancies yet.


G Look at Celia’s ‘things to do’ list. Use the present perfect simple to write about the things she
has or hasn’t done so far.


X study chemistry (before my mum finds out about another D)
√ ask Brian out to the party (better company than Sarah)
X call Sarah (in case Brian turns me down)
X go shopping (nothing to wear for the party)
√ go on a diet (no comment!)
√ buy a fashion magazine (too see what’s in)
√ take up going to the gym (dancing is so boring)
X sign up for the ABC (Ugh!)

1 Celia .
2 .
3 .
4 .
5 .
6 .
7 .
8 .

GRAMMAR Present perfect simple with already, just, yet

H Unscramble the words and write sentences in the present perfect simple.

1 to the ABC party / Brian / just / Amy / invite

2 already / the Sherlocks / the ABC anthem / compose

3 figure out / Brian / already / who Cinderella really is

4 for the ABC party / make / Sarah and Jill / already / posters

5 two messages / Brian / receive / already / from Celia

6 Brain and Amy / not / yet / meet

7 to the party / yet / nobody / Celia / invite

8 sign up / already / for the ABC / Sarah, Jill and Brian


GRAMMAR Comparison of adjectives

I Celia is reading Looks, her favourite magazine. Complete Tasks 1 and 2 to find out what she
thinks of the girl on the cover.

1 Complete the sentences using the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets.
She is so much (pretty) than I am. She is
(thin), she is (tall), her hair is not as
(thin) as mine, her nose is (small),
her lips are (full), her legs are (long),
her clothes are (fashionable), she is
(popular) than me, she is... so much (happy) than I am.

2 Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.

I’m sure she wears (trendy) clothes, she drives (cool)

cars, she travels to (exotic) places, she meets (interesting)
people, she goes to (exciting) parties, she hangs out with the
(popular) guys. She must be (happy) girl in the world.

J Complete the advertisements with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets.

1 Have you ever dreamt of having as (perfect) a torso as your

favourite movie star? Just call 092 906 8856 to get (amazing)
Body Creator ever. For only ₤250 you’ll get (strong) muscles
in (short) time.

2 You have always wanted your skin to be as (smooth)

as silk, haven’t you? You can start eating your favourite chocolate again,
because the latest Dr Smorowsky anti-pimple facial cream is
(good) than ever. Not only that! It is (creamy)
and (softening) than before, it removes even
(ugly) pimples in just a few days. Buy now!

3 You can’t button up your jeans any more? You have felt as
(hungry) as a horse for days, but you have lost only one
pound? The new Slim-Trim candy bar will put an end to your troubles. It’s
(healthy) and (efficient) slimming candy
ever made. And (important) thing is that the results show within 24 hours!

4 Your mum tells you you’re as (pale) as a sheet and

she wants you to eat more vegetables to look healthier… With MultiV triple
formula, vegetables are history! MultiV pills are (healthy) and
(easy) to swallow than vegetables. They contain more vitamins
and they give you more energy. You only need one pill each day and you’ll feel
(good) and (strong) than ever.


LESSON 2 What an Awful Week for Celia!

A Complete the three dialogues with the correct words from the box.
recognise awful disappointed coward freak out
notice weight preach sign up pimples

Dialogue 1
A: Don’t you think Larissa has put on
B: Yeah. And I think she looks really
on that cover page.
A: That’s right. Her face is full of
B: Shush. She’ll if she hears us
talking behind her back.

Dialogue 2
A: Larissa has been so strange recently. I don’t really her anymore.
B: That’s right. I’m so with her. She’s all into this silly SAC (Stop Anorexia
Campaign). She doesn’t even we’re around.

Dialogue 3
A: Larissa has become a real pain recently.
B: Yes, all that she can think about is how to at us about this silly campaign.
A: You’re right. She says I’m a because I don’t want to for it.

B Find the words in Task A that mean the same as the explanations below. Write them into
the crossword to find the hidden word.

1 terrible
2 a person who is afraid of
3 to identify

4 4 to get very angry

5 sad because you don’t
get what you hoped for


GRAMMAR Present perfect simple

C Complete the sentences about Celia’s week with the correct past participle.
1 Celia has p on weight. 7 She hasn’t s up for the ABC yet.
2 Her hair has b thinner. 8 She hasn’t b to her dancing class this week.
3 She has f out with Sarah. 9 She hasn’t e anything since yesterday.
4 She hasn’t s to Sarah for 10 She has h problems with her teachers.
a week. 11 Nobody has a her out.
5 She has g another D in chemistry. 12 Everything has t against her.
6 She hasn’t t her mum about
the chemistry test yet.
D Larissa hasn’t been very happy recently either, although some good things have happened to
her. Use the following hints to write the present perfect sentences about her. Sort them out
under the or the sign.

sign up for the SAC hardly speak to her friends have a bar chocolate
be busy appear on the cover page do many shows feel lonely
not see her family not hear from her best friend not sleep in her own bed
smile in magazines and on TV not really be happy

Example: She has signed up for the SAC.

E Circle the correct time expressions.

My friends have been so strange (1) never / recently / ever. They have hardly spoken to me
(2) since / this month / ever I signed up for SAC. They say that models have been skinny
(3) since / for / recently ages, and that there is nothing we can do about it. They think I’m crazy
because I haven’t been on a diet (4) for / today / since a week now. I have just finished my
second bar of chocolate (5) never / ever / today! I can hear them saying I look awful, but the
funny thing is that this is the busiest month I have (6) ever / never / this month had. I have
(7) never / since last year / ever appeared on the cover before, I have (8) recently / today / never
done so many shows before. Still, I haven’t felt this lonely (9) since / for / this ages. I have made
hundreds of phone calls to my family (10) this month / never / for two weeks. I have called my
mum twice (11) recently / today / this year. I haven’t seen them (12) since / for / recently last
Christmas. I haven’t heard from my best friend (13) since / never / for weeks. I haven’t slept in my
own bed (14) for / since / today months. I have smiled in magazines and on TV, but I have
(15) ever / never / recently really been happy. Looks are not all that matters.


F Finish off the sentences so that they are true for you.
1 I have recently. 4 I have never .
2 I haven’t for ages. 5 I have already today.
3 I have this week. 6 I haven’t for a few days.

GRAMMAR Present perfect simple - questions

G Unscramble the questions for the Meet the Cover Girl column in Looks magazine.
1 How long / you / a model / been / have / ?

2 have / you / on the cover / appeared / How many times / ?

3 you / Which exotic places / visited / have / ?

4 ever / pimples / you / had / Have / ?

5 eaten / What / you / today / have / ?

6 money / recently / How much / you / spent / on your clothes / have / ?

7 a famous guy / Have / ever / you / dated / ?

8 Since when / seen / you / your family / haven’t / ?

9 signed up / Why / for SAC / you/ have / ?

10 recently / important decision / have / made / you /What / ?

H Match the questions in Task G and Larissa’s answers.

Very little. I usually wear jeans and T-shirts.
No, I haven’t. My hairdresser is the only famous guy around here.
Yes, I have. Who hasn’t?
None. Just Paris, Milan, London..., and their hotel rooms.
Just once.
Since last Christmas.
For three years.
To go back home. And back to school, of course!
Because models have become too skinny.
Two bars of chocolate, so far.


I Complete the questions by using the present perfect simple of the verbs in brackets.

(anyone / invite / you)
to the party?

(you / already / decide)

what to wear?

Why (you / not / sign up)

for the ABC?
(you / ever / care)
about anyone else but yourself?

Why (you / not / be)

to the dancing class this week?
Why (you / not / call)
me since last Friday?

J Finish the following questions. Then work in pairs and interview your partner.
1 Have you ever ?
2 How long have you ?
3 Since when haven’t you ?
4 How many have you this month?
5 How long haven’t you ?
6 Since when have you ?
7 Why have you today?
8 How much have you this week?


LESSON 3 What’s the Price of Perfection?

A Match these terms with their explanations.
are synthetic substances which help build up the muscles and
1 Anorexia...
increase strength and power.
2 Botox... is a potentially deadly eating disorder.

3 Lip augmentation... is a drug which helps remove facial wrinkles.

is a procedure where fat, synthetic collagen or silicone implants are

4 Anabolic steroids...
applied to the lips to make them bigger.
B Complete the four texts with words from the box.
implants    pale    under-weight gorgeous
powerful   effects   muscles   wrinkles   pressure

1 My skin used to be smooth, but look at me now! How can I get rid of these awful ?
I just want to look for my eighteenth birthday, you know.
2 My lips are thin again. The of the collagen injections have already gone.
I think this time you should apply silicone , doctor.
3 Is there anything apart from spinach that can help me to build up my ? My
friend has become so in only a few weeks. He looks so proud when he looks
at himself in the mirror.
4 I’m afraid I might be dangerously . I have been on a diet for two days now.
The  to be thin is so great, you know. My wife says I look , too.

C What is the doctor saying to his patients? Circle the correct word in each sentence.
1 Steroids are used in body-building and in sports illegally because they increase/ apply / remove
strength and power.
2 Botox injections can remove facial wrinkles but they can also have unpleasant side effects /
problems / symptoms.
3 Steroids can shorten / damage / build up your liver and heart.
4 Many people refuse / include / starve themselves because the pressure to be thin is great.
5 Silicone implants can cause powerful / successful / severe damage to your lips.
6 Even when they are dangerously under-weight anorexic people remove / refuse / choose
help, because they believe you can never be too thin.


D What may be the cause of these health problems? Sort them out under the right heading.
flu-like symptoms  headache  stomachache   allergic reactions 
emotional pain  redness  swelling   bleeding   pimples   hair loss 
liver damage   heart damage  kidney and heart problems

GRAMMAR Talking about a possibility – may / might

E Circle the correct option in these sentences.

1 More and more people want / might want to look perfect these days because they see all
these ‘perfect people’ in commercials and advertisements.
2 All those pretty faces that may smile / smile at us on TV or in magazines might not be / are not
3 It may surprise /surprises you that you can have a quick Botox shot even in a mall, after you’ve
done your shopping.
4 The use of steroids may be / is illegal in sports and body-building.
5 It is clear that the fashion industry puts / may put too much pressure on girls to be thin.

F Read this article and decide if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F).
1 You may look trendy if you have a piercing.
2 Piercing might protect you from evil.
3 Some people may be very surprised at your pierced belly button.
4 You might have serious health problems if you have piercing.

The Dangers of Piercing

Body piercing is one of the oldest forms of body art. In the past people pierced their bodies to
show their importance in the group, or because they believed it would protect them from evil.
Today piercing has become attractive to many teens simply because it is a trend. Pierced belly
buttons, lips, tongues and noses have become quite common. But piercing is not just
“a piece of cake”. It is a big decision which leads to serious health problems. The risks include
infections, allergic reactions, bleeding and damage to nerves and teeth. Apart from allergic
reactions, the wrong type of jewellery causes swelling and a lot of pain. If the needles used for
piercing haven’t been sterilized properly, you get hepatitis B and C or even an HIV infection.

G Look at the article in Task F and rewrite the sentences that contain the verb in colour. Use
may or might.



LESSON 4 What Should I Wear?

A Match the adjectives with the correct items of clothing by ticking the right box in the grid.
jeans dress boots jacket shirt trousers boxers
baggy √ √

B Dress up the two dummies in the best or the worst possible party outfit. Use the items
of clothing in Task A.

C Use some of these words to describe the outfits in Task B.

elegant scruffy casual old-fashioned original glamorous

showy trendy expensive tacky cheap
interesting weird uncomfortable chic flashy

The happy dummy’s outfit is , and .

The sad dummy’s outfit is , and .


D Pam and Vicky are at the ABC party. They are talking about clothes. Complete the missing
words in the dialogue. The words in Task C may help you.

Pam: Hi, Vicky. You look so (1) g in that dress.

Vicky: Thanks. I have always wanted to look (2) c .

Pam: Me too, but people often say I look (3) c .

Vicky: Goodness, no! I think you look... (4) i ! It’s only that...

Pam: What?

Vicky: I think too much jewellery can make you look (5) t .

Pam: But it is (6) t , isn’t it?

Vicky: It certainly is, but...

Pam: Look, is that Brian? Who is he talking to?

Vicky: I have never seen her. She looks so (7) s . Poor Brian.

Pam: It seems that he prefers a (8) c to an (9) e look.
Vicky: I think he’s (10) o -f himself, that’s all.

Pam: That’s right. Anyway, let’s dance!

Vicky: Er, these boots are quite (11) u , you know. And this dress is
a little bit too tight... Why don’t we just sit down, instead?

GRAMMAR Present simple, present continuous and present perfect simple

E Complete the sentences with the correct time expressions. Then tick the sentences that are
true for you.
1 I have bought a new pair of trainers .
A recently B now C never
2 I haven’t worn boots a long time.
A since B yet C for
3 I usually wear trousers, but I’m wearing a skirt.
A sometimes B today C never
4 I buy trendy clothes.
A just B now C always
5 I wear jeans and sweatshirts.
A already B this week C usually
6 I’m not wearing any jewellery .
A usually B right now C never
7 I spend a lot of time in front of the mirror .
A sometimes B always C every day
8 My teachers have complained about my clothes.
A this week B never C sometimes


F Put the words into the correct order to get sentences about Adrian, Simon, Jill and Amy.
1 wearing / Adrian / is / favourite pair / even now / of military boots / his
2 liked / always / Simon / trendy clothes / has
3 hardly ever / shoes / wears / Adrian
4 hasn’t / her / yet / new pair / worn / Jill / of trainers
5 a mini skirt / never / worn / Amy / has
6 but / interesting / wears / Jill / usually / inexpensive / clothes
7 today / is / a new pair / Amy / wearing / of jeans

G Sarah is getting ready for the party. Choose the correct tense from the options below to
complete the text.

When it comes to dressing up, I usually (1) the first thing that I come across. My
friend Celia (2) I’m old-fashioned, but I’m simply not much of a fashion freak. I
usually (3) casual clothes, like jeans and sweatshirts. I (4)
a mini skirt recently, but I (5) it yet. Celia (6) it suits me
perfectly, but somehow I feel stupid in it. I (7) Celia’s high-heeled boots, but I
almost broke my leg. Celia says high heels make you look taller, but I (8) my
trainers better. I wear shoes or sandals only when I (9) to the theatre or some
place like that. Today I (10) trainers and some comfortable clothes again,
because I’m going to dance all the time.

1 am grabbing grab have grabbed

2 is saying says has said
3 am wearing wear have worn
4 am buying buy have bought
5 am not wearing don’t wear haven’t worn
6 is thinking thinks has thought
7 am trying try have tried
8 am always liking always like have always liked
9 am going go have gone
10 am wearing wear have worn


H What does Brian say about his T-shirt? Complete the text by using the present simple, the
present continuous or the present perfect simple of the verbs in brackets to find out.

I (1) (have) this Superman T-shirt for a long time, but I (2) (not / wear)
it before. I (3) (put / it / on) now because I want everyone to get the message:
I (4) (hate) injustice and I (5) (try) to help those who are
in trouble. Superman (6) (be) my favourite hero since I was kid, and I
(7) (always / look up) to him. My friends sometimes (8) (tease)
me about it, because they say we (9) (not / have) super powers to
change the world. I know I can’t change the world, but I (10) (do) my
best to make it a better place. I (11) (never / want) to stand by and do
nothing. I (12) (always / want) to stand up and make a difference.
(13) (you / ever / stand up)? If you (14) (not / do / it / yet),
you can let your T-shirt speak up for you. This is what I like about fashion.

I Use the present simple, the present continuous or the present perfect simple to write
questions using the given words. Then answer them.
1 Why / Brian / wear / a Superman T-shirt?
2 Since when / Superman/ be / Brian’s favourite hero?
3 Why / Brian’s friends / sometimes / tease him?
4 What / Brian / like/ about fashion?

EVERYDAY ENGLISH Suggesting, accepting and refusing

J Match the following.

Let’s... to see that new film?
Why... have a party!
Shall... going to the cinema tomorrow?
4 Would you like... we play cards?
We... don’t we go for a walk?
6 How about... could go for a swim.

K Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

1 Would you like me (come) with you?
2 Listen, why don’t you (get) me a Coke?
3 Would you like (dance)?
4 How about (dance) with me?
5 Shall I (bring) you a Coke, then?
6 We could (go out) to get some fresh air.


L Copy the suggestions from Task K in the correct places to complete the conversation.
David: Hi, Pam! (1) ?
Pam: Yes, I’d love to!
Vicky: Pam!
Pam: I’d love to, but... I’ve got a headache, you know.
David: That’s a pity. (2) ?
It helps, at least so they say.
Pam: That’s a great idea. (3) ?
David: Sure, why not? You know I always enjoy your company.
Vicky: Pam!
Pam: Err, I’m sorry but... I’m not really thirsty any more.
David: OK, see you later, then.
Vicky: What a jerk!
Pam: But, why? He seems like a nice guy.
Vicky: He doesn’t have the slightest idea about fashion. Have you seen his clothes?
Pam: Yes, but...
Vicky: (4) ? I really have a terrible headache now.
Pam: (5) .
Vicky: That would be nice, but you know I can’t walk in these shoes. Besides, it’s too cold outside.
Pam: All right then. I’ll be back in a minute.
David: Have you seen Pam? They’re playing her favourite song.
Vicky: She‘s just gone home. (6) ? I’m a great dancer.
David: Why not?
Vicky: Let’s go then!

M Write a dialogue with the help of these instructions.
A: Invite your friend to the cinema tonight.
B: Your friend refuses. He / she suggests another day or another film.
A: You refuse. Suggest doing something different another day.
B: Your friend agrees. He / she suggests a time and place to meet.
A: You agree.



From Brian’s Bookshelf: An American Icon

A Put the following information in the correct order to get the summary of the text
An American Icon.

1 In 1921 Chuck Taylor introduces the game of basketball

and troops. In the 1950s Converse shoes become the symbol of
more and more popular in the USA. When America enters
Converse All Stars. Thanks to him, basketball becomes
youth rebellion with James Dean as its fashion icon. They continue to
compete with rivals, so in 2003 Nike buys out the company for $305 million.
World War II, Converse produces boots and suits for pilots
the 80s. In spite of their long history and mass popularity, Converse can’t
to Americans across the country, all the while wearing his
be the symbol of counter-culture through the 60s, the 70s and into

B Complete the questions with the correct word from the box.

rivals  company  owners  rebellion  appeal  lifestyle  War  team

1 Which does the U.S. All Star team defeat to win their first Olympic gold medal?
2 When does America enter World II?
3 When did Converse sneakers become the symbol of youth ?
4 Which does Nike buy out for $305 million?
5 Who are the Converse can’t compete with?
6 Why do some people say that Chucks have lost some of their ?
7 Have Converse sneakers always been a statement of an alternative ?
8 How many Americans are proud of at least one pair of Converse Sneakers?

C Match the questions in Task B with the correct answers.

Nike, Adidas and Rebook.

Over 60%.
In the 1950s.
The Converse Company.
Because the rival Nike buys out the company.
Yes, they have.
On December 7, 1941.


D Read the article and answer the questions.

Croatia – The Home of the First Tie

Did you know that Croatia is the homeland of the first tie? Let’s go back to the beginning of the
17th century when Croatian soldiers wear a scarf around their necks as part of their traditional
military dress. During the Thirty-Years’ War (1618-1648), Croatian soldiers get as far as Paris. The
French like their style so much, that they start wearing this new fashion item “a la Croate”. This
expression gives birth to the new French word “cravate” and the tie soon becomes known as a
symbol of elegance all over the world. Four hundred years later the largest tie in the world is tied
around the Pula Arena. The 808-meter-long tie presents Croatia as the home of the tie to the
The story of the tie has its romantic side, too. Croatian folk tradition explains why soldiers put
on those scarves. Girlfriends and wives gave their boyfriends and husbands scarves as a symbol
of their love and fidelity. It’s not surprising that a tie has always been among the most popular
presents for gentlemen.

1 Which country is the homeland of the first tie?

2 What do Croatian soldiers wear in the 17th century?
3 Who adopts it as a fashion item?
4 What is the origin of the word “cravate”?
5 Why is the largest tie in the world tied around the Pula Arena four hundred years later?
6 Which symbol does the tie have in Georgian folk tradition?

A Complete the sentences with the missing words.
1 If you eat too much chocolate you might get p .
2 Mia hardly says hello to me these days. I can’t r her any more.
3 The majority of models are seriously u -w .
4 A good teacher should be u and s .
5 Would you join a c against wearing fur?
6 Before taking the medicine, read the list of s e it may have.
7 Taking illegal chemical substances may d your liver and heart.
8 Nuts may cause an a r in some people.
9 Although she is not thin, Oprah is one of the most s women in show business.
10 The number of girls suffering from anorexia is i .

B Write an adjective or a noun.

perfect power
strength support
success lost
emotional happy
healthy nature

C Insert the missing auxiliary verbs: am, is, are, do, does, have and has.
1 I listening to the new B Cool CD.

2 How often you have basketball training sessions?

3 How many friends she made on Facebook?

4 She never been to Canada.

5 He reading a love message.

6 What you usually do in the afternoon?

7 Why they jumping and hugging each other?

8 How many points she scored?

9 Where she often go shopping for clothes?

10 You ever won a local championship?


D Complete the following texts with the present simple, present continuous or present perfect of
the verbs in brackets.

I (1) (not / go) out much. I usually (2) (stay) at home
and (3) (spend) a lot of time in front of my computer.
Right now I (4) (chat) with my friend from Canada. Facebook
(5) (be) so cool. I (6) (make) so many friends from
Paula all around the world this year. I (7) (not / meet) any of them yet,
but I (8) (save) money to go to Canada next summer.
I (9) (already / find) tons of interesting stuff about it on the Internet, and it
(10) (look) like a pretty cool place. I (11) (also / buy) a pair of
skates because my friend (12) (promise) to teach me how to play ice-hockey.

I (1) (just / download) B Cool’s new album. It’s awesome!
I (2) (never / hear) anything like that before. I (3) (already
/ make) a copy for my best friend. He also (4) (listen) to hip hop, and he is
one of B Cool’s biggest fans. He (5) (also / see) him in concert twice.
Jay I (6) (not / be) to any of his concerts, but my parents
(7) (promise) to let me go to one next time. I (8) (not / go)
out much these days because I (9) (be) very busy at the moment. My friend and
I (10) (practice) every day, because we (11) (prepare) for a slam.
And, we (12) (hope) to win this time.

I (1) (just / get) another love message. I (2) (already /
receive) five of them today. It (3) (not / surprise) me because I’m the
best-looking guy at school. I usually (4) (delete) most of the love messages I
(5) (get), but this one (6) (sound) interesting.
It’s from Vicky. She (7) (want) to meet me this afternoon. I usually
(8) (go) to the gym in the afternoon, but today I
(9) (definitely / go) to the shopping mall with Vicky. After all, I
(10) (need) a pair of new trainers, and she can help me pick them out.

I (1) (just / score) the winning point for my team! This is the third
game we (2) (win) this month. We (3) (jump) and
(4) (hug) each other, and our coach (5) (open)
a bottle of champagne. This month we (6) (prepare) for the local
championship and we (7) (have) training sessions every day.
I (8) (already / miss) a lot of classes, but my teachers
Samantha (9) (always / be) so understanding because they know that
basketball (10) (mean) the world to me.

E Unscramble the questions and then answer them.
1 to / Canada / Paula / been / ever / Has ?

2 What / listen to / does / Jay / music / kind / of ?

3 love messages / has / today / Andy / How many / received ?

4 opening / Why / Samantha’s coach / is / a bottle of champagne ?

5 Paula / often / Does / go out ?

6 Jay / What / think about / does / B Cool’s new album ?

7 Are / to the gym / Andy and Vicky / going ?

8 Samantha / missed / so / Why / many classes / has ?

F Insert the missing words from the box in the correct places in the text about B Cool.
as than more most the not

He is as good looking as some Hollywood actors, but he is certainly cooler most of them. And, he is
surely a better singer! His last album is best hip hop album ever. His lyrics are even provocative than
before, and his video clips are even more shocking. No wonder What’s Up? has been nominated for
many music awards as a hip hopper can get. B Cool is definitely the popular hip hopper in the world.

G Write what may (not) / might (not) happen in each of the following situations.

Example: Samantha is preparing for the local championship. She might win the championship.

1 Samantha would like to go to Canada.

2 Jay has made a copy of B Cool’s album for his friend.
3 Vicky hardly ever arrives on time.
4 Paula spends a lot of time on Facebook.
5 B Cool has been nominated for many music awards.


LESSON 1 Love Hurts

A Match the two halves of the sentences.

1 I just can’t bear some guys at the party yesterday.

2 I can’t trust me?

3 Tell me everything. I’m such a jerk.

4 You know I’m head over seeing you talk to the other guys.

5 I always blow heels in love with you.

6 I saw you chatting up making a fool of me.

7 Why don’t you figure it out.

8 I sometimes think you’re only the truth.

B Pam is watching Love Hurts, her favourite soap opera. Complete the dialogue between the
two main characters by writing the numbers of the corresponding expressions from Task A in
the boxes.

Louis: Do you still love me, Lorena? .

Lorena: You know I do, Louis. ?
Louis: I know I’m a pain, but ... .
Lorena: You’ve got no reason to be jealous, Louis.
Louis: . Tell me I’m wrong.
Lorena: What are you talking about, Louis? .
Louis: . You laughed and had a good time.
Lorena: Stop bothering me with stupid stories
again, Louis. I’ve told you I LOVE YOU.
Louis: Oh, I’m such a jerk! .
Lorena: Yes, you are. Louis. I’ve had enough now.
I’m leaving.
Louis: I’m so sorry, Lorena. . Don’t leave me!


GRAMMAR Present perfect simple with for and since

C What happened in the previous episode of Love Hurts? Complete the episode summary using
the past simple of the verbs in brackets to find out.
Lorena (1) (be) at a party yesterday. It was her best friend’s birthday and there
(2) (be) many people there. She was sad because Louis (3) (not / want)
to come with her. He (4) (not / like) the idea of dancing and laughing on his own
because he is a shy guy. Besides, he (5) (know) that Eva, Lorena’s best friend, never
really liked him. Eva (6) (think) that Lorena deserved a better guy than just a poor
second-class football player. She (7) (not / can) understand why a pretty girl like
Lorena (8) (love) someone like Louis. He (9) (not / be) rich, he
(10) (drive) an old car and his clothes (11) (be) awful. And he
(12) (have) no chance of making the Gauchos first team ever. Eva herself
(13) (be) proud of Enrique, her boyfriend. He (14) (be) a college
student and an excellent baseball player. He (15) (have) a big house, he drove
a fancy car and (16) (wear) fancy clothes. Eva was head over heels in love with
him, but there was something about Enrique she (17) (not / know).
He (18) (fancy) Lorena. He even (19) (ask / her / out) secretly
a couple of times, but she (20) (turn / him / down). She (21) (not / tell)
Eva anything because she (22) (not / want) to hurt her. Besides, she
(23) (not / care) about Enrique at all. When Enrique (24) (see) Lorena
at the party, he (25) (start) to chat her up. Eva couldn’t bear seeing Enrique with
another girl, so she (26) (make) a plan. She (27) (send)
a message to Louis saying: “Lorena (28) (stand / you / up) for Enrique”. When he
(29) (get) the message Louis was just about to ring Eva’s doorbell. He couldn’t
wait to see Lorena to tell her the great news. He had made the Gauchos first team! He
(30) (must run) to the party. He (31) (must hug) her. But then, he
(32) (read) the message. He first (33) (think) it was a joke. But, then...
he somehow (34) (feel) Lorena was too good for him. He (35) (hope)
that she loved him, but he (36) (not / be) sure any more.
He (37) (not / remember) ringing the doorbell, but suddenly he
(38) (find) himself staring at Lorena talking to some guys. Enrique was there, too.
He (39) (laugh). She (40) (seem) happy, too. She obviously
(41) (not / miss) him much, he thought. He (42) (want) to scream,
but he just (43) (turn around) and (44) (leave).

D Change the verbs in colour to make true sentences according to the text in Task C.
1 Lorena didn’t go to Eva’s party alone. .
2 Louis was at Eva’s party all the time. .
3 Eva liked Louis very much. .
4 Louis had a lot of money. .
5 Louis drove an expensive car and wore fancy clothes. .
6 Enrique didn’t like Lorena. .
7 Lorena stood Louis up for Enrique. .
8 In the end, Louis didn’t come to the party. .
9 Louis didn’t see Lorena at the party. .
10 Louis and Lorena went home together. .

E What do Louis and Pam have in common? Find out by completing the text with the right verb
in the past simple.

not / know   make   think   be   happen   wear   blow
feel   give   see   write   smile   not / be   like

Sniff! Poor Louis. He loved Lorena so much, they (1) so happy together, and then
this witch Eva (2) everything. I know exactly how he (3) at the party.
The same thing (4) to me yesterday. Oh, I almost died when I (5)
David dancing with my best friend Vicky. I (6) even she fancied him.
He (7) her type at all. She always liked popular guys who (8) trendy
clothes. And David? Sniff! I thought he (9) ME and not Vicky. He always
(10) at me, he (11) me a box of chocolates for St Valentine’s Day,
and he even (12) a poem for me. I (13) he was so romantic. But I
was so stupid. He (14) a fool of me. Love hurts, now I know it myself! Sniff!

GRAMMAR Could / couldn’t, was / were able to

F Rewrite the sentences using could, couldn’t or was able to.

Example: It was possible for Eva to see Enrique chatting up Lorena.
Eva could see Enrique chatting up Lorena.
1 Enrique didn’t manage to make Lorena go out with him.
2 It was possible for Louis to hear Enrique and Lorena laughing at the party.
3 Louis managed to make the Gauchos first team.
4 Eva managed to think of a plan on how to make Louis jealous.
5 At first it wasn’t possible for Louis to believe Eva’s message.
6 Louis didn’t manage to scream when he saw Lorena and Enrique together.
7 It wasn’t possible for Louis to be sure if Lorena really loved him.

G What happened in the next episode of Love Hurts? Write the episode summary.


LESSON 2 Sweet Little Lies

A Complete the dialogue between Adrian and Jill with the words from the box.
detail solve beginning case impossible investigation
unbelievable count on mood concentrate carry out
Adrian: I must (1) this case.
Jill: What (2) ?
Adrian: You know, The Case of the Missing Girl.
Jill: Are you talking about Amy?
Adrian: Sure, I am. I’ll (3) my own investigation.
Jill: Your own (4) ?! How are you going to do that?
Adrian: I have to (5) on every little (6) . I have to find out
what was going on from the very (7) of the party to the very end.
Jill: How can you find that out? That’s (8) !
Adrian: No, it’s not. I just have to ask many people many questions to find out what really
happened. So, when did you...
Jill: Look, I’m not really in the (9) . I have a stomachache and... I really
have to go now, bye!
Adrian: (10) ! I thought I could (11) her... Oh, Pam is
coming. She has been so strange since the party. Maybe she is hiding something...

GRAMMAR Past continuous - questions

B Complete Adrian’s questions for Pam with was, were or did.

1 When you come to the party? 6 Where you while Vicky was dancing?
2 Who you come with? 7 you dance with David, too?
3 you with Vicky all the time? 8 you jealous of Vicky and David?
4 you notice anything strange at 9 David your boyfriend?
the party? 10 Oops, I almost forgot! you see
5 What strange about Vicky? Amy and Brian?

C Match Pam’s answers with the questions in Task B.

Well, she danced with David, the boy she didn’t like at all. Wasn’t that strange enough?
Hmm, I was at the bar. Bringing her a Coke. To cure a headache she didn’t obviously have.
Brian and who....? No, I didn’t see them. What do they have to do with my case, anyway?
No, I didn’t. But he wanted to dance with me first!
I remember that. I came with Vicky.
Of course, I was jealous! Who wouldn’t have been?!
No, I wasn’t. At first she wanted me to stay with her all the time, and then she decided to get rid of me.
I came, err, at around... 7, or was it 8 p.m.? Oh, my head is a mess.
Oh, yes, I certainly did. My friend Vicky was more than just strange.
No, he wasn’t. But, I fancied him. And I thought he fancied me. And then...


D Unscramble the questions David asked Vicky at the party to find out who he really cares
about. Then write Vicky’s answers.

At the party...
David: Vicky:
1 Pam / When / leave / did / ?
1 At around .
2 she / Why / so early / leave / did / ?
2 Because .
3 she / OK / Was / ?
3 Yes, .
4 together / you / all the time / Were / ?
4 Yes, .
5 at all / dance / Did / she / ?
5 Yes, .
6 I like her / Did / tell you / I / very much / ?
6 No, .
7 talk / she / about me / Did / ?
7 No, .
8 about / my poem to her / she / tell you / Did / ?
8 No, .

E What was Vicky thinking about while dancing with David? Use the given words and write
questions in the past simple to find out. Make any necessary changes.

1 why / I / ask / David / to dance / ?

2 I / tell / Pam / he’s a real pain / ?

3 where / he / buy / this / awful jacket / ?

4 why / I / put on / these / terrible shoes / ?

5 why / I lie / to Pam / ?

6 I / jealous / of her / ?

7 why / nobody / ask me / to dance / ?

8 where / Pam / disappear / ?


F What is your experience with “sweet little lies”? Choose one group of questions (1 or 2) to
help you write about it.

When did you last tell a lie?

Who did you tell a lie to?
What did you lie about and why?
How did you feel about it?
Did the person you lied to find out about it?
How did he / she react?
How did you feel?
How did it all end?

When did you last find out somebody lied to you?

Who lied to you?
What did this person lie about and why?
How did you find out about it?
How did you feel about it?
How did the person who lied feel?
Did he / she apologise for lying to you?
How did it all end?



LESSON 3 Great Romances of the 20th Century

A Transcription corner Copy the words from the box next to the corresponding pronunciation

peace   retired   career   poverty   exhibition   blind
married   friendship   rumour   marriage

1 /²p‰vœtˆ/
2 /²mærid/
3 /kœ²rˆœ(r)/
4 /rˆ²taˆœd/
5 /³eksˆ²bˆ¡(œ)n/
6 /²ru°mœ(r)/
7 /²mærˆd¢/
8 /blaˆnd/
9 /²frend¡ˆp/
10 /pi°s/

B Complete the sentences with the words from Task A. Make any necessary changes.
1 At the age of 39 Joe DiMaggio was already a baseball player.
2 The song Give Peace a Chance promotes world .
3 During the Great Depression most people lived in .
4 Joe and Marilyn’s ended after only nine months.
5 Bonnie and Clyde never got .
6 John and Yoko’s turned into a romance.
7 Marilyn didn’t want to give up her for love.
8 There were that Bonnie herself never fired a shot.
9 John Lennon visited Yoko’s in London in 1966.
10 DiMaggio asked a friend to set up a date with Marilyn.


C Circle the correct word from the options below and complete the gaps in this story.

Lisa and Bobby

They met on a (1) date in a shabby coffee bar on a rainy November evening. It
was (2) at first sight for both of them. They became (3) and
got married a year later. The marriage was (4) from the start. She was 39 and
already retired, because she gave up her job as a (5) waitress. He was 27 and
at the (6) of his fame. She wanted a husband who would spend more time at
home and look after her, but he didn’t want to (7) his career. They quarrelled
all the time and nobody was surprised when they (8) after only seven months.
Their marriage ended when she found out that her husband was not a famous artist, but a
(9) thief, instead. They (10) divorced, but always remained
best friends. He soon became known as a notorious (11) whose bank robberies,
mostly (12) at the beginning, turned into more (13) crimes.
When he was killed in an (14) street in L.A. she was heartbroken. For twenty-five
years she brought red roses to his (15) every week. She never married again
and never (16) a relationship with another man. She spent the rest of her life
promoting peace and (17) against violence. She also wrote and
(18) the song Don’t give violence a chance.

1 dumb / blind / naked 10 got / became / went

2 romance / marriage / love 11 artist / poet / criminal
3 connected / inseparable / retired 12 violent / innocent / stormy
4 stormy / windy / rainy 13 notorious / petty / violent
5 famous / well-paid / part-time 14 isolated / lonely / alone
6 height / weight / sight 15 grave / tomb / graveyard
7 break up / split up / give up 16 got / made / had
8 dropped by / got married / split up 17 recording / protesting / promoting
9 aggressive / petty / innocent 18 recorded / remained / compared

D Complete these expressions with the correct words from Task C.

1 to promote p 6 to protest against v
2 to g married 7 to q all the time
3 to get d 8 to give up a c
4 to b inseparable 9 to r best friends
5 to have a r 10 to record a s


GRAMMAR Past simple - subject and object questions

E Correct the mistakes.

1 Who did meet on a blind date?

2 What did happen a year later?

3 What Lisa found out about her husband?

4 What did happen in an isolated street in L.A.?

5 What organized Lisa after Bobby was killed?

6 Which flowers Lisa brought to Bobby’s grave every week?

7 What did Lisa for the rest of her life?

8 Which Lisa’s song did promote peace?

F Write the past simple questions to the following sentences so that the word or expression in
colour is the answer.
Example: Bobby met Lisa on a blind date in a shabby coffee bar on a rainy November evening.
Who met Lisa on a blind date in a shabby coffee bar on a rainy November evening?

1 Bobby met Lisa on a blind date in a shabby coffee bar on a rainy November evening.
Who ?
2 Bobby met Lisa on a blind date in a shabby coffee bar on a rainy November evening.
How ?
3 Bobby met Lisa on a blind date in a shabby coffee bar on a rainy November evening.
Where ?
4 Bobby met Lisa on a blind date in a shabby coffee bar on a rainy November evening.
When ?
5 Bobby met Lisa on a blind date in a shabby coffee bar on a rainy November evening.
What ?


G Put the paragraphs in the right order to get the story of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor.

Duke and Duchess of Windsor

 n December 11, Edward VIII gave up his throne. He didn’t want to be the king without
the woman he loved. His younger brother succeeded him as King George VI and granted
Edward the title Duke of Windsor.

 he Duke of Windsor died in Paris on May 28, 1972. The Duchess remained in Paris until her
own death on April 24, 1986. They were buried in the royal cemetery at Windsor Castle in

1 In 1930, while he was still Prince of Wales, Edward met the American Wallis Simpson. When
she met the prince she was married to her second husband, Ernest Simpson. The prince,
who was single and had a reputation as a playboy, fell deeply in love with Mrs Simpson.

 fter the death of his father in 1936, Edward VIII became The King of England. Mrs Simpson
divorced her husband later that year. The king wanted to marry her, but the royal family and
government officials didn’t want to accept a twice-divorced American as Queen.

 he Duke of Windsor married Wallis on June 3, 1937, but she was never accepted by the
royal family. For the rest of their lives the couple lived abroad, mostly in France.

H Read the text in Task G again and write questions for the following answers.
1 Who with?
Mrs Wallis Simpson.

2 When
the King of England?
In 1936.

3 What on December 11?

He gave up his throne.

4 Why his throne?

Because he didn’t want to be the king without the woman he loved.

5 Which title ?
The Duke of Windsor.

6 Where for
the rest of their lives?
In France.


LESSON 4 How Did They Meet?

A Match the beginnings of the sentences to the correct endings.
1 We were both late for the train and... out, I was thrilled.
2 Fate brought us together again a week later... because I’ve taken up a course.
3 We met and the whole world tumbled... when we bumped into each other in
the local supermarket.
4 I went to hospital for a check-up when... we both grabbed the same taxi.
5 When the bus stopped we both rushed out... without even saying goodbye.
6 When he finally asked me... but he didn’t show up.
7 We exchanged e-mail addresses and... started sending each other e-mails
8 It took me hours to get ready that evening... next to me, I burst into laughter.
9 I’ve improved my Spanish since we first met... down in front of my eyes.
10 When a guy with a bandaged nose sat down... I first saw him.

B Complete the questions with appropriate words from Task A. Then answer the questions.

1 When did you last go to hospital for a ?

2 Have you ever taken up a in a foreign language?

3 Does it sometimes take for you to get ready?

4 Have you ever had a nose or a wrist?

5 Have you ever exchanged e-mails with someone you met a short time before?

6 When were you last about something?

7 When was the last time the tumbled down in front of your eyes? Why?

8 Do you stay sitting when your teacher enters the classroom?


C Complete the sentences with the correct preposition with the help of Task A. Then tick
the sentences that are true for you.
1 I have never been late school.
2 I have never rushed of the classroom without saying goodbye to my teacher.
3 I have recently asked someone .
4 I have never taken an extra course in English.
5 I often burst laughter during class.
6 I have never been to hospital a check-up.
7 I have never bumped someone I know in the local supermarket.
8 I recently haven’t showed for a maths test.

GRAMMAR Present perfect simple and past simple

D Spot the grammar mistake in each sentence and rewrite the sentences so that they are
1 I haven’t saw him for a long time.

2 He tried to chat me up, but I didn’t understood a word of Spanish.

3 I first seen her in the local supermarket, and it was love at first sight for both of us.

4 When I first saw her, I fancyed her immediately.

5 How long they have been married?

6 Have you spoke to her since you split up?

7 Where did they first met?

8 We hasn’t been to the cinema since last month.

E Circle the correct time expression.

1 They have known each other yesterday / last month / for a week.
2 My parents got married since 1990 / in 1990 / for many years.
3 We have exchanged tons of e-mails so far, but we haven’t met yet / never / last year.
4 She met him on the beach since last week / last summer / never.
5 She had the most beautiful smile I have ever / today / a few years ago seen.
6 I didn’t see her for two months / since we split up / at the party yesterday.
7 I’ve sent her five love messages two days ago / yesterday / today.
8 We’ve been to the cinema twice last month / this month / a few days ago.


F Unscramble the words to make correct sentences and questions.

1 seen / I / changed / haven’t / he / schools / him / since / .

2 Did / in love / last summer / fall / you / ?

3 this week / Have / you / with him / been out / ?

4 Why / phone / yesterday / didn’t / me / you / ?

5 together / We / two years / have / for / been / .

6 split up / My / when I was six / parents / .

7 asked / He/ a minute ago / me out / finally / .

8 you / been / Since when / together / have / ?

G Circle the correct verb form, the present perfect simple or the past simple. Then put
the sentences into the correct order to get Brian’s story.
She hasn’t spoken / didn’t speak to me since then.
When she has said / said “yes” I have been / was the happiest man in the world.
My last chance is a message I have just put / just put into her locker.
I have wanted / wanted to tell her that we actually know each other, so I have asked / asked
her out to a party.
She hasn’t replied / didn’t reply to any of my messages since then.
I was surprised to find out that Cinderella has been / was actually a girl I know.
I have known / I knew her for a couple of months now.
We have met / met on the Internet and I haven’t known / didn’t know who she really was at first.
But, things have gone / went wrong there.
I have also tried/ also tried to get her on the phone many times so far, but she
hasn’t wanted / didn’t want to talk to me.

H Complete the text with the present perfect simple or the past simple form of the verbs in


This story might sound familiar to you, but I (1) (not / tell) it yet! It’s just that history
(2) (repeat) itself twice so far, when it comes to our family getting to know each
other. My grandma and grandad (3) (know) each other for ages. They first
(4) (meet) 40 years ago! How (5) (it / happen)? Well, they
(6) (tell) me their story so many times that I remember every detail. Anyway, they
(7) (be) late for a flight and they both (8) (grab) the same taxi.


At first they (9) (quarrel) because neither (10) (want) to give up the
ride. Then they (11) (realize) they were both going in the same direction. When the
taxi (12) (stop) they (13) (rush out) into the airport building without
even saying goodbye. But fate (14) (bring) them together again. Half an hour later
they (15) (bump) into each other in the aeroplane. When they
(16) (sit down) next to each other, they (17) (can’t stop) laughing.
And then, while having their sandwiches, grandfather (18) (ask) granny to marry
him. She almost (19) (choke), but said “yes”. They have (20) (be)
happily married for 40 years now, and they (21) (fall out) out yet. They
(22) (just / celebrate) their anniversary, and they (23) (do) it on the
plane. It’s the first time they (24) (fly) by plane since they met!

I Use the present perfect simple or the past simple to write questions using the given words.
Then answer them.
1 How long / Sarah’s grandparents / know each other / ?

2 When / they first meet / ?

3 How / they / meet / ?

4 How long / they / be married / ?

5 How / they celebrate / their 40th anniversary / ?

6 how long / they / not / fly / by plane / For / ?

J Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the present perfect
simple or the past simple.

Example: When did they get married?

How long have they been married? (they / be married)

1 We met five years ago.

We (know) each other for five years.
2 I haven’t seen him since Friday.
I last (see) him on Friday.
3 They got married in 1990.
They (be married) since 1990.
4 I fell in love with him last year.
Since when (you / be) in love with him?

K Complete the sentences to make them true for you.

1 I yesterday. 4 I some time ago.
2 I since last week. 5 I recently.
3 I for a long time. 6 I last summer.


From Brian’s Bookshelf: Romeo and Juliet

A Match the words to get phrases.

1 bitter ball 5 sleeping families

2 family of love 6 noble tomb

3 masked quarrel 7 love potion

4 vows enemies 8 family at first sight

B Complete the sentences with phrases from Task A.

1 The Montagues and the Capulets, two , hated each other for years.
2 The Montagues and the Capulets were .
3 The Capulets held a .
4 Romeo and Juliet exchanged .
5 Friar Laurence gave Juliet a .
6 When Romeo met Juliet it was .
7 The Capulets placed Juliet’s body in the .
8 The Capulets and Montagues agreed to end their .

C Answer the questions with the help of the words in the box.

a wedding a poison a message a monument in disguise

secretly desperate at dawn

1 How did Romeo and his friends go to the Capulets’ party?

2 How did Romeo feel when he heard Juliet was dead?

3 When did Romeo leave?

4 What did the two families promise to build in memory of their children?

5 What did the Capulets plan after Juliet agreed to marry Paris?

6 How did Friar Laurence marry Romeo and Juliet?

7 What did Romeo buy before he returned to Verona?

8 What was Friar Laurence supposed to send to Romeo?


D Match the following phrases from Romeo and Juliet with their equivalents in modern English.

1 Good morrow. What do you want?

2 What is your will? Put away your sword.

3 Good e’en. Listen.

4 Right glad I am. I’ll be much older.

5 I shall be much in years. I think.

6 Put thy rapier up. How did you get here?

7 Methinks. Good morning.

8 I cry your mercy. Where have you been?

9 How camest thou hither? Please forgive me.

10 W
 here hast thou been? Hurry up.

11 Hark ye. I’m very happy.

12 Make haste. Good evening.

E Find the eight book titles that do not belong among Shakespeare’s plays.

Hamlet The Prince and the Pauper Othello

A Midsummer Night’s Dream The Lord of the Rings Much Ado About Nothing
Oliver Twist The Merchant of Venice Harry Potter Henry VI
Robinson Crusoe Macbeth All About a Boy The Two Gentlemen of Verona
Gulliver’s Travels King Lear As You Like It The Old Man and the Sea

F Copy the right book titles from Task D next to their authors.
1 Ernest Hemingway
2 J.R.R. Tolkien
3 Charles Dickens
4 Daniel Defoe
5 J.K. Rowling
6 Jonathan Swift
7 Nick Hornby
8 Mark Twain


A Complete the words to match the definitions.
1 two people in love = a c
2 to try to start a relationship with someone = to c up
3 to end a relationship = to p
4 to end a marriage = to vo
5 to like somebody = to f y
6 the union of a man and a woman = a rr
7 very sad, desperate = d v d
8 a meeting between a boy and a girl who have never met before = a d
9 to invite somebody to go out on a date = to o
10 to refuse to go out with somebody = to t somebody d

B Complete the story of Othello by using the past simple of the verbs in brackets.
Iago (1) (decide) to take revenge on his Commander Othello. He
(2) (hate) him because he (3) (promote) young Cassio to be
his Lieutenant. First he (4) (tell) Desdemona’s father that his daughter
(5) (want) to marry Othello. Her father (6) (be) furious,
because he (7) (not / want) Desdemona to marry an African. Then he
(8) (manage) to get Cassio drunk and (9) (push) him into
a street fight. Othello (10) (punish) Cassio for fighting and (11) (take)
away his rank. Next, he (12) (tell) Othello that Cassio and Desdemona
(13) (be) lovers. He (14) (put) Desdemona’s handkerchief in
Cassio’s room to prove it. Othello (15) (be) so jealous that he
(16) (kill) his wife. Finally, Iago’s wife Emilia (17) (figure out)
that it (18) (be) all Iago’s fault and (19) (decide) to tell Othello
everything. When Othello (20) (find out) the truth, he (21) (be)
so desperate that he (22) (kill) himself.
C Rewrite the sentences using could, couldn’t or was able to.
1 It wasn’t possible for Desdemona’s father to stop her from marrying Othello.
Desdemona’s father .
2 Iago managed to get Cassio drunk and pushed him into a street fight.
Iago .
3 It was possible for lago to take revenge on Othello, because he was a jealous man.
Iago .
4 It wasn’t possible for Desdemona to make Othello believe her.
Desdemona .
5 Iago’s wife Emilia managed to figure out that it was all Iago’s fault and told Othello everything.
Iago’s wife Emilia .
6 It wasn’t possible for Othello to live with his mistake.
Othello .


D Use the given words to write the past simple questions and then answer them.

1  what / Iago / decide / to do / ? .

2  why / Iago / hate / Othello / ? .

3  why / be / Desdemona’s father / furious / ? .

4  how / Othello / punish / Cassio / ? .

5  what / Iago / put / in Desdemona’s room / ? .

6  why / be / Othello / jealous / ? .

7  how / Othello / find out / the truth / ? .

8  what / Othello / do / in the end / ? .

E Complete the sentences using the past simple or the present perfect simple of the verbs in brackets.
1 Shakespeare (write) 37 plays, but he (not / write) any novels.
2 His works (be) an inspiration for many famous artists, filmmakers and musicians
over the ages.
3 Some theatre companies (shorten) his plays and they perform all 37 of them
in an hour in a very funny way.
4 I (read) Romeo and Juliet, but I (not / read) Othello yet.
5 Shakespeare (live) in the 16th century, and he (spend) most of his
life in Stratford-upon-Avon.
6 In Shakespeare’s time there (be) no actresses. Men (play)
the female parts.
F Complete the questions by using the past simple or the present perfect simple of the verbs in
brackets and then answer them.

1 Whose works (be) an inspiration for many famous artists since the 16th century?

2 How many plays (Shakespeare / write)?

3 How many of Shakespeare’s plays (you / read)?

4 (you / see) any of Shakespeare’s plays in the theatre?

5 Where (Shakespeare / spend) most of his life?

6 Who (play) the female parts in Shakespeare’s time?


LESSON 1 A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed

A Answer the questions with the correct words and expressions from the box.

the fire brigade mouth to mouth respiration a bang consciousness

a fire extinguisher a fire alarm test tubes an ambulance

1 Who do you have to call in the event of of fire? .

2 What do you need to put out a fire?
3 Who do you have to call if somebody’s life is in danger?
4 What do you have to give to somebody who is unconscious?
5 What goes off if there is smoke in a building?
6 What may you lose if you breathe too much CO2?
7 What sound can you hear if somebody’s experiments go out of control?
8 What do you need to make experiments?

B Circle the correct word in the following sentences. Then put the sentences in the right order
to get the correct sequence of events.

Celia wanted to tell Amy everything, but Amy just whispered / hugged / cried “hush”.
When the alarm went off / dead / out, Celia and Brian came running into the building.
1 The lab made / went / caught fire when Amy’s experiments went out of control.
There was already smoke in the hall, but Amy’s friends didn’t hesitate / risk / trip over to
save her life.
She tried to lose consciousness / hesitate / escape, but she lost consciousness and fell down.
Sarah heard a bang, but she couldn’t call the fire brigade, because her mobile phone went
unconscious / out of control / dead.
While they were making their way through the smoke, Brian carried out / tripped over /
spread through Amy, who was lying on the floor.
Celia’s first aid gold medal finally got off / went out / paid off when Amy woke up.
They put their lives at risk while they were heading towards her lab / rescue / adventure.
They couldn’t see anything because of the gloomy / heavy / touching smoke; they were
coughing and their eyes were itching.


C Circle the right option to finish these sentences.

1 If you start coughing you should .

A put a hand on your mouth B put a hand on your head C put a hand on your knees
2 If you want to hug someone you have to
A phone that person B put your hands around that person C ask that person out
3 If your mobile phone goes dead, you have to
A call 999 B recharge it C send a text message
4 If you whisper, you
A burst into laughter B speak up C talk quietly
5 If you come across a gloomy newspaper article, it would be one about
A a terrorist attack B a new cure for AIDS C Georgia winning the World Cup
6 If you go to the cinema to see a touching film, it will probably make you
A laugh B scream C cry
7 If you trip over something, it is possible that you
A lose consciousness B fall down
C escape

GRAMMAR Past continuous vs. past simple

D Match the halves of the sentences and then decide who said them: Sarah, Brain or Celia?
1   While I was trying to call 999,… I was saying to myself that it was all my fault.
2   I was just leaving the school building… when I heard Sarah shouting for help.
3   While we were running to the lab,… I was thinking of how to stop them from dating.
4   While I was reading Brian’s my mobile phone went dead.
message to Amy,…
5   I was waiting for Amy in the school when I heard a bang and then a loud scream.
6   While Amy was lying there in the smoke,… I tripped over Amy.

E Complete the sentences using the past continuous or the past simple of the verbs in brackets.
1 While Amy was doing experiments in the lab, her mum (try) to get her
on the phone.
2 While Amy’s friends (save) her life, the fire brigade and the ambulance
were making their way to the place of the accident.
3 While the girls were soaking their jackets in water, Brian (take) the fire
4 When the fire alarm (go off), Adrian was just getting ready to go home.
5 Jill (not / wait) for Sarah anymore when she heard what happened.
6 Amy was lying unconscious when her friends (find) her.


F Use the past continuous or the past simple of the verbs in brackets to complete Amy’s
account of what happened in the chemistry lab yesterday.

I (1) (do) some

experiments for my chemistry project when
something (2) (go out)
of control. I (3) (not / be)
careful enough because there
(4) (be) something else
on my mind.
I (5) (not / really / think)
of what (6) (go on) in
the test tubes. I (7) (think)
of Archibald, instead. I (8) (go)
to meet him in the school playground that day.
I (9) (just / finish)
the experiment when my mobile phone (10) (ring). While I
(11) (go) to get it, I (12) (hear) a bang. The lab
(13) (catch) fire in a minute. While I (14) (try) to find
my things, the phone (15) (still / ring).
I (16) (not / be able to) find it. My eyes (17) (itch)
and I started coughing. Smoke (18) (spread through) the lab.
While I (19) (try) to make my way through the smoke, I
(20) (lose) consciousness and I (21) (fall down).
When I (22) (wake up), I (23) (lie) on the ground
outside the school building. I (24) (see) my friends around me. They
(25) (cough), (laugh) and (cry),
all at the same time. Celia (26) (cry), too. She (27) (say)
that it was all her fault. While she (28) (try) to tell me how sorry she was, I
(29) (hug) her. She (30) (save) my life.

G Finish the sentences using the past continuous or the past simple.

1 While we were going home from school yesterday, .

2 He fell down while .
3 He heard the alarm going off while .
4 While they were trying to make their way through the woods, .
5 She heard what happened while .
6 They were trying to escape, when .
7 She was getting out of the car, when .


LESSON 2 You’ve Got It All Wrong!

A Match the words on the left with the words on the right.

1 to cause something suspicious

2 to make 1 a mess
3 to set killed
4 to do jokes
5 t o find in the playground
6 to have experiments
7 to get no idea
8 to give for something to happen
9 to hang around somebody mouth-to-mouth respiration
10 t o wait fire

B Complete the statements that Amy, Celia, Simon and Adrian gave to the police with the right
words from Task A. Then decide who said what.

1 I wasn’t waiting for anything to . I was just hanging around in

the school . After all, it was me who gave Amy .

2 I’ve found something about Celia. She was the one who caused

at the ABC party, too.

3 I didn’t fire to the lab. I was only doing .

4 I didn’t know they almost got . I wasn’t making

about the accident. I had what Jill was talking about.

C Circle the correct word or expression in the following sentences.

1 Amy almost choked / set fire / admitted because of the smoke.

2 Adrian and Celia were just doing experiments / hanging around / drinking cocoa in

the school playground.

3 While talking about Celia, Adrian got carried up / over / away.

4 Amy’s friends almost had / got / made killed while saving her.

5 Celia admitted / figured out / caused she was lying.

6 The police didn’t find anything terrible / ill / suspicious about the accident.

7 It took Jill days / years / ages to tell Simon what happened.

8 Nobody caused / made / set fire to the lab. The fire broke out by accident.


GRAMMAR Past continuous - questions

D The police officer is asking Amy some questions about the fire. Use the words in brackets to
write past continuous questions.
1 What (you / do) when the accident happened?
2 (you / do) experiments alone?
3 (you / still / do) experiments when the lab caught fire?
4 How long (you / try) to find your mobile phone?
5 (the smoke / already / spread) through the hall when you tried to escape?
6 Why (you / try) to finish the experiment that fast?
7 Who (you / go) to meet?
8 Where (he / wait) waiting for you?

GRAMMAR Past continuous and past simple - questions

E The police officer asked Brian some questions, too. Circle the correct form of the questions,
the past continuous or the past simple. Then write Brian’s answers.
1 What were you doing / did you do when the fire broke out?
2 Were you waiting / Did you wait for Amy alone?
No, .
3 How long were you waiting / did you wait for her?
4 Who was shouting for help / shouted for help when you arrived?
5 Were you hearing / Did you hear the fire alarm going off?
Yes, .
6 Were you hesitating / Did you hesitate to save Amy?
No, .
7 Why weren’t you calling / didn’t you call the fire brigade?
Because .
8 Were you using / Did you use the fire extinguisher?
Yes, .
9 Where was Amy lying / did Amy lie when you found her?
10 Was she saying / Did she say anything when she woke up?
Yes, ”Hush!”


F Use the past continuous or the past simple to make questions for the following sentences.
1 The fire broke out in the lab.

Where ?

2 I was going home when the fire alarm went off.

Where ?

3 Amy was doing experiments when the lab caught fire.

What ?

4 Amy just said “Hush!” when she woke up.

What ?

5 The ambulance took Amy to hospital, because she was coughing badly.

Why ?

6 Jill was waiting for Sarah for half an hour, but she didn’t show up.

How long ?

7 Brian was waiting for Amy in the school playground.

Who ?

8 The fire brigade arrived after Amy was saved.

When ?

G Complete the questions by using either the past continuous or the past simple, then answer
them about yourself.

1 Were you yesterday when ?

2 What were you yesterday when ?

3 Did you yesterday?

4 Were you yesterday?

5 What did you yesterday?

6 Were you yesterday at 11 p.m.?


LESSON 3 20th Century Heroes

A Match the words on the left with the words on the right.

1 light lifestyle 5 miserable children

2 impossible sympathies 6 personal a comeback
3 adventurous the flame 7 make scandal
4 political obstacle 8 raise childhood

B Now complete the sentences with the right form of the phrases from Task A. Which 20th
century heroes are they about?
1 In 1996, he at the Summer Olympics in Atlanta.

2 She overcame to achieve great things in life.

3 His public image in the USA was ruined because of various and

4 When he refused to fight in the Vietnam War, he was not allowed to box for three years, but

he in 1970.

5 Although he had a , together with his fourth wife Oona he

eight in Switzerland.

C Complete the following questions about the 20th century heroes with the prepositions below,
and then answer them.

for    from    with    for    from

1 Who fought the rights of black people in America?

2 Who graduated from college honours?

3 Whose title was taken away him after he was arrested?

4 Who was prohibited re-entering the USA?

5 Who was known his amusing rap-style poems?

D Match the following words to their definitions.

1 a disability giving help to the poor and the underprivileged
2 an obstacle
the same as attractive
3 a tramp
a handicap
4 a grave
something which prevents action or success
5 appealing
a person with no home or job
6 charity
a place in the ground where a dead person is buried


GRAMMAR Relative clauses

E Complete the sentences with who, which, where or whose, and then say which people,
places or things the words in colour refer to.
1 It was the political organization Muhammad Ali joined.

2 It was the man shot John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

3 It was a city Charlie Chaplin was born.

4 It was the nickname Muhammad Ali used.

5 It was the American state JFK was shot and killed.

6 It was something was taken away from Muhammad Ali when he

refused to fight in the Vietnam War.

7 It was the award Charlie Chaplin received when he returned to

the USA in 1972.

8 It was the woman autobiography The Story of My Life made her famous.

F Complete the biography of Walt Disney, another hero of the 20th century, with who, which,
where or whose.

He was the man (1) created some of

the most popular cartoon characters of all times
(2) influenced the lives of generations
of children all over the world. Walter Elias Disney, an American
animator, producer and filmmaker, was born in Chicago, Illinois in
1901. He grew up in a family (3) was poor
and he didn’t have an easy childhood. At the age of 14, he found
an escape from reality in art classes and became interested in
drawing. He left home at the age of 16 and soon started working
as a cartoonist for an art studio in Kansas City,
(4) he discovered animation. In 1923, he
went to Hollywood (5) his studio created
Mickey Mouse. During the 1930s, many of Disney’s other popular characters appeared,
(6) included Minnie Mouse, Pluto, Goofy, and Donald Duck. Snow White
and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) was Disney’s first full-length animated film,
(7) huge success was followed by classics such as Pinocchio, Bambi
and Cinderella. In 1955, Disney opened Disneyland, his fantasy theme park in California, which
was followed by the Walt Disney World in Florida, a Disneyland in Tokyo and Hong Kong, and
Euro Disney in France. There are some stories (8) say that Disney was
frozen and buried under Disneyland after his death, but he was actually cremated and buried in
Glendale, California in 1966.


GRAMMAR Word order - adverbs and adverbial phrases of time and place

G Insert the following adverbs and adverbial phrases of time and place in the correct sentences,
and in the right places in the sentences.

Tuscumbia, Alabama after his death from Harvard

in 1996 at the Rome Olympics in 1972

1 Muhammad Ali lit the flame at the Summer Olympics in Atlanta.

2 He returned to the USA to receive a special Academy Award.

3 Helen Keller, an American writer, activist, and educator was born in 1880.

4 Muhammad Ali won the gold medal in 1960.

5 Kennedy graduated in 1940.

6 Charlie Chaplin’s body was stolen from its grave.

H Make four sentences about the 20th century heroes that you read about, including words
from at least four of the circles. Pay attention to word order.

• had • in London
• was shot and killed • in Dallas, Texas
• lit • at the Summer
• wrote Olympics in Atlanta

• in 1963
• before he went to
• in 1996
• while she was at

• a miserable childhood • John F. Kennedy

• her autobiography • Muhammad Ali
• the flame • Helen Keller
• Charlie Chaplin

1 .





I Here’s the summary of Walt Disney’s biography from Task F. Put the parts of each sentence in
the correct order.
1 He / in 1901. / was born / in Chicago, Illinois

2 at the age of 14. / interested in / drawing / became / He

3 was working / in Kansas City. / Disney / as a cartoonist / for an art studio

4 In 1923, / to Hollywood. / went / he

5 Disney’s studios / some of their famous cartoon characters / in the 1930s. / created

6 They / Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, / in 1937. / their first full-length animated film, / made

7 Disney / In 1955, / opened / in California. / his first theme park

8 He / in Glendale, California / in 1966. / was cremated and buried

J Use the following notes for Winston Churchill’s biography and write his full biography. Add
any details you want.

Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

• 1874, Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire, England
• an English politician; aristocratic family; educated at
a famous public school; not a very good student; his
father chose a military career for him
• the Prime Minister of Britain during most of WWII; worked
closely with F.D. Roosevelt; the Prime Minister again from
1951-55; invented the term “Iron Curtain”
• famous for his speeches, often shown wearing a hat and
smoking a cigar; made the V-sign meaning victory
• wrote historical books; won the Nobel Prize for
Literature in 1953; loved painting
• died 1965, London, England


LESSON 4 A Special Present

A How many presents can you find in the word snake? Can you think of some other presents?

bil e p h o ne m emug v dpyjam

o ga l
l m r gl nd as
ol o kc o m p ut e

layst ati

ocolat es y a c t i o nh ry
ch to
of rs ro l le
ox e

nc e

hofflow perfu eje w

B Use some of the words from Task A, or use your own ideas, to finish these sentences.
1 The best present that I got when I was a child was a .

2 The best present I have ever got was a .

3 I would like to get a for my birthday.

4 I wouldn’t like to get a for my birthday.

5 I would choose a for my mum.

6 I would choose a for my dad.

7 I would choose a for my brother / sister.

8 I would choose for my best friend.

C Complete the words and expressions with the help of the definitions in the brackets.
1 i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e hero (a hero who cannot be defeated)
2 s _ _ _ t clothes (elegant clothes)
3 p _ _ _ y dress (a dress that you wear on special occasions)
4 m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ g glass (you can see things larger than they really are with it)
5 f _ _ _ _ _ _ c scientist (a person who examines the scene of the crime)
6 f _ _ e troubles (be prepared to deal with problems)
7 powers of o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n (watching and noticing things) and d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n (making
8 b r e a d _ _ _ _ _ s (what is left when you eat bread)


D Transcription corner Copy the words from the box next to the corresponding pronunciation

hair tiara heroine spy fingerprint fawn

1/spaˆ/ 4 /²fi©gœprˆnt/

2/²herœ™ˆn/ 5 /ti²†°rœ/

3/fŒ°n/ 6 /heœ(r)/

E Complete the sentences with the corresponding words and expressions from Tasks C and D.

1 James Bond is a British who always wears

and drives the coolest cars.
2 A princess wears a on her head.
3 Sherlock Holmes was the first
4 A good detective must have good and
5 A analyses blood samples and examines fingerprints.
6 The Barbie doll has been a childhood for many girls.
7 Nobody can beat Spiderman. He is an .
8 Bambi is a sweet little whose mother was killed by

F Translate the sentences into Georgian.

1 Slow and steady wins the race. .
2 Take it easy, pal. .
3 No hard feelings. .
4 You’re welcome. .
5 I’ve changed my mind. .
6 We have run out of get-well cards. .



questions and requests, offering, thanking and apologizing
G For each situation below, circle the best answer.
1 A friend of yours doesn’t know what to do. Offer to give him some advice. What do you say?
A Could you tell me what to do?
B Can I give you some advice?
C Could you give me some advice?
2 You’re in a bookshop. You would like to see some books on the shelf. What do you say?

A Could you show me the books on the shelf?

B Would you like me to show you the books on the shelf?
C Shall I show you the books on the shelf?
3 A friend of yours has to buy a birthday present for her mum. Offer to help her choose the
present. What do you say?
A Shall I help you choose the present?
B Could I help you choose the present?
C Could you help me choose the present?
4 You have to leave school earlier because you have to go to the dentist’s. Ask your teacher for
permission to leave earlier. What do you say?
A How about finishing our class earlier today?
B I’ll leave earlier today.
C Could you let me leave earlier today?
5 Someone offers you a cup of coffee, but you don’t drink coffee. You want to refuse it
politely. What do you say?
A Not at all.
B No, thank you.
C It doesn’t matter.
6 Someone thanks you for a favour. What do you say?

A It’s all right.
B That’s OK.
C You’re welcome.
7 Someone asks you to turn down the music. You realise that it is already late and that
the music is too loud. What do you say?
A Sure, no problem.
B I’m sorry, but I can’t.
C Sure, why not?
8 A friend of yours asks if he can borrow a pen. What do you say?

A Yes, please do.
B Yes, please.
C Yes, of course. Here you are.


H Complete the phrases with the words below. Then say where you might hear these phrases.

please like Can sorry will Thanks How Can Shall Could have Would

1 about some ice cream?

2 I get you a glass of water?
3 Can I a box of chocolates, please?
4 I help you with the bags.
5 You look a bit pale. you like me to call your parents?
6 I’m I lost your pen.
7 a lot.
8 Could you help me with my maths homework, ?
9 I take this chair?
10 I sit here?
11 you take a photo of me and my friend?
12 Would you to try on this pair of jeans?

I Copy the phrases from Task H next to the corresponding answers.

1 Of course, you can.
2 No, thank you. I’m fine.
3 Thanks a lot. They are really heavy.
4 It’s all right.
5 You’re welcome.
6 Sorry, it’s already taken.
7 Sure, why not?
8 Thanks a lot. I’m terribly thirsty.
9 Here you are.
10 No, thank you. I’m looking for a skirt.
11 Yes, sure. Which button do I press?
12 Yes, please.


From Brian’s Bookshelf: Memorable Olympic Heroes

A Complete the table with the missing words.

tennis tennis player

swimming swimmer
running racetrack
gymnast gym
skiing slope
skater rink
volleyball court
rower lake

B Odd one out Circle the word that does not fit and explain why.
ski jumps downhill slalom ice hockey
wrestling karate judo tae kwon do
3 floor exercise
pommel horse long jump gymnastics
running cycling marathon high jump
swimming rowing fencing canoeing
basketball tennis volleyball handball

C Sort out the names of the sports from the box.

tennis volleyball swimming judo ice hockey cycling handball skating

basketball skiing gymnastics running


D Now write about yourself using the names of the sports from Task C.
1 I play .
2 I sometimes go .
3 I don’t do .
4 I would like to learn how to play .


E Complete the sentences with the adjective form of the nouns in brackets.
Example: The gold, silver, and bronze medals are given for the highest athletic (athletics)
achievements at the Olympic Games.

1 Top athletes have to be both hard-working and (determination) to

2 Adolf Hitler believed German athletes were (superiority) to black
3 Jesse Owens proved his (race) theories wrong when he won four
gold medals at the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin.
4 Michael Phelps is a (sensation) American swimmer.

F Fill in the missing parts of the following phrases with the words from the box.
place   injuries   the record   history
1 Break 3 Take
2 Make 4 Overcome

G Complete the following questions with the right form of the phrases from Task F and then
answer them.
1 Where did the first Olympic Games that were broadcast on television ?
2 Who had to before the Salt Lake City Olympics in 2002?
3 How did Michael Phelps at the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008?
4 Has any Georgian athlete that Lasha Shavdatuashvili set?

H Circle the correct answers below to complete the text about Nadia Comäneci, another
memorable Olympic hero. What is fascinating about this Romanian gymnast?

Nadia Comaneci

The legendary Romanian (1) was one of the stars of the 1976 Summer
Olympics in Montreal. At the age of 14, Nadia Comăneci became the first gymnast ever who
(2) a perfect 10 score in an Olympic gymnastics event. The scoreboard
could not (3) scores of 10.00, so Nadia’s perfect marks were shown on
the board as 1.00 instead. You can imagine her (4) at first and then
excitement when she saw the real score! She is also the youngest Olympic all-around
gymnastics champion ever. Today, gymnasts must be 16 to (5) in the
Olympics, so, at the moment, it is not possible to (6) her record.

gymnastics gymnast gymnastic
awarded received accepted
discover exhibit display
determination disappointment satisfaction
win play compete
break beat smash

Revision UNIT 5 : HEROES

A Do the crossword puzzle.


15 16

3 8

4 17

6 18





ACROSS 10 A person who fights for their country.

1 Someone who is brave shows great 11 A person who is admired by many people.
12 Exciting and full of adventures.
2 A hero is someone who is remembered for
13 The same as secret.
their work.
3 Agatha Christie wrote many of these.
4 If you don’t do something straight away,
you . 14 If you lose consciousness you’re
5 We use this to put out a fire.
15 Is someone has been hurt in an
6 If you cannot breathe, you might
accident, you should give them first
7 Someone who cannot be defeated is
16 An act of saving someone.
17 Unable to speak.
8 Unable to hear.
18 A funny film.
9 Charlie Chaplin used this to walk.

B Complete the text about Derek Redmond, another memorable Olympic hero, by using the past
simple or past continuous of the verbs in brackets. What is fascinating about this British sprinter?

British sprinter Derek Redmond (1) (return) to the Barcelona Olympics in 1992
after quitting in 1988 because of an injury. He was one of Britain’s favourites to win a medal, but he
tore his right ligament while he (2) (run) in the 400-meter semi-final. Redmond
(3) (get up) and (4) (begin) limping on one leg to
the finish line. He (5) (try) hard, but he wasn’t able to continue very far and he
(6) (fall) again. A moment later, his dad (7) (appear) at his
side because he wanted to talk him out of continuing the race.
When Redmond still tried to get up and keep running, his dad (8) (put) his arm
around him and (9) (help) his son around the track. Although the race
(10) (be) over, and he was disqualified, the crowd (11) (give)
Redmond and his father support by standing up and clapping while he
(12) (complete) the remaining distance of the race.

C Complete the questions by using the past simple or the past continuous of the verbs in brackets
and then answer the questions.
1 When (Derek Redmond / return)
to the Barcelona Olympics?

2 What (he / do) when he tore his right ligament?

3 (he / try) to continue the race?

4 How (Derek / walk) to the finish line?

5 Who (appear) at his side a moment later?

6 What (Derek’s father / do) to help his son?

7 What (the crowd / do) while
Derek Redmond was completing the remaining distance of the race?

8 (Derek Redmond / finish) the race?

Revision UNIT 5 : HEROES

D Complete the sentences with who, which, where or whose, and then say which people, places or
things the words in colour refer to.

1 This was the sprinter was one of Britain’s favourites to win a medal at
the Summer Olympics in 1992.
2 This was the country Derek Redmond came from.
3 This was the city the 1992 Summer Olympics were held.
4 This was the race in Derek Redmond tore his right ligament.
5 This was the part of body Derek Redmond tore during the race.
6 This was the man helped Derek Redmond finish the race.
7 This was the man son didn’t quit the race when he tore his right ligament.
8 They were the people gave Redmond and his father support by standing
and clapping their hands.

E One word or phrase is in the wrong place in each sentence about Derek Redmond. Put them in
the right place.
1 British sprinter Derek Redmond quit in 1988 the Olympic Games because of an injury.

2 He to the Barcelona Olympics returned in 1992.

3 He his right ligament tore in the 400-meter semi-final.

4 To the finish line he began limping on one leg.

5 His dad helped around the track his son.

6 The crowd gave support during the race to Derek and his father.

7 Derek Redmond in the end managed to get to the finish line.

8 At the Summer Olympics in Barcelona he didn’t win any medals in 1992.


F Put the words in the following sentences in the correct order, and then tick the sentences that are
true for you.
1 last winter. / broke / my leg / I

2 I / a ligament / tore / while I was playing basketball.

3 at a local sports competition / a silver medal / won / I / six months ago.

4 a football match / last Sunday. / watched / at the stadium / I

5 was jogging / yesterday afternoon. / I / for an hour

G For each situation below, circle the best answer.
1 You would like to offer your guest some cake. You say:
A  Would you like some cake?
B  Can you have some cake?
C  How about some cake?
2 You are in the school canteen. You would like to have some fish for lunch. You say:
A  Shall I have some fish, please?
B  Can I have some fish, please?
C  I’d like some fish, please.
3 You would like to ask someone how to get to the nearest post office. You say:
A  Can you tell me where the nearest post office is?
B  Could you tell me where the nearest post office is?
C  How about telling me where the nearest post office is?
4 You would like to ask for permission to use someone’s mobile phone. You say:
A  Would I use your mobile phone?
B  Can I use your mobile phone?
C  Could I use your mobile phone?
5 You would like to thank somebody for the present you got. You say:
A Thanks.
B  That’s OK.
C  Thank you very much.
6 You would like to apologise for bumping into someone in the street. You say:
A  It doesn’t matter.
B Sorry.
C   I’m terribly sorry.

H Match the situations from Task G with the right answers.

Sure, no problem. It’s all right. Not at all.

Yes, please do. Here you are. No, thank you.


LESSON 1 20th and 21st Centuries Inventions and Discoveries

A Transcription corner Can you guess the words from their pronunciation?
1 /rˆ²m†°kœbl/ 5 /krœ²n‰lœd¢i/
2 /²k‰mplˆkeˆtˆd/ 6 /œ²t¡i°vmœnt/
3 /ˆg²zˆbˆt/ 7 /hju°²mænœti/
4 /²f†°sn/ 8 /³d‰kj™²mentœri/
B Complete the sentences with the right form of the words from Task A.
1 A is a type of film or television programme which shows facts and
real-life situations.
2 It is easier to remember historical dates in order.
3 Life would be very difficult without so many inventions that
has created.
4 It is difficult to choose the most interesting at the Science Museum,
as well as the most important scientific or technological of the 20th
5 You must your seat belt while you’re travelling by plane.
6 Most students think that science subjects are .

C Complete the table with the missing verbs, nouns or adjectives.


D Circle the correct words in the following questions, then answer them.
1 What is your greatest personal achieve / achievement?

2 In your opinion, is the computer the most important invent / invention of the 20th century?

3 Is there a museum in your town / city where you can see some historic / history inventions?

4 Do you ever watch science / scientific documentaries?

5 Do you collection / collect anything?

6 Do you like forensic TV series which reconstruct / reconstruction various crimes?


E Match the words on the left with the words on the right to get some important inventions
and discoveries of the 20th and 21st centuries.

1 the television phone
2 the personal shuttle

3 the washing transplant

4 the heart stereo

5 the atomic set

6 the mobile computer

7 the space machine

8 the personal bomb

GRAMMAR Present simple passive

F Complete the sentences with the present simple passive of the verbs in brackets.
1 The Science Museum (especially / like) by young people.
2 Super fun gadgets and toys (sell) at the museum shop.
3 Facts and real-life situations (show) in documentaries.
4 Different types of programmes (broadcast) on television.
5 iPods (use) for downloading and listening to music.
6 Many lives (save) by heart transplant surgery.
G Change the following present simple active sentences into present simple passive sentences.
1 We keep and preserve the food in a fresh state in a fridge.
The food .
2 Cars pollute the air.
The air .
3 People use personal computers in almost every home today.
Personal computers .
4 Astronauts use space shuttles for space exploration.
Space shuttles .
5 We wash and sometimes dry clothes in a washing machine.
Clothes .
6 Every minute people send and receive millions of emails.
Millions of emails .


GRAMMAR Past simple passive

H Complete the following texts to find out more about some important inventions
and discoveries of the 20th and 21st centuries. Then match them with the names of
the corresponding inventions and discoveries from Task E.

1 Circle the correct form, past simple active or passive.

(1) finally constructed / was finally constructed in 1945

under the Manhattan project, which (2) was launched /
launched by the US Government in 1939 and
supervised by J. Robert Oppenheimer to prevent the
Nazis from building such a powerful weapon first. It
(3) detonated / was detonated in New Mexico in 1945.

2 Complete the text with the past simple passive of the verbs in brackets.

The first was the Walkman, which

(1) (make) by the Japanese company Sony in 1979, while the iPod is
a more popular version today, especially among teenagers. It (2) (invent)
by Tony Fadell in early 2001, and it (3) (produce) by Apple.

3 Complete the text with the right form of the past simple passive (positive or negative) of
the verbs from the box.

design store place invent

Many centuries ago food was (1) in

icehouses, which (2) near freshwater lakes
or packed with snow and ice during the winter. Mechanical coolers
(3) until the mid 19th century, but the first
domestic electric
(4) in 1923 by B. Von Platen and
C. Munters from Sweden.

4 Spot the mistake in the following text and correct it.

The first was successfully performing in 1967
by Dr Christian Barnard in Cape Town, South Africa. Many types of such surgery are now done
worldwide and have saved many lives.


GRAMMAR Present simple passive and past simple passive

I Test your memory! How many correct sentences can you make about the important
inventions and discoveries you have read about?

The first car powered by a

was called at the Science Museum.
gasoline engine
Many remarkable inventions was deciphered in the USA in 1945.
The first atomic bomb was demonstrated in Sweden.
The first personal stereo was established the Walkman.
The structure of DNA are produced by the US military.
The first television set was constructed by Karl Benz in 1885.
The first electric fridge are used by Apple.
iPods are displayed in a department store in London.
The Internet was designed and built by individuals worldwide.
by Francis Crick and James Watson
Personal computers was designed
in 1953.

J Circle the correct form of the verbs – the present simple passive or the past simple passive.
Then decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).
1 Steam locomotives are used / were used in the 19th century.
2 Many interesting exhibits were displayed / are displayed at the Science Museum.
3 Eduard Slavoljub Penkala is born / was born in Hungary.
4 The first television set is invented / was invented by John Logie Baird.
5 The first personal stereo was called / is called Apple II.
6 Lots of useful information is found / was found on the Internet.
7 The first atomic bomb is detonated / was detonated in Japan.
8 Heart transplant surgery was done / is done worldwide today.


K Every day we use things that we take for granted, but we spend little time thinking about how
they were created and how they actually work. Complete the text about the compact disc
by using the present simple passive or the past simple passive of the verbs in brackets and
answer the following questions:

1 How was it created?

2 What is it made of?
3 How does it work?
4 What is it used for?

The Compact Disc

A compact disc, or CD, is a disc on which signals

(1) (record).
The signals can be sounds, such as music, video
picture signals or information for computers. It
(2) (make) of aluminium,
which (3) (cover)
with a layer of clear plastic. The signals
(4) (cut) into the surface and
(5) (read) by a laser.

The compact disk (6) (invent) in 1965 by James Russell,

but it became popular when it (7) first (introduce)
in 1980 and mass-produced by the Japanese company Sony and the Dutch company Philips.
It all started in the year 1979, when Philips and Sony got together to design a new digital audio
disc. This disc (8) soon (sell) all over
the world, especially Europe and the United States in 1985, and the rest is history. Today CDs
(9) (use) for storing high quality recorded sound and large quantities
of information. And, thank god, they (10) (sell) at a very low price!


LESSON 2 Amy’s Preparing for Her History Test

A Match the words to their definitions.

1 a currency very important

2 to establish to give, especially a prize or a scholarship

3 to dismantle the same as hunger

4 to award money used in a country

5 crucial to start something; to create

6 famine to take something to pieces

B Complete the questions with the right form of the words from Task A and then answer them.
1 What is used in Great Britain?
2 When was the Berlin Wall officially ?
3 Which project was launched to help victims in Ethiopia?
4 In which country was the Nobel Prize ?
5 Who was the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964?
6 Which event set the scene for the Cold War?

C Odd one out Circle the word that does not go with the word in colour.

1 sports scientific fashion technological achievement

2 to give to take to deliver to make a speech
3 to win to award to fund to lose a prize
4 medical political civil rights military leader
5 to raise to increase to spend to earn money
6 charity global pop rock concert
7 to make to leave to do to inherit a fortune
8 to launch a satellite a war a rocket a project

D Complete the questions with words from Task C and then answer them.
1 Have you ever been to a concert?
2 Have you ever raised for charity?
3 Do you learn about politics at school?
4 Have you ever made a in public?
5 What is the most important scientific of the 20th century in your opinion?
6 Who is the most important political of the 20th century in your opinion?


GRAMMAR Passive voice – questions

E Complete the questions with is, are, was or were, then tick the correct answers.

1 the Nobel Prize awarded for scientific achievements? YES NO

2 the meeting at Yalta held at the beginning of WWII? YES NO
3 fifteen million people killed in WWII? YES NO
4 Sputnik I launched by the Americans? YES NO
5 Martin Luther King born in Memphis, Tennessee? YES NO
6 the roots of hip hop found in Latin American music? YES NO
7 the Euro used in all EU countries? YES NO
8 East Germany controlled by the Soviet Union? YES NO

F Write the present simple passive or past simple passive questions to the following answers.
The questions must be based on the answers in colour.

Example: Hip hop was first introduced in New York in the 1970s.
Where was hip hop first introduced?

1 The Nobel Prize is given for important work in science, medicine, economics, literature and
world peace.
2 The Band Aid project was started by Bob Geldof, an Irish singer.
3 Martin Luther King is remembered for his famous speech in Washington DC.
4 East and West Berlin were separated by the Berlin Wall for 28 years.

GRAMMAR Definite article the

G Sort out the words and phrases below under the correct headings.

Nobel Prize 1980s Science Museum world East Berlin

World War II USA biggest most important Great Britain October
Europe hip hop baseball 21st century Warsaw Pact British second

definite article the no article


H Fill in the questions and answers with the or nothing (-). Then circle the correct answers.
1 murder of Franz Ferdinand started World War I in 1914. Where was he killed?
A Belgrade. B Vienna. C Sarajevo.
2 What was one of worst economic crises in American history in 1930s called?
A Great Depression. B Great Disaster. C Big Bang.
3 Which of the following famous museums is not situated in Europe?
A Metropolitan Museum. B British Museum. C Vatican Museums.
4 Which city is known as oldest inhabited city in world?
A Istanbul. B Jerusalem. C Damascus.
5 How often is World Cup, most important football competition, held?
A Every 2 years. B Every 4 years. C Every 6 years.
6 In which country is hurling played as a popular ball game?
A Scotland. B Ireland. C USA.
7 When was European Union established?
A 2000. B 1992. C 1982.
8 Which holiday is celebrated on third Sunday in June in the USA?
A Mother’s Day. B Father’s Day. C Labour Day.


8-6 CORRECT ANSWERS - Congratulations! You know quite a lot about the world around
you. Keep up the good work!
5-4 CORRECT ANSWERS - Not bad, but you could do better. Read more, and always ask
3-0 CORRECT ANSWERS - It’s about time you started visiting libraries, and, remember,
computers are not only used for playing games and chatting. There are some excellent
websites that will open up a whole new world for you.

GRAMMAR Definite article the and indefinite article a / an

I Complete the sentences with a, an, the or nothing (-).

1 The Great Depression was big economic crisis in American history. crisis left
many people without job and home.
2 British Museum is famous museum in London. museum is
famous for Britain’s most important collection of ancient art.
3 Labour Day is American holiday. holiday is celebrated on
first Monday in September.
4 hurling is ball game. game is very popular in Ireland.


LESSON 3 Global Concerns in the 21st Century

A Replace the definitions in brackets with the words from the box that have the same meaning.
Then decide which global concern each sentence is talking about.

starvation devastated droughts earthquakes afford

diseases carefree shortages famine increase

1 Every day there are more and more floods, (long periods of dry
weather without rain), hurricanes, tornadoes and (violent shakings
of the earth’s surface) because of climate changes in the world.
2 Millions of people die of (eating almost nothing) in Africa because
of poor weather conditions which cause food and water (not
3 New Orleans was particularly (destroyed) by hurricane Katrina in
4 A lot of people in Africa die of (illnesses) like AIDS because they
can’t (be able to buy or pay for) expensive drugs.
5 Today it is difficult to feel (not worrying about anything) when we
travel by plane because of terrorism.
6 (hunger) is still a big problem in developing countries and
unfortunately, it will (grow) in the future.

B Complete the questions with the missing prepositions from the box. Then answer the questions.
of to with of between of through of by
1 What are the consequences climate changes?
2 What are the risks travelling plane?
3 Is there a growing gap the rich and the poor in Georgia?
4 Have you ever seen anyone picking rubbish dumps?
5 Is there a growing number homeless people in your town/city?
6 Are there any people in Georgia who die starvation?
7 Do you know how many people in Georgia are infected the HIV virus?
8 Can most people in Georgia afford have good education and medical care?

C Circle the correct answer.

1 Terrorist organizations planes.
A kidnap B attack C hijack
2 Many people worry about the safe of radioactive waste.
A removal B disposal C destruction
3 Which of the following adjectives do we not use to describe a disaster?
A Terrorist. B Natural. C Nuclear.
4 Different parts of the USA are by various natural disasters.
A influenced B devastated C attacked
5 Which of the following verbs do we not use when we talk about curing a disease?
A To destroy. B To fight. C To treat.
6 Which of the following is not a natural disaster?
A Famine. B Flood. C Hurricane.

D Another global concern is global warming. What do you know about it? Complete the text with
the words from the box and find out about the causes and consequences of global warming.
floods tornadoes water growing extinct caused oxygen refused

Global Warming
Have you seen the film The Day
After Tomorrow in which global
warming results in a new Ice Age
with half of the world swept by
(1) or buried
under hundreds of metres of snow?
Ironically, the movie was made in
America, the country which has
(2) to
sign the Kyoto Protocol, which
was established in 1997, aiming to reduce the amount of CO2 produced by industrial countries
in order to slow global warming. So what is global warming? Global warming is the rising of the
world’s temperatures (3) by polluting gases such as CO2, which trap heat
in the Earth’s atmosphere. In some parts of the world, rising temperatures melt large parts of the
Earth’s ice causing sea levels to rise and (4) . In other parts of the world,
there are heat waves and a lack of rain, where droughts cause food and
(5) shortages. Scientists also connect global warming with the
(6) number of natural disasters. But, who is responsible for global
warming? CO2 gets into the air by burning fuel that is used for heating, producing electricity
and gas for cars and aeroplanes, while trees are cut down, so they can’t absorb carbon dioxide
or provide (7) . That’s why some plants can’t grow, so some animals
have less to eat and become endangered or (8) . The question is - what
can we do if we do not want the environmental catastrophe from The Day After Tomorrow to
happen in real life?

E Are the following sentences true (T) or false (F) according to the text?
1 The movie The Day After Tomorrow is about a new Stone Age.
2 America hasn’t signed the Kyoto Protocol yet.
3 Global warming is caused by polluting gases such as CO2.
4 Rising temperatures cause droughts and floods.
5 People are not responsible for global warming.
6 Plants and animals are not affected by global warming.

GRAMMAR Will future

F Use the will future of the verbs in brackets.

Then tick the predictions that you think might
come true. Which of the following global
concerns do they talk about?
• environmental problems and natural disasters

• poverty and famine

• diseases

• new technology

• nuclear power

• wars and terrorism

1 People (must use) more nuclear power

stations in the future if they want to save energy.
2 More and more people (stop) travelling by
plane because of the growing number of terrorist attacks.
3 There (be) problems with food and water
shortages in developed countries as well.
4 People (have) smaller families, so the total
population of the world (not / grow) in this century.
5 Transportation (be) automatic, so people
(not / have to drive) cars, buses and trains.
6 More and more dangerous viruses (appear) on
Earth which doctors (can’t control)
7 More people (become) millionaires in this
century than in the 20 century.

8 New technologies (prevent) the emission of harmful gases into

the atmosphere, so there (not / be) so much pollution.
However, people (must pay) more attention to their environment
if they want to avoid ecological disasters.

GRAMMAR The future passive

G Circle the correct form of the verbs - the future active or passive. Then tick
the predictions that you think might come true. Which of the global concerns from
Task F are the sentences about?

1 More money will spend / will be spent to help hungry people in developing countries.
2 The Third World War will fight / will be fought with nuclear weapons.
3 Some big cities in the world will be destroyed / will destroy completely by floods
and other natural disasters.
4 Teachers will replace / will be replaced by robots, and robots
will also perform / will also be performed surgery instead of doctors.
5 More synthetic food will produce / will be produced because of extreme weather
conditions that will destroy / will be destroyed a lot of crops.


6 In 50 years’ time, most of the Arctic will melt / will be melted completely

because of global warming.
7 The world will be used / will use only solar, wind and water power in the future.
8 Some endangered animals will find / will be found new habitats in the future.

H Where do you see yourself in 30 years’ time? Think about your life in the future and write
about the following:

your job • your possessions
• your family and children
• your looks
• your personal life
• your free time


I’ll definitely… I hope I’ll…

I definitely won’t… I hope I won’t…

I think I’ll… I’ll probably…

I don’t think I’ll… I probably won’t…


LESSON 4 Food for Thought

A Do the crossword puzzle and find out what is in the marked boxes. If you are not sure about
some of the words from the crossword puzzle, look them up in the text Amazing Food

1 a piece of work you prepare for a period of time 7 a person who doesn’t have a job is…
2 to give someone initiative to do something 8 any of the things that you need
3 a feeling of excitement about something when you’re cooking something
4 the state of being unhealthily fat 9 a person who hasn’t had the same
5 the amount of money that you plan to spend opportunities as other people is…
on something 10 to convince someone to do something
6 a strong decision to do something 11 without chemicals

B Complete the sentences with the words from the crossword puzzle, then tick the sentences
you agree with.
1 A lot of teenagers in Georgia have problems with
because they eat too much junk food.
2 Salt is not a very healthy .
3 Parents should their children to eat more

fruit and vegetables.
4 food is not as tasty as junk food.
5 Most people don’t have the to exercise regularly.
6 There are not many people in Georgia, because

most people have a job.


GRAMMAR Plural of nouns

C Tick the nouns with incorrect plural forms. Then correct the mistakes.
1 snackes 7 meals 13 tomatos
2 sandwiches 8 familyes 14 tooths
3 peoples 9 raspberrys 15 pancakes
4 glasses 10 lifes 16 mens
5 childrens 11 women 17 feet
6 peachs 12 restaurantes 18 kitchens

GRAMMAR Countable and uncountable nouns

D Which of the following nouns are countable and which are uncountable? Write a C for
countable nouns and a U for uncountable nouns.

breakfast milk homework    meat

food air bread    vegetables
fruit advice pasta    tea
money information pizza    chocolate
water washing machine hamburger    mobile phone
friends family music    love
electricity computer television set    bicycle

E Circle the correct answer, then tick the sentences that are true for you.
1 I eat a lot of / much junk food.
2 I don’t eat much / many bread, but I eat much / a lot of pasta.
3 I drink a lot of / some water, because it’s the healthiest drink.
4 I don’t drink many / much fizzy drinks because they are not healthy.
5 Every day I have some / any vegetables for lunch.
6 I couldn’t live without a / - mobile phone.
7 I spend too many / much money on computer games.
8 I could live without a / - television set, but I couldn’t live without a / - music.

F Each sentence contains one mistake. Correct the mistakes.

1 There is a lot of interesting informations in the text about Jamie Oliver.

2 Most people don’t have enough moneys to go to restaurants every day.
3 Students have too much homeworks to do.
4 Many children don’t like vegetable.
5 People shouldn’t skip a breakfast.
6 If you don’t know what to do, it’s always best to ask someone for an advice.


G Complete the missing parts of the following questionnaire with any, some, much, many or
a (an). Then fill in the questionnaire to see if your diet is healthy.


1  What do you usually have for breakfast?

A sandwich and glass of juice
B bowl of cereal with yoghurt
C slice of bread with butter and jam
2 How milk do you drink every day?
A One glass. B Two glasses. C More than two glasses.

3  Do you drink tea or coffee? YES / NO

4 How glasses of water do you drink every day?

A One. B Two to four. C More than four.

5  Do you eat snacks between meals? YES / NO

6  What kind of snack do you eat on your way home from school?
A apple or banana. B Chocolate. C Crisps.

7  How often do you eat fish?

A Once a week. B Once a month. C Almost never.

8 Do you eat junk food, such as pizzas, hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, etc. for lunch on
school days? YES / NO

9  Which of the following is your favourite side dish?

A Rice. B A salad. C Potatoes.

10 What do you usually have for dinner?

A fruit. B slice of pizza. C pancakes.


1 a 1 b 2 c 1 6 a 2 b 1 c0
2 a 0 b 1 c 2 7 a 2 b 1 c0
3 tea – 2 coffee – 1 8 YES – 0 NO – 2
4 a 0 b 1 c 2 9 a 1 b 2 c1
5 YES – 0 NO – 2 10 a 2 b 0 c1

20 –16 You can be proud of yourself! You don’t have to worry about your eating habits.
15 – 12 You’re doing fine but think about how you can improve your eating habits.
11 – 0 It’s better to be safe than sorry. It’s high time you changed your eating habits!


GRAMMAR Question tags

H What do you remember about Jamie Oliver? Circle the correct question tags and decide if
the following information is true.
1 Jamie Oliver is a British superstar chef, isn’t he / is he?
2 Jamie can make delicious dishes, can’t he / doesn’t he?
3 Jamie’s first restaurant was opened in Amsterdam, wasn’t it / didn’t it?
4 Fifteen people worked in Jamie’s first restaurant, did they / didn’t they?
5 Young people don’t have to have any special qualifications to
work in Jamie’s restaurants, don’t they / do they?
6 Famous people don’t come to Fifteen, don’t they / do they?
7 Jamie gets all the profits from the restaurants, isn’t he / doesn’t he?
8 Fifteen will never become a global enterprise, will it / won’t it?

I Complete the sentences with the right question tag, then check how much you know about
some of the characters in this book.
1 Celia is crazy about shopping, ?
2 Sarah often goes to libraries, ?
3 Amy is not very good at dancing, ?
4 Brian saved Amy from the fire, ?
5 Simon is in love with Jill, ?
6 Adrian loves asking questions, ?
7 Jill can play the piano, ?
8 Sugar is Brian’s dog, ?
9 The Sherlocks are an awesome band, ?
10 Celia and Jill have never met Bernie Smith, ?


J You’ve probably known most people in your class for a long time. Check how much you know
about them. Use some of the following question tags to write sentences, and then interview
each other in class.

, are you? , aren’t you?

, do you? , don’t you?
, were you? , weren’t you?
, did you? , didn’t you?
, have you? , haven’t you?
, can you? , can’t you?
, will you? , won’t you?


From Brian’s Bookshelf: GenTech – The New Teen Generation

A There are 12 words connected with new technology in this word search ( →←↓↑↘↖ ). How
many can you find?


B Copy the words from the word search next to the corresponding definition.
1 a social networking website
2 an Internet encyclopaedia
3 a person who keeps an online diary
4 another word for mobile phone
5 sending text messages
6 a gadget for downloading and listening to music
7 a person who breaks into other people’s computer systems
8 a small and useful machine
9 on the Internet
10 a secret group of letters or numbers which must be typed
before someone can enter a computer system
11 something that can destroy a computer system
12 a collection of pages on the Internet

C Complete the sentences with the words from Task B, then tick the sentences that are true for

1 If I want to use my computer, I first have to type in the .
2 I have a friend who is a real .
He has already created his own virus.
3 I download a lot of music onto my .
4 I am not on because it is a waste of time.
5 I often use for school projects.
6 I know how to design a .
7 I have recently had a problem with a

on my computer.
8 I have never made any friends .


D Fill in the missing letters. Then tick the sentences that you agree with.
1 New technology has more positive than negative e s on the

lives of teenagers today.
2 Mobile phones should be b d in schools because they are used for
c g in tests and bullying.
3 Teenagers spend too much money on t g up their mobile phones.
4 New technology should be used to c t classes and
f e learning.
5 It is better to download films from the Internet free of c e than

spend money on cinema tickets.
6 You can’t make l g-l g friendships on the Internet.
7 Teenagers are exposed to lots of h l content on the Internet,
because it is not limited by any l l restrictions.
8 It is best not to r l any personal information on Facebook

because of stalkers.

E Complete the text about Internet boot camps with the corresponding words from the box
and find out how they can help teenagers who are addicted to the Internet.

spend forbidden school solution exercise addicted

games exposed weight successful

What Are Internet Boot Camps?

Internet boot camps are not for teenagers who are (1) to drugs or
alcohol, but for those teenagers who (2) up to 15 hours a day on the net.
They do not stop to eat or drink, they lose (3) , become ill and eventually
can’t do their homework and do badly at school. Some addicts even stop going to
(4) , and steal and sell their family things to buy new games. Some
experts think that Internet boot camps are the only (5) for such extreme
cases, where teenagers are (6) to military discipline. They are woken up
at 6.00 am, and their day is filled with exhausting (7) , and medical and
psychological treatments. They are sometimes even given mild electric shocks. They spend the
rest of their day playing real (8) instead of computer games, but screen
time is (9) . According to doctors who work in such camps, treatment is
(10) in most cases and such camps have opened in America and China.

F In your opinion, are Internet boot camps a good idea? Explain why.

A Use the words and expressions below to complete the questions. Make any necessary changes.
deliver a speech a currency an exhibit launch drought famine
obesity affordable an achievement organic food carefree a chef
dismantle an illness homeless a natural disaster

20th and 21st centuries inventions and discoveries 20th and 21st centuries people and events
1 Which company the first 1 When was the Berlin Wall ?
personal computer? 2 Which famous song was recorded in 1984 to
2 In which museum in London can you find help victims in Ethiopia?
many interactive ? 3 Which African American leader
3 Who produced the first car? in Washington DC?
4 What was Watson’s and Cricks’s major 4 Is the Euro used as a local in
? the USA?

Global concerns in the 21st century Food for thought

1 Which devastated New Orleans 1 Is someone who has problems with
in 2005? too thin?
2 Why aren’t people these days 2 Does contain a lot of fat?
when they travel by plane? 3 Which famous British served
3 Are caused by the lack of healthy meals to schoolchildren?
rainfall? 4 Does the Fifteen Foundation help
4 Which major nuclear disaster caused deaths the ?
and many years afterwards?

B Play in teams. Take turns to roll the dice. When you land on a square, choose the number of the
question from the corresponding category from Task A. The winner is the team who first finish
the game.

1 2 3
START Global concerns in the 21st 20th and 21st centuries Food for thought
century people and events

4 5 6 7
20th and 21st centuries Food for thought 20th and 21st centuries GO TO 11
inventions and discoveries inventions and discoveries

8 9 10 11
20th and 21st centuries 20th and 21st centuries Global concerns in the 21st 20th and 21st centuries
inventions and discoveries people and events century inventions and discoveries

12 13 14 15
GO TO 15 Global concerns in the 21st Food for thought Global concerns in the 21st
century century

16 17 18
20th and 21st centuries Food for thought 20th and 21st centuries FINISH
people and events people and events

C Circle the correct verb form, the present simple or the past simple, active or passive.
AIDS is a very serious disease which (1) causes / is caused by the HIV virus, and it (2) was first
recognised /is first recognised in the 1980s. At that time doctors (3) did not know / were not known
much about it, but today a lot of information is available about AIDS and its prevention. Unfortunately,
most families in Africa can’t afford education or expensive drugs. African teens are the most severely
affected group in the world, because they (4) do not properly feed / are not properly fed so their
bodies cannot fight the disease. Also, there are not enough hospitals, doctors or nurses in Africa
to treat the disease. Globally, a child (5) dies / is died of AIDS every minute, and about 30 million
people worldwide have already died of AIDS. More and more young people (6) infect / are infected in
developed countries, so education and responsible behaviour are the best ways to fight the disease.

D Complete the sentences with the right question tag, and then answer them.
1 AIDS is caused by the HIV virus, ?
2 AIDS was first recognised in the 1990, ?
3 Many children and teenagers in Africa die of AIDS, ?
4 Most families in Africa can’t afford expensive drugs, ?
5 Seven children die of AIDS every week, ?
6 About 30,000 people in the world have already died of AIDS, ?
7 More and more young people are infected in developed countries, ?
8 The best ways to fight the disease are education and responsible behaviour, ?

E Read about POVERTY and FAMINE, two more global concerns, and complete the text with a, an,
the or nothing (-).

Have you ever seen (1) person picking through rubbish dumps? The growing gap
between the rich and the poor has resulted in a growing number of beggars and (2)
homeless people in most cities of (3) Europe and (4) America. However,
(5) Africa is still (6) world’s hungriest continent, mainly because of
poor weather conditions and the lack of (7) water, which destroys the crops. Millions
of people in developing countries die of (8) starvation every year, while half of the
population in (9) USA is overweight. Ironically, a lot of food is wasted in developed
countries, which would be enough to feed millions of hungry people and children.

F Complete the sentences with the future active or passive. Then tick the predictions that you think
might come true.
1 Scientists (find) a cure for AIDS in the next decade,
but most infected people in Africa (can’t afford) it.
2 The number of homeless people in Europe and America
(continue) to grow in the future.
3 More and more crops (destroy) by more frequent

and more dangerous natural disasters.
4 The problem of famine in Africa (not / solve) in the 21st century.


LESSON 1 Speak English and Have a Great Holiday!

A Imagine you went to Canada, Australia and New Zealand. These are the postcards you sent to
your friends and family. Complete the postcards with these words.

dazzling native coral ice hockey caves tropical rotten attraction

paradise creatures diving parties watching spectacular

Dear mum and dad, y the

us country, especiall
Canada is a fabulo y, my aunt
Niagara Falls. Toda
g me to see the
and uncle are takin d you know
Northern Lights. Di
(2) whale
rth ’s natu ra l lig ht show? I’d love to go
it’s the Ea and is too far
, but Vancouver Isl
(3) in’s
t go now, my cous
from Toronto. I mus art.
match is about to st


Hi ,
This is the best Christmas ever! Did you know that
they have Christmas (5) ,
on the beach in Australia? Awesome! I can’t wait to
see the Great Barrier Reef, the longest
(6) reef in the world with 1,000
species of (7) fish and other
sea (8) . You know that I’m crazy
about scuba (9) and snorkelling,
so this is a (10) for me!



Hi ,
I know that many people think tattoos are ugly, but
the Maoris, the (11) population
of New Zealand, have the most amazing body and
face tattoos. What I really don’t understand is how
Rotorua is the biggest tourist (12)
It smells of (13) eggs! And, of
course I’ve taken tons of pictures of the
(14) from The Lord of the Rings!


B Fill in the missing prepositions, then decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).
1 If you’re winter sports, you’ll really enjoy Canada.

2 Australia is the home several extreme sports, including white water rafting.

3 Bondi Beach is the suburbs of Sydney.

4 The Aborigines are the native population New Zealand.

5 If you’re keen The Lord of the Rings, you have to visit Australia.

6 You have to watch for strong currents, sharks and jellyfish in Australia.

C Circle the correct answer.

1 Which of the following is not an extreme sport?
A Bungee jumping. B White water rafting. C Snorkelling.

2 Which of the following words is not used to describe a beach?

A Wavy. B Pebble. C Sandy.

3 The Maoris are famous for their body and face .

A piercing B tattoos C painting

4 Which of the following is not a species of whale?

A A killer whale. B A blue whale. C A green whale.

5 Which of the following sports is not played on ice?

A Curling. B Ice hockey. C Hurling.

6 Which of the following adjectives is not the same as giant?

A Huge. B Mammoth. C Magnificent.


D Complete the explanations of the words in colour with the words from the box.

religious grilled people water piece creature area

1 A jellyfish is a transparent sea , which can sting.

2 An iceberg is a huge of ice floating in the sea, most of which is

below the surface.

3 Population is a word for the living in an area, or a country.

4 A barbecue is used for preparing food, especially meat.

5 A suburb is an outer of a town or city, far from its centre.

6 When something is sacred, it is important for . reasons.

7 Geysers are natural springs of hot .

E Complete the questions with the right form of the words from Task D and then answer them.
1 Do you live in a or the city centre?

2 Are there any spectacular in Georgia?

3 What is the total of Georgia?

4 Can you find natural bubbling mud pools and in Georgia?

5 Have you ever been stung by a ?

6 Do you sometimes have a with your family at weekends?

GRAMMAR Definite article the

F Memory check! Complete the questions with the or nothing (-) and then answer them.
1 What are most popular sports in Canada?

2 What is best way to explore Great Barrier Reef?

3 What is nickname for New Zealanders?

4 Is St Lawrence River in USA?

5 Is Kangaroo Island in New Zealand?

6 What is capital of Australia?


G Complete the text about England with the or nothing (-).

More about England

Why does everyone think only about (1) London when
visiting (2) England? Read on and find out about some
other cool places for (3) young people in England. If you
are crazy about shopping, think twice! (4) Manchester is not
only well-known for one of (5) most famous football clubs
in (6) world and (7) UK’s largest university, but
it is also one of (8) best places in (9) Europe
to go shopping. You think that it rains in England all the time? Well,
think again and visit (10) Brighton. Go roller-skating along
the promenade or relax on its pebble beach, which is why it is often
called London-on-Sea. If you’re fanatical about (11) football,
visit (12) Liverpool, which has two famous football teams: Liverpool and Everton.
The atmosphere at Goodison Park Football Stadium is simply amazing, especially when Everton
is winning. If you come to Liverpool, don’t miss the Super Lamb Banana, (13) city’s
bizarre sculpture, or the Magical Mystery Tour, showing all (14) places connected with
the Beatles. Finally, let’s not forget Oxford and Cambridge, which have always been a favourite
among (15) students who come to learn (16) English.

H Are the following statements true (T) or false (F)?

1 Manchester is not a good place for shopping.
2 Brighton looks like a seaside town.
3 The Beatles come from London.
4 Super Lamb Banana is a bizarre building in Liverpool.
5 Football fans would probably enjoy visiting Manchester and Liverpool.
6 Oxford and Cambridge are among the most popular places for learning English.

I Think about an interesting place you have visited recently. Write a postcard to a friend or
a member of your family. Use the postcards from Task A to help you.

Dear ,



LESSON 2 Summer Plans

A Match the two parts of the sentences.
1 Brian never gets tired… of becoming an astronaut one day.
2 Celia is fed up… whale watching.
3 Adrian is crazy… of watching The Lord of the Rings.
4 Sarah is interested… with shopping in London.
5 Jill has always wanted to go… about snorkelling and scubadiving.
6 Simon is dreaming… in learning about Georgian culture.

B Fill in the missing letters. Then tick the sentences that are true for you.
1 I never get t _ _ _ _ of shopping.

2 I would like to t _ _ white water rafting.

3 I am i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in learning about Australian culture.

4 I am c _ _ _ _ about snowboarding.

5 I am a _ _ _ _ _ of whales, so I would never go whale watching.

6 I am f _ _ up with going to the same place every summer.

7 I am not very k _ _ _ on snorkelling and scuba diving.

8 My best friend is d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of becoming an astronaut one day.

9 I don’t m _ _ _ travelling abroad.

10 My brother is f _ _ _ of camping, but I can’t s _ _ _ _ the bugs.

C Match the words on the left and the words on the right.

1 holiday fan 6 make abroad

2 travel plans 7 spend the information

3 fly winner 8 beautiful your room

4 fill in holidays 9 football a hot air balloon

5 lucky landscapes 10 repaint spots


D Complete the questions with the right form of some phrases from Task C and then answer them.
1 Have you for this weekend?
2 Where do you usually your summer ?
3 Have you ever ?
4 Would you like to your ?
5 Are you a ? Which club do you support?
6 Which parts of your town/city have the most ?


E Circle the correct prepositions and finish off the sentences using the gerund.
1 Adrian would like to try .
2 Sarah is interested in / about .
3 Simon is dreaming to / of .
4 Jill has always wanted to .
5 Brian never gets tired of / with .
6 Celia is fed up about / with .

GRAMMAR Would like to

F Unscramble the questions and then interview the members of your family.
1 would / animals / you / Which / to see / in Australia? / like

2 American state / Which / you / would / visit / like to / most?

3 language / Which / like / would / you / to learn?

4 you / Would / go / like to / in Canada? / whale watching

5 Would / like to / you / an astronaut? / meet

6 football stadium / Which / you / would / like to / see? / in England

G Now write a report based on the questions from Task F.
My mum would like to .

My dad would like to .

My brother would like to .

My sister would like to .


GRAMMAR Going to future

H Complete the sentences with the going to future of the verbs below. Then tick the sentences
which are false and correct them.

do   visit   go   repaint   get   spend   play   choose
1 The reporter the five most popular holiday spots. 
2 Only five students a prize. 
3 Sarah some friends in Georgia. 
4 Celia and her cousin from the States their summer holidays in Brighton. 
5 They shopping in Manchester, too. 
6 Jill research on Canada’s marine world. 
7 Simon basketball with his friends. 
8 Adrian his room. 

I Complete the following going to future questions and then answer them.
1 Why Jill going to spend her summer holidays in Canada?
2 Is Simon to visit Florida this summer?
3 is Sarah going to do in Brighton?
4 is going to repaint his room?
5 Is Brian going go camping this summer?
6 Celia and her cousin going to visit Manchester?
7 How you going to spend your summer holidays this year?
8 Do you think you going to speak English this summer?

J Think about an interesting place you have visited. Write a short composition about it. Here
are some questions that can help you plan your writing.

What’s the name of the place?

Is it a country, city, town, island, ski resort or something else?
When did you visit it?
How did you get there?
What are its most interesting sights?
What are the fun things to do there?
Did you meet any interesting people there?
What do you particularly like about the place?
Is there anything that you didn’t like about the place?
Would you like to go there again?


LESSON 3 There’s No Time Like School Time

A Circle the correct answer and complete these famous quotes about school and education.
1 “Education’s purpose is to an empty mind with an open one.”
A change B replace C return
2 “Genius without education is like silver in the .”
A jewellery box B mine C treasure chest
3 “Education begins at home. You can’t the school for not putting
into your child what you don’t put into him.”
A accuse B expect C blame
4 “The roots of education are , but the fruit is sweet.”
A bitter B salty C spicy
5 “Education is the most weapon which you can use to change the
A dangerous B aggressive C powerful
6 “The education of a man is never until he dies.”
A done B completed C finished
B How much do you remember about education in the UK and the USA? Do the crossword
puzzle and find out.

1 E n is a life-long process of 7H
 arvard is a famous u y in the USA.
learning things in order to expand your
9 A level is an e m that English
students take at the age of 18, if they want to
2 A g s is a person who has go to university.
greater ability or higher intelligence than an
average person. 10 You get a d e when you finish
3 You get a d a when you finish
high school. 1 2 4 6

4 A c r is a girl who supports the 3 5

school team in the USA.
5 When students finish high school in the
USA, they go to a dance party which is
called a p m. 8

6 Children have to wear a u m in

most schools in England.
 merican schools are not allowed to
include p s or to teach religious



C How much do you remember about Eton? Replace the words and phrases in colour with
the words and phrases below. Then answer the questions.

enrol in scholarships fabulous facilities celebrities

attended fictional homesick grab a bite events

1 How many British Prime Ministers have gone to Eton?

2 Which famous people and unreal characters have often been described as Old Etonians?

3 What do you need to be accepted at Eton?

4 Where can you eat something at Eton?

5 Are there any sums of money given to students for education for Eton?

6 What are some of the fantastic additional buildings and activities at Eton?

7 What are some of the most famous sports happenings at Eton?

8 Why do you think some students get sad because they miss their home at Eton?

D Odd one out Circle the word which does not go with the word in colour.
1 to take up a sport a hobby music lessons exams
2 to attend
school a concert facilities classes
3 to take off
your shoes pictures your clothes your school uniform
high public private celebrity school
difficult entrance fictional easy exam
game event free dinner time
7 compulsory
grammar optional difficult subjects
8 well-paid
interesting ambitious creative job

E Complete the expressions with the words below.

school days advisor a scholarship

1 careers 3 grammar

2 open
4 apply for

GRAMMAR Going to future

F Write about your future education after you finish primary school this year. Use some of the
expressions from Tasks D and E.

I’m going to
and .
I’m going to
because .
Most of my friends are going to .


LESSON 4 Amy’s End-of-School Party

A Which word do all the following words have in common? Can you guess?

costume end-of-school

birthday Christmas

farewell Halloween

B Rewrite the sentences without changing their meaning, using the words and expressions
from the box instead of the phrases in colour. Make any necessary changes.

such a pain bring along pick up be grounded wedding reception neighbourhood

1 Adrian can’t go out for a week.

2 Celia has to go and get her cousin at the airport.

3 The party after the wedding ceremony starts at 2 p.m.

4 I’m not from this area of the town.

5 Celia would like to take her cousin to Amy’s party.

6 Sarah was asking so many questions at the party. She was so boring.

C Complete the sentences with the missing prepositions and say who they refer to: Amy,
Adrian, Brian, Celia, Jill, Sarah or Simon.
1 He is staying home because he is grounded a week.
2 She is picking
her cousin the airport.
3 She is having an end-of-school party
her place this Saturday.
4 She won’t make it
7 p.m. because the wedding reception starts 2 p.m.
5 He is finally going out
6 She is not
a diet anymore.
7 She didn’t stop asking questions
8 He finally found
who Cinderella was.

D Translate into Georgian.

1 Say “hi” to everyone!
2 I won’t make it by 7 p.m.

3 I’m grounded for a week.

4 I’ve had enough of sightseeing.

5 Unbelievable!

6 Out of sight, out of mind.


GRAMMAR Future tenses – present simple, present continuous and will future

E Correct the incorrect future tenses in the following sentences.

1 Amy leaves for Scotland next week and she will stay there for the whole summer.

2 Amy will have a party on Saturday.

3 The party will start at 7 p.m.

4 Adrian stays at home because he is grounded.

5 Celia is late because she will pick up her cousin at the airport.

6 Jill’s neighbour gets married on Saturday.

7 Jill is not making it by 7 p.m. because the wedding reception is starting at 2 p.m.

8 Simon is sure he comes to Amy’s party.

F Complete the following sentences with the right future tense, the present simple, the present
continuous or the will future. Then tick the sentences that are true for you.

1 My cousin (get) married this Saturday. 

2 My best friend (have) a birthday party this Saturday. It
(start) at 8 p.m. 
3 I (go) to the cinema on Friday.
The film (start) at 7 p.m. 
4 I think I (go) to a football match on Sunday. 
5 I (go) to England this summer. 
6 An interesting exhibition (open) in our town / city this month. 
7 I think I (go) home after school. I have to study a lot because
I (have) a history test tomorrow. 
8 I don’t think I (have) straight As at the end of this school year. 


EVERYDAY ENGLISH Asking for directions and giving directions

G Complete the phrases with the words below. Then decide which of these phrases are used for
asking for directions (A), and which of them are used for giving directions (G).

1 Excuse me, how can I to Russell Square?

2 Just the bus number 25, and then at the third bus stop.
3 Can you tell me the to Russell Square?
4 Then left into Park Road.
5 The Magnolia Theatre is at the of Park Road and High Street.
6 Can you help me? I’m for Russell Square.
7 My house is the park.
8 Go down Milton Road, and then at the traffic lights.
9 Excuse me, do you where Bradford Street is?
10 The bookshop is on your .

H Imagine you were lost in London. Write a conversation with people you meet in the street.
Use phrases from Task G.


From Brian’s Bookshelf: What’s So Special about Scotland?

A Complete the explanations of the words in colour with the words from the box.

instrument war sausage costume checked sport poetry place special lake

1 Loch is another name for a in Scotland.

2 Haggis is a kind of
which is eaten in Scotland.
3 A kilt is the Scottish national
4 Bagpipes are Scotland’s traditional musical
5 Curling is a
which is popular in Scotland.
6 A warrior is a soldier who fights in a
7 Tartan is a
pattern, which is used for kilts.
8 A poet is a person who writes
9 A delicacy is
10 A court is the
where kings and queens live.

B Complete the sentences about Scotland with the right form of the verbs in brackets.
1 English and Scottish Gaelic are the languages which (speak) in
2 William Wallace (fight) for the independence of Scotland in the 13th century.
3 The Scottish Crown Jewels (keep) in Edinburgh Castle.
4 There (be) 790 islands in Scotland.
5 Thousands of people (travel) to Scotland every year to see the Loch
Ness Monster.
6 Most people (not / know) that it was the Scots who
(invent) golf.
7 The bagpipes (play) on Burns Night, which
(celebrate) the birthday of Robert Burns, Scotland’s most famous
poet, who (write) hundreds of poems and folk songs.
8 Haggis (make) from pieces of lamb heart, liver, lungs, onions, spices
and animal fat.
9 The Scots (produce) whisky for hundreds of years.
10 Alexander Fleming (discover) penicillin, which
(save) millions of lives.


C Ask a question about Scotland so that the word or expression in colour is the answer to
the question.
1 ? Hadrian’s Wall.
2 ? Ben Nevis.
3 ? Edinburgh.
4 ? Glasgow.
5 ? The Highlands.
6 ? Highland cattle.
7 ? Ghosts.
8 ? The Highland Games.
9 ? Deep-fried Mars bars.
10 ? In a coffee shop in Edinburgh.

D Match the names of these famous Scots and their work.

James Watt Peter Pan
2 Alexander Graham Bell Sherlock Holmes
Alexander Fleming the steam engine
Bram Stoker the telephone
5 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Dracula
J.M. Barrie penicillin

E Complete the sentences with these words:

whisky   Presidents   surnames   dollar

Scottish are divided into two main categories: Gaelic names, starting
with Mac or Mc, which means “the son of”, and Germanic names, for example Barclay, Blair,
Hamilton, or Stewart.

The word comes from a Gaelic translation of “water of life”.

61% of American are of Scottish or Scottish-Irish descent.

James Pollock, of Scots descent, put the slogan “In God We Trust” on American


A How many words from UNIT 7 do you remember? You have 10 minutes to answer the following
questions. Circle a smiley if you know the answer and a sad face if you can’t remember
the answer.


1 Name three animals which live in New Zealand.  /

2 Name three summer sports and activities you can do in Australia.  /
3 A medieval town was built in the 19th century. T / F  /
4 Which exams do students in the USA and the UK take when they finish high school?  /
5 Which exam do you have to take before you enrol in Eaton?  /
6 Theatres, cinemas, music halls, cafeterias, swimming pools, tennis courts, etc. are all school
. /
7 Can you name three adjectives from UNIT 7 which mean the same as amazing?
d , s , f . /
8 You want to find Russell Square. Can you ask someone for directions in three different ways? /
9 Is high school compulsory in Georgia? YES / NO /
10 How do you feel when you’re away from home for a long time?  /
11 What certificates do you get when you finish a high school and a university?  /
12 Which prepositions are missing in the following phrases: crazy ,
fond , keen , interested ,
tired , fed up ? /
13 A pebble beach is the same as a sandy beach. T / F  /
14 What type of schools in the UK do students have to pay for?  /
15 If you live in the suburbs, do you need much time to get to the centre of the town? /
16 If you go roller-skating along the promenade, are you at the seaside or in the mountains?  /
17 What party do students in the USA dress up for at the end of high school? /
18 Celebrities are students who finished Eton. T / F  /
19 What is another word for adventure sports?  /
20 Can you name at least three different types of parties?  /


20 - 16 CORRECT ANSWERS – Congratulations! You’ve learnt a lot of words in this unit.

15 - 10 CORRECT ANSWERS – Not bad, but maybe you could do your homework more regularly.
9 - 0 CORRECT ANSWERS – It’s about time you learnt how to use a dictionary.

B Read about the USA and some of the places to see and things to do there. Complete the text with
the or nothing (-).

It’s impossible to visit all 50 states at once, but let’s find out more about one of them. One of
(1) most attractive spots for students and the young population is
(2) Florida, with Disney World in Orlando, and (3) sandy
beaches on (4) East and (5) West sides of the state. Kennedy
Space Center with NASA’s launch headquarters is the only place on Earth where you can meet
(6) astronauts, see (7) giant rockets, train in spaceflight
simulators, and even view a launch. Florida is also known as a centre of youth culture,
(8) clubs and (9) nightlife, especially (10)
Miami. Daytona Beach is a favourite among students because it hosts MTV Spring Break, which
attracts (11) students from different states to take a break from their studies. Of
course, don’t forget to visit (12) St Augustine, (13) oldest city
in the USA, founded by (14) Spanish in (15) 16 century. Many

teenagers from all over (16) world come to Florida every year to learn
(17) English in (18) various summer schools.

C Are the following sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1 There are beautiful pebble beaches on the East and the West sides of Florida.
2 NASA’s launch headquarters is part of Kennedy Space Center.
Orlando is famous for its nightlife.
4 St Augustine is the smallest city in the USA.

D Complete the sentences with the right future tense: the present simple, the present continuous,
the will future or the going to future.
1 Kennedy Space Center (close) at 7 p.m., so we
(must hurry) if we want to see the exhibition.
2 Simon would like to see Kennedy Space Center, but he
(not / visit)
Florida this summer.
3 If you’re keen on partying, you
(enjoy) Daytona Beach.
4 I (be) late for your party this Friday, because I
(meet) astronauts and (view) a launch at Kennedy Space Center.
5 Sarah’s friend from Georgia
(go) to the USA this summer. She
(go) to Florida to learn English.
6 She (stay) in Miami, but she (visit) Orlando
and St Augustine as well.

E Imagine you were lost in New York. Work in pairs. Find the city map, and role-play a conversation
using the phrases for asking for and giving directions.

The Simpsons is the longest-running American sitcom and the
longest-running American animated programme. It was created
by the cartoonist Matt Groening who named the characters
after his own family members and set them in the fictional
town of Springfield. The Simpsons - silly father Homer, nervous
mother Marge, problematic son Bart, smart daughter Lisa and
toddler Maggie - make a parody of American culture and society
in general.

A Complete the Simpsons’ parody of O. Henry’s story, The Grift of the Magi. Choose the correct
answer from the options below.

The Grift of the Magi

Bart and his best friend Milhouse (1) stay at home, because of an ozone
hole that is moving over Springfield. While jumping on the bed, Bart hurts himself so badly that he
can’t (2) . He has to use a wheelchair to go to school the next day.
The school (3) have ramps for the disabled, so Fat Tony, a mob boss who
owns a construction company, decides to build them. He builds too many ramps, and
(4) all crumble because they are badly constructed. Fat Tony wants Principal
Skinner to pay $ 200,000 for the damage. Principal Skinner asks Mr Burns,
(5) man in Springfield, for help, but he refuses. The school goes bankrupt and
it has to be closed until Jim Hope, the president of a company named Kid First Industries, buys the
school and privatizes it. He promises a (6) curriculum, but what he really wants
is to steal children’s ideas to create a perfect Christmas toy. Later on Lisa discovers the truth, and she
takes Bart to the KFI company. They visit Jim Hope’s office who gives (7)
a Funzo, a toy with all the characteristics the kids suggested in class. At first, Bart and Lisa
(8) it, but then they discover that Funzo is programmed to destroy other toys.
(9) Christmas Eve, they decide to steal all Funzos in Springfield and burn them.
The company’s security guard wants to stop them at first, but then they start discussing Christmas. As
they agree about (10) commercialization, a Funzo attacks them, but the guard
beats him. The Simpsons invite the guard to a Christmas dinner at (11) house.
But, it’s not only the security guard who has a change of heart. Mr Burns finds out the true meaning
(12) Christmas, as he finally decides to give money for Springfield Elementary

must can should
to walk walking walk
don’t doesn’t isn’t
their them they
5 the richest the most rich the most richest
interesting more interesting most interesting
they themselves them
likes like are liking
at for on
it’s it its
there their
in to of

B Are the following sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1 Bart can’t go to school because he is badly hurt.

2 It is not easy for the disabled to go to Springfield Elementary School.
3 Fat Tony builds the ramps for the disabled because he wants to help.
4 The school goes bankrupt because of the construction costs for the ramps.
5 The kids help Jim Hope create a perfect toy.
6 A Funzo is programmed to destroy rivals.
7 Bart and Lisa decide to burn all Funzos because they don’t like them.
8 Bart and Lisa think that the true meaning of Christmas is about buying a trendy toy.

C Choose the best option to finish off the following sentence.

The parody is called The Grift (a swindle, a cheat, a trick) of the Magi because...

A Fat Tony wants to get money from Principal Skinner in a dishonest way.

B Jim Hope wants to steal children’s ideas to create a perfect toy.
C We have forgotten about the true meaning of Christmas because of its commercialization.

D What do the Simpsons’ and O. Henry’s story have in common? Write about it.

A Complete the explanations of the words in colour with the words from the box.

money eat pupils celebration powder light flowers tree

grave sheep cross period protected mass

1 Daffodils are yellow, bell-shaped which grow in early spring.

2 Crucifixion is the act of punishing someone by nailing them onto a and
leaving them to die.
3 Dawn is the time of day when first appears in the sky before the sun rises.
4 A lamb is a young .
5 A ceremony is a formal of an important social or religious event.
6 The olive is a grown in Mediterranean countries which has small green
fruit which is used for food and for its oil.
7 Lent is the of 40 days before Easter.
8 A tomb is a large built for a dead person.
9 A vigil is an evening on Easter Eve.
10 Apostles were Jesus Christ’s .
11 Coins are small metal .
12 Ash is the soft grey which is left after something is burnt.
13 When people fast, they do not certain food.
14 If something is blessed, it is by God.

B How much do you remember about the seven important days in the Easter calendar?
Match the following sentences and find out.

1 People take olive branches to church… on Good Friday.

2 People give up some of their usual pleasures
for the next 40 days… on Palm Sunday.
3 Hot cross buns are eaten in Great Britain… on Maundy Thursday.
4 Many Christians go to a vigil on… on Ash Wednesday.
5 Children in the USA hunt for eggs… on Easter Monday.
6 Christian kings and queens used to wash
the feet of the poor… on Easter Eve.
7 People enjoy their free time with their family… on Easter Sunday.


C Circle the correct words in the text about Shrove Tuesday, another important day in the Easter
calendar, and find out how it is celebrated in Great Britain and the USA.

Shrove Tuesday
Shrove Tuesday is the day before (1) Ash Wednesday / Maundy Thursday, which is the first day of Lent
when Christians (2) fast / diet and eat only certain food. In Britain many people make (3) pancakes /
pancake on Shrove Tuesday, so it is also (4) sometimes / never called Pancake Day. In some
(5) countries / churches this day, or the carnival period around this day, (6) is called / called Mardi Gras,
and in the USA the city of New Orleans (7) holds / attends a famous Mardi Gras festival, which
(8) is visited / is celebrated by many tourists.


D What is the name for Shrove Tuesday in Georgian? Write about a typical Shrove Tuesday in Georgia.

The Big Revision

A There are 18 words in this word search (→←↑↓). How many can you find?













B Now sort out the words from the word search into the right columns.



The Big Revision

C Odd one out. Circle the word which does not fit.
1 to call somebody names to pinch to poke to be fond of
miserable disappointed excited insecure
high-flyer bully computer geek prep
4 to have a crush on to chat somebody to fancy to catch fire
somebody up somebody
pimples wrinkles breadcrumbs overweight
scruffy stormy glamorous old-fashioned
7 get married get divorced split up break up
marriage honeymoon wedding reception
violent aggressive notorious innocent
cotton silk weird leather
first aid mouth-to-mouth ambulance earthquake
invincible dazzling adventurous brave
drought volcanic eruption iceberg hurricane
devastate discover destroy damage
invention pollution poverty famine
fabulous spectacular magnificent bizarre
entrance exam monument scholarship graduation
charity sightseeing snorkelling whale watching

D Sort out the words from the box into the correct columns (verbs, adjectives or nouns). Then
complete the other two columns.
think popular advice good fight information go child be life
put stop meet interesting love sugar bad pasta family sandwich
fancy thin stay big speak mobile phone pretty trendy glamorous nice




The Big Revision

E There is one auxiliary verb missing in each sentence. Insert the missing verbs.
1 Amy writing to Archibald because she has no one else to turn to.

2 What kind of music punk rockers listen to?

3 All Star sneakers been popular for a century.

4 How long Sarah’s parents been married?

5 Who Joe DiMaggio fall in love with?

6 Romeo not know that Juliet was alive, so he killed


7 While Amy trying to escape from the chemistry lab, she lost consciousness.

8 The Science Museum visited by many people every day.

9 Doctors not found the cure for AIDS yet.

10 The television set invented in the 20th century.

11 Lots of housework be done by robots in the future.

12 Jill going to spend her summer holidays in Canada.

F Circle the correct tense.

1 Amy goes / is going to the library every Saturday.
2 It is Saturday morning. What are Celia and her friends doing / do Celia and her friends do?
3 Adrian doesn’t wear shoes / hasn’t worn these shoes since his sister’s wedding.
4 Celia didn’t speak / hasn’t spoken to Sarah for a week.
5 Which famous boxer lit / has lit the flame at the Summer Olympics in Atlanta in 1996?
6 Which cartoon characters has Disney created / did Disney create?
7 While Disney worked / was working for an art studio in Kansas City, he discovered / was discovering
8 Brian’s team will play / is playing a water polo match this Saturday.
9 The Earth’s temperatures will continue / are going to continue to rise in the future.
10 Where will you spend / are you going to spend your summer holidays?

The Big Revision

G Complete the following text with the correct tenses of the verbs in brackets.

James Bond 007

James Bond 007 is a fictional character created in 1953 by British journalist Ian Fleming, who
(1) (write) about him in twelve novels and two short story
collections. The character (2) (also / appear) in one of the most
successful film series ever. The series (3) (start) in 1962 with
Dr. No and since then there (4) (be) more than twenty James
Bond films. Apart from movies, TV and radio, there (5) (be) many
adaptations of Bond adventures for other media, including comic strips and video games.
Sir James Bond is an agent who (6) (work) for the British Secret
Intelligence Service called MI6.
There are many theories about how James Bond (7) (get) his name.
Some (8) (say) that Fleming (9) (name)
him after an American bird expert, and others (10) (suggest) that
his inspiration (11) (be) real spies and secret agents. However, most
people (12) (agree) that Bond is a fictional version of Ian Fleming
himself. They (13) (be) of the similar height and they
(14) (have) the same eye colour and hairstyle. They
(15) (be) both elegant jet-setters who were popular among ladies.
Both Fleming and Bond (16) (go) to Eton and they both
(17) (like) the same food, which was coffee and scrambled eggs.
They also (18) (have) the same bad habits, such as drinking and
smoking. Many famous actors (19) (play) the role of James Bond,
including Sean Connery, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan and most recently Daniel Craig.
Some James Bond fans (20) (say) that the new James Bond
(21) (lose) some of his original British charm and appeal. He no
longer (22) (introduce) himself with the legendary: “My name is
Bond, James Bond.” He (23) (not / drink) Martini anymore, but he
(24) (drive) an Aston Martin again. However, he
(25) (be) still one of the most popular action heroes ever, and James
Bond films (26) (certainly / continue) to attract people to cinemas
around the world.

H Use the correct tense to make questions for the following answers based on the text about James
Example: Ian Fleming. Who created James Bond?
1 In 1962.
When ?
2 More than twenty.
How many ?

The Big Revision
3 The British Secret Intelligence Service called MI6.
Who for?
4 Coffee and scrambled eggs.
What ?
5 Sean Connery, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig.
Which actors ?
6 His original British charm and appeal.
What ?
7 An Aston Martin.
Which car ?

I Report the following quotes from different James Bond films.

1 Bond: “I know the rules, and number one is “no deals”.” Die Another Day (2002)
James Bond says .

2 Bond: “Take a giant step for mankind.” Moonraker (1979)

James Bond tells Sir Hugo Drax .

3 Bond: “Please give him a chance to win his money back.”

Vesper: “I’m the money.” Casino Royale (2006)

Bond asks Vesper ,
and Vesper says .

4 Bond: “Do you expect me to talk?”

Goldfinger: “No mister Bond, I expect you to die!” Goldfinger (1964)

Bond asks Goldfinger ,
but Goldfinger says that he doesn’t, and says .

5 Largo: “Do you know a lot about guns, Mr Bond?”

Bond: “No, but I know a little about women.” Thunderball (1965)

Largo asks Bond ,
and Bond says .

6 Bond: “What can I bring you back from Holland?”

Moneypenny: “A diamond... in a ring.” Diamonds Are Forever (1971)

Bond asks Moneypenny ,
and she says a diamond in a ring.

The Big Revision

J Complete the following sentences with the correct form of these modal verbs: must, mustn’t, can,
can’t, could, couldn’t, be able to, have to, don’t have to, should, shouldn’t, may or might.
1 Students wear a uniform at Eton.
2 You see a lot of beautiful castles in Scotland.
3 Students pay fees for public schools in Georgia.
4 Helen Keller finish college although she was deaf, blind and mute.
5 Muhammad Ali box for three years because he refused to join
the US army during the Vietnam War.
6 If you see that someone gets bullied, you tell your teachers about it.
7 You eat too much junk food if you don’t want to be overweight.
8 Dieting cause serious health problems.
9 Students cheat on tests in the USA.
10 Romeo and Juliet meet each other secretly because their
families were bitter enemies.
11 People save more energy in the future.
12 Walt Disney draw cartoons when he was a teenager.

K Read about the history of the sandwich and complete the following tasks.

1 Circle the correct form of the verbs, the present simple or the past simple, active or passive.

Although the sandwich has nothing to do with sand, it still has a connection with island life, because
the Hawaiian Islands (1) once called / were once called “The Sandwich Islands”. They (2) were named /
named after the very same person, that the sandwich that we (3) eat / are eaten today was named,
John Montagu, the Fourth Earl of Sandwich, an 18th century English aristocrat. He (4) was worked /
worked very long hours at his desk at the Admiralty, and usually (5) wasn’t had / didn’t have time for
dinner. So, he (6) had / was had sliced meat, which (7) put / was put between slices of bread and then
brought to his desk so that he didn’t have to interrupt his work. The story that (8) knows better /
is better known is the one that (9) was told / told by Sandwich’s political enemies, saying that he was an
enthusiastic gambler who (10) wasn’t wanted / didn’t want to leave the gambling table to go to dinner.
He (11) asked / was asked for someone to bring him some meat between slices of bread, because he
(12) wasn’t liked / didn’t like to get his cards sticky from eating meat with his hands. Later, when others
(13) began / were begun asking for the same thing, they (14) said / were said something like, “I’ll have
what Sandwich is having.”. The name (15) quickly adopted / was quickly adopted, and people just
(16) were started / started calling for “a Sandwich” when they wanted meat between two slices
of bread. The word sandwich is therefore
an eponym, a word or phrase whose origin
is a person or historical figure.

The Big Revision
2 Complete the following sentences with the past simple or the present simple, active or passive of
the verbs in brackets.

Nowadays some types of sandwich (1) (eat) with a knife and

fork, or at least with both hands, which was not Montagu’s original purpose. In some countries

it (2) (consider) proper to always use a knife and fork to eat

sandwiches. However, some form of a sandwich (3) (probably /

eat) before this time when more humans (4) (eat) with their

hands instead of using a knife and fork. In fact, some (5) (say) that

soldiers (6) (wrap) food in a bun or piece of meat. If the English

(7) (claim) that they (8) (invent)

the sandwich, the French (9) (disagree), saying that long before

the word sandwich (10) (use), it was common for workers in the

field and those going on a journey to take with them meat or fish between two slices of black bread.

The ham sandwich is still the most popular sandwich in the United States, and the bacon, lettuce and

tomato sandwich takes second place. It (11) (estimate) that 300

million sandwiches (12) (eat) each day in America, which is more

than one for every man, woman and child in the nation!

L Complete the following sentences with the correct question tag, and check how much you
remember about the history of the sandwich.

1 The sandwich doesn’t have any connection with the Hawaiian Islands, ?

2 John Montagu invented the sandwich, ?

3 John Montagu was an English king, ?

4 John Montagu didn’t like gambling, ?

5 An eponym is a word whose origin is a person, ?

6 You can eat a sandwich with a knife and fork, ?

7 The word sandwich comes from French, ?

8 The ham sandwich has always been the most popular sandwich in the USA, ?

9 People haven’t eaten sandwiches for a long time, ?

10 Americans don’t eat many sandwiches, ?

The Big Revision

M What would you say in the following situations?

1 You don’t know where the Magnolia Theatre is. Ask someone for directions.

2 A friend of yours has problems with his maths homework. Offer to help him.

3 You would like to try on a pair of jeans. What do you ask the shop assistant?

4 You suggest going to the cinema to your friends. What do you say?

5 You would like to open the window. Ask your teacher for permission. What do you say?

6 Someone offers you some ice cream. You want to refuse it politely. What do you say?

7 Someone thanks you for a beautiful present. What do you say?

8 You want to ask someone to phone you later. What do you say?

9 Your friend thinks that smoking in public places is OK. Say what you think.

10 A friend of yours asks if he can borrow your bicycle. What do you say?

The Rig Revision

N Circle the correct answer.

The Barbie Doll

She’s (1) successful businesswoman, a member
of a rock band and a Women’s World Cup Soccer player. She is
(2) a superstar. You (3)
not believe it, but it’s only a doll (4) name is
Barbie. (5) Barbie Doll
(6) after Barbara Handler, the daughter of Ruth
and Elliot Handler. In the early 1950s, they saw that
(7) young daughter, Barbara, and
(8) girlfriends enjoyed
(9) with adult female dolls more
(10) with baby dolls. In those times you
(11) only buy the dolls (12) were made of paper
or cardboard, so Ruth Handler decided to create a three-dimensional doll, and she
(13) her idea to Mattel Corp. Her idea (14) as too
expensive. Soon after that, Handler returned from a trip to (15) Europe
with a Lilli doll, which (16) on a character in a German comic strip.
Handler spent (17) time designing a doll similar to Lilli, and even hired
(18) designer to make realistic doll clothes. The result was the Barbie doll,
a mini version of the ’girl next door’. Mattel (19) agreed to accept Handler’s
idea, and the Barbie doll (20) at the American Toy Fair in New York City
(21) 1959. Girls were thrilled about it, and Barbie set a new sales record for
Mattel in (22) first year on the market (351,000 dolls, at $3 each).
Barbie (23) popular all over (24) world ever since.
Today, with over one billion dolls sold, the Barbie brand is (25) toy in the
history of the toy industry. The Ken doll, (26) was introduced later, was named
after Ruth’s son. Although (27) was introduced as a teenage fashion model, in
the years that followed the Barbie doll (28) on many different roles. She
(29) almost every (30) profession, including dentist,
doctor, fire-fighter, businesswoman, police officer, astronaut, even Presidential candidate. Over the
years, Barbie (31) the most popular fashion doll (32)
was ever created.

The Big Revision

1  A the Ba C an
2 A popular as B more popular as C as popular as
3 A may B should C must
4 A who B whose C which
5 A A B The C–
6 A named B was naming C was named
7 A there B their C theirs
8 A her B hers C herself
9 A play B playing C to play
10 A then B that C than
11 A could B might C had to
12 A where B who C which
13 A was taking B took C has taken
14 A was rejected B rejected C is rejected
15 A a B the C–
16 A modelled B was modelled C is modelled
17 A any B many C some
18 A the Ba C–
19 A always B finally C usually
20 A is introduced B was introducing C was introduced
21 A on B in C at
22 A it’s B it C its
23 A was B has been C is
24 A the B– Ca
25 A more successful B successful C the most successful
26 A where B what C which
27 A itself B it C its
28 A took B takes C has taken
29 A has had B has C had
30 A possibly B possibility C possible
31 A became B becomes C has become
32 A which B who C what


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